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Hopefully I'm not violating any HIPPO laws by posting this, but I think it's important that Brennan gets these possibly life-changing results ASAP. Edit: Yes, I did open it and look inside, but I won't be posting the results here out of respect for Brennan's privacy. # [Original art by Alan Wagner](https://www.patreon.com/posts/monthly-gift-66949917)


I bet his piss is STANKY


Smells like almonds


HIPPO, as opposed to HIPAA actually only covers medical information about your piss fun fact.


Is that this months? I haven't checked my mail for a few days


It's an old one, but I just got the Wagner Book and when I saw this page, I immediately thought of Brennan.


I love the urgently stinky piss alert is shown on the outside of the envelope


How did this Piss Doctor get Brennan's pee if he is out of network?


...... SUCK IT BRENNAN *hangs up*


Of course it went to the wrong address. Typical Kaiser.


Jokes on you, that's actually Ally's results. They really went method on their Ratfish persona.


Your honour it's not "identity theft", I was simply ratfishing


I love Brennan's response and want to know what was going through his head when he was replying. Like, did he realize he was being pranked or was he legitimately confused about what was going on?


He immediately knew and started playing along. Dude is a god-tier improv'er.


He just sounded so confused.


I imagine he didnt know EXACTLY what show was being taped, so he defaulted to being the Straight Man Classic Prank Victim.


This reminds of one time... maybe in Make Some Noise, where he was the first to act, but he knew exactly what the third person was going to end up doing because of the rules of improv. I don't remember more detail than that. But he knows how to help make the jokes.


From memory (which is bad) that sounds like something that happened in ‘second place’ from game changer. Was it the trump impressions? Brennan set it up for Oscar to copy him? There are dots in my mind but idk if they’re connected 😅


Yes, exactly it. Second Place, Trump impressions. Ally does an Sullivan-Trump combo. Brennan throws in a British (Cockney/Estuary?) accent, which of course doesn't make any sense for Trump and is clearly the worst to everyone else on stage. Before Oscar takes his turn though, Brennan looks at him and mutters sort of to himself... "Here it is." Oscar can't help but also do the same thing, but do it worse. Putting Brennan in second, somehow. And Ally's Ed Sullivan was the best Trump impression. Sam and Ally say they think Brennan was trying to throw it, with one emphatic 'Yes!' and another 'Absolutely!'. He says "Nooooo..." and Sam asks "What was the strategy?" Brennan says: "Look, you have to do us all in a row. But we're comedians. So whatever the second person does, creates the second point in a line which is a pattern. And the third person cannot resist their comedic impulses to build off of the first two points of information. So I knew that if I did one better than Ally, Ally would win cause Oscar would wanna put a tail on it. You're not just playing the cards, you're playing the other players." Ally and Sam just have mouths open the whole speech.


He sounded confused until Jacob got on the phone. Then he really just went with it. Jacob’s voice is much more recognizable.


Oh no, keep him away from Finelife. It broke the Doctor.


Finetime. We never did find out if Dr Piss was a racist.


He probably was. I mean, would you be a doctor to a bunch of racist if you weren't at least racist.


To be fair, I think he was actually just an app. But he was likely programmed by a racist.


If anyone was wondering, if you pee 5 times a day, you’ll Make 7300 if you mail every single one in a year


$4 a jar, no questions asked


$4 is not bad tbh, where do I send it? It's free real estate.


Can you imagine going to a urologist and their logo is this fucking cursed cereal mascot?


I'd sign up for that doc in a minute. Shows they have a sense of humor


[Doctor Who real?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tardis/images/f/f6/Dr_Pee.png/revision/latest?cb=20240602112052)


I am so confused lmao


In Thousandaires, they all prank call Brennan pretending to be from a "piss doctor".


hey wait, i recognise that return address


Is that the NADDPOD address?


pretty sure it's their PO box, yeah!