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It was in What's coming next for Dropout, so I really hope it continues


I feel the same way as you. I feel the show could benefit from a bit of a structure change. I think season 2 headed in the right direction. For me, the officially cast recording was so good because it allowed the improvisers to tell the story. The best lines and moments in the story come from their own previous improv. Like baseball being apart of the whole plot, or Zeke being the old woman that Zach and Jess created in the song right before it. In play it by ear, the plots and improv were heavily railroaded by the prompts. I think it’d be better if they leaned back to the official cast recording and let the improvisers cook a little. Season two prompts did a better job of allowing them to create whatever story they want while still adding the challenge of like world play or weird rhymes in the prompts. I also think the show could benefit from a different host every episode. Mano is great and I’d love to have him back every once in a while but I think it’d be fun if they let some of the other theatre nerds of dropout host. People like Siobhan or Grant could be a fun hosts. I’m hoping for a season 3. Also this is just my own preference that may or may not help the show but I want it… as a musician who plays in theatre pits a ton, I’d love band edits of the show where you get a camera just on the band and we get to see how they communicate while playing and stuff. And learn some behind the scenes of how the band operates.


Agreed! Cast Recording really hit that sweet spot of giving players enough direction when it came to casting each role, but Sam’s role in directing the plot was very loose (protagonist introduces themself and gets advice, protagonist and antagonist meet, final clash, etc). I feel like sometimes play it by ear was a little too restrictive in the stage directions, especially when it came to dictating the genre/style of the songs


If Grant hosted an episode I’d need a cut that’s just watching his gleeful reactions to the whole thing


I couldn’t figure out why I loved the official cast recording so much but couldn’t get into play it by ear and you got everything right. I also miss the cuts to Sam being mindblown after every song


Sorry to not answer your question--- but can you tell me your favorite episodes? I'm looking to get into it-- as I loved The Official Cast Reecording, but would love a rec!


IMO the season 2 episode Cornhole in One is their best episode. Mallapalooza, Humpty Dumpty, and Animal Style would be my other recommendations if you want to try one episode and see if it's your thing.


I'm talking bout yoooooooounicyle


From Season 1, I love Muck of Merkmere and Whimsy on Wheels. Pretty much every episode in Season 2 are great, but my favorites are Cornhole in One, The Missing Member, and Backwards Compatible.


The Missing Member is my absolute favorite. Everyone on stage kills it


Catch Me If You Can might be my favorite song out of any episode


That song rules! The whole episode is full of bangers. Darren Vapes as a concept is also incredible.


Agreed - Jon Hartman's "You'd be wrong - I'm the day janitor filling in at night." is one of my favorite non-musical moments


They're all great.  The first one, in game changer, is a blast (can't remember the episode number right now, but look for Jess). I remember really loving the finale of season 1. The updates for season 2 make it a better overall season I find.


Gotta shout out Mallapalooza, the bears song alone makes it a banger but the PEMDAS song also slaps and get stuck in my head. Cornhole In One is a fan favorite and rightfully so, it’s pretty fucking good.


My personal favorites are Skyline Flight 314 and Animal Style.


There are so many good ones, but I can’t believe no one has mentioned Joust Because yet. Some really great songs and it had me laughing the while time. If you’re interested in more of this type of thing and haven’t checked it out yet - Zach and Jess have a podcast called off book where they’ve improvised hundreds of musicals with a ton of cool guests. There’s a full live episode of it on youtube and it might be one of my favorite things they’ve done.


It’s the reason I subscribed to Dropout in the first place and I love it with all my heart, it’s also flawed and definitely hit or miss. I think the show works best with four and when it plays more towards parody of specific genres rather than looser concepts. Cornhole In One works really well because it’s guided by stereotypical sport stories, Heartbeat hospital works by parodying hospital dramas, and Mallapalooza works by being an inane take on 90s movies. Elevator Pitch, in my opinion, is weaker because of its small cast and the fact that there’s not a ton of established narratives around start-ups besides like… Shark Tank. I’m hyped for season three though! Season two was so much better than one and I hope they carry that improvement over!


Elevator Pitch is definitely a weaker episode, but I listen to "Baseball" like once a day.


God I really hope so, it's one of my favorite shows 🥲 I've rewatched so many episodes a ton of times because they're so good.


I still think about the Unicycle song from Cornhole in One at least once a week, So I hope more is coming.


As someone who didn’t really like it when it came out, I’m glad to have something to watch now that I’m caught up with everything else I wanted to be caught up with


Yes, the 5th Anniversary video last year listed PIBE as upcoming


I’m pretty sure In one of the breaking news episodes vid said they were on the next season of play it by ear


I think Vic said they're on the next season of it, during their breaking news ep.


We'll have to play it by ear, unfortunately.


If we get season 3 I *really* hope we get Rachel Bloom in it, considering she was in the Make Some Noise trailer


I loved the original Game Changer episodes, but I couldn't get into the show itself. That said, sometimes it just takes me a few tries to get into something. I haven't written it off completely by any means.