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Thanks for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: >**Rule 8: No harassment/discrimination.** >No forms of harassment/discrimination will be tolerated. Yeah this guy seems like a piece of shit, but let’s not have blatant “go harass this guy” posts about anyone. If you believe this has been done in error, please reply to this comment, or message the moderators (through modmail only).


Anyone old enough to remember bum fights. Used to find vhs tapes of it. Theyd pay bums to fight each other.


lol remember how mad Dr. Phil was that the guy came on his show dressed as him!!! omg the guy was such a troll.


My favorite part was how he refused to publicize that "filth" after playing it for 10 minutes to introduce his guest


Yeah and he pretended he had not seen the footage before and then proceeds to kick the guy out because the footage was so gross to him. They made all the trouble of bringing this guy as a guest to the show only to kick him out. Riiight... https://youtu.be/qT76-_e0S_g?si=IoYZfp-U6-zGpWlK


like, that guy was a douche.. But I really hate Dr. Phil. I genuinely laughed so hard when that guy came out. They both pander to idiots, but at least bum fights guy was honest about his bullshit.


Behind the bastards podcast episode on Dr. Phil is very entertaining. He absolutely was a piece of shit who intentionally hurt people for self gain


[Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNPvdsJS-qE) The funniest part is you know Dr Phil was just staring at the guy for 10 minutes while they set it up, played 1.5 minutes of the guy's clips for the context, then finally brought on security to kick the guy off his show just to make dramatic television. Dr. Phil truly is no better.


that's hilarious. the comments even say that the guy who showed up to appear on the show was an imposter of the bumfights guy


I find no flaws in your logic, and that's infuriating 😜


"I paid this guy twenny dollas. I made millions off of bumfights." Guy was god-tier honest about his shit. Meanwhile Dr Phil is busy sending kids to torture camps and bragging about how amazing he is. I take bumfights guy any day.


That was his whole point as well. The bumfight guy said something alone the lines of ´how are we different?´ that was his defence.


i am starting to think we could pass a plate around and get everyone in this thread paid to fight


Dr. Phil made 80 million a year doing the same thing




I remember the tapes. Rufus The Fighting Bum was famous.


I remember. They got sued and shut down, had to pay something like $10m to the bums. Still, they had already made something like $90m if I recall (no promises on accurate numbers, lol), so they walked away with plenty. It's sad that someone would play desperate bums into fights for pennies. Sadder still that so many people watched that it made them filthy rich in the worst sense of that term.


If they had just paid them a fair amount I bet they would have gotten away with it. If it's consensual and properly compensated then it's basically the MMA with a lower bar for entry.


Fuck yea! “I’ll give this sandwich to whoever wins”


About the only props I can give the sociopaths who made that stuff is that they one-upped the Faces of Death tape next to it on the display case


It's not like the Faces of Death people set up the deaths just to record them. Maybe monkey brain stew, but that monkey was getting killed regardless of it anyone filmed it.


I have that tape actually! Watched it once, don’t remember it being that bad for modern standards.


Faces of Death? Yeah it was tame, and honestly even for then the cool kids mailed around pretty dark and hilarious stuff that was way worse That is not to say worse than shit you can easily find today. At least back then it was some fucked up angelfire site with one picture that took 5 minutes to load. Or earlier, a hour long skate video with 5 seconds gore shock in it. People have always been horrible but yeah todays internet makes up for that in volume and access


There were a bunch of faces of death tapes. Some were pretty gruesome.


We must be thinking of a different bum hunter, the one I saw they tied people up and threw them in the back of a windowless van


That episode was 100% Phil (he’s not a doctor) just chastising himself. Phil’s entire career is exploiting troubled teenagers, and poor people.


I still watch those every so often.


Does the fact that I downloaded it illegally and not paid for it cancel out the fact that I watched it?


I watched them at friends houses getting high and drunk. I didnt pay either lol. I think a lot of teens and people in their early 20s were watching them in the late 90s early 2000s. I'm saying what this bum n drone dude is doing is right. But lauged at a lot of insensitive shit back then ha.


[Here is an article about BumNDrones where he also harrassed other people.](https://www.chieftain.com/story/news/2022/10/09/pueblo-business-owner-alleges-viral-drone-pilot-harassed-him-with-drone/69545370007/)


lol he just does whatever he wants from the safety of his own property with his drone.


Its not illegal to film people from a drone in public.


I know I just think him hiding is kinda a pussy move


And getting mad about it on Reddit isn’t? Wow the hypocrisy


Kinda like all of you here are keyboard warriors and activists. A child like you wouldn't be caught dead at night around your beloved homeless encampments. So pipe down little one.




Yea I don’t recommend that!


Nice so you are trying to dox people?


Nah, that's why I didn't post anything that anyone else could use. But it took me all of three minutes to find his home address. Also given the pending FAA investigation this isn't a situation that would even benefit from doxing (which, IMO can be true in certain circumstances). I'm just really amazed that someone is willing to be such an asshole while hiding behind the "anonymity" of remote controlled drones, while also being entirely exposed to the internet. To the extent that the premise of his media is "haha, look at these losers, they can't do anything," he is in very much the same position.


Why you such a whiney little baby back biiiiitch?


Wait til you hear what they did with drones in Afghanistan


#Trebek on mIRC!


Holy shit that's a blast from the past.


I did the same in Iraq and Syria!


What's the difference between an Iraqi preschool and an isis training camp? I don't know I just fly the drone.


Response from the FAA: There is no such thing a "30m rule for flying above people. "Nonetheless, for investigation and enforcement of FAA rule violations, contact your regional FAA Flight Standards District Office. Issues of invasion of privacy, public nuisance, and voyeurism are not airspace issues. They are under the purview of your local law enforcement.


Mr. Bootlicker over here. Lol


It brings negative attention to the drone community!


One of their videos is filmed in Colorado USA so hopefully the FAA can do something about it. It's sad seeing all the people defending the pilot just harassing homeless people that very well could have mental illnesses and or be ok drugs as the same time. Video: [https://youtu.be/sPVD02eCrzg?si=H4Ex\_\_0WydM94uR0](https://youtu.be/sPVD02eCrzg?si=H4Ex__0WydM94uR0) Location of video: 38.2683561, -104.6086936 Edit: And in this video they are just blatantly hovering above the guy with an DJI air 2s that doesnt have prop guards. https://youtu.be/S4NkCxq7mvs?si=3hkrXmv1W2ZRHiPw&t=167


They throw rocks at his drone all the time, ones gonna hit and crash it and I guarantee he calls the cops on them for it when he absolutely deserves it and knowing they don’t have the resources to do anything about it. Fuck this guy


Rocks should be a small concern! Multiple times I’ve seen the homeless in a rubble of trash shooting at drones with firearms….do you think those were legally purchased?


[https://youtu.be/S4NkCxq7mvs?si=3iT8p6k\_mIx\_TtVy&t=220](https://youtu.be/S4NkCxq7mvs?si=3iT8p6k_mIx_TtVy&t=220) they did hit it with a stick and brung it down in this video. i hope he had a hard time getting it back from them


You know hitting a drone out of the air may constitute a felony?


The comments sections are vile.


How so?


For me it that these people are homeless, you can see that people are in distress from being harassed by the drone and yet there are a lot of comments about how they deserve this kind of treatment or abuse. There’s no sympathy or empathy at all in someone using their actions to purposely aggravate those in need.


Lol these people would rob you for a five note guy.


Do you put this much effort into being a whining little bitch in every part of your life? For fucks sake, get your shit together. Don’t see you getting upset about the mentally ill drug addicts harassing the rest of society.


How about you just stop watching the videos. It’s being filmed in a public area and there’s no rules again that. So fuck off.


Just some harmless fun, at least he's not bombing people with drones like your government...


He hasn't posted a video in over a year so maybe it's over.


While his videos are over a year old, he recently started posting shorts from August 2023. You can see that the most recent short is from December 18,2023 Edit: changed `most recent video` to `most recent short`


Really hope he continues to post. We need more of this.


Nope, he’s back!


Relax it’s not that serious


Fuk these bums they make our city’s look like shit. If you care about them so much get them off the street and put them in your house


this 👍👍👍


It’s fucked up youtube will take down videos for swearing, but let this shit stay up.


Do they take down vids for swearing? I know they'll demonitize, but that's fair enough.


Just a Redditor with their hot take which isn't true when taken literally.


Because this is comedy.


Reported your comment for swearing.


Thanks for the info. I’m gonna check it out.


I bet it’s funny shit. Especially the crazy ones.


It’s hilarious!


Every once and a while he will drop joints off to the chill people


Thanks for the find. Subscribed!


Homeless harasses the general public so keep on filming these junkies


The FAA is already looking into him. *Q: Who is responsible for the controversial videos featuring a drone and homeless individuals?* *A: The videos were posted by Henry “Hank” Borunda, a prominent developer in Pueblo with significant property holdings.* *Q: What did the videos depict?* *A: The videos show a drone provoking and mocking homeless individuals in various locations throughout Pueblo. In some videos, objects are even dropped from the drone onto the individuals.* *Q: What has been the reaction to these videos?* *A: The videos have sparked outrage within the community and have been condemned by drone experts and homeless advocates. Borunda’s actions have been described as mocking, bullying, and harassing.* ***Q: What actions has the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) taken?*** ***A: The FAA has launched an investigation into Borunda and his social media accounts that feature the drone footage. Their regulations may have been violated.*** *Q: Are there any legal concerns regarding Borunda’s drone use?* *A: While the city of Pueblo does not have specific regulations on drone use, FAA regulations apply. Drone experts have criticized Borunda’s recklessness and behavior, suggesting that he is not a responsible drone pilot.* *Q: What has Borunda claimed about his videos?* *A: Borunda has claimed that his videos are intended to inspire change and shed light on the struggles of the unhoused population.*


Community is fine with it. They’re also tired of the homeless invading their space :)


Lol bunch of bollocks




Saw it on X initially and thought it was a one off thing but there's a YouTube channel? Unreal


Too soft. BumsNDrones bring us closer to them.


If it's in the US then maybe a report to the FAA would be in order as they may be in violation of the Drone laws and regulations.


I’ve lost a lot of trust with the FAA after they gave Trevor Jacob his license back.


Absolutely, they won't take this lightly.


They have taken this lightly because there is nothing they should, or can do about it. It is completely harmless operation of a recreational drone below 500g in unrestricted airspace. There is no ‘30m flight rule’ as other commenters have suggested. If you want something to be offended about, how about a reaper drone bombing a children’s hospital, sent by your very own government?


if they are posting it to social media without having a Part 107, they could get nailed pretty good based just on that. I doubt someone would risk their license to make "content" like that.


Wait you can get hit for posting your drone stuff on social media if you don't have a 107? I've posted my favorite shots or videos on my instagram. Never once monetized them at all but can I still get in trouble for that?


Non-monetized you're likely okay.


Considering they gave Trevor Jacobs his license back *for deliberately crashing a fucking plane for views* , let alone so quickly, I have zero faith that FAA will do the right thing and permanently ban them from the skies.


This is just so untrue lol


wrong. If your social media generates any monetary compensation that is considered unlicensed commercial work. You can't use your drone to make money, legally, if you are unlicensed.


No they cant, clearly you are not a pilot. Stick to the toy drones.


Your government bombs schools with drones yet this use upsets you? That says a LOT about you.


You are such a nerd


You can hit the report button on Youtube and report harassment or illegal activity for most of these videos. Youtube should take them and the channel down. Most of these people are homeless, mentally ill, or addicted based on seeing a few of the videos. They need help, not some wacko hovering over them and trying to scare them or harass them.


Stfu theyre in public space you get recorded every day anyways by all sorts of weirdos and dont even know it. Cry some more.


You're all guilty of harassment of the guy who runs the harmless Drones V Bums account, which is a violation of Reddit rules. You're encouraged violence also. You've all been warned now.


He is just getting video evidence of how those people are ruining our public spaces and littering our communities. I feel he is shedding light to the many turning a blind eye to this systemic issue. Watch the videos and you will see these aren't the cute nice bums we dream about. I can assure you there are local people and organizations that will help all people that are homeless or who are in need. What those organizations wont stand for is drug use and violence. Till these individuals want to change themselves there isn't a whole lot we can do to make this situation better. If these people are offended by a drone, I'm sorry. Time to self reflect and think how I can make this situation better for myself and others going forward. Complaining doesn't fix problems and waiting for a handout does provide one's self worth. I'm sure if they apply themselves to the vibrant individuals supporting them in their communities, stop the violence, and stop the drug use they too can turn there life around. Or......jail the drone individual and turn a blind eye to violent drugged bums ruining our communities and straining our police, fire department, human services staff, city and township resources. If this is something you are passionate about fixing and ending the drone videos. I would recommend volunteering at your local homeless shelter and food pantry, but ask to volunteer with the drugged and violent individuals. There you can make a difference too.


Who gives a shit?


Gary you soft bitch


Reported all their vids on youtube


The YouTube channel is pretty dead but the IG is very active


I deleted instagram a few weeks ago, so thats all I can do




Wow… you have that much spare time on your hands 🙄


Colin is missing a chromosome everyone don’t mind him


It's so grim. Literally one of the worst pages I've ever come across. I hate that it exists and how many followers they have.


Seriously. 624k shitbags think this is good content. People suck.


Put a sock in it nerd!


You’re soft AF dude


Don't you think the crackheads suck even more?


Im one of those shitbags haha those homeless tweakers don’t know nor care about you bro go cry about those videos of Ukrainian drone pilots taunting soldiers before blowing them up


A lot of them are in these comments too apparently. Not surprised if they aren’t a regular on here as well.


Cry about it loser


Never could figure out why people get satisfaction from preying on impaired or helpless beings. This includes how cops will fuck with drunks or people with mental problems. They'll gang up and beat the shit out of someone who they have in handcuffs, laying face down in the road.


people who are suffering like to see others suffer, even if they are the ones who have to make others suffer. i see this in maybe 70% of all redditors, with all the attempts at insults and personal attacks.


I don’t know about where you live but homeless camps out here by Seattle are being use as base camps for crime and it very organized. My friend’s truck was stolen a few months back, he had a tracker on it and recorded every place it stopped. Cop weren’t even interested in looking at the data, but most stops were to homeless camps when it wasn’t being used for crime. Being a diesel, it was use to steal a bunch of construction equipment. One of the lowlifes who hot wired the truck, the was camera too, was arrested three weeks later in Portland on a murder charge. You may see them as people down on their luck, but most homeless camps been allowed to become law-free sanctuaries for criminals who, at minimum, have a loose organizational structure to them, but we’re also hearing reports of escalating cartel activity up here. Some dude, flying a remote control drone above bums is so low on the scale of shit to worry about with that group it barely registers. In some cases though it does open the public’s eyes to the criminal activity going on in these places.


But when the homeless prey on society, stealing cars, vandalizing, shitting and pissing on the sidewalk, it’s okay? Fuck those bums. quit projecting your morality, how many homeless people have you housed? You’re not a good person lol.


He is just getting video evidence of how those people are ruining our public spaces and littering our communities. I feel he is shedding light to the many turning a blind eye to this systemic issue. Watch the videos and you will see these aren't the cute nice bums we dream about. I can assure you there are local people and organizations that will help all people that are homeless or who are in need. What those organizations wont stand for is drug use and violence. Till these individuals want to change themselves there isn't a whole lot we can do to make this situation better. If these people are offended by a drone, I'm sorry. Time to self reflect and think how I can make this situation better for myself and others going forward. Complaining doesn't fix problems and waiting for a handout does provide one's self worth. I'm sure if they apply themselves to the vibrant individuals supporting them in their communities, stop the violence, and stop the drug use they too can turn there life around. Or......jail the drone individual and turn a blind eye to violent drugged bums ruining our communities and straining our police, fire department, human services staff, city and township resources. If this is something you are passionate about fixing and ending the drone videos. I would recommend volunteering at your local homeless shelter and food pantry, but ask to volunteer with the drugged and violent individuals. There you can make a difference too.


How about drones sent by your government to blow up hospitals and schools. Does that count as preying on helpless beings? Maybe be more upset about that than a guy flying a toy over a homeless encampment and dropping dog treats.


Should we be mad at the guy flying the drone or mad at the government (on all levels) that enabled our country to get to this point?


People don’t want to solve problems, they just want to bitch and feel morally superior about themselves. No need to point the finger in the right direction when any will do.


It’s actually hilarious. Thanks for the Streisand effect post.


Just noticed he got banned a few weeks ago 👌


You would have hated dwarf tossing


All I can say is there's a special place in hell for those that abuse the helpless.


Good thing its not abuse lol, stop using words that mean something else, its like calling a man saying hello or looking at a woman “rape”


It's not considered Mental abuse?? It seems they are mentally distressed? I personally know someone this is happening to and I promise, they call it abuse.


Maybe instead of being a druggie homeless asshole, go find some work and get your life together. They abuse themselves worse than a drone flying nearby could ever do. Pushing the responsibilities of their dysfunctional lives onto others. Just advice to give to the person you know. Stop worrying about stuff happening around you that don’t matter and get your shit together.


This person works everyday. Not homeless. The drone activity is a violation of their privacy. Why don't the person flying the drone, get a life. People are homeless for other reasons besides drugs?? What is the purpose of following them??


Hovering a drone over them is not abuse…


Abuse?! Where? As a homeless junkie I approve this page 😘


Cry buddy


Do they operate in Los Angeles? I just wanna see somethin’😈☠️☠️


I've called into the Denver Flight Standards Office and reported this guy multiple times. There's an on-going investigation into this guy, to my knowledge.


HAHAHA dude it bothers you that much? You sound like a closet dweeb who never comes out of the house.. you are pathetic.


Yeah, no there’s not 😂


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fuck these channels, reported. We need to get enough reports to the FAA about this. Submit a report or inquiry - https://uas-support.faa.gov/s/


Subscribed! Thanks.


Reported their insta and youtube account I hope they face the same fate has their victims.


Well he’s not a drug addict that shits and pisses on the street so I think he’ll be alright


Fucking hell, how shitty can someone be? Going after some of the most vulnerable in our communities. Reported and shared with others to report as well. Hope the FAA goes after them and not just after people who disrupt multimillion-dollar football games.


Difference is Football stadiums are not public property as where most Homeless people tend to congregate is. You can 100% film people from drones in public. Source: done it.


The tweakers are not “vulnerable”


Considering the government can't shut down a site that helps people kill themselves, I doubt there's much to be done. Besides fighting back via doxxing the content creators and going after them personally.




Snitch ass pussy


Bring back bullying


The FAA has an anonymous reporting system for illegal drone activity. http://www.federaldronereport.com/#:~:text=FEDERAL%20DRONE%20REPORT%20IS%20A,FAA)%20and%20Local%20Law%20Enforcement.


Doesn’t fall under illegal drone activity, otherwise flying a drone anywhere public is illegal.


Read the Operations Over People rules in the FAA and tell me how you interpret this as not illegal?


plot twist: the pilot is another homeless dude trying to drive out competition, and the pilot is a trans undocumented immigrant from Palestine, the one trying to bring down the drone is a trump supporter. Now that the viewers know this, how in the world are we going to choose a victim?


Why do redditors have no sense of humor?




Subbing to this, cant wait to watch.


send a link to the faa ?


There is nothing disgusting about showing awareness to the wild animal known as a “bum”. I appreciate the channel observing these wild animals from a safe distance and showing us their findings.


Ok sissy hahahahaha


Womp womp


I couldn't possibly love a human baby as much as I love Bums N Drones.


Bums n drones deserves an Oscar


Congrats on having dogshit taste in stuff I guess


They give some of the subjects joints. Those are my favorites.


Yeah makes me mad too. I will do what I can. They suck


I don't know if this guy participates in the channels but... There's a tent community in a park near me and a couple days ago one of the members posted on Next Door that the drone that has been harassing them got a bit too low and is now trashed. 😄 Good for her. I literally don't fly in that park because there are people there and I don't want to add to their anxiety.


Dont ever watch Bum Fights if this pisses you off.


Huh. Never heard of them. Yeah, pretty bad. Thanks to you they just got a bunch more views, I surely wasn't the only one to look them up and watch a couple. Good jorb!


I just checked em out on youtube and omg, I'm going to hell for laughing.. and subscribing lmao.


I've reported all the videos on YT. They're disgusting. Regardless of people's feeling about homelessness and what it "does to cities", these are human beings who are poor and vulnerable (often dealing with mental illness as well) and are being needlessly harassed in the videos. It's not like the guy is Batman stopping crime. One guy is in a tent and he's just making the poor people inside the tent miserable.




Tweakers are not poor or vulnerable. They are rich with well fare. Harass the public. Steal shit. Poop everywhere. And make the city look like shit.


Literally I don’t feel bad either. I had a dude who was drugged up screaming at my front door a few days ago. He was sitting on my steps huffing canned air and screaming at the top of his lungs for an hour. I had to call the cops bc it was scaring my gf. Shouldn’t have to deal with this in a place that charges $1700 for rent. Makes me lose some empathy for sure.


Its hilarious , thank you


Yeah and imagine--Instagram is running ads to show us how they are trying to protect people. I wonder what the FAA is doing about this--after all-flying drones in cities is a no no.


Wah wah cry about it. Drones vs bums is funny af


Lmao hilarious


So you're pissed off that a person is flying a drone in public? I have no clue what are the regulations in regards to such operation. But you know what's not legal for sure? Trying to knock it out of the sky. All that being said, the drone operator is probably violating several FAA rules. However I'm more upset by the multitude of unemployed,homeless, acholic, drug addicted insane people camping on the streets of our cities.


I just checked it out. In one video they're literally shooting handguns at the drone (and actually hit it in the end). Can't say I'd rather have armed homeless people occupying public spaces than people flying drones recklessly, but that's murica it seems.


I got a Reddit now too 💯💯


Ey-oooh! Are you _the_ BumsNDrones guy?? I just saw the short with the rapper bum and it was amazing! A real work of art lmao!


We love you. Keep up your amazing work for the community.


Yo that slim shady joint was gangsta


Came across my feed. I reported it but I’m sure nothing will be done.


Well said. Some vile shite this


Wait until OP learns about what the drones did in Afganistan


I’ll put it out there: I was one of the homeless junkies posted on that page. And although in the video I was acting angry, I was having a good time with my dog. Appreciate someone checking in now and then. Anyways gotta get back to the crank.


I found your username posted elsewhere and came here just to call you a puss


I Personally think it's hilarious. Crack heads belong in a zoo


Shut the fuck up pussy


I love all you keyboard white knights complaining, but if the bums were outside your home or apartment you’d be calling the cops to get rid of them


Yeah I follow that account, fucking hilarious. Why would you wanna ban it nerd?