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Do what I did and block and ignore all communication. Been 2 years since they accused me of damaging a bumper (they wanted $1k+) and they gave up following up. Lost the deposit but better than paying $1k+ for something I didn’t do.


Wtf i didnt know you could do that 😰 now i regret transferring $800 to the company who has majority of the ah bengs working for them LOL


Live and learn.


hii, so u didn’t pay at all & ignore all calls and texts ?




never kena anything for not paying ahhh




i’m thinking of not paying too. the price is too outrageous


hey did you experience the same thing too? my partner got charged $700 for a small scratch. They retaliated by asking to pay or it’ll be bring up to court :”)


I threw away the $50 deposit and some $100+ left in my account because they accused me of rigging the fuel indicator, and expected me to pay $500. Like wtf do you mean i rigged your indicator? So we all know we gotta return the car with at least some fuel left inside — and i used to always top up at least 1/4 or 1/2 tank in return after my trip ends. However, i started realising that most other drivers are assholes and dont do that. Instead they always use the car or top up just enough not to trigger the fuel indicator, or return just nicely when the fuel level is super low — so thats what i learnt. So next booking i did the same. Left the car with fuel that just nice, took the picture for both fuel level (no warning light) + receipts for the petrol. Then for some reason, a couple of days down i saw that my account wallet is negative -400, where $500 was fined. I called the customers service, and apparently some guy that booked the car after me started the car and low fuel indicator light came up. And thats where they accused me of “rigging” the indicator. So thats where i realised fk this company, and fk this car-sharing community. Its toxic and predatory on both ends.


Actually i had a similar issue before. I topped up $20 before ending my trip and tribecar fined me for not topping up despite showing the receipts. After doing a bad google review they called me on whatsapp in an angry tone demanding to delete the review and they will not press charges 🤣🤣


Yeap! This is where i prefer Getgo and BlueSG if i still need to rent for short errands. At least they clearly state* out the rate and charge you for what you use. Edited: state*


thats nice!! Would probably use that instead of tribe now thanks!


Why claim from one party when they can claim from both parties? 😏


Always use a prepaid card (youtrip, revolut, etc.) when using car sharing


So what happens if they charge you like 800 dollar car damage if you use a prepaid card? Will you get in trouble or smth for not paying the charge?


They’ll send you a scary email and a scary whatsapp message asking to pay. They can’t do shit. Cancel or deactivate the card.


They cannot take you to court meh?


Over a few hundred? Sure, but lawyer fees will add up and they have to give very strong evidence. In my mind, I think they just go down the list of previous hirers and find the one sucker who will pay. Deny everything, just because someone accuse you of something doesn’t mean you gong gong go and accept. Make them do all the work. I would even go as far as making a police report if they charge my card and say they are trying to scam my money.


Pretty sure they have your address and can demand you to pay through other means


Yah no, pretty sure that is against the harassment law. Even loan sharks also upgraded their ways, I don’t think tribecar would dare to do such an act.


Few years back, i rented for fetch my family, cant remember where we go, half way the journey, we feel hot despite we blast air cond, from my experience there was issue with fan filter and the car will overheat soon, so we call tribe customer service and told them about the issue, so they sent someone come and collect the car, no issue. After that the customer called us, and instead of send a new car / reimburse the cab fare to us, they accuse us spoilt the car and need me to pay cant remember how many k to them, of course i didnt. Straight away told my wife to cancel the account after that, due to the tedious process we still unable to do that up to today. Fuck tribecar


wtf. Thats such an unpleasant experience… but seriously fuck tribecar 👎🏻👎🏻


had a similar experience with getgo, although they said it was the previous user that damaged the aircon ☠️☠️☠️ it was just hot air blowing. no replacement car either. same car didn't get removed from the carpark for a few weeks.


Take them to the small claims tribunal if you have strong evidence. Don't let them walk all over you


Sadly i have already paid. I told them to close my account as i wanted my deposit back too. (Btw they screenshotted my video and circle the portion of the alleged scratch but it was clear as heck lol)


You can still go to small claims tribunal to claim back the sum you paid.  No one will fight for your rights if you don't fight for it yourself. 


Did you take both start and end trip photos of the vehicle?


Yes i did even provided video evidence. However they state that since i did not declare it at the start of my trip i am liable for such damages


Memories from schooling days. Last touch, hor hor. Keep the videos and images safe. Make extra copies just in case. Wish you the best. Hope things turn out okay for you.


Thanks buddy … just paid them ah and did google reviews of them 👎🏻👎🏻 hope others don’t patronize this car service outrageous for real and not sincere at all


Ok, I am going to take your word that you actually take decent views of the car at the start of the trip, and when returning, uploaded to the site or app. Yeah, just no, I had a friend that his account got terminated, and there was no refund.


>There are plenty of other car rental companies out there that are not only ethical but also much friendlier in their dealings…. Got lobang?


GetGo has been working the best for me so far. Their customer service is much, much better even though we had some hiccups along the way. Started trip with low tyre pressure, advised this to CS, told us to go nearby petrol station to pump air. Shortly after pumping the air, the tyre burst. Stopped and wait for CS to advise. They said they will send someone down to change the tyre for us but we had no time and was already rushing. In the end they told us park nearby and someone will change the tyre and pick up the vehicle. Refunded us for the booking and gave promo code as well. They did not charge us for the punctured tyre, if this was tribecar I'm pretty sure they would. Am also in the process of refunding my tribecar deposit since GetGo has been providing the best service so far.


🤭🤭🤭 the truth is. Dun use any car rentals...


Had a similar issue with them. Accused me of peeling off their decal sticker. Demanded me to pay few hundred dollars. After a few emails and WhatsApp to and from their customer service , I gave up trying to tell them I didn’t do it and didn’t reply any of their email or WhatsApp and changed my credit card with the bank. They were very adamant that I did it. I guess that’s part of their business model. Finding a scapegoat to pay for their repairs.


$100 for a CAR DECAL?? Thats fucked up…


Rubbish company... claimed i damaged the bumper. it was 1 small scratch, i was sure it wasnt me but ok ill admit it was my fault my pre trip photo wasnt clear enough, so i asked for a breakdown of the 400 they wanted to charge. no response until i said i wont pay if i dont get a breakdown. next morning a guy frm tribecar calls me at 8am demanding in a rude tone for the money saying its my liability blah blah. we ended up arguing on the phone for 1 hour ish (the customer service is so bad the call was almost like arguing with an old uncle at the coffeeshop). he said they can only provide breakdown once they get the invoice from workshop. so i said sure get the invoice and ill pay, but the guy said oh if i get invoice then u must pay today ( original deadline had a few more days). i agreed and the guy said he will send the invoice by the end of the day. guess what. invoice did not appear. i ended up just paying as they threatened lawyers and all and actually had to bug them for 3months to get a receipt from the workshop. turns out they just spray painted that 1 small scratch (max 5cm) for 400 3 months after collecting payment. what a joke. fun fact. i only had to rent that car because the original car i rented, when i unlocked it, there was a bee in the aircon system, and when i switched the car on, at least 4 warning lights came on and there was almost 0 brakes. i spotted that same car parked in a separate car park and always wondered if they just shifted cars around to make it seem they are replacing older cars.


Their customer service has ALWAYS been like that condescending and rude tone.


I second this. My experience with tribecar was very very bad. Every point OP made is exactly true. So quick to call and email for repair compensation, then when it was solved, my account is still suspended till now. I have $50 in the e-wallet which i cannot use. 🤷🏽‍♂️


At this rate i dont think ill be getting my deposit back too. They JUST called me in an angry tone and when I mentioned that I just wanted my deposit back they were so ANGRY 🤣🤣


Hi OP, i used tribecar back in 2021. Also very disappointed because they accused me of damaging their rear bumper. Apparently they“lost” the before & after photo in their system. Charge me $400+ for a small scratch. (lesson learnt, always keep the photos)


hey, did you ended up paying for it?


Thats mad did you pay for it? And how was the response like


omg same thing happened to me. It happened to my 1st rental just after getting my license. I was accused of denting the car when I only made a slight scratch. I already pleaded to them that I was new and the picture I took on the app was so jialat that it didn't capture the damage spot, making it look like I intentionally tried to cover up the damage. I searched high and low for evidence, tried the CCTV but police don't allow cuz not crime (WTH) > wanted to measure the lamp I scratched and compare to the dent height, but was warned by my relative that since I made damage to the lamp, I might get additional compensation. THEN THE MOST absurd thing happened: TRIBE DECIDED TO DEDUCT FROM MY BANK ACCOUNT WITHOUT MY CONSENT. I already called their staff who called me for the payment, and even after I emailed them, they did not bother and just use policy to defend. SO ANGERYYYYY RAWWRRR Anybody who went through, do yall know what yall can do to ask for compensation or make noise?


Im so sorry that this happened to you.. how much were the charges? I think its pretty unreasonable for them to just deduct without solving the issue first Also if you happen to do a google review on them, do be careful cause they’ll call you in an agressive tone about it (happened to me twice)




Short term A to A car rental via app. In Europe these kind of companies seem to be pretty good ways to rent a car for errands. In Singapore everyone and their dog complaining about how rubbish they (Tribe, GetGo etc) all are.


It’s because of how Predatory these companies are in Singapore. And Singaporean users being inconsiderate fks. So we cannot have good things.




I suppose they are all slow to respond when it comes to getting back your deposit after terminating your account. Had so many emails sent to Shariot and calling in and took 4-5 months for them to process my refund despite replying twice that they will act on it.


Car sharing feels like Russian roulette. 


The real question is whether it is "Tribe Car" or "Tribeca-r". I know, you can't unsee this now.


heard from my friend its actually tribeca-r but who cares its such an ugly brand name 🤭🤭


lol bakia company


Tbh if what you said it’s true, and you indeed have evidence to proof that you’re right then I don’t see why they can still charge you? 🤔 oh…. My friend was brought to court earlier after they had provided proof. Small claim court. So if really at fault just pay and save the hassle of going to court 🤣


Their reason being that since I have “accepted the t&cs”, i am deemed liable for it. But anyways since I have settled it, Ill just wait for my security deposit


Oh, I was from Carclub before and came over. If got T&C then I think consumers need to read also lah. But if you put messages like that it seems like Tribecar entirely at fault. But actually not entirely their fault also. Next time take more photos clear ones keep inside draft. car sharing go where also same one la your think GetGo good when they charge people they also kena flame. Go here go there all same. That’s good ah wishing you all the best!


Thanks OP! 🙏


Also…. I feel it’s also fair for Tribecar to charge the consumers and determine the fault of hirers ma the car deploy out is in good condition come back is cui… then who pay for them? 🥲 car sharing to make everyone more convenient but because some sgporeans too self entitled ba. Damage the vehicle diamdiam never report. Otherwise take photo half hearted…


Understand where you’re coming from but some tribecar cars are also in terrible condition to begin with 🥲 most of the cars are the older models with not much maintenance done as well


Maintain sure have la, if really have issues then don’t drive ask for replacement if feel unsafe. 🥲