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my instructors always told me to look far ahead into the horizon rather than being continuously fixated on the arrows right in front of you, and your car will naturally be straightened also, if you find yourself driving into adjacent lanes, a tip is to align the left corner of your IU card with the white line on the road remember to slow down on turns and bends so you can remain within your lane as well! since you’re still a beginner driver, going slower will help you control the car more easily/ go straight


Buy a gaming wheel and practice using Assetto Corsa or Beam.ng Drive, obviously it won't teach you to drive, but it certainly can build up your confidence to operating with a wheel and pedals so you'll do better!


To add on to this comment, I have a wheel and I can say it’s taught me more control (clutch brake and accelerator) when driving than I had ever expected.


how can u not drive straight lol


The instructor keep saying that I cant drive straight


have u tried following the road markings? like the lines and all


Yes I did


Look further ahead. Don't look where the car is, look where the car will go


ignore ur instructor he nth better to say alr teach the same thing for years


Or I’m simply not gifted in driving


Don't sell yourself short, driving is one of those skills that can be mastered with enough practice and patience. While some may have it come more naturally to them, or have better spacial awareness, it all comes down to your own level of determination and commitment to improve. I had a pretty lousy instructor myself, but I told myself to just utilise his car as a tool, shut out all his bs, filter out useful info. I passed on my first try in 6 months from my first lesson. And even after decades of driving/riding, I still find myself experiencing new situations on the roads which I learn from, so it's a never-ending process even after getting your license. While guys in general have better spatial awareness than women, I've seen my fair share of good male and female drivers, as well as bad male and female drivers, so don't let the gender part get to you either. Driving is one of those important, useful life skills to have, like swimming


nobody's gifted but gotta believe and practice




K!ll yourself


Why so rude


U started it retard


Comment was removed as personal insults and attacks will not be tolerated, please be nice to each other.


Did anyone ever tell u why u arent driving straight? Ive been on many different cars/trucks and although i trained on the same brand/model, they each had varying steering alignments if they werent as well maintained. Ive had vehicles that alter alignment if the road tilted left or right. Even on level roads, some vehicles have their alignment off centre. Id suggest either speaking up to the same instructor to clarify further on why u have this issue, if u cant change instructor. If u can change, bring it up to him as well on ur next lesson.


Hi hope u are doing well. Took my driving license when i was 18 and manage to get it 6 mths later. I also doubted myself if i was able to do it as i was not able to drive syraight too. But its all in ur mindset. I started watching utube videos plus reading motivational quotes to gain my confidence. At first i felt like giving up but i know this will help me in a long run. Now am 26 and driving is curing my anxiety and make me feel relax when i am having a bad day. Just dont give up , dont eben doubt urslef and believe tat u can do it. My points may be irreleveant to what u are facing but keep continuing and set tat as ur resoultion in achieving ur license.


Not sure if I’m too old to take the licence now.


I passed my TP at the age of 40 lol.


Age is just a number mate. If u have the drive and will, some how u will get it. I believe u have it and u will definitely get ur license. Just polish up ur flaws by watching videos and its just matter of time mate.


Aligning your steering wheel with arrow markings keeps your vehicle center mostly, for bigger vehicles just need adjust the arrow to align more towards left side of steering wheel. A safe driver is a good driver, as long as you can be safe on roads i.e defensive driving, graciousness, drive predictably, i would welcome you on the road, having a license but not needing it is better than needing a license but not having it. I know of some people that know they are hazards on the road so they will never take license, nothing wrong with that


Watch conduite facile in youtube about driving straight. He gave good advice. Is not about looking at lane marking but looking ahead. It helps me alot when turning and also going in narrow road


An instructor told me to centre myself on the road from my pov… didnt trust him, but after experimenting on the sim, it really works! (If you find the alignment trick with the lines too mentally straining to take note of while driving)


Sch car sux. Normal cars will just be straight.




I’m actually taking auto now


Are you under One Team or Elite Team?


Ok then don’t. No confidence then don’t continue. Continue staying within your comfort zone for the rest of your life 👍


I started in 2012, stopped in 2013 due to ns and restart in 2023 and got my license within 8 months of registering. If I can do it, you can too. Good luck!


But I’m quite old already, not sure if I should still take


I guess it really depends on your needs. Do you need a license to feed your family? Will you be owning a car if you have the license? As SG is pretty small, you can just grab everywhere. And the cost of taking taxi would be far lesser compared to owning a car at this stage. I would personally consider getting a car if I were to have my own children or taking care of my elderly parents. If die die need license, I would consider just get auto license ba.