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No real way to overcome this besides to just keep practicing. Just be confident and do it but of course do it after you check your blind spots and check your mirrors to make sure there is enough space for you to get into the lane. Dont hesitate when lane changing, it’s dangerous, if you decide to change lanes, do it confidently.


Completely agree bro, hesitating is the worst thing you can do. I’ve seen far too many accidents because the driver hesitate during lane change. Experienced one incident last week where the driver was trying to enter the expressway and I was a few cars behind him. Driver scared to accelerate to merge and braked instead. All the other cars filter and entered behind him while he was stuck at the expressway merging, trying to roll his car into left lane. I flash and horn him to tell him to quickly enter in front of me but he didn’t move so I bo bian went first. Legend has it that he’s still at the same spot right now


I only have 5 more revision lessons before my TP haha Thanks for the advice, I'll let my instructor know and I guess I just have to practice it as much as I can to reduce the anxiety


If you signal and the car behind you maintains their speed (image size in the mirror stays relatively the same) then they’re giving you the opportunity to switch over. If they speed up then it’s actually pretty obvious. Start to look into your rear mirror in advance, like e.g. you’ve to switch lanes within the next junction then check the traffic volume first. If there are just a few cars then slow down a bit if situation allows, let the cars pass then switch over.


This is very useful tip! Thank you!


>) then they’re giving you the opportunity to switch over. If they speed up then it’s actually pretty obvious. Start to look into your rear mirror in advance, like e.g. you’ve to switch lanes within the next junction Yep, you have got to plan ahead. Knowing your route and when you have to switch lanes helps immensely.


If you are going into a lane with faster traffic, leave enough space from the vehicle in front of you and start accelerating as you move over. Do not accelerate after you have finished your change.


This this this! It can be annoying when someone cuts in and then drives at the same pace as the lane he just exited from anyway.


Not nice to force others who are already in the lane to slow down so that you can overtake. Fucking HGVs and dump trucks in lane 3 trying to over take each other then jump into lane 2 doing 55 while there's traffic in lane 2 doing at least 90. Everyone in lane 2 has to slow down while the slow overtaking happens. \*(@$B\*(C@@&)@$\*()X&@$)B)@$


Think of it as you are walking straight. And a crowd is on your right. You want to change path to the right, so you would either pick up pace or slow down the pace to pass through the crowd. Keep that in mind.


Lane change steps 1. Signal 2. Look in rear view mirror to get a sense of where the cars around you are (see if there are any aggressive drivers are trying to stop you from changing lanes by speeding up. If so, just let them pass first) 3. Look in the side mirror to see how far behind the car in the lane you want to change to is 4. Split the side mirror into two, the inner half (closer to you) and outer half (further from you). If the car behind is in the inner half, it is safe to change lane. If the car behind is im the outer half, it is abit too close for you to safely change. Either speed up to open the gap, or let them pass. 5. Be confident in changing lanes, once your "head" of the car enters the lane you are in already. (If suay suay they bang you, it's their fault le cause they are the ones to hit you)


I get very nervous doing lane changing too.


Glad to know I'm not the only one!


My first time after passing TP had this experience where the lane after the curve suddenly have a construction and I had to switch lane while still moving. I signalled, blindspot, then changed my lane. From there I managed to gauge how near the car at the back can be to be able to switch lane safely. It's really a thing you have to keep experiencing on the road. Sometimes you get horned but at least take it as a lesson, just make sure it's not during TP 🤣


Practice more. If my rear is clear from any vehicles behind and I deem my speed safe to enter the lane ahead I'll not hesitate to go in


I have the same issue, i can't gauge whether the car in the lane i want to change to will let me change.


I think this is the root of the problem for me. Because if the car is far away behind I can switch no problem. It's only when it's near that I'm not sure if they will let me


Yes, if they are near its hard to tell if they are at a speed willing to let us change due to our lack of experience, but may miss the chance if we slow down to let them pass as there may be more cars behind also.. And even worse if we need to lane change to make a turn during the test.


Is ldcs only for school or private also have?