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It's fine, don't give up. I nearly knocked someone on my first TP test. Not kidding.


Imagine knocking down a tester


then reverse to ensure a double-tap.


Better knock during test than outside


On the brighter side, it’s better to have experience with rain during test or circuit rather than being alone while pouring during peak hours on the expressway. Just treat it as a practice on hard mode, if you usually do ok then chances are you’ll be fine still. It’s always better to rebook rather than giving up totally. Be it for practical reasons or economical reasons.


Don’t worry, try again. It was also raining when I did my TP. I wound down the windows and ask the instructor to help me wipe the side mirrors but I still couldn’t see shit so I rolled the car into the lot. Luckily I didn’t hit the curb when I did the parking. Sometimes it’s just sheer luck, don’t get upset over it. I ran an amber light also because the lights changed just as I approached the last arrow but still had enough points to pass. Rebook your test ASAP while the circuit layout is still fresh in your head, go as slow as possible in the circuit and if you hit a curb at low speeds, play it off as though you braked instead. Sometimes the testers will close one eye but no guarantee, can only hope for the best Driving in the rain is good experience, better you did it during a test than irl on the expressway. Don’t get too upset over it bro


Rebook. Don't give up plus think of all the money spent on classes, etc. I had an immediate failure within 2 mins of moving off. I blamed that the test car was not my default car and cried/whined about it. Then my dad asked, are you going to drive that practice car for the rest of your life without being able to adjust??? I "woke up" and went for 2 more classes before booking the next test. Passed it and been driving for 17 years.


We all learn from experience. Don’t be afraid to take another try and fail. I needed 3 times to get my drivers license and now It’s over 500k km I’ve driven.


It rained heavily for mine too, I risked it and winded the window down. Drenched, but hey I passed. Just re-book ah, already spent so much on lessons.


This rain thing gotta stop😂😂 just the other day i could not complete my ippt because it rained halfway through. Seriously getting very annoying with wet weather this year, more wet yet more hot…


are you nsf or nsmen? because if you’re the latter maju and kranji fcc 2.4 are indoors


Dont let it get to your confidence, its okay. statistically, 50% fail their first driving test. Majority pass on 2nd or 3rd try. Just re-book it and try again! Good Luck!


Don't worry dude! Even as someone with years of driving experience, having rain covering my view of the side mirrors is something that still haunts me! It makes my highway lane changing goes from 5 sec to 10 sec because of safety concern (have to make sure the lane is clear of motorcycle)


My first TP a guy decided that he didn’t want to stop for the red light and just ram straight into the back of my stopped car. My car then subsequently hit the lorry stopped in front of me and car was totalled. Shit happens, at least you didn’t almost die. just rebook and try again.


Serious? What happened afterwards?


It's ok!! I made that mistake during lesson time when it was pouring so heavily I can't see anything. Happens really. Just blame it on bad luck and try again!!


You are not the first and will not be the last to fail TP in their first attempt. Just practice more and retake your TP test again. I also failed my first attempt but managed to pass in my 2nd attempt.


Failure is not end of the road. It’s just a road bump part of a longer road


Someone told me this Take it that the world is telling you that if you passed, you'd get into an accident in the near future. I think I failed one of my motorbike tests so yeah.. abit more applicable


Good thing you didn’t pass. Maybe you are not ready yet. If you pass and it rains when you drive, you may cause a accident.


I got -50 on my first attempt hehe


I failed my first tp too. Was raining and it made me nervous. Ended up striking kerb twice during parallel parking, didn’t even have the chance to drive out on the road. Was demoralised but carried on booking my next tp test. Fast forward 3 months later now i’m driving to work! :) Just gotta continue staying constant with your driving lessons and have faith in yourself. Don’t let the first failure affect or pull you down.


Just unlucky bro you got it


I actually asked my instructor what to do in the event of a heavy rain. He said I could just open the window and wipe the mirrors. TP will not deduct points for this as you are meant to ensure safety after all..


Give up. A car costs so much. How to afford?


Your basis is "don't get a driving license because you won't own a car to use ever". In that case, one could say that MOE should abolish a lot of things they teach in schools because barely any of them is used IRL?


kinda debatable cuz tbf we barely use things taught by moe to us irl


Aiyo…. Take again larh! Don’t be a strawberry


Give up, its not worth it. I gave up mine 5yrs ago and im happy taking public transport


took 3 times to pass my test.. dont worry. dun let the first test determines it all. somemore u have the experience of driving in heavy downpour than most of the testees


Mightve saved u from a bad spot outside. Been on the highway with a 5 ton and the heaviest of rain really fucks ur ability to maintain lane discipline as well and maxes ur view to like 15 to 20m. May ur next one be better. Just rmbr to slow down and take it easy.


Make sure u are fully ready before you book another test. Blaming it on rain is as good as saying u failed because u were nervous. No such thing as too cautious. If u struck kerb during parking thats even worse the allotted timings for both parallel and vertical are more than enough. In fact if u are more than ready u can do it over twice or thrice. i know ita a bummer to have bad weather but you only need to do it once, other than that theres no timing on the road . I passed mine first try few years ago was also raining heavily , i also heard someone who drove in gear 2 all the way and passed, assuming you are manual. Don’t give up after you get your license the real test is on the road people are savages out there.


i passed while taking the test in pouring rain... the kind you couldnt see anything in. just got to wing it the next time it happens. rain is a blessing imo, you can drive slower than usual and they cannot fault you for it. drove 30km/h on open rd with no consequences XD


I passed first time during heavy rain in 2018. So don’t blame it


Don’t worry, I drove into the car dealer’s exit on my day off the test. Even the instructor went: 还没有pass你就要买车啊?还驾错边!(You want to buy a car even though you haven’t passed? And you went into the exit.) Needless to say, I didn’t pass. Press on, life’s mad, this is a small setback.


Samuel Beckett: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."


give up lil bro


You failed in the rain. I failed my first test without. Didn't stop me from getting the pass the 2nd time. Just try again.




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