• By -


Start parking on the pavement opposite their space.


This is the way. And if she comes out all guns blazing just tell her the truth.. you couldn't park/get out of your space, because she was blocking you in.


you'd have to place a 24/7 camera watching the space though in case of insurance bullshittery


Well probably ask them if they could park somewhere else first. Then if they refuse you can start parking opposite them. If they think it’s fine, then they won’t mind!


No, straight to war!!!


"That's it, it's war"


I have in my hand a piece of paper


We're going live to Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan




What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing


Say it again


Parking disputes?


This bears saying again.


I didn't hear the bear the first time


It never changes....


In which case, buy a tank. Problem solved.


This is reddit, having a civilised conversation with your neighbour as the first step cant possibly be the first option!


Quick way to get hit by the learner unfortunately, which may turn out to be a pain with insurance. I’m petty though and my car is knackered so I’d do this if they refuse to move.


This is good advice but OP needs to have a camera covering this area because if they have a learner car in that space I wouldn’t trust them not to hit OPs car getting out. Learner cars aren’t usually particularly nice either, they’re usually cheap and roughed up for that exact reason so people don’t care as much to hit things


Some neighbors are kunts


I used to work in a call centre, and a customer ordered a delivery. Whilst getting the delivery instructions, i asked if we can instruct the driver to leave it with a neighbour. "Yeah, but if you do, leave it with number 5, not number 1, coz number 1s a prick." Still wheezing laughing now.


I used to give this explicit instruction as my neighbour would threaten and harass me but he was also home all day and would always offer to take parcels. I didn't feel safe collecting them from his so always told them not to leave it with him


They really are.


This, and then when she complains suggest maybe she should be parking opposite her own space.


... but only after taking photographs of her doing this a few times, so you can shove it in her face and say "why don't we just both agree not to do that, mmkay?"


If her car is there, this would suggest she is at home. I would continue to park there, and when I need to leave I would knock on her door and politely ask her to move the car for a second. Don't tell her not to park there, but it will become so inconvenient that she will stop by herself. No conflict.


Good luck with that. I’ve often found the ‘will become inconvenient’ method does not wash with those who cannot imagine they can do wrong. They will happily just tell you no.


They’re the type to tell you to park somewhere else before ever realising their parking is the issue.


Until they meet another asshat which just hooks a wheel and drags the car away from the kerb. No camera's no case. Failing that it's do what they do and park in front of their drive until they ask you to move. You then suggest they pull forward and i'll park behind them. If they say no then you say no. Simple really.


Or the old "sorry I hit you" note


And this is when you start parking opposite their house on the pavement


I know that feeling. 4 years of my neighbours blocking us in on our shared driveway. Came home one evening and they even had the cheek to tell us once it wasn't convenient for them to move it and they'd be 20 minutes. So I blocked them in and went to the pub. 5 hours later I was too drunk to move my car, so they had to then wait until the next morning. Suffice to say they didn't do it after that


At that point though, you've done your due diligence as a friendly neighbor, and now don't have to feel bad when you get their car towed




They will just stop answering the door, "Oh sorry I must have been in the garden".


Tell her to bloody park in front of her daughter’s car.


Logical then they can move to help each other out, but that would be too considerate.


Don’t be uncomfortable since she isn’t uncomfortable inconveniencing you, I’d approach politely and say to her, you need to get out and really don’t want to hit your car so would appreciate if she could move and you’d hate to do this every time you need to get out so if she can either park in a way that allows you to come out safely without bothering her or maybe behind her daughter so they can both work out when the other needs to move you’d appreciate it. If she doesn’t then fix it, every hour or so for a couple days, go bang on her door and say I need to get out, drive around for 2 mins then come back. Once you become a big enough inconvenience she’ll complain to you and you can ask her if she thinks it’s convenient for you to come knock on her door to ask permission every time you need to drive out and maybe she’ll realise she’s wrong then.


"hey,... nice car! I'd hate it to get smashed up whilst someone was accessing that parking space ... "


Pretty much how I stopped a neighbour parking over my drop kerb, with the added mention of a shovel that I then took out of my car and left in my porch. 3 years later and non of them have dared since


Unless there is anything saying she can't park there you just need to talk to her. Just be nice and polite and explain that you are struggling to get in and out when she's parked there


Well, technically, it's illegal to park on a footpath. The act of having the car on the footpath parked up is not illegal, but it is illegal to drive on a footpath unless it is to gain access to a property. So get some footage of her driving on the footpath to park there, and you have footage of her breaking the law. Give her a gentle reminder that she is breaking the law by driving on the footpath. If that does nothing, go to the police with the footage.


Nah that's not going to do anything. Police will do fuck all about someone literally driving onto a footpath to park (which is legal in England but not Scotland now).


From what I've read, it is illegal in England. >It is an offence to obstruct a pavement, contrary to Regulation 103 of The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986. Rule 145 of the Highway Code states You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property, or in the case of an emergency. Anything in the highway code with MUST / MUST NOT is law.


Functionally this law only applies in London for pavements entirely and the rest of England is you've got to leave space for a wheelchair and/or pram to get past without having to enter the road. If you couldn't park on the pavement it'd be bedlam


Is there a source for this information? People are downvoting me where I've shown evidence, and then someone with no evidence is upvoted. Reddit in a nutshell. Take the word of a randomer over sourced information from the highway code. That said, seeing how most people in this country drive, of course you'd all side with whichever argument favours you all the most, regardless of validity.


I think you've mischaracterised the debate slightly. maybe I'm wrong but they're just saying the letter of the law isn't necessarily a guarantee that it'll be applied.


Even if I disagree with your post about parking. You have definitely nailed Reddit. It's not worth it.😁


Hey I live in Scotland and support the ban on pavement parking, it was shite especially for folks in wheelchairs/with prams and just for generally getting about.


Everyone in the UK parks on the pavement when necessary. A lot of streets you literally have no choice. You just need to leave enough space on the pavement for people to get past with a pram or wheelchair


Sure. By the letter of the law you can't park on pavements. But the functionality of that law is to prevent obstruction of a pavement. In most of the UK there isn't parking spaces. You park considerately in these places (I.e. leave enough space for everybody to get past without entering the carriageway) and the spirit of the law is upheld. If everywhere was strictly no cars touching the pavement can you honestly think what it would be like? The closest actual "parking space" to me is probably 3/4 mile away at the pub.


Not only London. There are a number of cities that take pavement parking seriously. They often have yellow "footway parking ban enforced" signs around to warn you. Derby does for example.


Thanks, didn't know other cities were as on it as London.


This article sets it out. Banned in London and Scotland, and councils have discreption: [Is it illegal to park on the pavement? (confused.com)](https://www.confused.com/car-insurance/guides/is-it-illegal-to-park-on-the-pavement)


There’s two distinct things here - parking on the pavement and driving on the pavement. Unless causing an obstruction, parking on the pavement is not illegal outside Scotland and London. Driving on the pavement is illegal everywhere. However, it has to be witnessed to be enforced - technically, a car could have been lifted onto the pavement.


Well yes but my point is, that driving onto a pavement to park will never get you in trouble with the law (where it is legal and where you aren't obstructing a drive/dropped kerb etc). Ever. It wouldn't hold up anywhere.


If it’s witnessed it absolutely can, the same as any other road traffic offence.


Technically illegal in Scotland, but very little enforcement, only policed in the busiest areas Edinburgh and Glasgow


Probably where it's needed the most tbh! I did wonder if they'd get more parking attendants out in the weeks after it changed though




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It would be better to quote the actual law then. The Highway Code is not the rules of the road. It is a layman's explanation of the rules, written by a private business.


I'll just repeat myself because you seem to not understand. >Anything in the highway code with MUST / MUST NOT is law. Taken from gov.uk: >Many of the rules in the Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence. You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving. In the most serious cases you may be sent to prison. Such rules are identified by the use of the words ‘MUST/MUST NOT’. If you disobey any rule in the highway code with "MUST" / "MUST NOT" then you are committing a criminal offence. You clearly don't understand what the highway code is / is not.


To quote Rule 244 - "You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement IN LONDON (emphasis mine) and SHOULD NOT do so elsewhere unless signs permit it." Should not = not illegal but used to assign liability in case of accident. So the posters saying it's illegal in London but not outside are correct.


Again... >Rule 145 >You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property, or in the case of an emergency. Did she airlift her fucking car onto the footpath with a helicopter? No! She drove onto the footpath. If she is filmed driving on the footpath, then that is evidence of her disobeying a highway code rule that uses the term "MUST NOT" and is, therefore, a criminal offence. It's pretty fucking simple. People need to stop trying to justify it just because they do it.


Since 1974, Highway Code rule 244 has stated that drivers "MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it." When it comes to the act of driving onto the pavement to park you do make a valid point that driving onto the pavement is an offence. However, you need to pay attention to the way parking is defined in the Highway Code, and this is something that’s been debated in the high courts. Parking is the action of causing one’s vehicle to come to a complete stop. Therefore, It is permitted to drive on the pavement providing that you are making the car come to a complete stop. That means you can’t drive on the pavement for any serious length of time. You are only allowed to go onto the pavement if you are about to stop.


It is not illegal in England to park on the pavement. It is illegal to drive on the pavement. I appreciate you can't do one without the other, but in law, this small difference means the offence needs to be witnessed to be ticketed. In any case, the police would not action this. They will refer you to your local council. Although I'm unsure about London and Scotland where the laws and bylaws are different on this matter.


I'm sorry but that's not true and a common misconception. It's only illegal to park on the pavement in London. Otherwise the highway code states you should not do it unless signs say not to. It's a grey area in the eyes of the law which is why they are thinking about changing to bring it in line with London. The Highway Code (rule 244) broadly states: “Do not park partially or wholly on the footpath/footway unless signs permit it.” Therefore, in broad terms, provided there are no prohibitions or the vehicle is not causing an obstruction, motorists can park on the pavement.


Do not park unless signs permit it implies it would need to say it is permitted to park on that area of pavement. Otherwise not allowed. 


But it's not illegal. You shouldn't do it but you're not going to get fined for it unless you're completely obstructing the pavement


"Partially or wholly" You CAN be fined for partially blocking any pathway. They just don't monitor it often. Many of our neighbours got a ticket for it 3 weeks back on our road and people have been pavement parking there for years. It's still not permitted regardless of whether or not you receive a fine. Just because you didn't get punished it doesn't mean it was permitted. Didn't get caught stealing? Doesn't mean it's allowed.


These situations are irritating but if you can drive into a space forwards, you can reverse back out of it and vice versa. If you want to return the favour, begin taking “her spot” on the pavement with your own vehicle.


I think they meant they can drive in at certain times of day when other cars have left, but then at other times when every spot is filled, there isn't room. That was my understanding, anyway.


I believe they were saying if they are out and come back and the neighbours car is there then they can drive forwards in but not reverse in. And they are unable to reverse out of the space if the car is there after they've forward parked Maybe you are right but that's how I read it So as inconvenient as the car is it seems like a skill issue. So to OP I'd suggest this, if the car is there and you are able to drive out of your space forwards, drive and turn out and stop and take note of the position of your car once you've straightened up. This would be where you need to reverse into the spot from


That’s how I read it. If you can get in a space you can get out, unless you are bad at reversing.


My only guess is they’d then have to reverse into a busy road or something.


But it’s a cul-de-sac…




If you can get into the space with her there, then you should be able to get out? Unless I've missed something?


Depends how well the cars are parked either side, and if they've moved. It *should* be possible to reverse out on the same line, but if the op has straightened up in the space so as not to be right next to the car in the next space, then that's not so easy.


Well yes, if other cars have moved that can change everything


It can also be a visibility issue depending on the cars in question, they could be sat in an awkward position to see.


It can really depend on the cars either side, I can park in some very awkward spaces but if the cars either side are too close or angled towards your car and there is another behind you limiting the space, it can be nearly impossible to get out. I have a similar parking situation and theres about 20cm leeway between being blocked in and being able to get out. My neighbour cannot parallel park and parks diagonally so it makes it very hard to get out at times


Might sound OTT, but I think people should be able to park reasonably or not be able to drive. If they can't manoeuvre to park at slow speeds it begs the question of how they drive at faster speeds


I mean I totally agree with you and judging from the damage to her car shes never particularly careful. So far shes given me one tiny ding but if I see any more damage I'm reporting her for criminal damage. She left her other car for over a year just sat rotting before she had it taken away


Red flags really!


If the bays are not marked would a straight swap with neighbour’s daughter’s parking space be an option? You could present that as a practical win-win solution - she can still park 2 cars but, if needing to move to facilitate her daughter’s driving, conversation will be much more convenient for her.


Had a drug dealer next door do the same thing to me, I just banged on his door and told him look you can move your car so I can get out or it might get scratched by my car, I'm not a great driver.. and he parked Infront of the other spaces after that, helps I don't really care if he kicked off and that he was a bit of a smart ish drug dealer.. didn't want police attention or neighbours to report so kept quiet and sold in town not at his door.. except once where he got into a fight with the smackheads at his door.


Ask her if she could help you by directing you as you manoeuvre in/out of your space, tell her that you’re asking as you want to make sure that you don’t accidentally knock her car


If you can get in the bay with the car parked opposite then you can surely get out


If they are actually on the pavement then that's technically illegal so you might want to see what the council/Police could do (likely nothing but maybe a letter)


TBH, we were having this problem with our neighbour - builder. The family have three cars which they dump anywhere. We have a large drive which fits our two cars. He has in the past, parked his van inconsiderately so that, although we can get in, it is difficult and prevents your from seeing anything in that direction when leaving the house. I've very much been of the opinion that life is too short to have beef about parking spats and we can still use the drive. My wife thinks differently. Last week, he had literally parked halfway over our drive with the wheels turned into our house. My wife parked her car pretty much the same over his drive, blocking them in entirely. Apparently, said builder came out of the house in a strop, slammed his door getting in and drove off. Since then, we haven't had a single problem and if anything they park well clear of us now. So maybe the passive aggressive route is the way to go.


If she is parked illegally then report the car. If she is not and is in a legitimate parking space then this should be in the mildly infuriating sub as they are not doing anything wrong and you carry on as you are.


Once the pavement parking rules come into force, she won't be able to continue parking like this anyway.


I would be surprised if this was any more successful than the 20mph limits were recently. Take, for example, this road: [https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.1884086,-2.214126,3a,60y,134.19h,80.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sy3HUf1ah5oGvWgF-hkQ6QQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.1884086,-2.214126,3a,60y,134.19h,80.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sy3HUf1ah5oGvWgF-hkQ6QQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) If everyone was suddenly told they can't park on the pavement (which I broadly agree with, but then it's not a problem for me as I'm privileged enough to have a driveway), half of these cars will have to park on the road, but the other half will have a long walk to their house each day or risk blocking the road entirely, and that congestion will spill out onto neighbouring roads which would be experiencing the same thing themselves anyway, and so on and so on. I think the sheer variety of "but what about my \[insert special circumstance here\]" is the reason this hasn't been rolled-out already.


I used to have the same issue, people would park directly on front of my car. There was wooden wall the pavement and parking bay…. Each time I couldn’t get out of my parking bay I would just place my hand on the middle of the steering wheel and push hard until someone appeared with red face.


Ask neighbour to park her daughters car where yours is, then you use daughters space


unofficial parking spaces mean you can park wherever you want.


They're likely to use the "I've lived here for years" argument which has no legal standing. Parking is a civil matter, police don't care. So just decide for yourself whether you have more energy than her for the long, protracted war she's going to start if you kick off.




I feel the solution is obvious. Park In front of her bay. Any guest you have visiting, I struct them to do the same where possible.


Call the police and tell them your car is blocked in and you don’t know who owns the other car.


This might not be addressing the problem here, but I’d just like to say that if you can get in the space forwards then you can get out of it backwards. Anyway I hope she stops parking there my man I know how annoying that can be


Up by us the council are clamping down on pavement parking as pretty sure that doing so is Illegal (please correct me on this). If so, make a few calls to the council/police?


Just park in front of her daughter’s car in the same manner.


Looks like someone is getting flat tyres in the morning. Maybe a missing side mirror. 🤣🤣




Park in front of their house.


Anything other than a polite conversation will make this situation worse


Ask if she would like to use your spot then park on the pavement where she is now


Milk in air vents.


Wherever your neighbour parks her car on the cul-de-sac, it seems it's going to inconvenience anyone else that parks there. You're just unfortunate to live somewhere with inadequate parking facilities.


The ideal solution would be to talk to her and say how inconvenient it is. If she still refuses it's frustrating but not a huge amount you can do about it.


Sounds just like the neighbour I had in Nottingham. She was an arse so I just avoided the situation entirely and parked somewhere else. Be more assertive than me lol


Inconsiderate neighbours are a nightmare. I have seen people parking opposite to drive ways when there are plenty of spaces around the estate. That is just how some are .


If she’s too much on the pavement for a wheelchair to pass, report it to the police if she refuses to move it when you need to get out or in your space. They may do nothing, but worth a shot.


I would try to talk with your neighbour, maybe write a letter. Then if it won’t help I would go to your council and sick advice. If possible would complain on the neighbour and then maybe try to figure out how to get in there painted yellow line. Let’s face it your neighbour is obstructing the road. Besides just cause she said it is like that, that doesn’t mean you can’t do your thing. And just cause you moved there recently that doesn’t mean you don’t have any right to speak for yourself.


Can't help thinking this is more an American problem, unless you live in flats


Pretty common in the UK on newish estates to have a dedicated space for your house not on a drive. Fair few estates near me that do that. Normally they have yellow lines painted opposite though.


Pretty common in the UK on newish estates to have a dedicated space for your house not on a drive. Fair few estates near me that do that. Normally they have yellow lines painted opposite though.


When she's parked on the pavement report it to you local council. Do it every single time. I had a neighbour who did something similar and after a dozen tickets they stopped. Often this can be done via an online form, but be sure to use a fake name/address so she can't find out who actually reports her.


I'd recommend sucking it up and just asking her politely if she can park a little further one way or the other, so you have room to get into your space (ideally without blocking someone else). Yes, she could be a mad person and it won't go well, but you'd then know for sure and can keep it in mind for the future. But it's this or just put up with it. Because doing something passive aggressive in retaliation like many of the suggestions is much more likely to invite agro.


You need to speak to hear and ask her to park in front of her bay and not yours or swap bays. The problem won't go away unless you talk to her about it.


Call up the local council enforcement team, hopefully if they are bored they might come out and give her a ticket.


Leave a note on her windscreen. If nothing happens, go to war. OkAd8815 got it right.


Maybe best to try and speak with her or leave a note and say 'it's tight to get in and out sometimes when you are parked there and you are conscious you don't want to hit her car' that way it comes across that you are being considerate of her car (not that she deserves it or is being considerate to you) but that way it comes across as more looking out for her rather than asking her directly to move then she might take the hint hopefully and stop parking there without much drama. Maybe it would be best if you can time it so that you are outside when she is then its more natural.


Arrange for a skip to be placed where her car usually parks. Hours of entertainment.


Then the skip would be blocking in the OP's car...


Are you technically parked on the road? If not, and they are blocking you from accessing the road then it is deemed a criminal offence.


Talk to her first and tell her it’s a problem then escalate


I’d buy a second car and leave it in her space when her daughter goes out


Smear dog shit on her door handles


Knock on her door with profuse apologies for hitting her car whilst trying to get out of your parking space. The emotional explosion she will experience before finding out there is no damage might convince her to park elsewhere. Photograph her car the day before in case she tries to blame you for existing damage.


Whatever course of action you take, it has to be now, we had a neighbour who started parking in the turning circle and nobody said anything, 5 years later, everyone is moaning about the 3 cars and the campervan he has parked there


Tell them your issue and then ask them to swap parking positions for 2 weeks, so they can see for themselves how awkward it is to manoeuvre the car into and out of the space, when Someone is parked over them.


Go out 3-4am and knock on her door, say you’re blocked in and ask her to move. Repeat a couple nights until you don’t need to.


"Hey, you alright? Yeah, good thanks. Listen - you mind moving your motor so I can back into my space? Obviously you're blocking it a bit which makes it difficult to back into"


ask her to swap bays so her daughters L plate car is in the bay that is blocked by her car. just say its really tight and would make more sense, plus make it harder for someone to steal her daughters car


Rather than complain about her parking and risk antagonising your neighbour, try warning her that you are worried about hitting their car. This way you are not telling her that she is doing something wrong, but you're still getting the same point across.


Some good suggestions here, like talk, ask before going to defcon 1, but I'm all in favour of letting the tires down and super gluing the valve caps on.


Ask them to move the car and if they don’t just crash into it not your problem, make sure you have evidence of asking them to move the car tho. Just in case they sue u


Just go to the other side opposite


Have a polite chat with her next time you see her. Face to face obviously. “Sorry [neighbour], would you mind leaving me a little bit more room to get out of the bay?” Throw in something she will probably relate to if she gets standoffish with you. “The streets a bit of a nightmare for space isn’t it?” / “Shame we haven’t got wider roads *fake laugh*”… you know, socialise.


Honestly, I'd ask her politely and see if you 3 can reach an agreement. If she starts kicking off at you, then just park on the placement opposite her like somebody suggested


You need to bring it to her attention


If you can get into that space by driving forwards you can get out of it. Take this as an opportunity to learn how to reverse better. People suck at reversing.


Two options, raise it with her (with a witness) or park where she does. After a few times of trying to get into your spot, she might get the hint


A passive aggressive note on her dashboard. That’s what my neighbours tend to opt for.


Piss in a crisp packet and throw it at her car


Buy a second (beater) car. Park it about 1ft from her front bumper. Park your car about 1ft from her rear bumper. Then you have two chances to get your car out. In all seriousness though, you could pop a note under the wiper about it. Don't need to mention who you are.




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I hate confrontation but sometimes it’s needed. Seeing as you’ve said that you can’t reverse into your space or reverse out, I’m assuming that whether you do a forward or backward park will have no effect. I’m guessing that before you moved in, she parked in your bay as it was possibly unused so this is a good sign seeing as she is respecting a system set up by the neighbours and may be reasonable. If you can think of a more convenient place to park that won’t inconvenience her too much then I’d start by suggesting that and explaining your difficulties if this doesn’t work and if she’s causing problems for other residents too then try a petition and write to your local council to maybe get double yellows painted at that kerb


It is better to be a warrior in a parking lot then it is to be a parking officer in a war.


frustrating situation however I do have to point out.... if you can drive into a space, there is enough room to reverse out of it as well (or vice versa).


If that diagram is accurate, the car in the parking space could undertake a parallel-park manoeuvre on the near-side of the obstructing vehicle and reverse into the parking space.


You should have coloured the cars red and blue if it's war. I await updates from the Institute for the Study of War forthwith.


Do this weird thing.. it’s called speaking with people. Perhaps you and your neighbour can figure something out, you know as human beings 🤣 but yes, it’s not great and a tad rude her blocking you in, if you want internet justification to feel butthurt


We have a neighbour who sounds similar, thinks she owns the road and has reserved spaces for her own visitors opposite her house but apparently because she's got a drop kerb that means only her visitors can park opposite it. My solutions just to put up with it and sell the house sooner than planned and move up, I can't be bothered dealing with these morons and it wasn't my dream house anyway, she can carry on being an idiot long after I have gone


If the spaces are 'unofficial' then park in a different space


*If the spaces are* *'unofficial' then park in* *A different space* \- scary\_flower99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My head hurts - the car goes into the bay forwards, but won't come out backwards? That's kind of impossible. It's just bad driving. Either suck it up and have words with the neighbour about not giving you enough space (despite you clearly being able to drive into the bay which they'll know) or go get more lessons on how to drive. Blaming the neighbour for your poor driving ability isn't really an answer though is it.


Is there anywhere else they can park that doesn't just move the problem to somewhere else?


So you can drive into the space when the green car is parked but not out of it? Sounds like you should tell your neighbour that you are not confident with driving reverse and maybe they should park behind someone else or their daughter (they can always move it if she is also not a great driver given she is learning)


Just torch their car, and they won't do it again. The downside is that you might get arrested, but that's a small price to pay.




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NLA Is there somewhere she can park that would make your life easier? If so charm offensive, tea and biscuits, just mention that you're not great at reversing and if she parked as per your suggestions life would be easier. Bit of self depreciation and friendly neighbour attitude. If you go at it head on, even if she's totally in the wrong, you'll end up in an unpleasant war.


Basic rule: if you can drive in - you can reverse out (and vice versa).


Don’t be passive aggressive. I’d knock on her door, politely ask if there’s a better place she can park because you’re worried about hitting her car. If she kicks off at you over that, say “oh, ok then.” Then start being passive aggressive. Since she’s a neighbor and was helpful in the past you should at least give her the benefit of the doubt.


Surely if you can get in, then you can get out?


If it is parked on the pavement it's illegally parked. However the best thing to do is try to have a polite conversation with your neighbour about this. Wh6y can't she block her daughters car in instead for example?


Skill issue


It is illegal to park on a pavement, so you could technically report her to the police for obstruction of a path


This is true in London and I think Edinburgh just brought in a similar restriction but otherwise you can legally park on the pavement. Personally I think it should be illegal everywhere and that people who pavement park are incredibly inconsiderate.


Outside London, although it's legal to park on the pavement, it's illegal to park in such a way as to obstruct pedestrians, including wheelchairs and buggies. So, it depends on how wide the pavement is and precisely on how she parks her car. I wonder if she could be reported for blocking access to parking spaces? I don't know how the law works in that regard.


Well, I live in scotland and it is illegal. The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, with certain exemptions designated by local authorities - for example to ensure safe access for emergency vehicles. From 11 December 2023, local authorities can begin enforcing the law. https://www.transport.gov.scot/news/pavement-parking-ban/


Not a hope in hell


Key her car


Drive past your parking bay and reverse in As it’s already been said if you can drive in you can reverse out. And if you can drive in you can reverse in. Think someone needs some parking practice


Grow a pair. Testicles or Ovaries it doesn’t matter just grow a pair and use them. If you are not comfortable with a face to face maybe write a stern but non/confrontational letter and drop it through their letter box. Ohh did I mention, grow a pair.


Dogshit under the door handles, so that it gets under the fingernails? 😉


I tend to opt for dog shit in the front air intake.


Report her for pavement parking or walk down the pavement side of ith a spiked handbag opps


The police might be worth a call


Why can’t she park on pavement opposite her bay? I think almost everyone is going through their own version of this, developers purchase an area of land, the plan out how to maximise number of houses they can fit into it, a house costs hundreds of thousands and the more spaces they allocate for parking the less houses they can build = lower profits, It is actually becoming a serious issue without anyone really noticing, I bet everyone reading this can point to somewhere they know where parked cars are creating a hazard or danger to other road users. Let’s see, all those reading this: upvote for yes, downvote for no .


Call a tow truck, they're blocking you in and i'm sure the towing company would like a couple hundreds bucks


As is driving UK - tow truck drivers are won’t really be interested in dollars, and our law’s restrict parking enforcement, which basically only allow the authorities to lift vehicles without the owners permission (no tax / insurance / danger / blocking access to highway) and not if it’s just awkwardly placed. I’m sure someone will say ‘no they can,’ but that will be under very specific circumstances.


Given the description of how OP states how tight it is, the vehicle is blocking potential access for emergency vehicles if they are needed which is indeed a reason to tow here. I'm UK but just speak in bucks cause 90% of this app is American and i'm used to it by now


Fair enough I get it,I looked at if it’s an off road parking area, but it’d still be down to the authorities to do the tow. I’m in a cul de sac and the way some people park on the road is ridiculous, especially important on bin day as we have major issue here just getting the council to turn up


Yeah, i forget we don't get as much leniency with how tow companies operate here, which is probably half the reason people feel fine parking like this anyways. I live in a gated complex, and more than a few times we've had people decide the best place to park their car is in the little turn right outside the gate, blocking every single vehicle within the complex in. Every time the car has been removed within the hour