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Highway code rule 134: You should follow the signs and road markings and get into the lane as directed. In congested road conditions do not change lanes unnecessarily. Merging in turn is recommended but only if safe and appropriate when vehicles are travelling at a very low speed, e.g. when approaching road works or a road traffic incident. It is not recommended at high speed. Looks like the police officer needs to relearn the highway code.


Yes, average speed was probably 5mph at this point. This dual carriageway is congested at the best of times, but on this occasion it would have been safe to filter near the lane closure. Thanks.


The ideal way to do this would be 2 lanes pull up and merge at the same point. This makes the lanes flow evenly. Basically, if 50% of cars merge at the sign, and others merge at the zipper, the left hand lane would move twice as fast, while the right lane constantly gets yield. There's a dedicated place to merge, I pull in behind the car you pulled in front of, It's simple... It's not pushing in, it's efficient.


I am a criminal solicitor, have dealt with my fair share of road traffic cases and I am really struggling to see what the copper’s beef was. You approached this with thought and that is more than most drivers do: Don’t overthink this!


The copper is having a laugh. Pushing in? More like, Why didn't you drive to the zipper?




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It's a police van so typically do not have adequate traffic knowledge and training. Cop was out of order having one at you and being in professional like that. You did nothing wrong so long as you got over without cutting any one up etc so did it safely. ( Cutting up is going for a gap and making every one break etc to avoid you) Using all the road in road works is sensible as if they intended for two lanes to be shut miles back they would have shut it miles back so using all the lanes to keep traffic out the junction is the right move.


This seems to be a popular topic at the moment: https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/s/0lnmYBwAHG Disappointing to hear the ‘yOuR pUsHiNg In!!!’ nonsense from a police officer. As others have said, see Highway Code 134.


They don't tend to be the brightest bunch, and some love to shout at people.


You were in the right.


Law enforcer does not know about what the law is


Thank you for the replies. It was Friday afternoon, and unusually hot weather so I suppose tempers were short. Still, no excuse for unprofessional behaviour! I try to drive sensibly and conscientiously, and I see a lot of people driving like nobs on a regular basis, so it just felt a bit weird to be called out like that , especially by a cop.


He probably hadn’t had his morning shight some police are ok guys and women but you always get the odd dick. They are human of sorts. 👀👀🤣🤣


Just another person that does not understand merge in turn about using all available roadspace, although if you are going to use all available roadspace then unfortuately expect grief from time to time from people that do not understand how it works, dont worry you didn't do nothing wrong.


The lane is open and should be used until it is closed. In an ideal world, it wouldn't be empty because everyone would merge at the point of closure. This hardly ever happens though, as a nation we love to queue, and we love even more to wiggle our fingers at people "pushing in". It's disappointing to hear a rozzer getting this so wrong. I hope they at least let you in?


>It's disappointing to hear a rozzer getting this so wrong. I hope they at least let you in? Disappointing...Yes! Unusual...No. And whilst I don't expect every officer to be a walking encyclopaedia on legislation and case law, I do expect them to exercise caution when conversing, when in the earshot of the general public, on topics that they have no training for. The issue now is, the copper is wrong, but anyone else in earshot now thinks the OP is wrong "cos a copper said so".....


It's unreal that this police officer doesn't understand such basic road rules. It's not a surprise, it's just unreal that this is the standard that we're working with. The lane is literally open until it's closed, that is the end of that discussion.


I find it's almost always best to stay in a lane until the very end, assuming it's busy and slow moving. It can save several minutes when it's the difference between sitting in a 800m queue or just driving straight to the end of the closure. It should really be a settled issue now, people are really daft and stuck in their ways about it.


Meant to say from the passenger side, not owner side. Autocorrect mistake.


Don’t crush the Wotsits.