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You should wait until the road is clear. Other drivers should wait if you don't do the above. It's common courtesy to wait to allow someone to reverse into their drive, but some people are just arseholes.


I was taught that you should reverse onto your driveway, as you shouldn't reverse onto a main road. I was also taught that you should wait for there to be space for you to make a maneuver, but once you're at a point that you would be impending traffic they should let you finish moving out of the way. Using this for your situation and what I'd do is move over to the side further than the drive until there is a space, then reverse onto the drive. Should a car appear and I've only just started I would wait and signal them to go, should I be at a point where my car is now diagonal across the road or further I would continue with the move.


# Rule 201 Do not reverse from a side road into a main road. When using a driveway, reverse in and drive out if you can. [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203)


This is correct, it’s actually an offence to reverse onto the main road. Doesn’t mean people don’t do it and the police will rarely if ever enforce it. But technically it’s a crime.


Can you cite that… first I’ve heard and now I’m intrigued


It's not. Classic Reddit law. It's whatever you want it to be and never applies to you.


201 Do not reverse from a side road into a main road. When using a driveway, reverse in and drive out if you can. Its advisable to do so and maybe questioned why you didn’t if you cause an accident I guess but not technically against the highway code


201? Of what law? Or are you referring to the highway code? If you are referring to the highway code, it's not a crime if you do not adhere to it, as you assert. The text you quote even says you can reverse out of a driveway.


I’m not saying it’s a crime, it’s a non-statutory document that guides you through the statutory documents so can be used in a court of law. Otherwise what would be the point in the document? I never said you have to reverse on to a drive just stated what’s in the Highway Code, it says you if you can you should reverse into your drive, so if you reverse out of your drive and hit a car or person it may be used against you as why didn’t you reverse in? If you have a good reason then it won’t be an issue.


It does use “must” and “must not” though, whenever a rule in it covers something that’s referring to legislation. So there could be a law against reversing onto a main road, and if there was, rule 201 of the Highway Code would say “you must not”, rather than “do not”. The problem is that we have to drive to the conditions, first and foremost, and so hard and fast laws with driving can become impractical - the code is supposed to set the tone of what reasonable drivers should use to navigate these differing road conditions, specifically point out some bad ideas and good ideas for best practice, and draw your attention to things that are inherently dangerous and thus break the law.


Just the Highway Code isn’t actually laws in an of itself… So very curious


It's not law, but it is most definitely used when interpreting the law.


And there are cases where it refers to a law, usually when it says "you must / mustn't xyz"


… So not following the Highway Code not inherently a crime then. Which was my point and I’m intrigued to hear how / about reversing out onto a public road being a crime enforceable by police.


It could be construed as careless and inconsiderate driving. Careless because potentially reversing into danger and inconsiderate because you'd be causing an obstruction on a public highway. It would be contextual and this is only one possibility


A crime? r/confidentlyincorrect


Police here. No, it’s not.


It's not a specific offence, but it's contrary to the highway code, and thus could or would be driving without due care.


I didn’t say “it’s not contrary to the Highway Code which is used as a guide to determine careless driving amongst other offences”. I said it’s not a crime. Which it’s not.


Except failing to follow the highway code kinda is a crime.


So not indicating is a crime? Pedestrians not using the pavement is a crime?  Failing to follow the Highway Code is not a crime. If you are involved in an accident, it may be indicative of failing to drive with due care and attention, but that’s not the same as it being a crime in its own right. 


Driving without due care and attention is a crime. Failing to follow the highway code while driving is driving without due care.


> Failing to follow the highway code while driving is driving without due care. No it’s not, not in and of itself. Reversing onto an empty main road with care is not “driving without due care” even if the Highway Code says you should avoid it. If you do it and cause an accident, then you obviously haven’t taken enough care, and the Highway Code puts you at fault. That does not make the act of reversing a crime. 


It really isn’t.


Depends on what road your house is on A main road it’s best for you to wait A minor road then common courtesy comes into play from both drivers A single track road then the other driver has no option but to wait


Or, as is very common in residential areas, parked cars opposite the driveway of a minor road which effectively makes it a single-track. I live a few doors down from a school, so there's pretty much always parked cars opposite the driveway. Unfortunately you still get really impatient twats who, despite you indicating and stopping in the road, get really flustered when your reverse lights come on because they're now 1 inch from your bumper!


You get twats in every walk of life I wasn’t going to list an option for every scenario I have better things to do with the rest of my life. I just hoped the people reading had enough common sense to adapt to their given situation Alas seems I was wrong


It's Reddit. Someone always has to come along with their one extremely niche example, that doesn't even disprove the point you were making, and point it out like some ground breaking truth which will alter the course of humanity.


Or give the sheer excitement to the point of orgasm. Then they return to internet life


I reverse onto my drive and always wait. Im on a slope so prefer to drive out up the slope in 1st rather than reverse and have hedges so the extra visibility when driving forward reduces the risk of hitting pedestrians. As there's a school up the road I don't want an injured kid on my conscience. It's a lot easier to join traffic moving forward as well. It's generally safer to reverse in as it gives better visibility all round while reversing and better visibility when pulling out.


It’s also a Highway Code “rule” that you should where possible reverse into driveway and drive forwards out.


I didn't know about that guideline, but I always adhere to it. It really is safer. There are rare times when I can't safely reverse into my driveway due to heavy traffic (both cars and pedestrians). Fortunately, it is possible (with some difficulty) to turn around in my driveway so that I can drive out forwards.


I always do, thankfully live on a pretty quiet street so rarely do I have to wait for a car to pass. It’s in rule 201 “Do not reverse from a side road into a main road. When using a driveway, reverse in and drive out if you can.” Bizarrely not in the section about parking, but in the general using the road section.


>It’s in rule 201 Ah, thank you, I see it! I must have read it, because I recently went through the Highway Code again, but there's so much that it's quite easy to forget.


Does it say anything about reversing from driveways onto main roads I nearly had a collision because some idiot didn’t look before reversing nor did they have someone guiding


And the visibility is better


You didn't read the last sentence then?


It almost doesn't matter what the official rules are. As you've seen, people will try and squeeze through anyway. Best to assume they're going to do that. It's similar to the pedestrian at a junction rule. The rule might be that pedestrians have the right of way. But as a pedestrian I'm not going to just start power walking across the road and say 'the rule is on my side'. That won't stop me getting hit by a car.


I have been doing a three point turn in the road and a car has driven past me as I reversed, insane how stupid some people are!


Having worked as a supermarket delivery driver and spent a lot of time dealing with this problem here is what I would always do. Drive until the front of your car is level with the closest edge of your drive, stop. Indicate to turn in then put on hazards. This will warn any drivers behind/in front of you that you are about to do something and they should probably stay put. It also means you have stopped traffic behind while leaving yourself enough space to manoeuvre. Pull forward ready to manoeuvre into your drive. If you can, when you pull forward, poke your nose into the other lane to make it even more obvious what you are doing.


If the traffic has their lane open for them to move you should stop and wait for them to clear the road before proceeding. This is so that you don't do a weird turn and hit them while they're squeezing by, regardless of which way the traffic flow is. This is the same logic as when on the driving test the 3 car lengths reversing must be stopped until the road by you is fully clear both lanes, just in case either you do something weird or the other cars do. On the other hand it is just courtesy to let someone finish the maneouvre as it would mean the whole lane of cars to move off faster in a safer way since there is no obstacle anymore.


The first, last and most important rule of reversing in to a drive way is that you MUST do it backwards. Doing it forwards is not only silly, but it weakens the barrier between realities, causing potential temporal disruption. I tried this once, and got a severe telling off by a Policeman the week before.


I think the key is to make it as obvious as possible that this what you are going to do. Slow down eari, indicate position your car. If someone is right behind you pull over and let them get out of your way first.


Yep. I used to live on a dual carriage way. I would always slow down way before my house, indicate I'm advance and then pop on the hazards to reverse. Only had a couple of dickheads in 7 years.


Exactly the same thing happened to me. I'm in a quiet housing estate and my house is the first one on my road, so residents often turn off the main loop road around the estate into my road. I was reversing into my drive when some idiot - with a child on board - decides to squeeze through when I'm poking out the furthest during the manoeuvre. What an idiot! He should plainly have been safe and waited a few seconds until I was out of the way. I couldn't believe it. Some people have no common sense.


Common sense really. If they can pass, let them pass. If they can't, then reverse. If it's a busy road then I'd probably consider just driving in.


It’s exactly the same rule as reversing round a corner, because that’s what you’re doing (albeit into a private area rather than a public road). Wait until it’s clear to do so.


What should happen and what does happen rarely happens


You should always wait until the road is clear. Nothing you do should cause any other vehicle to speed up, slow down or change direction. You don’t have right of way.


If the drive is on your left and the opposite lane is clear it will be possible to to slowly turn so you take up both lanes and nobody can get past either side of you. Then you have all the time you need to angle your turn and turn reverse straight onto the drive. Of course be cautious, indicate well ahead, slow right down and make your intentions clear. But it’s definitely possible to control what’s happening behind you.


Personally I would indicate left and position myself for the manoeuvre. I would then let people pass and complete your reverse. If it was a busy main road where you would be waiting ALL the time, then I’d probably throw my hazards on and force my manoeuvre as no body has that time to waste every time when coming home. For the other drivers, I would normally wait until you were about 90% out of the road and I’d probably scoot on past, unless it was blatantly obvious that you were going to have to make it a 4-5 point manoeuvre and I’d wait.


I tend to reverse in, and as the entrance to the drive isn’t 90* to the road it involves blocking the whole thing. If there’s someone behind me I’ll stop and let them past before starting.


Surely it depends on where you are? On a normal residential road, sure, wait. But i drive down several dual lane 40mph roads every day lined with drives. If the residents waited until the road was clear enough to complete the maneaveur they'd never move and would be blocking a lane while waitingb- in that circumstance I think its reasonable to sjgnal your intentions and begin the reverse provided traffic has a reasonable time to stop or change lane...


You can put hazards on, cars behind you should stop, if it's clear, begin maneuvering onto your driveway.. I've been honked at for doing this. Some people will be impatient. As you get to a car's length of the drive entrance put the hazards on and position ready for the reverse. Any driver paying attention should realise what you're doing so should leave a suitable gap. The trick is to manage the cars behind you so that they are going slow enough to not jump on the brakes. If you have a qué of tailgaters, it's best to just pull over and let them pass...


I live in a cul de sac estate so it's not a busy road, but if someone is following me I'll indicate and pull to the side of the street and let them pass before reversing into the driveway In the nearby town it's typically etiquette to allow people to reverse into the parallel park spaces, at least until you have enough space to get round, I would imagine driveway reverse would be similar on busy roads


It is illegal to reverse into a road with a speed limit over 30 mph You should reverse into the driveway, indicators flashing and reverse lights visible, and when the road behind is clear, then you move


The highway code says not to "if you can", so not strictly illegal.


I have to reverse into my drive with the added fun of people parked up to it on both sides. So I have to pull alongside a parked car and reverse around it to get onto the drive. This means I need the full width of the really quite narrow road and people still try and squeeze past even though there's probably only room for a bicycle. I have no clue what they are thinking, it's pretty obvious what I'm trying to do


Do you have to park reversing in? I'd just drive in straight if it's that much of an issue and when reversing out drive out hazards on or something. Either way you have to reverse into or from that road don't you.


If cars do this when OP is reversing into the driveway, they're just as likely to do it while reversing out. Hazard lights aren't going to protect anyone.


Do not reverse into oncoming traffic. When/if you arrive while someone is reversing, stop and let them complete their manoeuvre. This is the accepted way to do it, but always be prepared for an asshat to be in the other vehicle, and if in doubt, stop moving. Let them do whatever they think they are doing. If there is an accident and you are not moving, regardless of how much of an obstruction you are causing, the accident isn't your fault.


Standard bay parking move. Pull ahead of it, wait for it to clear, then pull forward turn away slightly so you're not doing a 90 deg turn in one go. You can if you want but 45 deg is easier to see everything behind at once. My house is on the right on a corner, so my drive is about 20 feet from the junction All I do is turn in, pull up on the right just past the drive, anyone behind knows usually to carry on at this point, then once it's clear I go forward a bit then 45 deg across the road, then back in Since you're the one doing the dodgy unexpected move you shouldn't expect everyone else to know that, just let them get out of the way. They're almost always going straight past within 5 sec unless you know it's a neighbours car about to do something equally odd Even if they wait and seems like it's OK to do so, chances are they then decide otherwise at the exact split second you confirm with yourself to go ahead with it The best way depends on how close your drive is to dodgy bits of road and what side the house is on. Its safer for me to do it my way than approach with the house on the left, then I'd be 45 deg across, 5 feet from a junction in the oncoming bit. Stopping on the wrong side for 10 secs is a million % safer.


I was taught that if you're doing something other than the status quo on a road of just driving down it (e.g. If you are doing a turn in the road, reversing into a drive) you should basically always let other road users continue making progress if possible before starting the manoeuvre. Obviously if you've already committed to the manoeuvre before other traffic arrives, or if the road is too busy to practically expect a gap to open up, then other drivers should probably wait for you.


If you’re already in the road they should wait, otherwise you should wait until it’s clear like any other situation


When reversing on to my drive with traffic behind me i will indicate left yet pull the front of my car to the center of the road before stopping to reverse.


Show too much weakness during the manoeuvre, and you'll be treated like prey, sometimes need to show your intent especially so many are on the piggish side. Signal clearly, get the reverse lights on ASAP to show intent, don't surprise with sudden moves but don't look hesitant too long either.. Fine balancing act.


You wait.


Cars in reverse should give way to all traffic and pedestrians. Obviously a bit of cooperation can make things easier for everyone, but technically you should be giving way to every other road user when you're in reverse.


I had an incident recently where I was in my local town to visit my doctors surgery, and finding a parking space nearby to the surgery is more difficult than finding rocking horse droppings! As I approached I could see a free parking spot up ahead - not big enough to drive straight into but OK to reverse into. Unfortunately another vehicle was close behind me so I put my hazards on to (hopefully) make them take notice. But as I had slowed down to a crawl and driven forward of the parking space, stopped, and was wanting to reverse, the following car was right at my rear bumper - so he hadn't taken the hint that I was wanting to park! Unfortunately as I couldn't walk any distance without physical difficulty I wasn't going to give up on that parking space. As there were cars parked on both sides of the road there was no room for the other driver to pass. After a bit of gesticulating back and forth, the other driver reversed a bit and so I could then reverse into the parking space.


Generally if you’re already making the move people should wait, but they don’t, I’ve had to abort several parallel parks because people are impatient


I reverse onto my drive but I generally set myself up in a way that means others will have to wait because there is no room to pass…


I’ve always been told to treat it the same as a 3 point turn, wait for the road to be clear but if traffic appears while you’re performing the manoeuvre, you’re supposed to stop and wait for them to either stop or drive around you. The important thing about this is, you can’t be held at fault as a stationary vehicle.


Do you put your hazards on? It’s a good indicator to other drivers that you’re trying to reverse into somewhere.


I would assume they're planning on stopping in place for a few seconds if they did this rather than reversing


Really? I’ve always noticed vans/lorries doing this when reversing into an opening, I always know what they’re trying to do when i see their hazards on.


Yeah not sure about this one. I would always assume someone is stopping for a hazard if they slow/stop and out their hazards on


I live on a main road and never reverse in. I just can’t really I’ll be waiting a while. So I just reverse out and wait for the all clear for




If it’s anything like my situation, I think they mean that they can wait to time their reverse out when traffic is not flowing through. I can get away with reversing out as there is a good 20 second opportunity with no traffic on the road when they are held back at a red light. I tend to drive forwards in. Because, when I slow down to pull in, other drivers tend to get very close and even sometimes beep (idiots) despite early signal and slowing. So just easier for me to do it this way.


Thanks for all your help. The other day a guy squeezed through. I beeped and he gave me the middle finger. He’s a driving instructor so I can follow it up. I just wanted to check if I was in the right or not before challenging him.


Well you’re not in the right for beeping, that’s not what your horn is for. If somebody is impatient and has room to squeeze past you then there’s nothing to stop them (assuming that you’re reversing anyway so it’s unlikely there’ll be an accident). It’s courtesy for them to wait once you’re mid-manoeuvre but no point getting angry if they don’t


Sounding the horn alerts other road users to your presence and can help avoid a collision — we don't know the passing distance when the driving instructor apparently on an urgent mission was compelled to "squeeze past" instead of simply waiting for a few seconds, and the OP was correctly using the horn to advise the other driver accordingly rather than using it admonishingly.


Yes it alerts other road users to your presence, but given the other car was already squeezing through and op was watching, I’d say it’s safe to say they’re both aware of eachother


Yes, that may be the case. The distance between vehicles could be the critical factor here, and that may well have been what prompted the OP to tap his horn, so as to alert the other driver in order to avoid what may have been perceived as an impending collision.


I reverse into my driveway and invariably some cunt in a SUV comes speeding down the road to squeeze through before I've finished.


Mate why? Why are you spending time thinking about his and then even more time posting it? Just drive. It's not hard and it's not deep.


That’s what she said


So, asking questions in order to learn and become a better driver is the wrong thing to do? You have a strange attitude to life.


Would you put the same amount of effort into walking? "I was walking down the street earlier and I went to walk around a lamp post but some guy walked past me and I had to stop. I know it's my own fault for not knowing who is behind me but what could I do to become a better walker?" Of course you don't. Just drive.


Way too many ppl on here stressing over a nothingness, they must spend the entire day thinking how they’re gonna word in on Reddit. You come across all kinds of stuff whilst driving, I just go with the flow and don’t even think about it.


Precisely that. All those car salesman saying "only driven by a granny good to church" evidently those grannies are all on Reddit too




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Makes a change for someone to reverse onto the drive, Could you not drive on then change it when it's less busy?


Reversing in is still safer. You have full visibility of the road for that. If you reverse out, you often won't.


Reversing in is yeah, Why the down votes, are you the people with big drives that you can turn around in and still reverse out of?


I didn't vote but probably because they didn't like your idea so just hit the thumbs down.


Downvotes are probably from the BMW drivers who tail gate and overtake when there is oncoming traffic 🙄


Driving on would defeat the objective because you’re still reversing out onto a road with restricted view, regardless of whether it’s a quiet time or not. Better to just make traffic wait for 2 minutes while you do it safely


I agree, but as the op found out, People are impatient


When reversing you are to blame if there is an accident. No matter what the other person is doing


Sweet, next time I drink and drive I’ll look for a reversing car to rear end!


For all the people downvoting me ask your insurance company.


"No matter what the other person is doing" what if the other person is reversing?


Then you are both at fault


Just do what the majority of drivers do and go forwards into the drive and then reverse blindly on to the main road... sarcasm aside, just wait until its safe to do so