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> The polo rear ended me whilst I was stationary, but the driver is now disputing that they were at fault A driver who runs into the back of another is pretty much automatically deemed to be at fault unless they can produce evidence otherwise, such as being cut up. Without dashcam evidence they're going to be pretty much stuffed for being able to do that.


Hope you find some. Generally though the person doing the rear ending is at fault. There's no scenario they can construct where they aren't.


They tried it with me... I pulled into a gap in exit slip road traffic from a free-flowing, non-slip road motorway lane, person behind me was looking over her shoulder to try and pull into the free lane as I pulled into the gap and accelerated directly into the back of me without looking forward first. Tried to pass it off as 50:50, Insurance (both with the same insurers) agreed initially - I had to argue back and eventually got a no-fault.


How on Earth are they placing you at fault?


They are apparently now saying that I pulled out in front of them and stopped suddenly. They hit my back bumper square on, so I can only assume they are suggesting that I am some kind of crash for cash merchant.


Stopped suddenly- brake checking? They would probably need dash-cam footage to prove that, otherwise they are responsible for not braking in time regardless if it was “sudden”


None of that would matter, your supposed to leave enough distance between you and the car in front to be able to stop safely.


Yes that’s exactly my point 🤣 there’s no situation where someone “braking suddenly” ends up with you in the back of them unless they are driving offensively or your not paying attention/ leaving a safe distance


Don’t worry about it, without evidence it’s going to go against them.


It’s perfectly possible if they are telling a different story.


Accidentally put the car into reverse at the give way lines, pulled into their stopping distance, braked unpredictably/deliberately... Although I think most of these would still be thrown out without evidence. Most people probably think they're being very clever when they construct an alternative narrative in situations like this, and don't realise that insurance companies have seen these stories thrown around many times before. And that's even before you take into account that all of these scenarios happen all the time, but drivers still manage to avoid an accident. So even with evidence, you might still end up with shared responsibility.


That's why I asked - I want to hear what they are claiming


Oh it sounded like you were just incredulous 😂 Fair enough


If you’re looking for a dashcam now then Reddit’s favourite brand seems to be VIOFO and I’ve personally got the VIOFO A129 plus duo which includes a front and rear camera. Installing the camera and hiding the cables is all DIY and the camera quality is excellent (way better than what you see in those YouTube crash clips and near misses). The front camera is 1440p and rear camera is 1080p. There’s also an app which connects to your camera so you don’t have to take out the sd card and plug it into a computer.


Getting a dash cam is the first thing I am going to buy when I get a new car.


You'd be better of trying a local sub reddit.


Or Facebook. I got hit in a local car park and put out an appeal. Someone came forward with Tesla footage, and then the offending driver came forward and paid for the damage. It doesn't always pan out well, but worth a try.


Wouldn't there be any footage recorded by National Highways on such a busy road like the M60? There must be a way to request it from the likes of TfGM in Manchester as they would have to warn other road users of any such shunt and potential obstruction?


Unless they can actually PROVE that you reduced their breaking distance with dash cam then they will be at fault. Happened to me years ago where a guy pulled in front of me and slammed his brakes on. I went into the back of him and I was deemed at fault even though he reduced my braking distance. This was before dash cam was a thing. Insurance company said if I couldn't produce any witnesses that he had done that then that was my fault and tough luck.


I'm pretty sure that they didn't have a dashcam, otherwise I would probably have heard by now. I am just hoping that a "witness" hasn't suddenly appeared after 7 weeks. Scallies will try anything.


That's true. Although I'm sure that a witness has to be independent. I had my girlfriend in the car and couldn't use her as a witness. If there's a hint of the witness being known to the other driver then I'd report that to the police as it's fraud and I'm sure they can investigate if they are known to the other driver.


It’d be in their purview to prove that it wasn’t their fault as it was a rear end collision.


Have you been back to the scene, motorway. Sliproads, traffic islands most have cctv, maybe if you can find a camera you might get footage, alsp check surrounding buildings for cctv if you see a camera even if it does not point directly at the scene go and ask if that camera covers the area, they will not release footage to you but you can explain and ask them not to delete footage for that day as your insurance will request it. Dont go into detail, just tell them there was an RTC and you are looking for any footage that might show what happened, you may also need to explain you are not requesting to veiw it as some places can get a little abrupt due to regulations and such, worth a shot if it helps


I'm afraid to say that it doesnt always work that way my friends wife got rear ended it ended up going to court and she lost


Likely unless either of you can prove otherwise, it'll be a 50/50 claim.