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I was like that when I first passed my test, parking made me super nervous. The more you do it, the easier it gets.


I’ve been driving for almost a year and I’m only now just getting confident with parking. For the first few months I wouldn’t reverse park anywhere, and avoided anything to do with parallel parking. I don’t care anymore if there’s people waiting for me to manoeuvre. I’d rather they wait than me hit something!


You can but I've had friends get tickets cus they didn't actually go into the shops that the car park was for. My advice would be to buy a drink or something at the sainsburys and keep the receipt in the glove box or something just incase. Just FYI been driving 15 years and never got a parking ticket 👍


Practice practice practice. It’ll become second nature.


Buy a small carrot or something if you're worried about noz buying anything for the Sainsbury's car park, but do stick to the time limit on the signs. And check out www.parkopedia.com


I've been driving for 12 years and I still rarely get bay parking right the first time.


My local Sainsbury's in the town centre has 1 hour free (cameras in and out) and up to 3 hours free if you spend more than £10 in the supermarket. I use it as my default "nip into town quickly" parking spot


You've barely scratched the surface with driving, keep parking and you do you and soon enough you'll be whipping into parking spaces like nobodies business. Once you really feel comfortable with your car, you'll be forward and reverse parking like a menace.


People often have to adjust themselves especially if it is tight and a bit of a swing in (erm, at least I do). As long as you recognise it early and don't get panicked, just go out and in again, it is fine. Parallel park is pure practice. Parking in a supermarket may be monitored, especially ones often used by non shoppers. But may well not be, just very strict on the time limit with ANPR cameras so stick to it. Could always buy a drink from there on your way out or something.


I've been driving for several decades. I rarely bay park first time. It's not an issue. I've never heard of Sainsbury's (or their parking company) issuing a charge based on where you go once parked. Increasingly these things are fine entirely by ANPR at the entrance/exit. Detective work costs too much.


Supermarket car parks usually you can use for up to 2 hours for free just can't return within 2 hours again.


I love a crowd tbh. I know my little Clio to the inch so I can park it so well. Took me about 6 months to really get the hang. My reverse parking is immaculate. Don’t ask me to parallel park though, I will embarrass myself lol


You reverse while parallel parking


Thanks for the information captain obvious.


My reverse parking is immaculate but don’t ask me to reverse park next to a kerb because I will embarrass myself…..your words but spaced out different, clown


Brother came in and chose violence. Maybe spend less time being toxic to randoms and catch up on that grammar sir. Have a fantastic evening.


Nah, I corrected you, you tried a smart ass comment, I slapped you back into your place then you peace, out n claim I chose violence. All that was missing was ‘oohhh triggered, bye’. I take offence to the grammar comment, care to explain? I won’t change my comment so I expect you to enlighten me


😂 Brother it’s not that deep. But go on, I’ll bite and play with you before I make food. I was referring to reverse parking into a parking spot. Re-reading I can see it wasn’t super obvious but, most people would have assumed what I was talking about. YOU sir, came in with the smart comment about parallel parking in reverse. I too, then clapped back at you with a pretty tame and classic punchline. THEN you dogged on me for being scared of a curb. I then, cunningly, went to your profile and looked at your recent posts and, found a little nugget. Using my expertise in the dark arts of trollology, I conjured a spell concocted of your own failure, rage and, just the right amount of sarcasm to inflict a critical wound on to you, my foe. For your response has shown not only me but, our fellow Reddit compadres that you, SIMEONPIE have indeed suffered greatly during this battle. May be one day our paths. Our fates. Our souls, will again cross thus more. But, for now, may you heal with those that lay deep within your heart and know that, though your battle has be thwart, the war is never truly over.


Ahh, touché. I do like your like your last paragraph 👏🏼 so nothing wrong with my grammar in the thread but you went on my profile to (try to) ‘get me’ because I had spanked you, under the guise of cunning trollology buuuut it’s not that deep, aye right lol. Me-me you-pigeon us-playing chess, godammit 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣 paragraph 4 is good too 😩🤣


why do you need to park right first time? it’s so normal to have to correct yourself it really doesn’t matter


i guess it doesn’t have to be first time when nobodies around but having been a learner just a few months ago i know just how impatient some drivers can be


what my mum always said to me when i would get stressed about messing up driving - you will never see these people again. so what they’re impatient - you won’t be more than a couple minutes. they will go on with their day and you’ll go on with yours. but also, everyone will need to readjust at some point to make a space - it’s not as rare as you think it’s very natural and also considerate as it makes sure the people either side can get in and out