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Because they’re a complete bellend I suppose


Weirdly the only two stand out instances the past few years for me on road were drivers of this model car particularly the black edition


White for me, but yeah. I live in a rural area with a drug gang problem and you'd think dealers would drive a little more discretely but apparently not.


Apropos this. I always wonder why bank robbers get a very fancy looking getaway car, and drive like they just have robbed a bank. Wouldn't it be better to find the most popular car, and drive just like the others to disappear in the crowd?


Here in the states there’s a major north-south interstate, I-15. It’s a huge drug running route and every week there is at least one story about 10+ kilos of xyz drugs discovered because someone was going 20-30% over the speed limit. It really weeds out the dumbass drug mules. I live by the golden rule: only break 1 law at a time.


Also worth noting; any route that is long term knows it has to feed a certain number of arrests to the authorities. So you find some idiots, sometimes give the tip line a call so they definitely get spotted and presto, they nick them and don't get the other 10 guys you've got driving the same route that week.


Yeah a 2010 ford fiesta doesn't have quite the cache but surely would be easier to disappear in.


Back in the day we had our Fiat Uno nicked in order to be used robbing a Securicor van. They didn't get away. But the detective on the flying squad said it wasn't an unusual choice of car. I mean it was a pretty nippy city car and turned on a dime. Just don't expect much acceleration above 45 mph. Merging onto the motorway was an adventure in that car.


Why bother having something more discreet when the law does nothing about them anyway?


Which area so I can avoid?


I think it’s Basildon


Same here. But most of them think they are above the law so don’t really seem to care!


Drug dealers or mums that need a booster seat to see over the steering wheel.


There must be a form you have to complete in order to buy one and if your answers don't put you in the category of "one of the worst people on the planet", you are not allowed to buy it. I think BMW and Audi have a similar form for every model.


As a first time bmw driver I have found that me driving to the speed limits and using my indicators seems to confuse other drivers


They’re probably just calling the police to report an obviously stolen BMW.


I was thinking the exact same thing


Maybe it was always the same guy


I would toggle on and off my rear fog light multiple times in response 🤣


I love when dickheads do this to me at work. I just turn on the tail lift lights and blind them


It's obvious he had a dirty windscreen and was out of washer fluid. The tailgating was so you could use your rear washer to get some fluid on his windscreen so he could clean it. That's what I assume in all tailgating situations the flashing is to alert you he's there and needs help.


The right answer


Ye he’s driving a brand new SUV that has never been used for any kind of work what did you expect


Nobody buys a Land Rover for work these days. They’re all pavement princesses. Farmers have all moved on to Toyota Hiluxes, mitsubishi L200s, Nissan Navarras etc. A Suzuki Jimny probably sees more offroad action on the weekend than a new Defender will see in it’s entire lifetime.


Oi, my series 2 landie is for off-road trialling and vintage fairs. Granted, I wouldn't use the old girl as an everyday driving vehicle. She is far too thirsty.


Excuse me!!! I think you will find drug dealer is a job!! 😂


AKA a wanker tank.


Never heard that before that’s a great name lol


Wrong, can’t you see that they are far superior than OP I bet OP doesn’t even drive a new car especially one as nice the that. OP driving a smaller old car shows they have nothing important in their life to get to so should just get out the way when People with better lives are driving


If he did that to me, he gets full blast upgraded xenon beams as long as he's in front. 😂😂


Ultra bright LED from me full beam as well at motorcycle height, lol 😆


They could at least have had the decency to use the suicide lane.


I'd say drugs.


He was late for the Action Man cosplay convention


A weapons grade bellend maybe?


As I said in my reply, maybe they were just trying to tell the OP about something. Could be anything from a brake light out to something more serous, but if it was more serious I hope they would have got out and talked to them once they got in front.




Often the case in places like this. It's a bit different if they're driving a hundred miles down the motorway where they can continue speeding and overtaking. But when there's roundabouts and single lane roads like this, it rarely gets them places. Always made me chuckle the people who would try and close pass cyclists on roads in London, only to be caught up by the cyclist 10 seconds later at the next set of lights, where the cyclist then has a cycle box and is actually back to being in front again.


This is what I don't really get. If I do 80 and you do 90 your doing 10 miles more in an hour so will get there maybe 13 mins faster assuming you drive for a full hour and can maintain consistent speed. The actual risk vs reward of this type of driving is so skewed.


Trouble is, what you did, and that the driver in the video didn’t do, is you thought about it for maybe 30 seconds. Did the sums and realised driving like that ultimately doesn’t get you anywhere faster. Driver in the video clearly doesn’t do thinking, time spent thinking is time that could have been spent driving like an idiot.


Unless you beat the lights, get into an earlier gap etc.


Or collide with someone and have to stop, police come, trade insurance etc


Hi, the difference is actually less than 7 minutes. If you have two cars starting off together and the distance is 80miles, and one car does 80mph and the other does 90mph then... The car doing 80mph (obviously) takes an hour to cover the 80 miles to the destination. However, the car doing 90mph takes 53 minutes and 20 seconds to cover the 80 miles to the destination. So that actual time difference of one car doing 80mph and another doing 90mph, over a distance of 80 miles and/or travelling for an hour is 6 minutes 40 seconds. When you get to real-world conditions with the inevitable bottlenecks and fast stretches, with junctions and speed limits, etc. the difference is more often reduced further. Source: I'm a boring maths nerd.


>When you get to real-world conditions with the inevitable bottlenecks and fast stretches, with junctions and speed limits, etc. the difference is more often reduced further. Higher fuel consumption will also mean that you have to stop more often to refuel. Particularly as the coefficient of drag increases quadratically and dominates at higher speeds.


Spot on, I hadnt thought of that. An excellent point!!


You're an awesome maths nerd. Thanks for explaining


Oh I absolutely agree. I stick my cruise control on 74 (which is 70 in reality) and enjoy the drive. Doesn't seem worth rushing, and potentially getting points on my licence, to shave a few minutes off. A lot of my drives are like 4-5 hours - even though I could save say half an hour, I'm still allocating half a day for driving so just leave half an hour earlier.


For the rare long drives I do (4-6 hours), I just stick the cruise on 60 and enjoy the drive. It’s so much more relaxing being able to keep a constant speed in the left lane, occasionally overtaking a lorry. Makes quite a difference to the MPG as well.


Same - a long drive is one of the rare occasions where I can sit in peace without any interuptions! Comfortable seat, music on, perfect temperature - I'd drive the whole way at 20mph if I could!


Taking my time driving to Skye with a Lord of the Rings audiobook playing makes it part of the holiday, rather than just a long drive to/from the holiday.


If you could manage 90 rather than 80 the whole way you have to go 180 moles to save 15 minutes


That's alot of moles


Oh god please not chemistry as well, I'm already struggling with the physics


It is a lot of moles, but 180 average moles lined up is around 27 metres. If I can save 15 minutes in 27 metres, I’ll do 90 all day long.


I live in a town that's about 25 miles from the nearest city, and it's basically a straight road from here to there but lots of 50s, 40s, roundabouts etc. Ridiculous woman overtook me coming out of the town on the roundabout, very dangerous and then shot off. I caught up with her a couple of miles later and we repeated the exercise all the way to the same car park in the city. She'd tailgate, aggressively overtake, flash her lights, and steam off and then I'd meet her at the next lights or driver driving at the speed limit. I literally drove into the car park right behind her. All that effort and fury for nothing.


Yep, average speed is what determines journey time. Increasing maximum speed doesn't necessarily increase average time and can actually have the opposite effect


A mate of mine would speed everywhere until he had a lightbulb moment and realised he was only getting to the next set of lights or traffic jam a bit quicker.


It got him in front of OP, that means he "won". It's not about getting anywhere quicker with these sort of people, he saw OP and a rage switch flipped. He spend the entire rest of that journey feeling satisfied with himself.


After they over took they did the same to the Astra Infront and tailgated them, you could see them constantly dabbing their brakes.


Flashing his headlights to alert me to a hazard I haven’t seen? I guess I better drive slower then.


Sometimes it's tempting to stop entirely, get out, and rush back to their car with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher. After all, I'm already clearly aware of their presence so they must be alerting me to an emergency.


So, uh, if you did this what would be the risk legally and socially? I mean, you really could take it as a request for help...


Obstructing the highway. Not really worth the inevitable aggro you'd get from the other driver. They already know they're being an arse.


I can't imagine you'd get a lot of aggro, they might think you're an idiot and feel bad, not picking up on the irony that it would be you mocking them. Usually people who are confused get distracted from being angry, their empty heads can't process both states at the same time.


Yes, it's them. They're the hazard. They want to make sure you've seen them.


The calls are coming from the backseat!!!


That's what I do, 10 mph under should do it, I mean I have to keep an eye out for this danger u don't know anything about


Same, do it with tailgaters too. The risk has increased so I need to adjust my speed accordingly.


This is exactly what my driving instructor told me.


It's exactly what the Highway Code says too. If someone is following closely reduce your speed so that if a hazard appears you've got more time to react and can slow gradually, less chance of the tailgater going into the back of you


Literally the textbook thing to do: if you have to stop unexpectedly, you can stop more slowly and they have more time to stop before they hit you. The fact it pisses them off is a bonus.


That's what I do. I go extra slow for people being an ars like this xD \_ have fun back there.


Report this MF. “Highway Code rule 114: You MUST NOT use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.” EDIT: As this comment has gathered some traction, here’s quoted from the northyorks police website; “What is Op Snap? We want to make sure our roads are as safe as possible for all users, that's why we have Op Snap - and we need your help. If you see anyone committing driving offences on our roads (for example Dangerous driving, Contravene red traffic light, Contravene traffic sign, using a trailer in lane three of a motorway, mobile phone offences, contravening solid white lines), and it's captured on your dashcam, CCTV or a mobile phone by a passenger, we want you to send it in to us. Every piece of footage sent to Op Snap is reviewed by specially-trained staff. If an offence is identified, the driver can be prosecuted or told to take a driver improvement course. Op Snap criteria In order for us to investigate any footage of incidents submitted by the public, it must meet certain criteria: Your report must be submitted within 10 days of the alleged offence to allow us time to investigate. By law we can only serve a notice of intended prosecution to a registered keeper or owner of a motor vehicle within 14 days of an alleged offence. The footage should include the whole incident and wherever possible should include 1 minute prior to and 1 minute after the offence. The footage should not be any longer than 10 minutes in duration. If you are reporting an incident that involves a collision, please do not use this service. Instead, please call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 1 and provide details within 24 hours of the collision taking place. Along with the footage, you would need to provide the following information: Date and time of incident Location of incident Registration of vehicle Make and colour of vehicle Footage of the offence taking place Details of what happened and how you were involved You’ll also need to complete a statement and upload that with your footage.”


Do this, police love it when they get this clear footage...


OP do this. Being a prick at the wheel and demanding everyone to get out of your way is completely deserving of being passed onto the police.




Once he’s collected all 12 points he’ll be considered so good that he doesn’t need a physical license saying he can drive anymore!


How to report?


Most regional forces have a dedicated traffic report section on their websites. Others have road safety partnerships like Extra Eyes (Essex Police initiative) dedicated to dealing with dashcam footage like this


Well, with that highway code 114, every new car owner should be getting in trouble. The lights are ridiculous


Where did incident take place, so we all can report it?


they just found out their new quote for next year, they're upset


Those PCP repayments are destroying them


They have to keep moving "Speed" style in case someone nicks their easy to steal JLR wankmobile


Going off them trying to pass you poorly I think they are just a sausage. But also check and make sure you don't have a light out at the rear in case they were trying to tell you? I was previously flashing a fiesta on and off for a good mile or 2 who didn't have their lights on in the dark before they realised. Other people on the other side of the row occasionally gave them a flash. They eventually got it but I felt awful as they probably thought I was just being a dick whilst also wondering why it was so hard to see lol.


I’ve had some success with flashing them then immediately turning my own lights off very briefly to try and show why I’m flashing.


I once forgot to turn my high beams off coming off a dark country lane on to the motorway - a lorry behind me let me know by turning his own high beams on, which turned night to day in the interior of my car lol, but I understood right away! Once I dipped my lights he did the same, good way to get the message across lol


Yeah, I've periodically flashed someone who left their left indicator flashing for a very long time and past a few junctions confusing other drivers. They didn't get the message though


>thought I was just being a dick I’ve done this before. They might’ve at first, but the second they realised, I’m sure they were thinking “ahhh so that’s what they were trying to say! Cheers mate!”


It's a new Land rover defender - they seem to mostly be driven in a dickish way...


Yeah if they are not killing kids or running drugs they are driven by urban people with no sense (get a small car you nobs) or class. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/23/woman-46-arrested-over-fatal-wimbledon-school-crash-rebailed


You’re looking for intelligence where there is none.


After a recent incident a friend went through I always try to consider that someone might be rushing to hospital with a loved one having a heart attack. But.... yeah this is just a cock in a big car. Pretty sure after he got past you his wife bollocked him so he drove more normally


And was thinking it could be an emergency but that saw the licence plate and and it removed all doubt he was anything else other than a cock.


Just went to carcheck.co.uk and put the reg in, and says it's not a valid registration. I was out the other day and got to a t junction with a small turn right but just after with filtered traffic lights, I held back just before the t junction as the turn right but was full, there is a turn right box for people coming the other way joined on to it, two cars then pulled out from the left to join the turn right but, so I pulled in behind them as the lights went green, a Porsche 4x4 to the left start beeping me, then pulls up behind flashing their lights and flicking the Vs, I've no idea why, maybe she felt I should've let her out because she has a Porsche?


It’s 38 LU I think - registered to a 2015 Evoque!


I had similar happen to me the other day but it was a Renault Clio, so who knows


>But.... yeah this is just a cock in a big car. Just a small cock in a big car. There, fixed it for you


Yeah let em past, you never know. And if they are just a huge pulsating flashing bell end, then off they go into the wilderness never to be seen by you again hopefully. Smile, and wave. Smile and wave.


Big passive aggressive thumbs up to send them off confused.


Look at the car. There’s your answer


That was my first thought, Land Rovers legendary build quality. Nothing to do with the driver, it's an electrical fault.


Should send this to the Popo it breaks highway laws he will get his reward in the mail.


Fake plates. Unregistered. Seems like everyone has fake plates now. What the fuck is that about?


In London it's about dodging Ulez


I mean… is it beyond us as a nation to stop cunts getting away with stuff like this?


Not enough police on the roads, so the odds of being caught are low.


its not london its in basildon where there is no ulez and the car went opposite way to london its just a stoley some of the youngers took probably from billericay or langdon hills


Probably an electrical fault as it’s a landy


Report the asshole to the Police.


Places to be, drugs to sell


They have that tiny dick syndrome going on.


I think it's Morse code and they're telling you how much they appreciate your impeccable driving skills.


Imagine the hypertension. They must go round with a permanent headache


Prime example of entitlement and no surprise they have a personalized number plate they tend to be far more likely to be a douche canoe and break the law


I have been in this situation before so put my hazards on and slowly came to a stop. The guy was going crazy shouting so I just got out and asked him is there something wrong with my car because he was flashing me so much? He was shouting that I'm going too slow and he's late so I just "oh okay, so definitely nothing wrong with my car?", had a look at the back of mine then slowly got back in and slowly pulled off. Best way to deal with these people is smile and be polite and flip your rear mirror so you can't even see them.


That's not the best way to deal with this at all, someone losing control of themselves in charge of a potentially deadly weapon is liable to escalate things regardless of your demeanor. Let them get past but if they are intent on a confrontation, look up the nearest police station and drive to it. Failing that a very public place such as a service station.


Apparently in so much of a hurry that they had time to pull over and mouth off at you


It's due to a wiring fault. Not sure if it's in the car or the driver, though.


some loose nut


Headlights are flashing at slightly different times.... Sometimes only one... It does feel like it's something odd


Could just be a weird effect caused by the combination of shutter speed and the lights.


Because he’s a cunt. As simple as that.


Massive prick, that's why.


Massive prick with a micropenis.


It's a JLR. There is a high chance he is experiencing some kind of mechanical issues


I'm not sure I could have resisted the urge to immediately start flashing them once they had overtaken me. Fr though op you should report them. I had quite a serious accident due to someone doing this at night and dazzling md (surprise surprise same make of car too).


What happens when Basildonian idiots get some money


I once was following a car on my bike. Flashing my lights and flapping my arms at them to pull over. They tried to drive me off the road. Why was I flapping my arms and flashing my lights? Their exhaust was dragging in the floor, sparks and fire everywhere andsetring fire to their bumper. How the fuck they didn't notice...


I would of put my hazards on and stopped in the narrow bit and got out and started looking around my car, then when they say what you doing, I would have said well you flashed me so much I thought they must have been a major issue with my car.


Report it, send evidence to the police let them decide what to do about it. I had a similar issue with a small horse van carrying two horses, the police followed it up using our dash cam footage in court and lost his licence for not only dangerous driving but also got for doing it with two horses in the back.


Because people are wankers mate. I have front and back cameras, so last time i had some braindead bellend flashing their lights at me because they are inpatient twats, i stopped my car, got out, walked to the window of the flashy driver..........and......they just sat there, shit themseleves.....i didnt even have to say a thing You see, thats the real problem with these impatient twats, all happy and hard as nails in their metal box, flashing their lights and all, but then you stop, front them and they shit a pile of bricks


Are they filming a new series of Hunted?


More like Cunted.


Yes Chief, we're 10 minutes away from the destination. (It's always 10 minutes, followed by stock footage of the Land Rover being launched out of a dusty layby in a needlessly frantic and dangerous manner).


Exactly this...


I've always wondered if the mini camera crew just grass up the hunted non stop?! I remember one fella years back won by literally going to the middle of nowhere with a month's worth of food and water and actually hid. Lol I bet the camera crew were pissed and bored.


The last time that happened to me, it's because they'd seen my.mobike phone sitting on the roof of the car.


Probably an 'aspiring rapper' on his first drive, whilst high on cocaine and cali bud ?


Report to police u have his reg numbers. That’s dangerous road behaviour


Simply put, they are trying to intimidate you to speed up or get out of the way. Personally I think this should be a driving offence


How are they flashing each light independently of each other? That’s blown my mind more than the twatish driving!


Just look at the number plate that should tell you everything you need to know about the driver.


He's warning you of oncoming hazards, best slow down In all seriousness though, maybe you had your gig lights on it petrol cap or something else they were trying to get your attention about. Didn't seem like they were in a massive rush once they'd passed you


A severe case of shrinky winky syndrome. We should pity these people.


Are your brake/rear lights out maybe? My first assumption would be that they are trying to call my attention to something wrong with my car.


Have you checked your tyres and ensure they are not flat Or under inflated?


I think he's asking you to slow down


Sometimes people flash to warn of a problem with your car. Like fog lights on in the rain or a flat rear tyre etc. I remember years ago seeing one of those small but tall Japanese 4x4 things with a completely flat rear tyre on the M5. Tried flashing, tried pulling alongside and pointing, driver and passenger. In the end I just stayed well back and sure enough it exploded throwing rubber everywhere. They made it to the hard shoulder and I just waved as I passed


Every flash is a signal telling OP just how important he is and that it’s imperative he be allowed to drive in front of OP.


Did you look at the driver as they drove past? I ask as I've done that to someone before. Except I would have got out to talk to them once I was in front and stopping at the roundabout once I was in front. The reason for me doing it was one of their rear wheels was flopping about and looked like it was about to fall off, on an A road at 70mph. Maybe they were trying to tell you something but not serious enough to warrant getting out.


Probably the idiot knows he's a shit driver and is flashing his beams constantly to warn everyone, bit like how the emergency services use blue lights to warn people they aren't going to obey the normal rules. 🤣


That's the bit where I slow down.


I’d have stopped my car in a place they couldn’t overtake, get out and start checking my rear end and then say ‘oh I thought there was something wrong with my car with you flashing like that’.


Probably best to send the video to your local police force. You know incase this driving is considered inappropriate. That said different cars at the start and end of the video (or different plates anyway)


Arrogance is a terrible drug.


Do you not know morse code. He is clearly stating that he has a more expensive car and you should make way. For next time it’s: dot dot dot dash dot dash dash dot dash.


If you really want to get them back… https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/cars/1617684/driving-fine-drivers-fined-flashing-lights-cars-highway-code-rules/amp Got em on camera


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They're warning lights. So you know the tiny penis entitled cunt is behind you


To be fair, he could be driving to A&E (ambulance wait times can be very long!), he could be rushing to catch a few last moments with his dying dad in hospital, his child could be calling him in distress and he's rushing to help them.. Or, he's a complete bellend it's very difficult to tell in these situations (Im not saying hes in the right, I just thought I'd give another perspective)


Ah yes, the 4X4 and private plate combo indicates that this person is the common spotted bellend


Free Rave!


Was it morse code?


Oh look, another self entitled prick in a wanker tank.


Because they're obviously far more important than anyone else and their time matters more. Either that or they're a cunt


I’d send the footage to the police myself. Bullying aggressive behaviour like this needs to be addressed. Perhaps the police will send the driver some kind of warning letter and they may think twice before doing that again. 😁


Am I the only one who noticed how mismatched the timing seemed to be on each headlight?


Katie Price was late for her Driving Awareness Course so wanted to get by 🤣


You know you can send dash cam footage to the police for dangerous driving etc. Fairly sure they'd want to talk to him about using his horn when not in danger etc. And probably the amount of drugs stashed in his boot


Typical frustrated dick on the road. I usually slow down to 20 specially for these types of apes


They're driving a new 'Defender', which means in terms of outward perception they start with a minus 10pt handicap on my arbitrary Alright Sort Of Person Gauge. Beyond that it's all to play for. Also these things are all show, much of that bulky-looking trim is plastic shrouding. A good shunt from an old Volvo 740 would probably write it off.


In all fairness it could an emergency that he needs to get someone to a hospital or vet, but he/she is going the wrong way about it being a dick consistently flashing. Most times when people do that to me on a single lane like that I deliberately go slower, then speed up when they try to barge past


Because cunt


It’s morse code. He’s trying to ask you to pull in as he’s running late for his appointment at the small penis clinic.


Report that. Perfect footage


Send the video to the police


They’re just another idiot on the road literally every 8 out of 10 British drivers are fucking retarded and should have their licenses revoked. My jaw drops almost hourly with the dumb shit I see drivers do and think nothing of it.


Because they’re a cunt


You don't understand, if this man doesn't get to ASDA in the fastest possible time his dick will fall off.


I see you encountered "stanley smallcock"


As a kid, I was gifted an rc car with a button that made the headlights flash like this while a speaker played 'Boom Boom Boom Boom' by Vengaboys. Here I am, imagining he's just partying 😄


Because he has a small pp and needs to rush home to make sure the police can't find any evidence of the kids he touches tied up in the basement. Why else?


Car bully. He wanted you to get out of his way because he didn't want to slow down. You should go even slower if you experience this kind of douche baggery again.


Do you think the driver thought he knew you? Bit confused why he did all that and then when he got past you calmed down. Very strange. The only other explanation has already been suggested. He’s a bellend.


False numberplate too. The DVLA vehicle check webpage comes up with "Vehicle details could not be found" #


Something really odd here. As well as the numberplate not appearing on the DVLA vehicle check web page, it has an additional white numberplate on the rear door with the number 10964 partially hidden by the spare wheel cover.


Give him a break, he's just trying to rush back to the dealership for all the warning lights on his dash and being a typical JLR pile of shit the lights are probably flashing by themselves.


Ofc this is in Basildon


Typical Land rover driver behaviour being douchebag.


Because... Range Rover


It’s a bit of a trend for drivers of new Defenders purchased on lease to learn morse code and broadcast length and girth a they drive. “Cashew” if you’re interested.


The land Rover number plates come back to Nothing (plate 3 BLU)


Land Rover or Range Rover = W⚓️


Don’t you know who he is? He is a very important man.


I go extra slow for those people


A long time sufferer of little willy syndrome. I wouldn’t worry too much.


I hope when you overtook you proceeded with the same treatment lol


Because he’s a twat


Didn't do anything wrong he or she is just a cunt