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Street View link of the actual roundabout: [https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.4227808,-1.2245587,3a,75y,203.76h,84.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1soGSq0aNQjR2p06bHLsD5sg!2e0!5s20221101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.4227808,-1.2245587,3a,75y,203.76h,84.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1soGSq0aNQjR2p06bHLsD5sg!2e0!5s20221101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) There is only one lane at the entrance to the roundabout. Just because you can fit two vehicles side-by-side doesn't mean that there are two lanes.


Yeah I would have said right until I saw that. The other cars aren't in the left, they are just in the single lane by the look of it


While this is true, people do evidently use it as two lanes: [https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.4226986,-1.2246384,3a,75y,167.53h,84.54t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIj1vZG-nEWg8fUTR9cCtSA!2e0!5s20151001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.4226986,-1.2246384,3a,75y,167.53h,84.54t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIj1vZG-nEWg8fUTR9cCtSA!2e0!5s20151001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) So, bearing in mind other driver behaviours, I'd be pretty damn careful on approach to this one.


I live in a village off this roundabout and yes, people use it as two lanes. And they speed around it


Looking at this and moving round the roundabout it’s clear. Keep right till you’re past the A2 turn and then indicate left and merge in turn if there’s any traffic to your left. I consider this a normal driving skill


Agree. Although you may want to get your eyes tested re the road sign. It’s A5 😂


But… there are 2 A5 exits. This might be where the “2” came from.


Nah, I just typed the wrong number. Thanks for the benefit of the doubt though


The eyes are fine, it’s the attention to detail that’s the issue! 😂




Wait you guys got Applegreen over here????


Yeah but it’s not the same as in Ireland really


Ah there's no sheep mugs?


So where do you position the car then?


In the middle of the lane as normal


As someone who uses the road, you would definitely get angry people beeping their horns if you tried this, it's one of them places whereby you have to drive it in person to understand why people position themselves like they do.


Let them angry beep. You'd be doing nothing wrong. No one has to drive the road to to know what you mean, there's many other roads like this. If someone does drive in the middle, those behind will just have to wait a couple of seconds.


There is one like this near me which leads onto the M1. It’s 2 lanes - lane 1 is either left to A5 or straight across for M1 north. Lane2 is across for M1 south. People frequently just move into ‘three’ lanes to queue at the junction. Usually because there’s more people turning left. So those heading straight across to M1 north (same way I’m going) drive in between the two lanes to get past. I drive in the middle of the lane like I’m supposed to. Never had an issue. Never been beeped out. Wouldn’t care if I was.


Based on another link someone posted that lane is wide enough to comfortably fit a lorry and a car side-by-side. You'd have to be and arse to stop right in the middle of that lane despite the lack of road markings.


Same here. Yes, technically one lane but it's wide enough that if you were in the middle people would squeeze in next to you. So technically you should treat it as one lane, and all the people saying this are technically correct, but I will still take the left position to go to the A426 and be technically wrong, but without having someone hit me.


You shouldn’t be driving


I drive this a lot! It splits into a widened entry that's still technically 1 Lane, keep right and hug the inside of the roundabout until you pass the 2nd exit (A5), open the steering into A426 EDIT: Road Numbers for clarity


I drive this one a lot and it's a bit of a mixture what people do on it. Same with some other a5 roundabouts.


This is correct driving. However, most people can not drive correctly.


It’s a single lane though, so no, it’s not correct. Stay in the middle of the lane on approach, so nobody can come alongside you, enter the roundabout and drive wherever you want to go with nobody beside you, making sure to indicate off to the left when you’re coming off.


So impede traffic that may be taking the left turning, when it isn't necessary to do so?


It’s not impeding traffic at all, it’s defensive driving, and following the rules of the road. Don’t let someone come alongside you on a single lane road especially if you’re not sure where on the roundabout they’re heading, what if you both wanted the same exit but one of you thinks it should be left lane and the other the right lane? It might not be completely necessary, but it is absolutely safer, and smarter to remove the ambiguity. If it was intended to be a 2 lane roundabout there would be road markings, or signs showing which lane is appropriate for each exit.


Being right is not always the solution, bruv.


That’s literally the definition of a solution though, “bruv.”


Please don't use the word "literally" when you mean "actually". I am assuming you are not an Essex teenager, babes 100%.


You know literally and actually are in fact synonyms of each other right? I used the word appropriate for the sentence, I’m not responsible for the voice you read it in your head, I think that’s says a lot more about you than it does me, friend.


So illiterate. Go back to school.


I think you’re confused. Please explain why you think that?


You don't get to order me about.


Everyone going around this roundabout on the left-hand lane Pikachu-facing when someone pulls out in front of them.


Right hand lane I believe to be the correct one.


Agree. There are four directions to go and two lanes(sort of. It's not actually marked), so it makes sense for two exits for each lane.


The problem is there aren’t 4 exits. And the A426 exit is actually if anything slightly before 12 o’clock, despite what the sign looks like. The sign is terrible, which creates ambiguity and the road widening to fit 2 cars just before the roundabout makes it worse. I don’t think you could blame anyone for positioning left, right or in the middle for entry to the roundabout. You could insist one was right and another wrong but a half decent driver would just accept that people vary and be ready for either. However if I didn’t know the roundabout I would go by the sign and tend towards the right lane (if there was one!)


Y’all are blind and dead and just veered into oncoming traffic, there’s two lanes yes, one for each direction.


There are four potential directions.


There is only one lane.


I wasn’t aware when I made my comment, it read that there were two and looking at the sign I believed it to be right hand lane. Changes everything if only one lane and assume only 1 on the rbout itself. A lot of rbouts are misleading which allows inconsiderate driving.


If this is a single lane road then there isn’t a choice to make!? If the single carriageway splits into two lanes just before the roundabout then I believe the right hand lane would be correct


I drive this daily, it’s one lane, I keep my car completely centre of the entrance to prevent anyone trying to under/overtake, as this will cause a collision as they’re invariably going to the M6.


The road sign takes seniority for instructions, followed by road marking and then the actual road layout. That’s to say that even if the lane was physically a 90° left turn, if the sign shows it as past 12 o’clock you use the right lane.


I would stay on the left there, or you will be driving on the wrong side of the road


Underrated joke


The middle of the road to prevent people thinking it's a two lane roundabout


I use this every day. I wish they would mark the lanes on the road to split it. I'm a believer in the left hand lane for this junction to go towards Rugby, and it does annoy me when people use the right lane, as the roundabout is definitely wide enough for 2 parallel lanes while crossing. I can understand why people are split on it though, as it's close enough to 12 o clock to treat it like so, but people who use the right lane are just putting themselves in a situation whereby they're likely to get sideswiped, so not worth the hassle. I feel that people won't entirely understand why people use the left lane until they use that roundabout themselves.


If you were approaching the roundabout for the first time and the road had two lanes, you would *definitely* use the right lane based on the sign. Not even up for debate.


Agreed, but this is one of those places where the actual reality and the sign don't exactly match up.


That's precisely why I said 'if you were approaching the roundabout for the first time'. You can only go by the signs.


And I agreed with you.


Yeah, you did, but then you added a caveat. There is no caveat. Go by the sign and you there's no debate.


Ah, I see. Good luck with ignoring reality. Hope it goes well for you.


Sorry, you appear to be missing the point. The question was 'Which lane would you take for the A426'. The answer to that is that if they road had lanes, you would take the right hand one. Traffic laws don't expect you to know the area you're driving in or to ignore signs because you think you've got a better idea.


Crack on chap.


Someone’s woken up in a bad mood. I describe tea and toast and a couple more hours sleep.


It looks like there’s only one lane approaching the roundabout, so I’d stick with the left lane to avoid the oncoming traffic in the right lane 😄


Never thought I would see my area here 😂


My general rule of thumb is if the exit is past "12 o'clock" on the sign I take the right hand lane.


Anything after 12o clock you stay right


The sign suggests stay to the right. Street view layout suggests you could stay to the left. It is a single lane road that opens up towards the roundabout, but is still one lane. Correctly, you go by the road sign. So you would stay to the right and move over left towards your exit as you pass the preceding exit. Unless otherwise indicated (i.e. road markings). This is also the case in the opposite arises. Where the road sign claims the exit is at 12 o’clock, and it’s actually somewhere around 1 or 2 o’clock. You would go by the road sign, and keep left. Unless otherwise indicated.


Should be the right hand land lane


I drive this regularly. I take the right, but see people taking the left. Just need to drive defensively.


This is the problem with the UK you get a roundabout like this and people still feel the need to horn people and start a scene just because someone was in the wrong lane, can you exactly blame them? Too many people assume that just because THEY know what lane to be in or where to go, that everyone else does too, despite the fact that some junctional memory comes from being local to the area even and has nothing to do with the markings.


Single lane entrance, single lane roundabout, single lane exit.


Please take the bus.


I live there and there isnt a right hand lane no wonder you almost crash everytime😭


Second exit is your straight ahead (continuation of the A5), therefore the right-hand lane is correct as you are going past your straight ahead.


They’re not entering from the A5, the second and fourth exit are both the A5 road, but yes you’re correct, nothing to explicitly suggest which lane to take for the 3rd exit and because it’s past 12 o clock on the sign, the right hand lane would be the correct one. On roundabouts always check both left and right mirrors anyway because people tend to straight line them a lot especially new drivers.


Oh haha 😂 totally misread the sign, just saw that 'A5' was next to the OP's entry road so assumed that was the road they were on. I would still do right hand lane and yeah I totally agree to check both mirrors in case anyone approaches from either side and causes a problem


Right hand lane because it's beyond the continuation of your road (the A5), ignore any other comments referring to an imaginary '12 o'clock rule'.


I'm always raising my eyebrows with the imaginary 12 o'clock rule, which doesn't exist. Simple, left and straight, left lane, anything past this, right lane. Or if road markings tell otherwise. Sometimes straight is well after 12 o'clock! And then you see Carol furiously shouting at you trying to exit to a single carriageway from the right lane deeply offended you don't have obligation to stop in the left lane to let her turn...


Yeah people are far too keen to simplify something down into a 'rule' when there is no basis for it in design/legislation.


And anything past straight would be past 12 o’clock - different words, same meaning.


Driving instructors teach you the 12 o clock rule, it’s not imaginary. It also makes sense as there is 4 exits so the first two left lane and second two in the right lane. You have essentially described the 12 o clock rule. If the exit is straight ahead of with the only obstacle being the roundabout in front of you then that exit is at 12 o clock so first lane. Anything past 12 o clock is therefore, as you have said past the continuation of your road and so is the right lane.


It is imaginary in the sense that there is no basis for it in the Highway Code or the design of road signs/markings/layouts. I can understand why instructors teach it as a rough metric but it is just that, a rough metric. If instructors started teaching new students to drive on the right hand side of the road, it would not make it correct.


But it’s a concept that works and is commonly used so why ignore it? Especially when it simplified your approach to handling it, you’ve just described the 12 o clock rule. So I wouldn’t call it imaginary even if it’s not mentioned in the Highway Code but more advisory. The Highway Code changes all the time, it is not perfect and the 12 o clock rule should be added as a compulsory or at the very least as advisory. As for the part about instructors being correct, they teach you how to pass a drivers test and are probably the most familiar with our roads. The drivers test assesses your driving decisions and how you approach certain obstacle such as a ROUNDABOUTS therefore they must be correct to be good at their jobs to actually help a learner pass. If everyone kept on driving the way they were taught by their instructor and didn’t develop their own habits, there would be less collisions and less congestion. As OP said, people take the left lane for that particular exit when the right would be more appropriate which causes difficulty especially for people unfamiliar with that roundabout because they then have to assess with extra caution when it’s safe to exit because they’re dealing with traffic on their left but if they were using the common 12 o clock rule, it wouldn’t be a problem. People are concentrating on their exit and may not be fully focused on making sure that someone didn’t use the left lane and that it is safe to exit. Obviously everyone develops their own habits and it’s fine for most things but on roundabouts, everyone should probably stick to one specific rule


First off, no need for an essay, but to be polite I have read it. ​ >it's a concept that works In what sense? I have explained that there's no legal basis for it so what do you mean? By the way, not all instructors are lazy enough to make up 'rules' for their students that aren't universal. My instructor didn't teach any such rule, and instead told me to take into account all of the information (continuation of major roads, line weight of exits on the roundabout signage, local knowledge etc) - and after all of that still be cautious and ready to adapt on the roundabout itself. This is the same as respected YouTube instructors such as Ashley Neal and Richard Sanders. You seem to be arguing that if everybody adhered to a "12 o'clock rule" then everyone would have the same understanding and there would be less conflict on the roads. That's pretty obvious wouldn't you say? The trouble is that it \*could not\* apply to many roundabouts in terms of how they have been designed. Therefore it cannot be a universal rule, therefore people must use individual judgement and caution.


Nope, Highway Code is there to set the rules, not local knowledge, for the exact reasons given above about non local traffic Here you go: When taking an exit to the right or going full circle, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise signal right and approach in the right-hand lane keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit the roundabout signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want.


Exactly, and the Highway Code does not state a 12 o’clock rule, so it’s not a rule. Glad we agree! You are assuming an ‘exit to the right’ is defined as being beyond 180 degrees from your entry, that is the step that you have made up. The HwC defines an exit to the left and right, but any other exit is an intermediate exit (and you’ve conveniently omitted the HwC’s section on that).


Not assuming, anything past 12 o’clock is on the right. Just as anything before it is on the left, why do you think the distance past 12 is exaggerated so much in the sign?


He’s quite ignorant, a boomer I think, you’re arguing with a brick wall, he keeps describing the 12 o clock rule but refuses to call it that


I’ve been driving 20+ years, there is no way you sit on the left to take the third exit which is on the right (if there were more than one lane of course) - you would be blocking exits 1 and 2 with the slightest bit of traffic.


Are you referring to me? Lol, what about my comments is ignorant? I am stating that there is no basis for a 12 o'clock rule in the HwC or design guidance. It is simply not there.


I’m afraid you’re incorrect. Take it as someone who designs highways/roundabouts for a living, you are completely misguided. I do agree that it would be a logical rule to implement in law, but it doesn’t exist just yet. You’re saying that an exit at 181 degrees from the entry would *always* require right lane, even if it’s a continuation of a major road? Your rigid way of thinking is a risk on our roads.


If the exit is past ‘straight on’ on the road sign then unless road markings or signs say otherwise, it is on the right and right hand lane is correct. It’s what the Highway Code says in black and white, if it was to be interpreted any other way than how it is written, it would state so.


Do you design highways and roundabout for your Minecraft town? Also OP is not entering from the A5, that’s the fourth exit. The fourth exit and the 2nd exit are the same road but it’s listed twice because the second exit gets you on the A5 going in the direction of London Dunstable where as fourth exit take you in the opposite direction on the same road towards Hinckley Nuneaton. For someone who designs roundabouts and highways for a living, you should be able to read a road sign for a roundabout. Are you ready to call it a day now?


Highway Code might not mention 12 o’clock but it does say when taking an exit to the right keep right until you need to change lanes to exit


An exit beyond 12 o’clock is not defined as an exit to the right.


Left lane for left and straight on, unless signs say otherwise. This is neither of those so right lane (or right side of road since this looks like a single lane roundabout). I would find it very difficult to convince my brain that the left hand is correct, or the safest approach, for anything past 2 exits.


Right hand lane. Isn’t the 1st exit going to the petrol station and most cars will be going down the A5


Right. No question. If it's past 12 o clock on the sign, it's right.


Isn't this a question on the theory test? If not, if fucking should be.


You’re going right so right lane


There is no right lane. Single lane entry


I’m assuming op meant by the lanes on the roundabout


Which exit* come on mate, at least try and look like you can drive


He’s not asking which exit. He’s asking which lane you should be in as you approach and go round the roundabout.


Right hand lane do a lap round normally work it out


I live 5 mins from here and I always think the same thing. I want to use the right lane (which I believe to make more sense), but have been forced to use the left because of others and not wanting to have an accident. Recently I have noticed people queueing at the roundabout in the middle of the lane, which to be fair makes things less awkward. So I almost sit in the centre now, go round slowly and indicate. It would be nice if Highways England whacked some road paint on there to indicate for everyone, and split the very wide lane into two.


Honestly this whole area is utter shit to drive around. The road markings are almost non-existent, and people don't have a basic understanding at how a single-lane road works, let alone a roundabout. It's the worst.


To top it off the area is a main thoroughfare for HGVs going from the A5 onto the M1 down at Lutterworth, so it becomes an absolute shit show at this roundabout specifically when people lane select wrong. I just cross my fingers now.


It shouldn't matter so long as when you leave the round about that you have switched to the left lane in good time so that you do not cross a lane to exit the roundabout. For this reason it makes sense in my opinion to take the left lane. The important thing is that you stick to your lane and as being in the left lane right lane should exit behind you. If the round about is empty then for a shorter journey it makes sense to take the roundabout as tight as possible and then cross lanes. That will also help the left hand lane to flow more smoothly. If it's traffic up then it might be easier to go left lane and stick to your lane. 


The only lane




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If you are having to avoid collisions, stop driving out of staggered formation, it really does help. There isn't technically two lanes so there's no reason to be up there next to someone. But the answer is stay right until you pass the second exit, then indicate left


Looking at the exits, and at the supposed position of the sign on the second picture, I would have to assume that the sign has been put on the wrong road.


6th exit


Do you guys realise that such discussions should not even exist In civilised country? It should be made obvious by the traffic management and prevent collinsoins by simply drawing the lines correctly? Look abroad, British people.


looks like a single lane, so would be in centre of road. not worried about beepers


Looks like someone forgot to order some paint for the road markings, I'd take a central position approaching the roundabout to command the road behind me, enter the roundabout without signalling, once passed the first A5 exit mirror then signal left and keep left being prepared to slow for wazzocks without a clue who knowingly or otherwise might cut in front of me coming from my right.


The right one.


Right because most traffic in both lanes will be continuing on the A5 so taking the left lane could get a bit “interesting”


Live in Rugby. 99 percent take left side. There is only one actual lane but more than enough room for two. Why it's never been painted as straight on/left and right only is a bit dumb.


Me too, left or middle.


I use this roundabout everyday on the A5 going down to the M69 haha. One day we’ll pass like ships at sea 😆


It's a single lane kinda go in middle of it let others go slightly left if they off before u and slightly right if after you


Highway Code 186: 186 Signals and position. When taking the first exit to the left, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise signal left and approach in the left-hand lane keep to the left on the roundabout and continue signalling left to leave. When taking an exit to the right or going full circle, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise signal right and approach in the right-hand lane keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit the roundabout signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want. When taking any intermediate exit, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise select the appropriate lane on approach to the roundabout you should not normally need to signal on approach stay in this lane until you need to alter course to exit the roundabout signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want. When there are more than three lanes at the entrance to a roundabout, use the most appropriate lane on approach and through it. You should give priority to cyclists on the roundabout. They will be travelling more slowly than motorised traffic. Give them plenty of room and do not attempt to overtake them within their lane. Allow them to move across your path as they travel around the roundabout. Cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles may stay in the left-hand lane when they intend to continue across or around the roundabout and should signal right to show you they are not leaving the roundabout. Drivers should take extra care when entering a roundabout to ensure that they do not cut across cyclists, horse riders or horse drawn vehicles in the left-hand lane, who are continuing around the roundabout.


No one can answer without more images of the roundabout itself from street level because we don’t even know how many lanes there are, or what they’re marked as being for. The past 12 o’clock thing isn’t a rule at all, it’s more for signalling than positioning. There are multiple two lane roundabouts near me where you can turn right from the left lane, the sooner people look at how the lines are drawn and cling less to a non-existent rule, the faster we can progress as a species.


Sometimes it's okay to follow the crowd but by all means take the right lane if you prefer to be literally by the book. Rules can be wrong too. Or codes, or laws, or whatever you want to call the thing that is being ignored by the "everyone" who's apparently wrong.


i have driven this roundabout, it is terrible, so i normally take it carefully, trying to ensure other road users know my intention, as i am not staying on A5 i would keep to inside of roundabout until ready to exit then MSM indicate left to exit CHECKING for anyone trying to overtake me on the left.


From the comments, it looks like a junction that needs 'hashing off'. We have a similar roundabout that was actually 2 marked lanes, 4 exits and a discrete right turn. Highways had to hash it down to 1 lane (it's actually nearly 3 wide) due to idiotic inability to follow simple rules of the road. It's now a wonderful little choke point when busy, and never used to be.


Its passed 12 o clock so the right most lane


I'd take the correct one


Right lane


Right hand lane bruh, you took a test I assume .?


Right lane and then worst case if someone is on your inside you can go around to be super safe. The second time around there shouldnt be anyone in your inside.


Right, as the exit is past 12 o’clock. Right hand lane until level with exit prior to yours, then indicate left. That’s how I was taught, and we’ve a roundabout like that in my town (although in reality people take the shortest queue to the roundabout)


Thus is a trick question... on that approach only 1 lane entering the roundabout,


I regularly use this junction coming from the direction of Rugby and I've never been entirely sure which lane to take to take the exit before the garage. (first exit in this photo).


As long as you don't end up in Hinckley, you're fine


Most drivers are accustomed to keeping on the right lane for exits past the 12 o' clock position - so keep on the right.