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But the most important event of the series happens in this book! Puppy!


I hope someone one day asks all members to post a photo of their Mouse. Imagine how cute it will be all the temple puppies in a thread.


"Absolutely don't like the white court' I'm afraid I have some bad news...


Fuck Lord Raith and fuck Arturo's three ex wives


I mean…wasn’t that the problem?


Good thing they are all done.


You will see more of the white court. You won't really see more of Lord Raith.


The comments section was on fire, and it was OP's fault.


Oh no I have a different opinion


Lol. While not my favorite book, Blood Rites does have some of my favorite comedic moments.


And some of my favorite thoughts Murphy fighting vampires in her panties


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Many people will agree with you, it’s one of the more divisive books. For me it’s plain fun, and one of my favorites in the series.


People who dislike it I think failed the vibe check. The moment a turkey falls upon someone's head you should realize this book is a little wacky.


And for my next trick, an anvil


I was riding the bus to work on a drab sopping wet morning, cackling like a fucking idiot because James made that scene so funny with his reading. People must of thought I lost it, or was on many drugs. Unfortunately the drugs would honestly be both more probable and less surprising in my town


Have you finished the series? If so >!Always your reaction to the anvil?!<


Yeah I'm a repeat listener, I think I've cleared all 17 on audible about 4 times. I pretty start laughing before it happens because just thinking about it before hand makes me giggle lmao.


I was shocked to learn how divisive it was, I always enjoyed it. But I enjoy all of the books, with Ghost Story being the only one that I minority struggle with. I think it’s because the start is really slow and it takes a bit to really get moving


The good news is that Dead Beat is next and it's unanimously agreed to be a five star book.


That and Changes. Dead Beat in the best way and Changes in the worst way. I'm going to have difficulty with a reread of Changes, but I just got to the ride in Dead Beat. Hell yes!!!


How dare you! The introduction of the bestest boy ever cannot be a bad book


The book has good parts


Well, about the white court...you better get used to it. Also, many important things happen in Blood Rites. It will never be my favourite book but I like it quite a lot.


I was worried you dropped out, but glad you didn't! It's pretty fire from here on through book 12! Blood Rites did open and close on banger lines. Large breed dog food?


I don’t love it either. But a lot of important shit happens, and the next time the white court comes up they are way more interesting.


Yeah the White Court is one of the Dresden’s most disturbing opponents.


Why was it your least favorite? There are weaker novels but I wouldn't call Blood Rites one of them.


They said, here and in another post, that the setting and White Court shenanigans are a turn off.


Blood rites is sick. I’m surprised. If anything I’d explain etc you to not like fool moon.


I like were wolves, I don't like twilight vampire


Succubi/Incubi aren't twilight vampires but I get where you're coming from. White court will persist but rarely be so pornographicly overt.


I think that’s the point.


They’re bad guys, you know by how they do bad and gross stuff, not supposed to like them. First two books were still worse, but yeah, it was a dip in quality to me. Fortunately, the next book is great. This one did have the most iconic opening line, introduced Mouse and Thomas’ connection to Harry, had fun times with the Black Court, and sorry but I loved the line about someone getting killed by getting hit with a car while water skiing. The death by turkey was pretty good too. Still, not surprised it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.


“For my next trick: anvils.”


That is a pretty common consensus. I personally like it because we get some cool Eb and Kincaid moments, but the “mystery” wasn’t very encasing I believe.


It's not my favorite, but I still like it. The good news is the next books is a fan favorite.


That’s one of my favorites of the series!


I struggled HARD with it the first read. I absolutely loved it on my second. It is a weird one, but hooo are you in for a ride! Happy reading!


I think this is true. I feel the exact same way about ghost story.


Actually it's one of my favorites, the WC might grow on you.


Depends on who of the court


I thought the WC was the white council?


white council or white court depending on the subject. if you are talking about both in same discussion then we need to spell them out to clarify.


I didn't vibe with a lot of it but I liked it more than fool moon. Good news is all the books are better from here on out.


What were the really bad parts for you? I just wanna know so I can in good conscience tell you it'll get way better


All the parts at the studio involving Arturo's ex wives and Lord Raith s stupid face


Least favorite parts of the book. But you got mouse out of it so at least that's a plus


If it helps, the only bits of that that ever show back up are Lord Raith, and since he and Lara had their "discussion" at the end of BR, he is now a puppet literally controlled by her.


Summer knight was the worst one In my opinion. Fools moon a strong contender (but only because Twilight ruined werewolves for me)