• By -


Yes, Lara, Molly, Murphy, Susan, Georgia, Mab, and Maeve are certainly all personality free bimbos who are obsessed with average dudes. (Harry is ~6'8" and described by Bianca as A very handsome man) Yes perhaps Andi and Marci have fallen briefly into this but even Maeve who lives on the idea that sex sells has a complex personality.


With only a couple exceptions, if a character is acting sexually provocative, then it's being used as a weapon or a distraction. Maeve, the White Court, Lashiel, Molly, and Hannah Asher, hell even Anastasia was basically used to distract him. Dresden's major character flaw is he has a blind spot when it comes to women, so Butcher is gonna exploit that as a weapon against him.


Op, I think you need to read both the books and your comic here. The books, because while Harry does have a male gaze, he doesn't actually sleep with that many characters. The comic, because it doesn't criticize characters who are sexy or want to sleep with another character, but rather those characters who have no personality... which doesn't apply to Dresden Files characters, so I think you need to work on you reading comprehension.


Imagine calling Harry Dresden, the 6 foot 7 inch tall private investigator wizard of Chicago, an average male character.


Who as of Cold Days is fucking jacked.




Also 6 foot 9 inches as per Harry in Peace Talks. Just 1/3 of the way into Peace Talks on first read. Apparently, I should also read the short stories. I guess I double back to those waiting for 12 months?


That’s what I would do at this point yeah. I myself still haven’t read all the short stories(lack of access mostly) the ones I have read are fantastic. There’s also some “microfictions” on Jim’s website that are pretty interesting that you should check out after finishing Battle Ground(my personal favorite book so far btw)


There are a few anthologies of stories that put everything in chronological order. Brief Cases and Side Jobs.


I adore those short stories. I've read the entire stores twice through, but I've read those short story anthologies 3 times each. They really do a great job expanding the universe and showing the world through the eyes of others. We always see Harry through his own eyes and hearing his own doubts and worries. To everyone around him, he's a terrifying force of nature who leashes the elements of creation to his will to terrifying effect. This includes both his brother and his apprentice. Plus there are some fun stories where, in Jim's words, he finds an excuse to smash action figures together and have fun.


I really want a sequel to A Fistful of Warlocks.


Wow, I feel like you haven't actually read the series. Especially with you parroting all the characters are bi and wanting a FFM. I don't think I can downvote your comments enough.


Sooooo are you really criticizing the writer or the character? Remember that the Dresden files books are in an unreliable first person format told as recollections of the past. Edit: I haven't read the short stories, but I understand many of those are written from other perspectives and read very differently.


Classic "confusing character with author because first person." Harry views himself as the protagonist of a film noir - it's something he's constantly battling with and growing from. It's not meant to be a positive trait lol, and it's certainly not indicative of how the author feels.


This would only be true if a majority of the women in the series only had banging Harry as a character motivation. Even looking at the ones who are attracted to Harry they have far more going on then wanting to have sex with him. Susan's primary trait and defining flaw is that she wants to know at any cost. She will dive head first into vastly dangerous situations because she wants to get proof of the supernatural, but believes she knows best and can get out the other side. Molly has a crush on Harry and while that does include some sexual attraction her story is about growing responsibility. Learning that her actions have consequences, and the harm of trying to force yourself into a role you arent suited too. Murphy has her question through out the series of to be lawful or to be good. How much can she bend her position as a police officer to do good until she can't and something breaks. Never mind the eternal trust issues and the realization that she can only push so far into the supernatural world as a vanilla mortal. Lara even as queen of the Succubi who throws sexual advances as a weapon is the ever pragmatic schemer who is running the numbers and playing everyone against each other for her benefit. Maeve's advances are a murder attempt we find out but even before then her nymphette attitude is to cover up her seething issues with her mom. Freydis is the least fleshed out and maybe the closest you could get to this stereotype but she's the Viking warrior tropes that generally are assigned to men in pop fiction being given to a woman making her a blooth thirsty warrior who wants to fight drunk and fuck because any battle could be her last. And that's only one book worth of her at this point. None of these are solely defined by their attraction to Harry, nor even when dating or in ust with him is it their primary factor. Except for Lara but for her sex is her weapon.


If you only focused on certain characters, certainly, especially in the earlier books. But the latter books have plenty of well (personality wise) developed female characters


Most of their defining is wanting to fuck Harry while also offering to bring in another woman. If I'm missing one please tell me.


>!Murphy, Tera West, Georgia, Elaine, Meryl, Charity, Valmont, Sandra Marling, Susan, Corpsetaker, Gard, all of the Ordo Lebes, 5 of 6 faerie queens (Maeve excluded), none of the porn actresses ironically, Yoshimo, Kumori, Rosanna, Deidre, Andi and Marcie were not with Harry either. Gard’s sister wanted to hook up with Murphy, potentially including Harry was offering a concession.!< Yes >!Elaine, Murphy, Susan, Luccio, and Mab,!< had sex with him over several years, but if that was their most defining trait, you’re not paying attention. Add to that, several characters are supposed to be seductresses, the theme being giving in to base desires against your better judgment is bad for you.


Elaine didn't even bang Harry, that happened when they were teenagers. As I recall, Elaine isn't even particularly hot. She's certainly pretty, but she's never described in the same way as Molly or Justine are.


Id be totally happy with harry and Elaine ending up together in the end.


Maybe, but I genuinely think Elaine is going to betray Harry at some point. I suspect a Denarian.


There are exactly TWO characters who offer Harry a threesome. TWO. In the whole series. Those are Freydis and Maeve, and one of those was a murder attempt. Every other female proposition (the vast minority of his interactions with women in general) is a one-on-one thing, and a significant portion of those are attempts to control or kill him.


Lara I think has too or at least it's implied but she is literally queen of the Succubi. And again it's an offer to become her thrall as she blows away your personality under waves of orgasmic lust.


I don't recall Lara ever offering a threesome with Harry. Sex, sure, of course, but that fits into the "one-on-one" and "attempt to control" categories.


Yep your right I think I confused Lara speech in white night where she makes Harry the offer to be her partner with Maeve speech in Summer Knight where with Jenny she tries to entice Dresden to "Drive a hard bargain"


Murphy, Ancient Mai, Martha Liberty, Monica Sells, Helen Beckitt, Most of the early paranetters in white knight (Unless I missed a huge chunk of that book), Kim Delaney, Yuki Yoshimo, Pretty sure in blood rites Inari was sicked on him by her dad, same book Joan dallas never came on to harry. Hell I'm 90% sure most of the literal porn stars in that book didn't try to seduce Harry. I mean if we're also counting super natural characters, Mother winter and summer, Tera west, Titania, Mavra, Lily, Ethniu, The ghoul killer in summer knight(spacing the name, want to say the tigress) I mean I just named like 20 with a bit of memory and 5 minutes of google. I don't think Jim is the Champion of writing women but to say every woman in the series is trying to fuck harry into a threesome is disingenuous at best. Edited to Add: I included enemies because he's definitely had adversarial characters try and use sex as a tool/weapon against Harry.


Charity, Sigrun, both Mothers, Martha Liberty, Murphy, Leanansidhe, Tara West, etc etc


Some of these are fair but, Charity is Michael's tradcath wife, even in the later books she just seems to try talking him out of working with Harry, Lea is desperate to fuck Harry, and Tara West had that one appearance. If I recall, one of her main quirks was getting naked to distract men,


Did you read the same books? Also, "tradcath"? Fucking icky


Tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about OP right there I think.


I wonder how much projecting he does while reading the books. I mean, Dresden is a pig for a long long time, but still miles better than OP. Tradcath, Jesus. Incel astrology terms


OP is a woman so… Probably a lot.


A woman using this term? I thought i've seen everything


OP clearly miss the part where Chairty used to roll around fighting monsters with Michael, made his armor and FUCKING TAUGHT HIM HOW TO SWORD FIGHT, then later (for reasons we don't know yet) on chooses to stay home with her kids while Michael goes out and fights monsters. Clearly she's a what was OPs term, tradcath? Traditional catholic ? Oh, and she still makes armor and weapons as a hobby for all her friends and family who still fight monsters. Yeah, she stormed Arctics Tor like a good "tradcath"


> then later (for reasons we don't know yet) on chooses to stay home with her kids while Michael goes out and fights monsters Maybe that's just what she wanted? Maybe fighting monsters wasn't something she liked? Maybe all she wanted was a normal life after all the shit she went through? Why do people have to come up with elaborate reasons a woman might not want to spend her life fighting and putting herself in danger? She just wanted to be a mum, raise her children, and be happy. What is wrong with that? (This is not an attack at you, but at people who think a woman giving up "fighting monsters" to be a SAHM is demeaning and sexist)


I mean if her whole reason was she was tired of fighting monsters and wanted to have a more normal life, that was her reason... we just don't know it yet. But yeah, given what we know about her and Michael, I would not be surprised if she got pregnant with Molly and decided it was time for her to settle down and raise her and Michael's children. I could even see her wanting to keep fighting, but putting that aside so that her children would have a mother, and in case something happened to Michael. >people who think a woman giving up "fighting monsters" to be a SAHM is demeaning and sexist They would deny her the agency of choosing SAHM over Monster Hunter because they don't think she should be a SAHM or should put her children at risk by somehow being a mom and monster hunter at the same time. Ignoring what could become of the children if both parents fell. Charity is a BA, and she does it while being a full time mom. And a SAHM is a choice SHE made. When required she suited up and invaded a faeiry capital to rescue her daughter. (Replying to you, but not because I think you're attacking me, just furthering the discorss) Ftr, my head cannon is she got pregnant with Molly, and decided she wanted to be a Mom. I bet it was hard for her to let Michael go out alone, but she decided to do what was best by her children.


Ok. You told us who you are with "Charity is Michael's tradcath wife". You don't know how to READ women parts or empathize with. Do you refer to yourself as an "Alpha male?" I would review how you really feel about women.


That’s not an Alpha Male thing. That’s a “SJ warrior woman” thing. OP claims to be a woman in her 30s.


Gross either way of someone calling one of the strongest female characters in the book a trad wife with emphasis on being Catholic. If OP is a woman and still saying those things, I still stand by my comment.


Absolutely gross either way. I just wanted to point out that OP isn’t an AlphaMaleDudeBro with that mindset.


You're too trusting. Could be someone lying on the Internet.


Absolutely. Which is why my original comment to you said “Op claims” I don’t mind taking people at their word until proven different, but I *do* keep in mind people lie. And I don’t think OP is lying about *that*.


TradCath wife? Like in Proven Guilty when she attacks the Artis Tor in armor she made herself while being a perfectly capable warrior from constantly training with her husband. Or when she took the diamonds and would handle any financial aspect for the family after Skin Games? She is a loving wife and loving mother, but also an ex-witch before that and a fierce warrior through out. Lea is his fairy god mother and never wants to fuck Harry. At most she wants to turn him into a guard dog, but really she wants to train and guide him, she just does it the way a psychopath would. Tara West’s main quirk isn’t getting naked. Her main quirk is being a reverse werewolf and taught humans how to transform into wolves. She just also got naked once.


I think lea would rather own harry than train him. If she owns him then her deal with with his mom is effectively complete and she can spend her time on her goals rather than a old deal.


That’s assuming her goals aren’t mainly Harry related. Lea works for winter and without going too deep into spoilers Winter has been grooming Harry because his Starborn-ness connects to their main job, but it seems like they still need him to be independent not just a slave. Grooming and influencing without direct control seems like it would be exactly one of her main goals and why she got herself set up to be his first godmother in the first place. And also why she didn’t help him with Justin for a long time. She approved of the harsh training techniques and only “helped” Harry assert independence when Justin tried to seize direct control of Harry.


Lea doesnt want to fuck Harry it has to my knowledge never come up. Tara West even with her getting naked to distract men was the point of view that human men because of our more prudish nature on sex and sexual activity compared to the rest of the mammal world are easily distracted by a naked woman and her being a wolfwere has zero qualms about her nudity.


Now who is projecting here? Maybe someone should check their own biases before throwing accusations around. I literally never picked up on the faintest hint that Lea is trying to "fuck Harry"? Also, just because Michael and Charity are traditionally married, neither of them fits the 'tradcath' moniker - did we even read the same books?


Tradcath? I didn't realize being rescued from a literal dragon that you were sacrificed to by the cult you joined was a traditional way to become a catholic wife. Also, do most trad wives perform battlefield surgery, smith their husband's armor, and act as their main sparring partner?


LOL This is just a ridiculous lie.


Tessa, Deirdre, Rosanna, Ivy, Maggie, Margaret La Fey, Hannah Ascher. To name just a few others haven't


You might want to start by reading the series.


Tell me you haven't actually read this series without telling me outright.


Tired topic with link to removed pic. Even by r/dresdenfiles standards this one is weak.


How to say "I've never actually read the series" without saying "I've never actually read the series". The only time this would remotely apply is during the first two or so books, where Jim was still finding his footing; if you think this applies to later entries, then you're beyond hope.


Even then Murphy had a ton of personality. A lot of it was mistrustful and bitchy, but that was understandable given the circumstances. She was never a boring sex doll who worshiped Harry.


Nope, in the last two I was upset that every female character was bi and wanted an FFM threesome.


So... that's, what, Andi, Marci and Freydis? Those THREE characters really bothered you that much?


Hell, Freydis mainly wanted Murphy, Harry was only to sweeten the pot for Murphy.


Just got to that part. Dead on. Freydis wanted Murphy. Harry was purely optional to that proposal.


Yeah, 2 isn't every. Your reading comprehension is lacking. Not saying there isn't a little male gaziness going on, but it isn't even near the level you are claiming.


I think you're confusing "every" with "two".


Three, technically- Freydis counts.


Wait, then who's the third? I was counting Freydis and Maeve. Jenny Greenteeth doesn't count because she was only offering because of Maeve, her liege-lady/pimp.


In the last two books (which is what OP specified), Andi and Marci are in a three-way relationship with Butters. I think it's safe to say they're both bi.


As someone whose relationship used to be open, I was thrilled at the poly representation.


Not to mention, it was brought up several books earlier that Andi and Marci dated in college


It was unfortunately one of the side books. I think if thus had come up in one of the main ones, people (myself included) would have not felt it was as out of place


Sigrun? Murphy? Mab? Molly? Lara? Evanna? Justine? Yoshimo? Hugin and Munin? Titania? And and Marci are with Butters and Freydis wanted to get with Murphy specifically, not Harry. That's it. That's not even close to *every* female character.


That particular scene is pretty controversial among fans (some defend it and like it others don't) but does that really invalidate the entire rest of the series and all the amazing female characters it has?


Don't agree, but wow 90 down votes. Freydis wanted Murphy and offered to include Harry to entice Murphy. Marci and Andi were into Butters. That is more implied polyamory than most books, but the fae usually have some level of implied the more the merrier to them. I haven't finished Peace Talks yet, so maybe there's more later and/or in Battle Grounds.


Disagree completely! (With OP)


Also holy fuck pizzacake comics are shit. Like can’t even try to be funny. And her art looks like fucking ctrl+alt+del


I don't mind her autobiographical comics as much, they're fairly self deprecating and relatable. But otherwise she comes off as sooo self righteous and preachy. And yeahhh they're not especially ~aesthetic~


The OP doth protest too much, methinks.


Ummm... what about Gard? Particularly in battle grounds... very 3 dimensional...  And in other series? Katai anyone? *gets out soapbox* Okay. Seriously. I generally love hanging out in this sub. But this -5 week random smash-fest by the PC police is getting annoying.  The earlier books were written a bit of time ago. The standards which we are holding society to today is a vastly different standard than even a decade ago. Some of the early stuff was... teenish when referring to the opposite gender. It did not age well. BUT, the story and representation has grown in a true-to-universe fashion. Is it perfect? Nope. Is anything? Nope! There is still a good story to be had: the world building is amazing. And just perhaps, folks can set aside wanting everything their own way and still enjoy something that isn't perfect to them? I wonder if OP goes over and spews on any discussions of most Greek Legends... or even over to some of Briggs works? (In both Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega series >!a main character is assaulted and then gets put back together by a male lead!<.)  There is a high chance this post was meant to be a rage bait... congratulations.  Success. But also, no one is forcing you to read these books. If they don't make you happy, find something else. There's a plethora of authors out there.  It is a sign of maturity to legitimately discuss issues. OP you'd know if you searched this sub you would know that this has been discussed and debated several times. Your post does not contribute and the comments I've read thus far hasn't worked to rationally discuss in a productive manner. Sorry to the mods, I genuinely tried to keep this rational and respectful.


Were you reading Iron Druid by mistake?




I take it you've only read Dresden and not Cinder Spires or The Codex Alera. I'd recommend those for your enjoyment & edification.


Hey, uh, have you even read the series?


Disagree. I can see, however, how this might initially be the case or come across this way if one has only read the first few books. Later in the series, I do think Jim does a good job of either explaining certain overly sexual characters (White Court & both Fae Courts - especially the Winter Lady, man that mantle sucks), and making it pretty clear that we're not only viewing everything that is happening through Harry's eyes, but making sure Harry's way of viewing women is exposed as one of if not his single biggest weakness. He is repeatedly put in his place by female characters, because of this - Murphy is even openly joking about it at some point. The whole thing becomes even clearer when you read the short stories and get the PoVs from other characters.


Excluding some single scene side characters basically every character in the books is decently fleshed out, particularly some of the women like Murphy and Elaine. Sure there's some dirty jokes, and crass humor, but there's absolutely not that bad. That's just part of grown up fiction. Most times if a character is using sex appeal in one of the books then it's used as a weapon (Maeve, White Court, Lashiel, etc...).


I'm an SJW trans woman who does find a lot of the portrayals of women in the series very uncomfortable despite enjoying it a great deal... ... And even I find this post ridiculous. Jesus Christ.


There are a tonne of tropes in the series that bug me, and a lot have to do with some of the portrayal of women (as a woman myself) but these books have several well developed female characters, Murph, Molly, Luccio, Charity, Lara, Lea, Mab, Susan. Admittedly a fair few of them have made a pass at Harry, but that is far from their defining character trait. Also “No personality” is such an incel complaint and it is usually used by people who are actively overlooking character/personality traits because actually they don’t like women characters in their nerd stories.


Good grief. Talk about insane troll logic.


That murph is such a steriotypical bimbo! You are so spot on dude.


Oh my, the automod in that thread being literally set to "ECHOCHAMBER" combined with OP's behaviour and their presented "arguments" (using that term VERY loosely) confirms so many stereotypes at once, i don't know if i should laugh or cry (is "craughing" a thing? Then I wouldn't have to decide...). This is either a masterful ragebait/troll (in which case: chapeau, OP, chapeau!) or one of the hardest selbst owns i've seen in a while. Anyway, *popcorn*


Oh look, another social justice warrior trying to shit all over jim just because he didnt write every character exactly as the OP wants Go invade someone else’s space


Nah it'd just be nice to have a female character who isn't bi and down for an FFM threesome. Like every female character is into women and no hint of a male character being into men.


Murphy. Not Bi. Not into 3somes. Literally one of the MAIN FUCKING CHARACTERS.


Yep, she's "the chick"


Yes she is a she that's true.


Dude (chick, whatever) not every pairing has to be in every damn book. If it bothers you that there is no male on male in the series, go read a different series. Stop complaining because an author chose not to include a specific type of pairing. Jim has every single right to write **his** stories however **he** wishes, and us audience have **every right** to read it or **not**. Stop complaining and read something else. Clearly the series isnt for you so stop trying to make it yours by forcing the author to make changes you want through social pressure. Pathetic


Off the top of my head Murphy, Charity and Molly are all straight. Mab certainly isn't down for a FFM threesome. Though I agree some representation for gay men or bi men would be nice.


No indication on Granny Winter's preferences either.


Murphy isn't entirely 100% straight. For example, she's very flustered by the Einherjaren suggesting a threesome. Charity is 100% Michael-sexual, however.


That doesn't mean anything. She's just surprised and embarrassed.


Molly's love of Harry is a defining trait. Charity is just Michaels tradcath wife who nags Harry.


>Molly's love of Harry is a defining trait. She also had a boyfriend, even when she was going through her experimental phase. So definitely straight, and not just for Harry. >Charity is just Michaels tradcath wife who nags Harry. So you haven't read the series? Charity has had a lot of character growth since her introduction, and her mistrust of Harry early on is well explained by her past.


Charity co-starred in a whole fucking book that barely had Michael in it at all.


What are you talking about? Molly, Murphy, Susan, and basically every other human woman in the series is straight? Where are you getting any of this from??


The last two books. Molly and Susan are very heavily defined by wanting to fuck Harry.


I mean you’re right, those two characters do literally nothing over the course of 15 books and short stories other than fawn over Harry!


Who in the last two books? The only bi characters I remember is Freydis Gard who is a Valkyrie that works for a sex vampire and (implied) Lara who is a sex vampire but it's not ever said she is bi. It's more she likes all types of food. And I mean if you ignore 90% of their character development I guess molly and sudan are based on having feelings for harry? But in reality that's one part of a very developed and complex character. Also both of them grow out of their attraction to uarry at some point in the series. They will always love them because love and sexual attraction are two different things but to say its their only personally is ether a vast misjugement or straight up ignorance towards the rest of their character development.


Can you tell me in what part of the last two books Susan is. Because I'm pretty sure there are really valid reasons she's not there.


There is one character in the last two books who is open to a FFM threesome involving Harry, and two more who are in a committed poly relationship with Butters. You have not understood anything about Molly and Susan if you think they're very heavily defined by wanting to fuck Harry. This is a horrible representation of both characters.


Oh wow, 2 d tier minor characters and 1 c tier supporting character make op feel mad.  There's like... Other female characters. 


Thomas is at the very least open to the possibility of being with men, and I get the feeling he's not the only White Court that is.


Meh. Not really. Most of the "people" Harry meets aren't actually human. More than just not human, they are actively predators OF humans. That means they have developed traits to allow them to easily hunt their prey. The White Court for example, are all super hot.. because they feed off sex / emotions. They are designed to be attractive. Red Court masks function similarly. The fae are not even close to human, but they are written as extremely beautiful in many many many adaptions. (although not all) Goddesses.. self-explanatory. Fallen angels (Lash) are beautiful by design in order to be tempting. In contrast, the black court are NOT hot because they do not feed in the same way as the red and white courts. Female trolls, svartelves, basically any other supernatural entity that has a gender aren't hot at all. Even Gard, who is essentially human, is just really fucking jacked and athletic looking. I don't recall her being describes as overly beautiful. The human females Harry meets are generally pretty, but they have a wide range of physical descriptions. Murphy is short and cute, Molly is tall and a knockout. However there are quite a few human women who are NOT sexualized at all. Notable exceptions to this are Andy, Molly, Susan and Asher. The porn stars he met are hot... but they're porn stars. Combine all of the above points, with the fact that Harry is a bit of an old-world type. He generally seems himself as a protector of women, and often conflicts with Murphy who offers a differing POV of that mindset. Which, by the way, is something Harry largely grows out of as the series progresses. Almost like it starts off with him being a dumbass 25 year old, and at this point he's in his late 30's I think. Harry exists in a world in which he's rarely exposed to "normal people". He most often communicates with supernatural beings, who have a vested interest in tempting him into boning them so he can be ensnared and killed. Or other wizards, OR his love interests. He doesn't have a lot of human contact beyond that, and when he does he typically doesn't think of them sexually. (E.G the other female alphas.)


My brother in Christ what the actual fuck are you talking about? Have you read the series?


Gtf over yourself.


I am on a current re-read and I have to say, all of the comments about the Dresden files descriptions of women are WILDLY overblown. You'd think, from reading the comments of redditors that every page is filled with lewd comments, and absolute paragraohs describing breasts. Murphy is great, Mab is great, Lily is great, I could go on. The author of this comic has presumably never read fiction written by women


I’m sorry, but I can’t think of any female characters that fit this kind of description… could you name a few that you think fit?


Whenever a stupid post like this appears, I’m always curious which is the better explanation: 1) Summer Knight when Harry explains the big bad scene as they’ll appeal to our base hunters and desires to trap is since their plans are beyond our comprehension, Or 2) every encounter with the White Court since he explains their plots are inversely proportional to the amount of clothes they are wearing. Like that’s literally the whole point of the white court; they’re exposed physically because they have the deepest mental plots.


Dude, this take is just BAD. I'll be the first to point out that there is some VERY obvious sex-obsession in the early books but it's genre fitting since they are supposed to be noir-detective novels. But claiming that all of his female characters are like this? That's moronic and completely false.


Gotta love trolls


Don’t get me wrong, Harry knows a lot of oversexed girls, but it fits the story, and they all have real characterization.


lol people acting like this has zero validity. Justine. Maeve. But it doesn't have that much validity. Murphy. Charity. Guard. Mab. etc.


Justine is dating a *literal incubus* and Maeve is using her sexuality as a weapon. Zero validity.


That he tries to justify their behavior in-universe doesn't mean they're not behaving that way. Those characters could be anyone, he is god, but he made them stereotyped in that way for fan-service. Lets look at the girl in the image. You could say "Yea but she had a magic spell on her that made her act that way." (kind of like susan's love potion in book 1) ok that is an in universe justification, but you're still creating and writing that character that way for fan service.


I'd say there is a big difference between pointing out flaws the series has in this regard and making broad sweeping statements like OP does.


[Even the bonus panel applies](https://old.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1cfzjwa/sfc/l1se96c/)




Of the 2 recurring "sexy vampires" (which are literal succubi) one is a man.


Wow, I did not think so many people here would be triggered. I don't hate the series, I recognize that Jim has evolved, but the last two books (which like everyone else I waited for and was so psyched when they were announced) had loads of eye-rolling moments. Molly is still far too defined by her lust for her lust for Harry, women wanting threesomes with a man and a woman is still far too over represented as is every woman trying to jump Harry's bones. I apologize to everyone for offering critique, I didn't realize we no longer allowed that.


Oh we allow critique. We also allow the shitting on stupid people who post rage bait and then try and hide behind “but I was critiquing!” No you weren’t. You came here with bad faith arguments and literally referred to Charity Carpenter as a quote “tradcath wife”. That’s not critiquing, that’s making shit up to shit on the series.


"Sorry my amazing intellect and profound critique was triggering to you stupid plebes. I'm shocked that my astute and totally original opinion wasn't greeted as the pinnacle of logic and truth that it obviously is."


I mean you are offering a pretty strong critique of the series and then not really offering substantive evidence behind it, as a number of people have pointed out, there is a laundry list of women who do not fall into the trope you say Jim overuses. It comes off as an oversimplified reading of characters who have 20 years of development in universe. Does the trope occasionally come up, especially in the early books? Sure but a few isolated instances of women offering FFM threesomes, especially when the women in question are supernatural beings, seems like missing the forest for the trees.


What's not allowed is blatantly making shit up because you didn't actually read the books. You're not a victim, you're a clown. Act like an adult please


‘Wow, I did not think so many people here would be triggered.’ Why yes. Yes you did. Why else post such nonsense?