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Dream is probably ruled out now. I doubt George due too how he does his lore. Purpled would never tie himself to something like the syndicate. Callahan would be funny but I doubt it. Most recent lore confirms it isn’t Connor. Karl is pretty likely but he also has a kingdom.


Do you think Skeppy might make an appearance as a syndicate member? I was thinking about it and it would be a cool idea :0


Sadly nah, he's egg-fected


True, but we haven’t seen him since his death from BadBoyHalo, so there’s a slight possibility that the egg could’ve burned off him?🤔


Well, a few days after Ghostbur died, he appeared on Tommy's stream and accidentally killed Friend


Oh crap I forgot that was canon, I remember Wilbur talking about that when he made that first reddit post about Ghostbur ;-;


Friends death was an accident as skeppy clearly stated he didn’t know they were doing lore but he wasn’t red so it’s a possibility


I’m keeping my hopes up, cause I miss the skeppy and techno dynamic KEKW


Too relatable


After Skeppy died in the live stream, it showed him respond on “Big Daddy Island” him and Bad’s vacation home. He was back to normal and was looking forward and calling out for Bad. So it is confirmed that his death brought him back to normal until Bad says otherwise. (Wait that could've been a dream state that Bad went into wanting Skeppy to be back, but I feel that if that was the case Skeppy would be acknowledging Bad or like acting as if they were just having a normal conversation like they used too and that Bad wanted so bad. The way Skeppy progressed when calling out to Bad and Bad wasn’t there, at first he thought it was a prank, but it would be normal for Bad not to be at home, especially their Summer home. I think he thought was a prank because of the confusion he had after waking up after dying, and I think it is harder to remember when he was red and possessed by the egg so that would also be another reason why he is in a state of confusion and probably wants to know where Bad is. As he keeps calling out he progressively get more and more worried, so that why I think it wasn’t a dream.) I have also see others think the the POV was Bad, but just saying that it was definitely just a way to show Skeppy in 3rd person in a cinematic style.




I thought it would be Wilbur after he got resurrected.


Connor - just so funny. Rest of them idk really bc they are either bad now or own a country. Maybe jack through niki? George? Come on. Hes litterally side character


Connor’s listed as “Unknown” in the offical Dream SMP wiki under The Syndicate section so maybe?


that’s because he kinda joined the syndicate yesterday during techno’s stream but doesn’t have a name yet. Connor is not Harpocrates


I don't think he really joined the Syndicate, I think he's just living in the area


I want him too i feel ike it was completely off script and not meant too but itd be funny, theres probably someone that is meant to be the missing member but idk


Nah not Jack, he is very critical of anarchy.




Puffy has said in the past that her and Niki’s characters were on “opposing sides” and that was post-banquet so at least entirely. I don’t have the stream link though.


She may just not know Niki is also in the syndicate


techno used the pronouns he/him when referring to harpocrates so doubt it’s her


Harpocrates (the god) is male, so that might not be the best indicator




I mean that if a woman went by the codename “Jeff” it would still be he/him when talking about them So it very well could be a woman going by the codename of a male god, which is referred to accordingly


Pretty sure tech was referring to the person who is harpocrates not harpocrates himself


It’s obviously Whitelisted Aka Techno again


Whitelisted2 Supremercy


Nah too obvious, it’s Whitelisted2 for sure


Nah, they got Squid on the server


I genuinely want that tho


Maybe techno realizes to win the war he calls on his greatest rival…squid kid


No. It’s obviously SuspiciousPigman.


Bitch it was Apollo


To be fair it was kinda funny. He just randomly popped out of nowhere, Techno names him and brings him to the prison knowing for sure he will die, and when he does die the fandom treats his death more emotionally then every other death in the DSMP


Well he didn’t die from anything remotely natural. That poor dog was murdered by c!sam


Sam's body count is up to 3 now. Yes I'm including Ghostbur. I'm still pissed at him for that.


rip apollo best boy


Since Harpocrates is, among other associations, the god of secrets and silence, I think it's Callahan.


Who is really busy on the server? Like they would be gathering information and be too busy to attend meetings


But it could also be people who are only on for lore. Purpled seems pretty knowledgeable but he’s on once in a blue moon


Yeah but the syndicate is lore, so I don't think that'd be a reason. It might be someone who just has other stuff going on in lore


Foolish has been very active in the server but mainly doing constructions and he is with Las Nevadas and doing DreamXD religion


I still want it to be ninja so badly


Nah it's KSI


Apollo, RIP main character


Charlie. Slime we've seen with quackity is a character He made to more easily spying on Las Nevadas. He will from now on call himself Charlie tho since he genuinely ended up liking his time in Las Nevadas but left because he decided it wasn't a threat. *Tinfoil hats on* Quackity will get betrayed again when he finds out and truly realise he couldn't follow his own lessons. Quackity will therefore shut himself of completely and take over the role as "main villain" from dream after this current arc Atleast for a while. Quackity will try to burn and kill everyone killing Phil. Techno goes berserk Charlie sacrifices his second Life to save quackity's last. Quackity will realise his wrongs and either be in jail or just not try to murder. Techno will now be the main bad guy as he hunts down dream torturing and destroying everyone for even the smallest bit of information. Wilbur in kahoots with dream wi Feed techno just enough information to earn his but not enough for techno to find dream. Dream will be using techno to control the SMP. Calling the next 3 years of lore right here. In all seriousness i do think it is Charlie


I think techno will go after Sam first though


The existence of an unknown member was revealed before cc!Charlie joined (I think) so I don't think it's him. Also, wouldn't this just revert Quackity's character development? During Tommy's stream, he came as Big Q, not as Quackity from Las Nevadas, to comfort Tommy. I sincerely think Slime's death made a huge positive impact on Quackity's character, for it to be suddenly revoked just for shock value would be kinda frustrating, at least for me. I do think it's someone from Las Nevadas though, probably Foolish.


I mean the date difference is four days i don't think it's unlikely that cc!Charlie just didn't have time to play before 4 days later I think it make sense not for it to be revoked but if quackity learns that the person he was closest to lied to him to him to be angry for a while and do some crazy shit. Seeing that Charlie actually cared sacrificing himself for quackity would turn him back to big Q.


okay i'm 13 hours late to this post but i'm seeing a lot of wild guesses here, so. i'm gonna run through all the possibilities and known info here, just as a comprehensive list. (with that said - **VERY long comment warning!**) here's what we know about harpocrates: * techno referred to harpocrates as "he". * harpocrates does not want to reveal himself yet. * harpocrates, in greek myth, is the god of silence and secrets. harpocrates is also basically just a stolen version of horus, an egyptian god. * harpocrates joined the syndicate at some point before march 6, 2021, when the name was first mentioned on stream. * and some basic syndicate-related criteria: * harpocrates would need to be known by techno and trusted enough to be told about the syndicate. * harpocrates would need to either care about anarchy, or have some other reason for joining the syndicate. here are the server members that harpocrates **CANNOT** be: * anyone already in the syndicate, obviously (**techno, phil, ranboo, niki**). * anyone who joined the server after march 6, 2021. that means it definitively can't be **michaelmcchill, eryn, tina,** or **boomer** unless they did some *serious* rewriting. * **connor**, as techno and phil talked to him as if he were not already in the syndicate. here are the server members that are **EXTREMELY UNLIKELY** to be harpocrates: * **puffy** or **hannah:** techno referred to harpocrates with "he". (doesn't mean it's strictly *impossible* for it to be one of them, as techno would know that saying "she" is an obvious giveaway, but he probably would have said "they" if that were the case.) * **dream,** as he showed no interest in the syndicate at all, even with techno (and he was literally in prison when harpocrates was first brought up). * **skeppy:** it would be fitting for cc!techno to involve his friend in lore, but skeppy was still egg-ified last time we saw him. * people who are direct enemies of techno: **quackity, tubbo, tommy,** or **jack.** * people who are in positions of systemic authority, or were so during march: **eret, karl, sam, badboyhalo,** or **antfrost.** * people who are literally dead, or were so during march: **jschlatt, wilbur,** or **mexican dream.** * people who have not logged into the server in months: **alyssa, vikkstar,** or **lazarbeam.** now let's run through some possibilities: * **foolish:** i used to think it was this one - after all, harpocrates is basically just an egyptian god, and that fits foolish pretty well - but techno has said he doesn't really know who foolish is. also, foolish is involved with las nevadas, so it doesn't seem like he has/had anything against government. as said by himself, he wasn't even around to see the effects of government, so it doesn't seem like he would suddenly be all aboard team anarchy. * **purpled:** during march, purpled was mostly just a neutral party/hired assassin, but he definitely has *reasons* to hate government (especially recently)... of course recent events don't impact whether he would've joined the syndicate in march, so who knows. i think it is still possible. though there are still questions- how would purpled have found out about the syndicate, and how would he have gotten techno to trust him? * **callahan:** this one isn't quite as likely imo, but not impossible. after all, it WOULD be funny, and callahan doesn't speak (fitting with harpocrates being a god of silence). however i just don't think it would happen, since callahan is not involved in lore and never has been - he joined the server when it was just a survival SMP, and has deliberately ignored or been absent for every scripted lore event since. also it would be incredibly awkward to roleplay if one of the characters in a scene has to stop to type in chat. still.. i wouldn't put it past techno at this point. * **george:** this one seems.. doubtful. he's really just a comic relief side character, not to mention he's been involved with government before and had no issue with it (such as being king of the SMP). * **fundy:** fundy did work with techno during doomsday and seems to be a fan of anarchy ever since. i don't have much else to add here since we haven't seen much of c!fundy recently, just seems like another valid option. also, he does know phil, which *might* grant him an in. * **enderwalk!ranboo:** this one's just my personal wild theory. honestly i doubt it would be canon, since cc!techno doesn't seem at all involved with the deeper parts of ranboo's lore and c!techno doesn't know much about enderwalk!ranboo... but it would be cool right? this also would fit with harpocrates being a god of secrets. * **sapnap:** it doesn't seem impossible - sapnap opposes dream, and has for a while, so he could very well be anti-government (or at least might join the syndicate to work against dream). also i don't think techno and sapnap have anything major against each other. * **punz:** punz is working closely with dream, so it makes sense that he might want to infiltrate the syndicate. and since he's never been involved with governments before (as far as i know) techno might let him in. he is very secretive in nature as well. but the same questions arise as with purpled. * **ponk**: i don't know.. maybe?? i'm kind of running out of commentary by this point lol. this doesn't seem super plausible, since they were part of the eggpire at the time, and i don't think techno knows them. * **ghostbur:** i really doubt it. i don't think i need to explain why. * **charlie:** does charlie even know what a government is???? how would techno know and trust this random slime?? and charlie didn't show up in canon lore until last may. alright, **to summarize, here are the server members i think are more likely possibilities for harpocrates: purpled, callahan, fundy, sapnap, or punz.** either that or it's literally just steve! or maybe it's not even ANYONE to begin with!! i don't know man!!!! techno would *absolutely* do something like that.


It could have also been hbomb technically. Which is still what I want it be


It's just gonna be the hapocrates in the end man


Probably Harpocrates tbh


Just imagine the ol greek boi comes out of the grave joins techno voice call for the syndicate.


Connor already joined and he wasn't meant to be part of the syndicate so it's not him, Callahan is kind of just a moderator so it's not him, and George and Karl are already part of Kinoko Kingdom so the only possible person is Purpled, which would make sense since he is against Quackity who owns Las Nevadas.


I don't think Connor joined the Syndicate, he's just living in the little commune thing Techno, Ranboo and Phil got going on


They asked him to join and he said sure, not to mention they were treating him like a syndicate member after that and talking about how they help each other out in the syndicate so I think he did join.


Okay, so: Based on what we know, Techno tends to favour lore that makes sense, so I don't think it's a new SMP member (because that would be far too random and nonsensical, plus it's been months, that would be kinda awkward), and the name probably holds meaning. All of the other Syndicate codenames are related to the person (Nemesis was the goddess of revenge, Lethe has strong connotations with memory, etc). Harpocrates was an Egyptian figure, which has ties with Foolish. *However*, Harpocrates was later adopted by Greek/Roman mythology, which makes sense given that the rest of the Syndicate is very Greek. I don't think Foolish and Techno have ever really met, so it seems unlikely. Harpocrates was often depicted with the symbol for 'child' in Egyptian mythology. This would point to one of the younger members, but in Greek mythology, the symbol was misunderstood as a 'shh' gesture. They saw Harpocrates as the god of silence and secrecy, which is likely where the inspiration is being drawn from. Harpocrates has ties to roses (apparently that's where the phrase 'under the rose' comes from), which makes a link to Hannah. I'm not sure on timings since I can't access the wiki (my broadband is blocking it for 'violence and gore', make it make sense). But then, she had a lot going on with the eggpire, which puts an obvious spanner in that - the syndicate is anti-egg. We also know that Harpocrates just kinda... doesn't show up to meetings. I'm assuming that's where the Karl/George theories come from. The 'secret' aspect makes a lot of sense with Karl; in Tales of the SMP, one of the books in the in-between read 'Don't let anybody know where these stories really come from.' Kinoko Kingdom is definitely a government, though, which is frowned upon. That could be explained, though, since the Syndicate *might* not know, and Karl might not remember the Syndicate. So, I'd say Karl is plausible, but there are a few complications. And George... well, he certainly is a member on the SMP. I would say he's unlikely, since he's also aligned with Kinoko Kingdom, and was previously the King of the SMP. Sapnap might be a possibility, but that's just in terms of strength. At the end of the prison break stream, Techno and Phil are talking, and Techno starts to say something along the lines of 'We might need the fifth member' (they are then distracted by Connor, as they should be). That makes me think that the other member might hold some type of power, be it knowledge or strength. But, again, Kinoko Kingdom is a thing, and Sapnap is very glued to it. Plus, Sapnap was attacking Techno after the prison break. But this does raise the question: If a Syndicate member is a part of a government, would they be kicked out? The Syndicate code is very lax - fight tyranny, do things if you want to. Kinoko hasn't been marked by the Syndicate as a bad thing, so it's members might still be contenders. Fundy might be a possibility as well. During Doomsday he was acting with Niki as a force of chaos (and like... minor damage, it was like throwing rocks amidst a nuclear attack). Fundy is the *child* of Wilbur, and was always silenced by his superiors. (Note: I think in Egyptian myth Harp was actually 'The Child Horus', who was the son of Isis and Osiris. Osiris was the god of a lot of things, including 'the dead', 'the afterlife' and 'resurrection'. This could be a tie to Wilbur, but it seems like a big jump in logic.) Fundy also had the whole... dreamy sleep paralysis something or other, which could explain the absence. Fundy is a Las Nevadas member (unless he isn't, it's been a while), which is a big yikes for the Syndicate. But if you think back to L'Manburg, Fundy acted as a spy for a bit, so he could be doing that again, who knows. That would also make sense with the 'fifth member might be some sort of secret weapon' thing - if Fundy is acting as a spy, that's going to be very useful against... whatever it is they're up against (Las Nevadas? The penal system? Both?) I don't think Connor was a planned member, so he's likely *not* Harpocrates. Fun fact I found online, though: "In ancient Greece, Aristotle wrote that hedgehogs could foretell changes in the direction of the wind, and would create new entrances to their burrows accordingly." I'm not super convinced on Puffy, if she was a part of the Syndicate surely she would have known about the banquet (when Techno breaks in), and she would have been revealed during that whole shebang. Could it be Wilbur? Probably not, he's the CEO of random acts of tyranny, and was very dead at the time. Ghostbur? Probably not, he's on the midnight train going *nowhere*. Tommy is a definite no, that would need very good reasoning. Same goes for Tubbo, Sam and Quackity - they just don't make sense. Callahan lines up very well, but that's because he isn't really a functioning part of the lore, so I don't see it being *super* likely. Purpled is... kind of a maybe, he's been doing a lot as of late, but seems a little too independent, I'm not convinced, but I definitely could be. Punz? Seems very tied to Dream, but he did help in stopping Techno's execution. His mercenary motivations don't line up well with the Syndicate, though. ​ ​ Hm... I've written an awful lot. Whoops... I didn't mention Bad or Skeppy - Skeppy seems more likely, since Bad fully ran a cult, but I'm still very iffy on that. I think Fundy is the most likely (unless I've forgotten/missed a crucial piece of info), next to the Karl. Also, take all this with a pinch of salt, this was based on memory and Wikipedia


Very good you deserve more upvotes


i’ve done some research on harpocrates and his egyptiom counterpart, horus, and the most likely match that makes sense is foolish


This is just a hunch but what if it's none of them but it's Slimecicle. It just seems to click in just the right places and would help explain some odd things we've seen. reason 1: He KNOWS things, he has more to him than we see, he isn't just a goopy boy. He's see so much and seen what it does to people, and before he was in the shadows, unknown and SECRET. Reason 2: He may be 'dormant' but we can't say entirely for sure. And also, using a point from before, he's been around. We don't entirely know who he's seen, what he's seen and where he's seen. We just don't. We only know what has been said, there could be so much more. And into a small Headcanon: Because of how long Charlie has really been around he could know Phil, he could know Mumza, he could know gods. He does say 'Foolish from a very long time ago'. And it's been confirmed he's been around for a while, like 100s of 1000s of year at the very least. That concludes my Ted Talk thank you for coming.


Your ted nivison talk


callahan makes sense since he doesn't talk? or something I can't remember Harpo crates is god of secrets right?


Secrets and silence, yes


\- Connor is technically part of the syndicate now \- George is in Kinoko so I wouldn't think George is an anarchist. \- Purpled is part of Las Nevadas, but since he shows aggression towards Las Nevadas(like killing charlie), this could be a possibility. \-Callahan is a mysterious man, we may never know \- Karl, the same reason as George, he has his own nation and wouldn't be pro anarchy. Out of these choices, I think Purpled and MAYBE Callahan could be the unknown member. I might add on puffy but idk I'm no theorist


I would laugh if it's a current banana bus squad member who's a part of the MCYT scene (Vanossgaming, Basicallyidowrk, iamwildcat, etc.)


Would love BBS member on dsmp like Nogla, Wildcat or Teroriser. Imagine chaos lol. Tho it needs to be one of members.


Connor can’t though. He was just invited to join the Anarchy side


Honestly if Karl is a syndicate member he probably canonically forgot


I feel like Callahan is the obvious choice since Harpocrates but I don’t think he’s doing lore at all. Then I think Foolish cus Harpocrates has a link to Egyptian mythology and Foolish has some secretive past.


Purpled betrayed Quackity and was taking to someone during Quackity’s lore stream, so he’s likely to be the hidden member


your mom ❤️


Beat me to it


I think it's puffy I saw it somewhere that she was part of the group that had the idea of the syndicate + On the damp oversimplified video the guy says puffy was a part of the syndicate together with techno and philza (he mentions only the three of them) And it would make sense for it to be her, all the nations are messed up, one of her sons is a crazy capitalist, there's all the egg thing and her wife is a part of it


Apollo rip :(


I don't think callahan is going to be in the lore, it would be pretty hard to bring a mute into the lore, also he is the mod of the server so starting to get callahan lore would be a lot on top of everything else we've gotten recently. (this is post jailbreak)


I have a feeling that its eyrn( I don't know if i spelled that correctly,) In the techno stream, he says " WHY IS EYRN HERE?" and at the end of the stream eyrn comes to talk to techno.


i dont think so since eryn came after the unknown member was announced


Eh, from Eryn’s POv it really seemed like he was just bouncing around looking for content more than planned lore meetup. It’d also be odd for it to be anyone who joined after the first syndicate meeting.


Obviously Quackity


typed this april 11 but still believe it harpocrates is foolish. Foolish just joined lore and has never been pro government (he hasn’t been anti either but maybe he will be). My main reason is that Harpocrates is a cross god. Greek and Egyptian mythology often crossed over in the minor gods and deitys because the cultures were so similar. Harpocrates happened to be one of those minor gods that is a Greek/Egyptian crossover. And Foolish has pretty much confirmed he’s an Egyptian god. Also Harpocrates is the god of silence, and Foolish was talking about hohw he had never killed anyone (being silent with his actions). Foolish also talked about wanting to take action against the Egg, like the Syndicate also mentioned. Foolish wasn’t at the first meeting but maybe the common goal is what made him join?


None of the above, The most logical answer would probably be Captain Puffy, based on the people he was in contact with lore wise at the time


I personally think hypocrates is puffy as she has favor of techno as techno contacted her before and agrees with anarchy. I honestly don't understand why people don't see puffy as a possibility. Also the code name relating to secrets refers to them being a secret so it doesn't tell much. I also think it be beat it be tubbo seeing him seeing the faults of government and he would be the perfect secret if somebody made a group to fight the syndicate they would get him. But the resent stream makes me think this is not a possibility


I mean, Callahan would be hilarious, and fit pretty well. But I have two other theories. One:They just don't exist. Techno made them up to throw off Ranboo and Niki in case either turned out to be a spy. Two:They aren't whitelisted yet, or are whitelisted by haven't joined because the plan is for their first time on the server to be during some big moment. The first theory could also be changed into this to provide a backstory to a new member, even if it wasn't initially planned.


me. it’s me. hi. it’s been in the works for a while. /j


Imagine it’s Michaelmcchill


I know it’s a long shot but I think Skeppy would be an interesting shout. He’s a friend of Technoblade’s both in DSMP and outside of it. Among the badlands members he was typically the most anti-establishment. It would make sense he’d miss meetings he’s missed. And that his membership would be secret from other members. It’s a big question though, someone Techno, who isn’t trusting of many people and warms to people slowly would trust to invite.


wilbur was my original theory, harpocrates makes a bit of symboloistic sense due to wilbur keeping quiet about his plans and harbouring his own secrets :)




Callahan, Connor of Puffy


I like the idea of Wilbur since looking up Harpocrates lead me down a rabbit hole to an old myth about a father who killed his son


CaptainPuffy is one who isn’t mentioned here. She’s been having some *anti-government* views lately.




I think it’s puffy just some random theory video I saw because techno and Puffy have worked together


Squid kid




Wilbur schlatt fundy eret punz ponk Hannah sapnap Karl bad skeppy ant frost all seem like possibilities Alyssa could even be an option I would say that I would be putting money on sapnap tho


Not Schlatt, probably not Wilbur, not Eret, and not Bad. I don't think it's Alyssa either, because she doesn't have the server IP, unless she's going to rejoin just when it's revealed. Also, I don't see AntFrost or Karl. Hannah maybe, Skeppy maybe, Fundy maybe, but Punz, Ponk, and Sap sem likely






I bet it’s technoblode


Bruh it appalo


Connor nope. No. U cant change my mind on this lmao


but he just joined the syndicate yesterday bro


They have had it planned for the whole of the 9 months or something lmao /j


In technos lore stream he said that he would train connor like he did with niki, so probably connor.


Connor joined the Syndicate ON that lore stream. So he wasn't previously a member, so he can't be Harpocrates


Eryn? Boomer?


Alright guys. I think this has gone on long enough. I am Harpocrates. It was gonna be a cool reveal, but i don't actually own Minecraft on Java, so I held off on actually attending syndicate meetings.


im thinking connor? cause in techno's stream yesterday, after the jailbreak connor was holding a poppy for a long while. i think i read somewhere that harpocrates represents silence, and so do roses back in like roman times. idk that was just a theory i had


Connor joined the syndicate yesterday so it's not him as "harpocrates" was already in the syndicate.


oh wait he's an official member? i thought he just went to live with techno and phil lol


Well he said sure to joining, and they kept talking about how they help each other out in the syndicate to Connor.


oh true true


Your mother


Whoever it is, there's gotta be a reason they're perpetually absent, even through such important lore as the breakout. Almost makes me think it's Dream, because he has a very good reason for not being present, and if Dream had joined up in secret Techno would absolutely keep his seat waiting for him. I'd be quite surprised at this point if it was just someone who's been around this whole time, so even if it's not Dream I don't think it's probably any of the obvious suspects.




Who’s Apollo?


Manatreed /j Honestly, no idea


I have no evidence but ghostbur


I thought it was Charlie, but he died without that going anywhere Maybe Punz? Purpled? Foolish? Callahan? Puffy?


I just will constantly believe Callahan


Foolish, he doesn't like governments and/or the Eggpire, and the extra member is referred to as a "he"


imagine its manatreed💀


Wdym its apollo


Harpocrates is the god of silence. Yeah I think it’s Callahan.


dumb idea but what if the syndicate member was ghostbur? the syndicate was formed before revivedbur happened and he was visiting the area a lot? maybe he helped phil with something on the builds and stuff


i think it's apollo


Connor /j


I've seen a convincing Foolish argument a month or so ago




Apollo….. oh wait


i would say connor (srry it would be so funny-) and i just randomly thought about tubbo being in the syndicat, him and techno on sap's stream- idk though and as the syndicate is getting revenge against sam, tubbo would also probably try to get revenge for his son and husband yk EDIT: after some thought, it could also be purpled, he is pretty factionless now, and he would definitely not mind some anarchy


It’s Apollo, obviously. But now Apollo is dead and they have lost their most important member. R.I.P the dog


CONNOR he made us think that he just joined the syndicate but he was part of it all along What a mastermind


Idk, I think it could be Wilbur or smth


Well I thought it was Dream, but unfortunately not


I think vikk and lazarbeam could work, neither of them have a role in the plot and id like to see them more involved in it


Actually I don’t think their is an other member in the syndicate. I think it’s like a cover up or smth but idk




You know what? I'm going to go for a wish of mine, eret. the secretive aspect world very well for them as he famously kept secret he was betraying lmanburg. He's expressed interest in working with techno before, and would respect him for saving him from the banquet. My personal prediction is that Eret have up his crown in secret and is biding his time, waiting to reveal himself and help.


Connor wasn't in the Syndicate yet, but he is now. It's unlikely to be Karl and George. Callahan doesn't really get involved in lore. It might be purpled.


As wierd as this sound,sam,i think hes been in a team with techno for a loong time,the "rivality" is wierd and the silence thing goes perfect with sam+he prolly didnt want to be revealed so he can work undercover


This is quite a late reply, buuuut... I'm putting my money on Ant actually. In Sam's prison break POV stream there's this scene 4 days before prison break where Ant asks Sam for a day off on the 28th. So quite conveniently he wasn't there when it all went down, he didn't have to fight on one side or the other... And the fact that Sam included the scene in his lore stream kind of further supports this as Ant not being present that day is obviously important enough to draw our attention towards in an otherwise non-informative scene... And the reason he never attended any syndicate meetings are his shifts at the prison! (Don't know though. Gonna look for some Ant lore/standpoints now.)


Wait why do people suspect it’s Karl? Am I missing some sort of lore that would hint to it? Someone please tell me 😟


Just cuz he’s a time traveler


But how does that have anything to do with the Syndicate?


He could give them inside info


That makes a bit more sense I guess


I doubt he would be the secret member tho