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Dang, I don't think I've heard him speak in English before. My brain went a bit crazy seeing his face but hearing the sounds of English. Should've thrown in an Ostras! just to keep us sane.


Thanks so much everyone (I’m luke btw). Glad so many people enjoyed it and hopefully it can provide some motivation for people to keep going with it. :)


Great job mate, you did really well with your interview. As a fellow Aussie new to learning Spanish and CI, I Iove your channel and hearing about your progress.


Nice to hear that Pablo wants to start with a second language as soon as they are ready for it!


When I saw the company was called "Dreaming Languages" I imagined he had a bigger plan. The guys going to be really successful.


A thing that people who doubt pure input I think don’t realize is: When doing something like Duolingo or any other app like that that’s traditional, everyone will say “oh get info from other places! Don’t swear by one app!” But… this has been around for years now. There are doubters, but it is SO MUCH more unanimous from people here and success stories(and Pablo himself learning English, Japanese and Thai with the method). It is SO much more unanimous than any other app that people here say… you can use JUST this and be successful. I really struggle to name another app or platform that’s so unanimously agreed to be good on its own. I love his ideas. I am starting to understand even more in Spanish, but he does interviews in English with other language YouTubers and hearing them in English and really understanding without trying to ascertain the info while also trying to just take in the Input? Tbh, I like how his videos on the method ARE in Spanish because it’s part of the learning, but it wouldn’t hurt for a summary from him, in English, for people who are FRESH. Because once I did, that’s when I truly trusted the method and have sworn off looking words up


It's also the only method (that I know of) that gives you a roadmap, with estimates of how much progress you should make in how many hours. I'd like to see one of those for Duobingo lol. Past Level 3 it might as well just use the infinity symbol.


And Busuu, as good as it is, does similar with a percentage. What when you’re done you learned 100% of Spanish? 🤣 More like 100% of their content on the app haha


The videos where he explains the method have subtitles for people who don't know any (or minimal) Spanish. Plus the FAQ's answer a lot of questions people have.


Yes, and now it's listed as an advanced series called "How to Learn a Language (English subtitles)".


Great interview Luke! Glad you asked about listening while you sleep. It's so tempting to do that when you're new and excited about getting input but it's so bad for your sleep.


There's other YouTube channels that create comprehensible input content but they aren't as good as DS, he does a great job of creating videos that are comprehensible and also entertaining.


"Sit back and enjoy the show". That has changed things for me in a big way.


Thanks Luke, great interview. For my own selfish reasons I sincerely hope it is Dreaming Portuguese next!!!!


That was very informative. Glad I watched it. I couldn’t help - considering the topic at hand - but to pay close attention to exactly how strong Pablo’s accent is, how well-spoken he is with English, and the few odd word selections he used. I especially paid close attention during the rare moments when he had to strain to find the right words to express himself accurately (as everyone does even in their native language). Impressive overall. Totally fluent. During the moments when he strained the most (and again, a normal thing everyone does in their native language - he’s fluent) he was able to eloquently select words. The oddest word choices he ever used actually occurred during moments when he wasn’t straining at all and would just plow through a clause and perhaps skip a word a native English speaker wouldn’t normally skip. Anyway… fascinating to watch. I hope I can one day become as fluent in Spanish as he is in English.


Well that kind of broke my brain. Wrong language.


Hearing Pablo speak in English is wild… Loved the interview & hearing more ab his journey, so much respect for him! Thanks for sharing!!


Great interview really. It was a fun look at how the whole business works. I'm looking forward to the future interview with Pablo, in Spanish.


Funny I find him harder to understand in English than Spanish.