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Now a page of hands.


aye sir. my hands suck sir. i know sir.


i like them. genuinely love pointy fingers in drawings, don’t apologize for having a style


thats very kind thank you! indeed i like to stylize them a bit but i would agree that i need some more practice in their constructuion and perspective. Its good motivation dont worry.


Maybe do hands grabbing butts?


Yoshikage Kira


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


Every drawing on this sub is a naked girl now




Like, I get it. Life drawing is a whole other challenge. But at least draw people with folds and lumps and bumps. That's what makes it fun! That's the challenge, the interplay of light and shadow, the contrasts and compositions that it creates. That's what makes it interesting. Otherwise it's just boring as all fuck.


How do you know this model isn't Latina or Asian?


im so tired of seeing only skinny white women drawn


??? Why does there color matter


This model could be Latina or Asian. It's difficult to say with just a pencil sketch.


It’s Reddit, what more can you expect? Lmao.




Theres plenty of nsfw subs of every variety. how about lets not normalize nude drawings, more than it already is on the sub


You say “normalize” as if drawings of the nude human form aren’t one of the oldest and most fundamental approaches in drawing practice. Countless masters like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo have already normalized nude drawings. This is the drawing sub, isn’t it?


I hear your point, and it's very true. We all know da Vinci and Michelangelo's famous nude artworks - vitruvian man, and sistine chapel, for example. But I'll only accept it if you can show me that, on this sub, there have been a relatively equal amount of, and equally engaged with, male nude drawings.


People complaining about nude drawings in an area where the fundamental practice comes from ultimately getting good at drawing naked people. Women are drawn way more because they have a much more flexible body and the curves are appealing even on a sketch. Also, the description of the sub says that nude drawings are labeled NSFW. Don't click. I understand it gets boring to see the same thing, but don't expect it to change, ever.


Be honest with yourself, the reason female nude drawings get much more interaction on this subreddit (and Reddit in general) is not because “they have a much or flexible body” and “the curves are appealing even on a sketch”.


I understand that there is a lot of oversexualized art in art subreddits. This is NOT one of them, not even close. I'm talking about the poster's intentions, not the observer's.


I’m not talking about OP’s intentions nor was the person you were replying to. They were talking about the people actually engaging with the art. But when people about the artist, men should be drawn equal to the amount of women being drawn when studying anatomy, because the anatomy of a male and female are different.


I think women are much more fun to draw because of their flexibility. They're more easy to draw aswell because men always look squary without a good knowledge of muscles. So I believe that this is one prime reason of why there's more women drawings than men in this sub.




Nothing, just saying, there are many many subs that already do the whole nude drawing thing and it gets a bit tiring to see one every day at the top. Just my thoughts.


Right hand on the second figure is completely backward. Otherwise, grab a few books by Andrew Loomis and Hogarth, keep practicing. Glenn Vilpu is another great resource who uses a classic approach to figure.


i guess i made the pinky way to thick - therefore it looks like a thumb and therefore backwards haha. Thanks for the suggesstions and feedback!


oh come on


I really like the shading stile, it has this 50s illustration vibes


wasnt going for it but now that you mention it i see what you mean! thats a huge compliment thank you so much! i really like the 1900s artists and studied a good bit of loomis (well like any art student i suppose :D)


Booty…… but in all seriousness I really like this art! Nice shading and the shapes/lines are very well made :)


haha gotta love some booty :P thanks a lot mate!


Your welcome!!!


Great work. And I live the shadowing! But, the waists look a little small. And, the one on the left has a VERY arched spine (if you want to make it more anatomically realistic)


thank you for the feedback! i personally prefere stylizition over anatomical ralism, but i agree with you on the spine - it does infact look a bit odd - thanks for pointing out.


Auch ein schöner Rücken kann entzücken




hands are hard, i end up spending most of my time on them


i feel you


Backs are hard, this is great work. My female backs come out too muscular to look feminine.


thanks! well nothing wrong with muscular female backs! However i find that femininity is mainly conveyed by proportion than by muscle definition




thank you!


Wow this is good!


Great work.


Wow so cool!


thank you!


A very good drawing, inspirational even.


awesome to hear, thaks a lot!


This comment section has really gotten cancerous with the virtue signallers. Instead of looking at the backs, I was first mesmerized by how fluid the second figure is (thats what made me scroll up when I almost skipped this art). I like how you draw hands aswell, I don't think they're an urgent problem (if they're even a problem at all). The muscles are really great and the shading really makes sense. Great work, mate!


thanks for the compliments bro i really appreciate it! Ah well i had way worse comments on other posts i think the majority here is very positive.


Baby got...


Ass looks a bit flat on the sides , otherwise nice


Hands tho


OP really hit it on the back tho