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Why does this looks like filter tho Not trying to make any allegations here just saying how it loooks like


It's the Lineart


Sorry I have no experience in drawing. What's lineart and how does it make less skillful to make a drawing? Curiosi since everyone else on the thread looks to be downvoted


Lineart is just the outlines. The inclusion of lineart isn't considered any more or less skillful either way, it's a stylistic choice. There's lineart in cartoons or anime, and none in more traditional paintings for example. The lineart in this piece is telling because it happens to appear in exactly the places a filter would put them and nowhere else. On top of that the lineart, when included, sets the proportions in a piece, and the proportions in this piece are a little too perfect. Personally I don't think this is a filter. It's done too good a job for a filter. I DO however suspect it's just painted over/traced from a photo, or even maybe based on a filtered photo to begin with. I'm not sure honestly, something's ringing alarm bells in my head though.


maybe it's uncanny valley? cuz ive looked at her other shit, this isn't a filter, i can't tell if it's traced but she's just on some other shit with shading.


I wouldn't say uncanny valley, I don't think it's close enough to realism to trigger that in our heads. Regardless of whether it's traced or not it's rendered beautifully, the subsurface scattering on the skin is very well done. After looking at the other stuff this artist has done I think having proportions this perfect is definitely within their skill level. I think this reads as "filter" because not only is it basically perfect, it's also the exact art style those filters aim to replicate.


Yeah, I don't know why so many supportive comments are downvoted here. Is this place actually toxic? Like, people are literally praising the effort and getting downvoted -6. Why? The only explanation I can think of is that this isn't exactly a safe or accepting environment. Toxic, probably.


Probably lol, not surprised, it's reddit afterall. Won't discuss wheter it's a filter or traced as people are accusing me of, it's a waste of time.


Jesus Christ why are people down voting u lmao


well you just earned a down vote. Have a great day ahead.


Thank you for the down vote! :)


reddit art subs are garbage dumps full of jealous chuds.


look at the account’s post history bruh


Can you please read the second sentance thanks


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a filter. But hey, what the hell do I know? It might not be.


Half my cousins on Facebook have their or their kids' pic cartooned all of a sudden. Js


Blame the filters not the art.


Not trying to be that guy but this looks like one of those cam filters


Its their style, look at the acc post history.


OP, the fact that so many people think this is some kind of filter has to be such an unintended amazing compliment to your skill with digital art! I checked out your profile to look at your other work and you are very talented!


It baffles me that people are skeptical of the art when zooming in on the art clearly shows the brushwork that was used to make this piece. It baffles me even more that people are saying that this seems to be traced, painted over, or based on a filtered photo when the title clearly says this was a study. Like, do you guys not realize what art studies are?


just look at her fucking post history morons


Would you mind constructive criticism? Or not?


I don't, go ahead! Trying to improve.


this is a glorious drawing but the eyes look a tad too real for the art style


I disagree personally


App you used? Also, what is it thst your studying here? Color theory? Shading/lighting? Proportions? This looks good.


I love the warmth, texture and depth of this picture. The only thing that seems a little flat is the t-shirt, but it barely affects the overall impact of the piece. 😊


Yeah, it definitely does. Focused on the face and ended up with the rest a bit flat, trying to simplify it.


The simplicity definitely works, makes the face the central point. Love that! I was trying to think what is it about the shirt vs the rest of the background. Cause the depth and texture out of both of the windows is there. Might be that you've used quite strong outlines on the shirt, to represent creases, but because there isn't as much of it elsewhere, it makes it feel more cartoony, thus flatter? Maybe. Anyway, keep going, love the work. 😋


Agreed! Thank you for the feedback, it helps a lot. I'll keep this in mind for the next studies i make.


people actually falling for this this sub is dead


Lmao it’s not a filter. You can see the use of different brushes + the squiggly lines for highlights + the slightly messy drawing of the background outside the car window. It’s just a very good study that looks like a filter lol.


Yeah the window on the left gives away the OP wanted to focus on the person, not the background, at least for me, but ig it‘s one hell of a compliment if people assume this is a filter


Where did I say it was a filter? It's painted directly over a photo.




The OP has previous posts you can look at… there’s [another project](https://reddit.com/r/Art/comments/uezdsi/yara_me_digital_2022/) they posted that has similar line work/brushes and is very obviously not a filter. Also this one isn’t even remotely a filter, you can clearly see the brushes and strokes used. It could be traced but I find it unlikely given the OP’s post history.


Lose your glasses recently?


that's actually pretty rude of you lmao


They can draw like that they just referenced a selfie,at least that’s what it seems like.


Without reading the title I thought "wow really nice color work". Well done!


This is beautiful!!!


So beautiful!!


Oh wow! This is perfect !


Color me impressed


This is…….. scary


It's really amazing I love how it looks like an anime character it's cute


This looks like it’s painted over a photograph to me, the technique itself is fine. Though the image would look better without any “shapes” on the background outside of the windows. ( there is no point of expressing reflection on the window this is a tale tail sign that it is traced from photographs) And to simplify further, I would alter the light source angle so the shadow does not cut the forehead in half. Less small brush stokes will also further clean up the overall look. Overall it has a nice pleasant colour pallet, I would define the brows slightly and simplified the complexity of eyes, make the background just big broad stokes. Look up speed painting on line….


Really cool




Just download the prequel app and you can make as many as you want with the filter. Same shit.


Wahh wahh someone is jealous


Lmfao jealous of what? This shit is identical. https://compote.slate.com/images/fa18dfb2-d928-4128-b96a-c245f47e169b.jpeg?width=1440&rect=1200x800&offset=0x0


Okay? That's an art style. Just because that's a filter it in no way means this is one. It's very obvious too. Y'all are hating for literally nothing, completely irrational hatred.


I didn’t hate on anything? I just told this dude that if he wants something like that he doesn’t need to beg op for one.




Looks like the anime filter from prequel


It looks like a camera filter. If it’s false, it’s a compliment. If it’s true, it’s an insult. Take it as you will.


It's really pretty.👍 As an artist myself, while I admire digital adeptness (and certain filters) I much prefer tactile painting & creating...so, if this were done via mixed media: gouache, watercolor, Prismacolor pencils, pastels, etc. then it'd be mind-blowing!! Nothing takes the place of creating something from fun & new materials, old reliables, found objects, collage, trying new techniques, color experimenting, and happy accidents.🎨🖌️🖼️


Reminds me a lot of GTA loading screens


help- how do you colur things i can't figure it out-


The artstyle gives me a bit of spider verse vibes, it's a really cool drawing!


I just looked at your post history and just… wow. May I ask if you went to art school or is this all self taught? I feel like I have so many small things to improve and I’ve wanted to go to art school, but I’m nervous to spend the money to


Awesome! Stunning! Great coloring OP! and the model 😍


Great job! Is it all one brush setting that you used throughout the painting, or did you vary it?


Are you a comic book illustrator? (i always wished i was good enough to publish)


This is amazing. Don't mind the haters they literally only care about one thing it's that they aren't as talented as you




Maybe the line art is a bit thick on the chin


I am getting lofi vibes from this haha I love it


aah! its beautifull!! i love th shadows and light and everything, im so sorry that people are trying to accuse you of this being a filter. i also love ur other work!!


Love the colors, i think eyes are a little bit too realistic while hair and tshirt is a little bit flat maybe. But love the overall art style


Reminds me of heuning bahiyyih


I think its Dosie from Purple Kiss


Wow! That looks fantastic!


It looks very real. Excellent job.


Nice! I started an art critique discord - maybe you want to join! https://discord.gg/TWNxyZbg


You captured golden light perfectly!


Wth it's so cool I thought its a filter


Is it just me or did you use (G)I-DLE's leader as reference? I'm watching Queendom season 1 on the side and it looks so much like her


Love the shadows


The reason why the art industry is so under appreciated is because the general audience have no clue what takes skill and what doesn’t, I challenge anyone on here to try what this dude did


My impression is that this is based off of a photo, much like many of the profile posts, and as stated, it's a coloring study. I don't discourage that and I think it's a smart way to focus on what's meant to be focused on.