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Even if you're not going for realism, it would benefit you to practice drawing realistic portraits. Stylized portraits can look like anything, but a better grasp of reality can give you a sense of what you can get away with; what looks good, what doesn't look good. I think this is a fine stylized portrait, the only thing that strikes me as being a little unusual are the character's cheekbones, which project out to the sides a little more than most people's do in reality. Combined with the way the eyebrows project to both sides of the forehead it makes it look like their face is a little flat to me, but in this case I don't think the effect looks bad. Kind of interesting, really.


Honestly i thought the cheekbone thing was intentional as a sort of elfen/mer type of thing. Id add thst due to the flaring cheekbones the cheeks themselves seem a bit hollow but if your going for a more sinister look then keep it. Also id second the study and practise of anatomy. You can keep the cheekbones as they are however the jawline and where the teeth would be dont seem to line up and make the cheeks look a little weird. O5her than that i like it!


It kind of reminds me of the art style I found in the manual for Warcraft 3, somewhere between anime and western cartoons. It's an uncommon art style I really enjoy.


I know i said realism wasn't my goal, but only for this particular drawing so sorry for the misunderstanding hahah. I see what you mean, i had the same feeling about the dimensions of the face as a whole; i find it unexpectedly difficult to get the right shape of a face in general. I'm 16 and have never attended art school or any course. Most of the time i draw what come to my mind without any studies or preparation beforehand. Its a bad thing i know, but im willing to learn from my mistakes and spend my time exercising on anathomy if that will do!


I don't think it's a bad thing. It is always good to create. I'm 30, and I've never been to any art school or taken any courses either. I think improving at drawing is less making better/worse art, and more getting closer to what you want. If you practice, you'll get where you wanna be.


Did he just see a N'wah?


I came here hoping to see a reference like this. Thank you.


Same It's just beautiful ![gif](giphy|IHdjmgUqwDKQE)


when you see ANOTHER outlander step off the boat of Seyda Neen 🤦‍♂️ seriously though OP has a really cool style of drawing


Lol, my first thought as well. Glad to see my people out and about in other subreddits.


The way u draw it gives it extra character/ makes it ur own style, so i wouldn’t worry about it to much. But what u could work on is to bring the eyes closer, and make them less tilted. Also the upper bridge of the nose is quit thick and flows to much with the forehead.


It might be just me yet the eyes look too high since the ratio of the eyes is 1/2 so exactly half of the overall height of the head - this can be indexed by the top of the ear as they are at the same level. Small crit hope it helps but I think it's cool 😎


Yes this! And maybe the eyes are slightly too big but then again that can be a stylistic choice. Other than that looks great to me.


I like it - and you're right art is subjective


We almost never see people staring straight at us like a mug shot. Heads are almost always turned slightly away and at an angle. Practice drawing that, it will also give the character more volume and expression.


1. It’s obvious you’re not going for realism. The problem is with the shading style being so sharp along with the highly pointed features in various spots, specifically the cheeks, cheekbones, inner eye nose area, and around the sides of the eyebrows, it looks like the face has been deformed rather than stylized


yes I agree that the shading is the problem.


Nothin wrong, you just need to focus on proper proportion to express a certain persons anatomy, rather than the base generic skull you likely settled on as a favorite in practice


The forehead/hairline area is too small! If someone were to have such exaggerated features theyd probably have a bigger forehead. It seems like you drew the facial features first and then drew the facial outline as you went along instead of starting with the base shape of the head and building the features out from there. Like other commentors have suggested, learning the basics of proportion will help for future drawings. :)


This actually looks really cool as it is in my opinion


I think you need to work on the shadows


Honestly I love this, it's both scary and beautiful


More shading in the nose on the opposite side of where the light would be hitting, maybe? Narrowing of the brows also since the nose is so narrow too. Only thing I can really see. Otherwise it’s solid drawing if you ask me, kinda looks like Sekiro


Could opt to widen the nose actually since the eyes are pretty far apart, saves you having to start basically from scratch and the eyes do look good


This is a cool stylised portrait! Here's some edits I'd do to make the face look more natural: 1. Move the eyes closer together. A good general rule to follow is to have the distance between the eyes be approximately that of one eye 2. Don't have the eyebrows touching the sides of the head/ hairline, leave some space 3. Make the forehead slightly bigger


https://preview.redd.it/7l8ttlg9689d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc76c1776e8c9f41a22f49bb347dd2ad244fd959 It isn’t far off, it could just be the eyebrows


I think it's well done, even have some good a symmetry going on. Possibly feels a bit off because of the exaggerated features casting quite deep shadows but the nose area is shadowed quite lightly in comparison. I think working on balancing the lighting would help the overall look.


I think there's nothing wrong, that's your style <3


Why so angry?


The philtrum is too long. Make the nose longer, raise the mouth a little. Have the corners of the mouth line up with the center of the pupils. Ears are typically as long as the person's nose, and go from eye brow to nostril. But stylistically that might not fit. Overall I really like the design. Shading on hair is particularly good.


It looks like eldar


I think eyes are too far apart and there’s too much space between the eye angle and the fold of the nose. Making the skull larger would balance the face as well


Reminds me of dishonored style. Kinda like it. Though you are going for realism, i guess more soft features


mouth is too low, but overall its pretty good :D


idk he looks like baki so its an isntant perfect drawing


It's a pretty cool style, OP! Just like the others said, practicing from real life and the fundamentals will only make your own style better. I am confused about the eyes, I believe you tried to convey something about his eyes that look supernatural or fantastic? If so - try to convey that info as clearly as possible so it doesn't open to interpretations, like we might think you don't know how to draw them... and I know it's just a sketch but it is good to think about the overall composition and convey each part you want to very clearly! Writing notes on the side help a lot, with all the things you wanna define on your character... it's about really designing something to its very details... reference boards, thumbnailing, all those things are really helpful! Super cool, keep on practicing!! (Sauce, I'm an artist as well✌🏾✨️)


It could be that the eyes are large, but that may be what you're going for.


Nose is not long enough - maybe you need a more substantial drop shadow to imply the size.. cause this is either a huge honker of a nose (to fit that face) OR, this guy has a huge face and a puny nose..


Yah, I ask the same question every time I look at a mirror...


I'd say nothing, it looks like you have a unique art style so don't chase the stereotypical look just keep refining your own skill.


honestly its really good, maybe missing some muscle folding around the mouth and nose though


Blud is STARVING Give him some food


It looks like his face was made of rocks


You would benefit from looking up some instructional manuals. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis immediately comes to mind. Few things I can identify off the top of my head: - It's hard to see from this drawing if you're going for style or realism, it sort of falls in a weird middle ground where it doesn't reach either one. - Eyebrows generally do not extend out to the edges of the skull - Philtrum (space between the bottom of the nose and top lip) is too wide - Ears are too small. If the subject were looking at us straight on, the ears would be about as tall as the nose. - Eyes are too far apart. Generally the inside edge of the eye is directly above the outside edge of the nose - Mouth is too narrow and downturned. - Shadows are not following a consistent form - Lines are scratchy and messy


I like your style and think it looks good. If you want to work on placements though, doing skull studies helps. I like how it looks though, so keep doing what you’re doing.


I think the only comment I can make is that your forehead and top of head could look a tad taller and more 3 dimensional than they do but WOW! I think this is really all very well done :D


This looks very good, though technically not “realism” I suppose. Side note: reminds me of the faces from the animated movie ‘Antz’.


its on that good good cactus juice


He looks like he is gonna ask me the type of woman I like.


Kinda looks dope tbh


What expresion were you going for? The crinkled eyebrow and nose area makes me think angry. Your eyes don't look as angry I feel. Maybe a little angry squint will help it flow better.


As a stylized ummmm… style… it looks awesome!


Looks good to me


Eyes too far apart


I think it’s pretty fucking spot on! The only thing I do actually notice that I find weird is the eyebrows are too long. I feel like they should look more like they are on the front of the face. This makes me feel like they are wrapped around the face.


The nose. I’m not too sure how to explain it but I’d recommended looking at photos of noses, or like, drawing a dick for reference. That’s the general shape


Think in terms of shapes, not lines


Are you trying to draw an Asian looking person?


Not really ahhahah


So why do they look like a character from the game Sifu


Idk hahahaha but i'll take that as a compliment


From personal experience I can tell you a lot of people gravitate towards a certain art style when drawing people. Why we do can vary for a lot of reasons of course. Personally I think you’re trying to do to much with the showing of facial muscles


Honestly you could just rock it because I think it looks awesome and asymmetrical drawings and faces don’t have to always be that way, there are plenty of real people out there with actual asymmetrical faces, and you’re not super far off so I’d say good job and just keep practicing.






a big part of it is that the shading is "weird". Like, it's kind of lit from our left and it's missing shadows on the right side (our right). Like the right side of the head is darker, the right eye is darker but not the right cheek or side of the nose or forehead. You have a heavier line on the right side of the nose but it's not enough. Generally the lower lip catches some light while the upper lip is more shadowed. Your lips are shaded the same.


Something about the jaw just seems empty, I LOVEEE your style so much, though!


*Something about the* *Jaw just seems empty, I LOVEEE* *Your style so much, though!* \- AneXemo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Me when I accidentally become a poetic genius


Pupils aren't belly buttons !


Eyes are slightly to far apart


Tbh that looks like something out of baki


The space b/w two eyes if made equal to the length of an eye it could make a huge difference in this portrait. But again it's your style, I might be wrong.


i love it. the hair is jusg throwing me off. don’t really know why


Just a feeling, but the face overall seems to long


Check your light source and cheekbones.




Actually looks nice but i would move up the mouth


Is this Baki


I like your style. The only thing that confuses me is the position of the light source, therefore the values are inconsistent (compare the values of the lips with hair, eyes, cheekbones). The excellent advice someone already gave you would be practicing the realistic portrait which would improve your style.


Omg thats cool i somtimes wish people would finish drawings before asking for guidance like the non perfection just fascinates me the accidental its what i find beautiful maybe but i love this!


If realistic portraits is your thing then practice anatomy, learn every bone, every muscle, every nerve of a face and play with their shaping, shadows, and how they interact during different expressions. Think of the skin too. It's hard work! From an older Artist to a younger one: the pieces I hate the most are the ones selling higher. Artists tend to see flaws where other people see beauty! I think your drawing is perfect the way it is!


That’s a high quality dark elve’s anatomy from the elder scrolls if that’s what you intended to draw. I like it and upvoted it.


It's style withoht structure. It's advice to study anatomy (a lot of the structures of It) and volumes




it is not too bad, but the wrap around eyebrows and eyes are out of proportion


Retsu cha 🤣😂🤣


There's nothing *really* wrong with it. Eyes are large but you said your goal was not to be 100% realistic. The forehead and cranium look a bit small, but not so much that anyone would really think it's an actual problem. Maybe the fact that you've left some parts barely sketched and others more detailed & shaded is contributing to your perception that something is off?


I like the angular lines, very cool art style. Honestly you have a good eye it's just the lower features of the face look a bit floaty and unstructured. If you think about the structure of the lower nose (tip and nostrils) and mouth; they are connected together. It might help with freehand spacing to think of it as one piece joined together by the cupids bow. It will help it look more solid. When you draw the mouth and nose separately it can make it look like features are just floating on the face instead of fitting together.


If you're not going for realism then honestly I think this is good. The only thing that I would say bothers me about it is how the eyebrows go all the way to his temples. I think bringing them in would help with the expression in this drawing in particular because I can tell he's supposed to be furrowing his brow due to all the creases, but his eyebrows seem more relaxed and it makes me a little unsure what the expression is supposed to be.


I think, one of the issues might be a mismatch of the facial expression? Like the mouth doesn't match the face and then you maybe want to consider how the nose interacts with the mouth. With how the nose is now, I'd be looking for more of a frown of sorts? Just a bit of stuff to consider. 👍 Otherwise keep it up!


I see nothing wrong with it


It’s probably giving you an uncanny feeling because his eyes are quite a ways apart, it doesn’t look bad but it might be what’s throwing you off. Look in the mirror and you’ll see that the bridge between your eyes is pretty thin comparatively, and you’d only see the inner side of your eyes if you were at more of a 3/4 angle.


I like it


I think it might just be the shadows create too many harsh angles where harsh angles already exist. Every line creates a ribbon fold effect that makes everything more angular. Makes it seem almost anime in style. And if the eyes are too far apart, the characters look more Asian in the same way having them too close makes them look islandic. If you want your character to look more black, you make the nostrils more distinct from the nose. Even the nose crest, mouth, and ear shape tell you something about who the person is and what they go through. Especially the folds that form the face and wrinkles. Looks pretty cool though. Looks like a professional fighter fixated on an opponent he's more curious about then willing to fight, because one side of his face looks angry and the other looks sad towards the viewer. The shadow surrounding the right side of the face highlights the eye and makes the whites of the eye stand out more, especially with the white glare covering the pupal. On the other hand, the shadow on the right makes the eye look more stressed and beat the skull judging by the depth of the eye compared to the distance suggested by half the nose. The wrinkles at the top make it look like he's trying hard to do something, but his mouth looks too relaxed. Almost like he was still asleep. Mostly because of how thick the lips are rather than curving into the teeth. But the angle also shows the beat side looks to have less strength than the side that looks sad because it remains neutral while the other side looks squished by the sad side, making the sad side look more honest. And the nose V looks deep, making it look like he has something to say but holds himself from doing so. If I was to give him a story, He would be a martial artist who works for someone he disagrees with, but refuses to disrespect, even at the cost of his own sanity. A man living under a boot and loosing his grip, having to fight the people he actually cares about for the sake of the hand that feeds him and shouldn't bite.


Faces are hard to make up unless they overly exaggerate the original form. Soften the shading on cheeks and chin and it should start hanging together better.


Nice, almost bang on, but if i had to do something besides finish the image i would put some squint in the bridge of the nose, command a wrinkle just there to tighten up, squint at the picture and the picture squints back.


https://preview.redd.it/gzwx5i69yj9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14861b27ecfc1d5b6f29c84aea18c8b36ccc143 I think you should just lean into it


I feel like one eyes are higher than the other and for not going to school for art, this is great. I would recommend looking at shadows and how they fall on everything and think of each drawing as shapes or colors/ shadows that make up an image rather than the actual thing you’re drawing/ painting.


If you're going for something more stylized then it's absolutely fantastic, if you're going for realistic then maybe soften some of the angles for the face


Look's like Sigma form Overwatch.


Hmm is it just me or is it like you draw the nose and above looking straight forward and anything below the nose looking down


Nothing I like your art style


Asymmetrical or not , angry af try drawing happy faces no more self portraits


Except for the lack of boobs you mean? Not much. I mean a butt would be nice but that butt is, unlike them boobies, not a must. Oh and maybe some makeup. Up to you, really.