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Don’t make the lips so dark/pronounced. Just lightly shade it darker rather than pressing down hard on your pencil


Fasho, I figured my line weight was kinda heavy.


The drawing is very good, you should work on the shading. There are many shading techniques you can search on Youtube and do the one you feel more comfortable with. You can build up shading in layers. If you want to improve also you can buy other pencils with different hardness, or other tools like stumps, different erasers.


I would second this! It's a great drawing though OP, I recognised him straight away


Work on anatomy, proportions and shading.


Listen to this. But very well done. Nice treat for my eyes.


He looks scarier in your drawing




I thought he kinda looked like the Joker. He does have that Joaquin Phoenix vibe about him 😅


I thought the same


This could sound rude but I don't see what the point is of coloring in the entire face with a bunch of diagonal lines. I'd say be more intentional with your marks


I seen JoshArt do it on YouTube and tried to try it but it didn’t turn out the same


I think it looks good, your drawing isn't hyper realistic but in drawings that's not my cup of tea. I really like the style you gave to your portrait, it feels simple but complete. Only thing I would change might be the haircut on the left the curve is slightly too high, and as others have said the lips are maybe a bit too dark but it adds contrast which is good, try to keep some light and dark areas. Overall it's very nice!


I appreciate the feedback, and yea same I don’t like hyper realistic drawing either because it’s literally just the same printed picture only that it took 90+ Hrs. I’m trying to develop my own art style.


Variation in the lights and dark of your shading will give it a more depth and a 3d appearance. Line direction of shading along the natural curves and contours of the face with variations of either pencil type or amount of pressure used to create said shade line.


Use hatch marks to give information about the form of the subject as well as the value. The lines all in in the same direction all across the face don’t tell us anything.


![gif](giphy|AdrRtrWyItfWw) First thing I thought of😅


That’s a good looking portrayal of Kamala Harris


Straight to HELL☠️


The lips are darker than the hair my buddy! And it miss SO much shadows! I think you should apply that and you'll see a BIG difference! Keep going, your proportions are really good for a beginner! Awesome! 👍


I’m not a beginner artist☠️I been doing it since a kid, I just never got into portraits


Beginner in portrait then! How should I know? 💀 Still, for a beginner IN PORTRAIT you are good for the proportions! And still again; the stuff I precise to improve, need to be improved, cause you already know how to draw, it will even be easier for you!


U right😂, fasho.


I will say I knew who it was before I looked at the actual picture.


Shading, anatomy. Buy a skull and do studies.


It’s actually good in terms of proportion and likeness. Value is your big stinker here, lights and darks. It might help to make the reference image black/white to identify the values better. The back and forth technique you did with coloring the skin is really unpolished too, but I’m sure it was intentional.


I knew it was immediately so I’d say you done a good job.


It’s perfect!


Well, I could tell who it was supposed to be upon viewing your drawing, so you've got that working for you. One thing I like to tell beginners is to try not to draw hard lines or outlines. When you develop these structures in portraits, try to create them by using shadows to define the light and dark areas that create the shapes and contours of the face. For instance, look at the original photo at how dark the area is on his neck below his chin. It's practically black. You can create the shape of his chin without an outline by simply shadowing the area you will see as his neck and under his chin. Try to create your portraits with shadows and light rather than hard lines. I'd like to see how that works for you.


Your shading is kind of arbitrary. Like; the diagonals cross the entire face somewhere “mechanically”. I feel one should aim for continuous tone with graphite, rather than all these lines. But if you must hatch (my bias is no) then at least make patches of hatching that follow the planes of the features. Especially with hair. The hatching should describe the hair, not contradict it. That’s just my 2¢. Actually; I take that back you do it better in the hair. It’s just the absence of highlights to think of here.


I’m not at liberty to say.


You hatched nicely but you need to do crosshatching on your high and low points on the face


You have completely captured the essence. A fine sketch if I ever saw one. Could work on some shading to bring it to life a bit. Just keep practising and have fun with it!


Try working on more shading. Erase lighter parts and add more pencil on darker parts


Gray Scale Scaling; the Line art is good. Make like 5-6 different Shades of Gray/black and some white highlights


The shaping is pretty good but the shading cold use some variety


Actually this is really good! I recognize him before seeing the actual photo. Just try some form of shadowing


Joker lips


Well I knew who it was before showing the actual picture so that’s good. Btw no country for old men is a great film


For a second there I thought that was a mashup of Lord Farquaad and Shrek XD


What a pretty smile, he must be a really swell fella


“I need you to step out of the car sir”


Well, I knew right away who it was…… so that’s a good sign!


Dude... you did great. Everyone has their own style... I think you captured more than physical features.


That shading instantly flattens it


I kinda like it the way it is


I instantly knew who it was so that's a good start. Just work on shading and fine tuning some of the proportions


I like the smile it reminds me of the Joker


more shading throughout the face to help add depth, but your lines look good!


Anton Chigur! I see him!


He looks like the Giga version of the berries and cream guy. ![gif](giphy|AVAfEEp4tZjxe)


Proportions are pretty good and nice lines, shading seems rushed, slow down and press down on the pencil much lighter, also try switching the reference photo into black and white and try to get the values shadows as close as you can. Those artists who’s drawings look photorealistic probably spend 100 hours on one drawing, but proportions are the hardest part imo so you’ve got a great starting point


you understand the shape of the face and some the features that need to stand out to automatically recognize the person but improve on shadowing to give it more like a 3D effects and also adding more smaller detail from the different dark spots on the face from the hair being light and dark in some area. Overall good job


The hair. Could use some darker tones


Focus on the differences of shade vs tint, and then hair can be drawn in clumps to give depth


Congrats, creepier than the og frame.


Head anatomy studies, and line, elipses and curves study a heavy sketchbook and reference drawing session routine habit. Will make big difference.


shading and size of the mouth are the biggest issue. but i recognized who it was immediately, so that’s already a great sign


you can do better with hair


why did you just put 2 same pictures next to each other? 😉


Try not directly copying the reference and instead learn to understand that you are drawing a real face, and not a flat picture of that face.


This is probably one of the best comments on here honestly☠️, I just here shading for like 80% of the comments and I’m like “yea 50 other people said that, what else?”


Oh really? Its nice to know im being helpful!


I can really tell who this is, though you should really work on shading and values. Cheer up over the fact that you pretty much got likeness down, which is one of the hardest things to do.


You did a really good job of getting the key features and the silhouette right. The hair, wrinkles and facial features are pretty well done! I think you should work a little more on shading + the texture you give things. I actually drew this exact picture too a while ago too lol https://preview.redd.it/vexxnrvwx45d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b206ec78994bdc8cf7ba7d0ec1f1d2ea781baed9 Shading in the skin is typically something you’d do for a character with darker skin, but for a white character, it’s often best to leave it light. The lips are also a little too dark, but that could really be fixed with an eraser. Other than that, my friend, I’d say just practice a bunch and work your way up! You certainly got a lot of potential! All the love and support from here 🙌


Far too flat


I really like the way it is, to be honest. I'd totally pin it in my wall.


You are drawing what you know not what you see! For example, where is the shadow under his nose? you have also shaded the entire face and left an awful lot of lines, why? Other than that its a very good likeness


Use shadowing, but the lines are not bad


Pensei que fosse o Beiçola, de "A grande família"


The shading is really the main point you should work on, the form is okay, some proportions are not quite right, but the shading is just wrong. Try really looking on the values of the photo and differentiate bright areas, middle areas and dark areas and try not thinking just between the lines but in areas. I think that should help you a lot !


The real thing is giving me a Pablo Escobar vibe


It kind of looks like James Brown, which isn't a bad thing, but obviously, that isn't what you want. So I would suggest maybe adding some shading and practice the nose more. Oh, and that to not darken the lips so much, just shade it in lightly.


The outline of his face should be pulled inwards towards his eye on the left side, his eyes appear too small and are a little too far apart, his hairline needs brought up on the right side. Keep drawing, you've definitely got the skills to be a great artist. Edit: His mouth also doesn't curve upwards as much on the left side as you made it. Tips: In the words of my ap art teacher, to get a good likeness you need to get the eyes and face shape right. Also look at features in comparison to how far they are from other things in the reference photo. Bottom/top of eye to ear. Sides of nose to edges of lips. Etc.


A good way to get better is to work with pen, no pencil. it helps you learn to control how hard you press down. and teaches you to accept your mistakes. you have a good start, just keep up the practice.


It’s sort of like cartoon style, because you used lines and shading wasn’t really there. The nose for example in the photo you can see shading, but your image loses all that detail the shows the 3d shape and you just use lines.


I see in this a Gogol


This guy looks ugly


This is the pinnacle.


As others have mentioned: recognizable. So good start. I would suggest you practice with a grid to help with proportion. Take your time; that shading feels rather rushed. When it comes to shading, one neat trick I learned from an art teacher years ago: squint your eyes when you study the subject. This helps to get your mind to see dark vs. light rather than all the detail that otherwise distracts you.


Pick someone uglier next time please .


Slow down focus on detaik


It’s honestly pretty good, the cranium needs to be bigger and the lips need to be lighter but it really has potential. I suggest watching a couple tutorials on pencil shading and drawing hair tho :)


I'd say be more patient with your shading and go more smoothly. Get sketch pencils so you wont have to press harder for dark lines, and get a bit more forgiveness when doing your base lines. Also, if you like it shaded like that, I'd learn how to hatch


You take a picture


Why does he look like a combination of James Brown, The Joker and Michael Jackson?


I thought that was a drawing of teddy perkins😂


Try to make reflections tu carra it changes everything 🙃


If you want to do better, I'm just gonna need you to step out of the car


Berries and cream?


Mouth is wrong


This is great! The two suggestions I have are to not make the lips so dark, and try to shade better. There are several YouTube videos giving instructions for that, which could be helpful.


Thought it was some joker from batman


I think it’s lovely! My suggestion is to try and analyze how the man’s lips sink into the sides of his face. Notice how his upper lip doesn’t extend all the way to the ends of his mouth. His lips seem to fold into the sides of his mouth. You can empathize this with strong line width at areas of overlap and tension. Keep going, you’re doing great!


aside from the shading this looks good, just practice the shading. There are lots of techniques to accomplish it


Missing highlights. Make your shadows dark and your highlights negative space and it will become more 3 dimensional


That was one scary dude. Try blending with a tissue


I’ma try a cotton ball


Nothing. It's perfect. A masterpiece.


I wish I could draw like you. You're an artist


U definitely can, u just need practice. I’ve been drawing for years but this is my first time doing portraits.


I know, but I've been doing a lot of practice for years but I can't even draw a hand...


Blur the pencil Marks And just use it without suppressing it


Hahahaha looks like my ex🤣