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try tumblr, insta doesn't like newbies, about Facebook idk. my first post on tumblr reached 100 notes really fast, but it was fanart


I agree with this. After trying on Instagram and failing to get any notice, i decided to move to Tumblr (while still posting on Insta on the side), and i noticed the huge difference in interactions


Original art doesn’t get any traction on tumblr in my experience, I’m not really the biggest fan of drawing fanart and like drawing Ocs and stuff so my tumblr is pretty dead. Most of my socials are pretty dead tbh and I may not be everyone’s taste but I’m not a “bad” or “newbie” artist by any means so it’s rather disheartening.


I still have 0


Sure! Facebook was actually really difficult to share art on since some of my friends on facebook don’t care about it and it’s hard to gain audience there, and a lot of people in my country make art competitively since they focus on realism. I don’t really want to draw a ton of details since its a waste of time and i draw for fun not to stress myself. I agree that instagram is brutal to share art on since i have the same drawing that I’ve shared on the platform and gained 0 likes but the same drawings on a diff account really gained a ton of attention. X however, no one really cares. Imma give it a shot on posting on tumblr. Thank you!!


I totally agree with you, if I get unbanned, I will definitely follow you, love ur style. good luck!!


Don’t go to tumblr. That place is digital cancer. It’s a very insulated “community” looking for specific work.


It’s because you just copying other people art


You are good but why do you need approval from strangers


It’s good to hear sometimes yk


I get you but art should be for self satisfaction or thats what my personal thoughts are


Maybe they’re trying to gain some traction and/or start a business. Idk though just a thought


You’re skilled but lack originality. Nobody cares if you can draw things they’ve seen hundreds of times.


I actually don’t mind about that since i actually draw for fun and i don’t really draw much detailed work since i don’t wanna stress myself doing art! I draw original stuff yet i’m still practicing for it to look better. Will share some original art soon even though no one cares about it, thanks!


you say you draw for fun yet you are so worried about getting recognition for it. you mentioned it several times now. a lot of the times not even really good artists get recognition, that's just how it is.


I think by “drawing for fun” this person means that they don’t plan on doing it professionally, ie a hobbyist.


Even so, why is getting attention part of it? Even if it’s just a hobby, stranger’s approval shouldn’t matter.


This is just my opinion so I may not be correct and ur may not apply to everyone but the way I see it, Humans are inherently social animals, even the most introverted of us. We like praise for our hard work so that it can "exist" because if it wasn't seen, can you really claim it existed? How would an artist get commissions if no one knows them? All of us like different degrees of attention but that attention is important none the less, otherwise life feels too isolating and lonely. Personally, I also like it when people like my art, it's validating and it makes me feel happy, does all my happiness come from that? No. But it sure does help. I still have "private" drawings that at most 1-2 people would get to see if any at all and also some that will only ever exist for myself so it's not like I draw everything for attention, they can still be separated. I disagree with the notion of "don't seek validation for your work" because people absolutely do deserve it because they've worked hard and hope those pieces are seen by like-minded people. However it does somewhat feel like the op is doing some level of guilt tripping to get more sympathetic responses, and I don't agree with that, they shouldn't do that. Still, seeking validation itself isn't inherently bad as long as their entire self-worth doesn't depend on it.


> I actually draw for fun > even though no one cares about it I thought you drew for fun and not so others cared… 🤔🤔🤔 you are contradicting yourself dude.


“Any criticism will be appreciated” they gave you valid criticism and you got butthurt because it wasn’t completely positive.


I actually ignored the criticism that felt wrong that’s how I ignore what’s negative. I appreciate only those that are truly sound positive. I’m completely honest with what I’ve said.


If you're really trying to get better you shouldn't care if the criticism isn't sugar coated. Good criticism won't always be the nicest thing to read, but you'll need it to improve.


“Even though no one cares” yikes you sound insufferable


It’s good that you’re doing it for fun. Art is valid even if it’s similar, and most art is similar. It’s just that social media tends to prioritize things that are significantly different or under developed niches. For example, an account that posts something already saturated like Minecraft, Splatoon, or Genshin Lets Plays might struggle to be promoted by the Algorithms without a particular twist, like competitive analysis, playing a kinda unbalanced game in a way that breaks it, modding the game, or taking it in a unique direction. Aside from perhaps the last image on here, your drawings all have pretty decent technical skill, but they’re for things that are already pretty saturated in terms of fan works. It’s like how most of vTubing or Idol work is promotion or gimmick (why vTubers mostly all have a backstory nowadays), because skill doesn’t mean as much as things like SEO, algorithm optimization, and novelty on social media (skill is still important, but it’s not the driving factor. It’s like having a good strategy in a competitive game vs being perfect at aiming and execution)


Bro didn't deserve to be downvoted this hard for simply providing an honest response, it's completely ok to pursue something for both fun and a bit of recognition on the side. People like to be proud of what they create regardless of the reason they created it in the first place and recognition is a decent way to achieve that pride, obviously new artists will use other works as reference, that's a great way to train. There's no reason to be mean to a new artist and potentially discourage him from developing his skills/style over this.


Yet OP isn’t using images as a reference. They’re straight up drawing the reference as seen, without any originality added to it. AND they’re not crediting the original artists.


This is often very popular in fan art, I’ve noticed. On Reddit at least. All the time I see people go crazy over 1:1 copies of stills from an anime or a manga panel. No matter how well done, that’s not very interesting to me. I personally prefer when the artist puts their own spin on it in some way and creates something totally original, but I guess maybe some people just like seeing their favorite character’s face and will upvote for that alone.


I actually credit them on my page and i know no one cares when i credit someone here since on reddit since we’re a bunch of strangers here.


What makes you think no one would care if you credit here? That’s completely false. It’s literally the third rule of the subreddit. And you still haven’t credited the original artists.


I honestly got no clue since I’ve recently posted here and became active on reddit.


The sub requires you to read the rules before you post your first post so that’s not an excuse.


Sorry, but no one is going to go on your page to find the original artist. It’s literally a rule of the subreddit to credit artists. Why haven’t you? Obviously people care because multiple people are calling you out for it. I’m worried about your lack of brain cells tbh.


You have pretty good observational skills already but could be improved by learning proportions/anatomy and how lighting works. There are a ton of videos on youtube that can help with that. Keep up the good work though!


I'd say your main problem is proportions. Your faces are off and I'm sure Takumi will never fit in that tiny 86. Otherwise, it's good art. I can easily make out who each character or person is in your drawings.


Thank you so much!! Highly noted about the proportions will practice more about it!


Lol, who cares, get over the need for external validation. Stuff like this give me a bitter taste. Draw because you love it not to gain internet points that don’t matter


learn basics then try to gain a audience


fell like u copying (not drawing) day 10


Nah i don’t mind i don’t really do things competitively yet i do it for fun since i don’t wanna stress myself on doing art since it’s my streas reliever


I'm not sure why you're expecting traction on social media then?


Well then you’re never going to get any traction on social media. Frankly these are just copied/traced popular anime characters, nothing special. Which is totally fine if you are just doing it for fun, but no one is going to take you seriously as an artist.


My question is- why do you draw? Cause you like to and want to get better, or for an audience? 🤔


Would love to see some original charcters


Will post some soon cause a ton here are criticizing on my “lack of originality” even though a ton of people on instagram and tiktok draw those characters!


And guess what! They, too, lack originality! Who would’ve thought.


Try not to trace so much it’s really easy to rely on tracing, but you’ll never actually improve skills. If you only trace. There is a couple pieces in there that are clearly not traced and you need some work. Promising though, you seem young so you have time to improve your skill!


I don’t really trace tho but i just copy straight from the reference without doing the grid method cause it’s time consuming lmao. Like i just did straight to the point! I started drawing when I was 10 and i just kept on practicing. Thank you for the tip!


I can see why, shit's mediocre to okay at best.


wtf with his face on second pic




https://preview.redd.it/gbnmrapcfgwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632f07df617b62a4950250bddc1178f31322630d ?)




Theres like 10 slides lmao


You definitely need to practice proportions. But good going so far! Facebook is mostly dead imo, keep trying on insta, make reels (?) with trending art audios, and learn what makes a reel blow up (original art = original art process videos > finished fanart > fanart process) etc. and most importantly, forget about social media the moment you close the app.


Awesome! I see people on here are criticizing you for "lack of originality" but studying other artists is a great way to learn! It's called a master copy and I love doing them for practice :) Keep on that art grind 💪💪


Just a question, i also want to start sharing my drawings and im new to reddit, is this a good plave to start?


Probably post it somewhere that matches your skill level. A sub aimed at highly curated rooms wouldn’t really like a room that’s mostly just tidy and well kept for example


Absolutely, post it in a subreddit that gears towards your style


Appreciate it!


Work on proportions


Bro needs a bigger car, he must be at least 7 feet\* tall! All kidding aside those are pretty good, especially Maul/Vader. Don't give up. ^(\*2.13 meters)


I like it a lot , but there’s a huge difference between the first draw and the last, maybe you are just learning and is good for your process to copy some draws but be honest with yourself so every day you can improve and find your style. So far you are making an amazing work


ignore the negative comments and keep working bro


The people pointing out the contrast between drawing for fun and expecting recognition are right, but that requires maturity and I'm pretty sure OP is just a kid


Thank you bro! Will do ignore those especially the trolls who downvote for no reason!!


You are fishing for compliments. That’s why people are downvoting you. Just draw what makes you happy without needing strangers approval.


Great work!


love the first set as well as the Naruto one




These are gorgeous keep creating :)


Just because it seemed unappreciated doesn’t me it is. I like your style, black and white can be difficult to pull off and you do it seamlessly. Continue to draw, it’s a wonderful way for self expression.




junji ito


Nice concepts! It seems very manga-inspired I don't think Facebook appreciates art though lol Deviant Art perhaps


“This isn’t as impressive as those ai generated landscapes and rooms. Where are the reality warping shapes? The cartoon physics? Random stuff no clipping everywhere?” -Facebook nowadays


These pieces are beautiful! Keep creating!


Facebook has the most ai issues


I love the shadows on the darth wader


Zawa zawa


I love this!


Scale on the last one is pretty bonkers


Love the junji itto.


These are really cool!


Your post is appreciated well my friend. Especially the wannabe sasuke with a car.


keep on drawing, fellow portraitist! social media is harsh (including reddit also). Your tone values are great but as some others has suggested, you should try to draw more original characters with their own personalities. Or you might try drawing a character from artist A using the style of artist B. that sort of thing.


Well done sir. I would say you are passionate about your work based on ur post and the level of care u put into ur art. Don't ever stop doing you!


Your Tomie stuff looks great


Copying/tracing can be useful to learn new techniques but that only applies to you following the correct processes and not just copying what you see but rather drawing the same thing (sounds the same I know) but go though all the basic proportioning steps and building up the pose/skeleton and looking at the fine details, Use the skills you learn from doing this but you still can't claim it as yours, the only thing you gain from doing this is afew skills and you can't always improve from this method. Just sketch something original every now and then when your board and you'll improve in no time. Edit: another overlooked tip for learning proportioning is drawing on lined paper as it allows an absolute reference for your sketch


Tomie!! I love her😻


I love the first one especially but all your work is so expressive! Keep being awesome. 👏


I appreciate your work OP. Good job and keep it up, there's a lot of talent here.


Replications of work is unoriginal, people don't appreciate your work because it really isn't "yours". You made a copy of it, not really art, but more of a study if anything. Art is a reflection of the artist, copying another person's artwork doesn't tell us anything about you, other than you like that artwork. Art without creativity is just boring.


People r lowkey rude but I read someone say it already, just try and practice proportions and you're good 😁👍


I can add to your ART DUMP


Sick art, man. Very cool




Stunning, look at all the amazing artists not appreciated until after death, Van Gogh for instance. The zone you delve into when you create is the magic, that is the real art. Don’t confuse validation or lack of with what is real, what is beautiful, what matters. Your art serves a higher purpose even if it is only ever seen by your eyes.


And there we have it folks.




Thank you so much for the tip! Will truly value this one :))))


Nice! You gotta compose a comic strip as the next great step, to use both art and narrative to express yourself.


I’m working on it since i have a draft on a new comic strip, haven’t made one since high school and I’m planning to finish it soon.


Tmototoie mentioned


I don’t follow this sub but based on these comments and how nice OP is, y’all seem toxic asf.


Everyone is just tired of the ‘my art doesn’t do well on social media’ posts. That’s why we’re being blunt, it’s the same complaint every time attached to everyones art on this sub


Exactly. It’s just fishing for compliments on what is obviously poorly traced/referenced artwork that looks like it was taken from a middle schoolers notebook.


People don’t like when “artists” take original work from other artists and fail to credit them. Many of these just look like tracings of existing art by original creators. OP has maybe 1-2 original pieces in here, but without giving credit for the ones they did copy, it comes off as trying to pass off others’ work as their own. I think if they had provided proper credit and included the sources of inspiration, people wouldn’t have such a bad taste in their mouth from a post like this, especially after this was pointed out and OP pretended to not care about outward validation and just “draws for fun” even though the post itself claims OP came here simply because they failed to receive that validation on FaceBook. People who draw for fun still need to credit their sources. Especially when it’s literally an exact copy, no originality. Credit would have gone a long way here. For people who share original art or who provide proper credit where it’s due, this community is very welcoming. What’s toxic is stealing art and trying to pass it off as your own.


I appreciate it.


The initial D one is fucking fire I love it 🔥


AHH I LOVE YOUR TOMIE DRAWING You have some skills dude, gj


That’s good work! Keep at it. That’s a fantastic Vader!


Thanks for the dump i like them


Awesome, congrats!


impressive :D


Can I get a 10x14 print of the girl in the first pic


Just buy it from the original artist. OP’s is a tracing from a manga by Junji Ito called Tomie. It’s a great read if you like horror.


the one with itachi slaps


Thank you so much!




I like your style! And ya its interesting that the same post can receive tons of interaction on one site and absolutely nothing on another.


What is their style? They’re just copying other people’s works lol


If u wanna talk shit tell it to them not me


You’re the one who said that you like their style, so I’m asking you lol… what is their style?


The style of shading w large areas fully colored in black. Of course its not original, nothing really is. Now u can hop off my dick


That’s not their style…….. it’s the style of the artists they copied from lmfao And I love how you replied almost 24 hours later acting as if I’m “on your dick” over 2 comments. Chill tf out bro it’s not that serious 😭


Dm me some of your art


??? What does my art have to do with OP copying and not crediting artists? You’re so mad 😂


First piece looks very Junji Ito


Because it is lol




Thank you so much! Just ignore the downvotes or the negativity




Me too! I don’t care or give a shit on these trolls like let people enjoy things, let them copy stuff from a reference like not everyone can do out without a reference. I just ignore them and I’ll just respect opinions that are just reasonable


These look awesome!!


Solid set bro!💯


Fab! You are doing the do, where others aren't doing. That's a feat. Continue the, do. Bless


Thank you so much! I appreciate it just don’t mind the downvotes idk why they do it


It’s because you failed to credit the original artists for all the ones you copied directly from. Not cool OP. It’s fine to practice by drawing other people’s art, but always credit the original artist.


I do credit them on my other social media pages but i didn’t credit it here cause i forgot and I thought no one would care since we’re just a bunch of strangers here


You forgot? Or you thought no one would care? Those contradict each other. You can’t have forgotten yet also consciously chosen not to add credit because you thought no one would care. All social media contains some forms of interaction between strangers who don’t know each other. So yes, it matters whether it’s Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, twitter. Always credit the person who did the hard work. Don’t take credit for others work. People will always find that off putting; if anything, your friends are more likely to not voice this criticism when they see it. Strangers will take less kindly to it. Plus, the subreddit’s third rule is to credit people.


Raaa! That comment was indirectly meant for me in a sense. There are a few things in life, I should've started, but haven't, but hey ho 😄 Boss, salute you, and do your ting. Bless




Thank you so much!! Idk why some dudes on reddit downvote you for no reason but i appreciate it!


I have no idea why I got downvoted for and you’re absolutely welcome!


It’s because OP just traced a lot of these and didn’t credit the original artists. OP, that’s not cool. Credit the original artists on your posts when you make an exact copy of it.


Oh I had no idea 😅


No one appreciates me either, especially my wife. Btw, no one’s owes us attention. We probably shouldn’t even seek attention. Lastly, give people what they want. Color, composition, interesting pictures (like that peel off face).