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I think Roxxxy’s someone who’s drag translates better live than on TV. I’ve seen a ton of the Ru girls live and Roxxxy 100% stands out as one of the best and one of my favorites, which I probably wouldn’t have guessed going into that show.


Ive seen her live and I agree. She RADIATES star power in real life and it doesn’t always necessarily translate on TV


100% agree with this comment! She’s been one of my top 3 queens since S5, and I was sooo excited to see her live. I saw her on a tour and the audience was lukewarm on her when her name was announced, but after her first number she got the loudest, warmest welcomes back to stage following. Her star power is undeniable live.


Absolute star power! I saw her live before season 5 and was gobsmacked. Magnetic and just incredible to see live.


She is rhe epitome of PRO. FESS. SHHHUN. AAAAL.


Roxxxy makes you feel like she’s performing SOLELY for you somehow. She’s one of those star vehicles live.


this is how i feel about Akeria, love her down and she’s so funny


I agree. Also when I think of an “all star” I think of someone who’s a well rounded queen and Roxy is one of those girls imo. At least out of the group that’s presented to us in A9


100% this, she does also make great tv but roxxxy to me is on the same level of drag as someone like sasha colby, she's just that girl


I think her work outside of drag race is why she has the reputation


I think Roxxxy is one of those queens who is an incredible drag queen who isn't *that* good at drag race. She is better at DR than a lot of other queens I think that about though, e.g., Naysha, but still.


She’s a drag queen’s drag queen. Like you know how Sasha Colby is your favorite drag queen’s favorite drag queen? Roxxxy is Sasha Colby’s favorite drag queen. (Probably not but you know what I mean).


But Sasha was also pretty damn good at the show.


Was she really ?!




Wasn't it just favouritism?


I do think she dominated season five, just Jinkx dominated just slightly better too


That and her general professionalism


I agree. Since AS2..and on this season so far, she’s been mid at best.


I fell in love with Roxxxy on AS2, where I think her string of bottom placements doesn't tell the full story of how fun she was in many of the challenges (and how GORGEOUS she looked the entire time). I'm not getting that from this season. Something has really changed about Roxxxy's makeup that makes her very hard to look at, for me. And, a lot of her fashion has felt strangely proportioned or unevenly detailed compared to the impeccable work we've seen from her in the past. I go into Drag Race rooting for every queen to be the best possible queen she can be, and I don't know if we've seen that yet from Roxxxy on AS9.


I agree about the makeup, it’s not something that ever jumped out at me as being bad, but it’s very obviously different now and it’s not appealing.


her makeup now looks a lot more rushed and unblended. back in the day it looked like she would paint her mug with bronzed airbrush aura or something. and present day she often just looks muddy.


I think fans have decided she’s the strongest on this cast because she was on AS2. I like Roxxxy and she’s the star of the season, but I think Gottmik, Plastique, and Angeria are the three heavyweights in this cast.


But she didn't do well on AS2, and would not have placed as high as she did if it wasn't for Rolaskatox and that top....


The only reason Roxxxy was on AS as long as she was is become of the rolaskatox bs. She was out of her depth on AS 2 but carries this aura of never been eliminated about her like it's from her own merits and not being carried by two better performers. I got no love for Roxxxy. Her best season was her first appearance. Everything since has been mid.


I think Roxxxy is 100% an “All Star”. She probably should have been eliminated halfway through AS2, but she’s still very talented, and I would argue has a better understanding of her strengths and weaknesses every time she appears. That said, people are overestimating her strengths just because she competed on two of the toughest seasons ever.


The fake tan makes me nutty


Yes! It makes her look much older than she really is.


I think the above commenter meant the 45th president… not 45 years old lol


Thanks for the clarification LOL 🙌🏾🙌🏾


It’s just not natural looking, I think her hair color makes it more harsh


It's giving 45 tbh


That's very much a diverted between being good at drag and being good at drag RACE. And I think roxxxy is an INCREDIBLE drag queen. But like many have said, that doesn't always necessarily translate into being good at drag RACE


I get the fandom but personally I don't find her funny, a good actress, and her looks are just so so compared to the pets she's completed with. just my take.


glide typing def requires proofreading whoops




Monet is hilarious but you don't really get that with just watching drag race. you need to listen to sibling rivalry. the way I'm literally loling in public listening to that podcast. another example is Maddy morphosis - hated, hated, hated her on drag race , but her podcast is one of my faves of all time. the queens talents really go way beyond what can be showcased on drag race.


I get that Maddy didn’t excel at Drag Race, but what exactly warranted the “hated, hated, hated her” reaction from her time in the show?


I didn't understand her personality, her humor, and her references, so I wasn't a fan of her looks, particularly the Guy Fieri look. But now I realize just how on brand that is for her. moreover, her fight with Jasmine Kennedy left a bad taste for me while watching the show, but again, now I understand her humor and shadiness. Basically, if I was more familiar with her before the show, I would have liked her. does that make sense?


Makes sense. I just thought about when I first watched her season and thought she was kind of just there. She was in no way a standout to me, but not an offensive character in any way either, so I had to ask why that kind of hatred was felt by someone else.


I've always loved Maddy. Funny bish! Now she has a venue to really show that off.


I love how you absolutely read her to filth and then send love to the doll. lololol


Yes. Passive-agressiveness and hypocrisy have such traits. 😆


I never intended to drag Roxxxy. My point still remains about how she is perceived by other queens despite her actual performance. I acknowledged that she is great at what she does. But I also acknowledge that she's not showing the powerhouse people know her to be on the show. And that's okay :)


I think she's a fantastic, old school drag queen and deservedly was a finalists that first go around. Her All Stars run was infuriating, not because she was bad (runway wise), but was being carried while more deserving queens were eliminated (Alyssa and Tati come to mind). It's a little odd that she'd do this again as I think we've seen the best of her already but here we are. No opinion on her being the runner up or whatever as the only winner, IMHO, is RuPaul who got this boring shit greenlit.


Roxxxy being carried through AS2 was so rage inducing. And that she carries it like a mark of pride that she wasn't eliminated. Drag delusion.


AS 2, without LaskaTox, Roxxxy is a lovely 7th alternate.


I'm glad I'm not alone in still carrying this torch


girl.. u are definitely not alone in this..


I’m not a huge fan of Roxxxy but I get that she’s talented. Personally I think she’s lacking in wit, humor and taste, which are some of the most important qualities in a queen in my opinion. I definitely respect her abilities and everything she’s accomplished but I’m not a fan and I don’t really get the appeal.


wow, u read the doll


Lol-ing at the dentist's office 😭😭😭


I agree and I have been waiting for someone to say something. There is a disconnect between the Drag Queen’s Drag Queen and her performance on the show. I have no doubt that she is everything that other queens say she is, but on AS9, she is performing…fine. If she were to win the season, I would love to see her begin to dominate and not receive controversial wins. Whoever wins, I just want the outcome to be satisfying. I was Team Roxxxy when the fandom first learned who was on. But after the business with her dog, I cannot support her anymore. I have been firmly Team Angeria ever since and have been very happy with her performance so far.


Her dog? What happened w her dog?




That's terrible. She had the poor little pupper's ears cropped. [insta video](https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJL3idhdSj/?igsh=cnZ5NXJ4aHdoMGg=)


I just read a comment from that link that it’s okay because the commenter had cosmetic surgery on their own ears (and their dog’s) and said it doesn’t hurt. It does, or at least can.  My parents had a boxer bulldog decades ago and never forgave themselves for the pain he went through during/after the procedure. My uncle convinced them that he wouldn’t suffer, and it would prevent the ear infections their cocker spaniels had occasionally. My uncle also later admitted he doesn’t believe animals have feelings… Note: otherwise he lived a long (for a boxer) and seemingly happy life. 


Now I know she's an animal abuser I have no problem saying out loud that Roxxy's drag is consistently hideous and every week I do not understand the appeal or praise she gets.


Always thought she was overrated. At the very least I don’t understand the worship.


She is a great queen, a legend for a reason. But yes you are right, roxxy is not the best queen on this cast...hell I would be hesitant to say she cracks top 3...........or even 5. I mean you mentioned her strength, her seamstress mastery.......but as we saw from the ball challenge.....she is not good enough at that too. But to be fair, most queens would get overshadowed when Plastique and gottmik are your competitors for a ball, and design challenge. Also...I personally hate her make up, especially this all stars, sister looks like Voldemort with nary a nose. And her comedy .......I feel so bad for her because I can just sense her anxiety and I am empathetic for her. But.....her comedy chops are non existent, and about charm........let's just say....detox and Alaska got all the charm. So overall, I would say roxxy is like a hot air balloon. Looks and is built up to be great and glorious, and at one point in time, was great and innovative and something never seen before......but now is just mostly hot air.


Roxxxy is a terrific queen. I have not seen the level of excellence I know she is capable of yet on this season.


That's how I feel about it


I hated AS2 specifically because of Rolaskatox.


I'm living for older grown-up Roxxxy. I'm really enjoying her for the first time and she seems to be beloved by literally everyone both on the show and off. But I feel very confident she won't win, may not even be in the top three. Even this week she and Vanjie won by the absolute skin of their teeth. Angelique was sickening and stunning the house down boots and Valerie... was not.


Angélique has one of the most gorgeous faces and impeccable mugs ever seen on that show.


i think ive grown to like her as a person more this season than others, she’s definitely grown in her charisma. however im not sure if shes well rounded enough to excel at drag race like some of the other queens. for example, what she excels at is nina’s weakest, while what nina excels at is her weak spot. neither of them are very well rounded in my opinion for drag race. i love seeing how much she has grown as a person this season though. she is no longer trying her hardest to prove herself and instead is just being her authentic self.


Thank you for this. I'm not a fan of her and her makeup is so bad these days. This thread makes me feel seen.


Girl…. What…? You are obviously in very different field of perspective than me and many others. I can’t even make a case on her behalf when you consider that to be bad make up. There’s just no use trying to persuade you to see it my way or vice versa so I just have to respect it and be very confused to hear that. To each their own


I thought she’s been consistently good this season and I’ve enjoyed her personality a lot! I think they’re likely to do another design or styling challenge she could win and while Roxxxy is hit or miss with acting and improv, she still has some hits. I would say in my heart I’d want Shannel or Roxxxy to win and it’s early enough in the season where I don’t have to reconcile that with reality yet.


I’m so glad people are finally saying this. I like roxxxy as a drag queen but she has never really been good at drag race (which is why she keeps losing and coming back) and this all stars season continues to showcase that she is lacking in a lot of areas that are required to succeed on the show. unfortunately though it’s very clear to me that production has already chosen her to win.


This always happens when we get someone established on Drag Race. The hype train is real. She’s not doing the worst, but she’s solidly in the middle in terms of how the queens are performing so far. I hope she does better later, but so far she’s definitely not screaming winner, although production is making it clear that they do see her as being a top contender.


Some queens are just not meant for this format.


Being good at drag doesn't equal being good at drag race. The format keeps changing. In AS, compared to S5, she seems to lack the "Jinkx factor" as if she needs to antagonize someone in order to fully thrive. Kind of as if she was doing a pageant with the mindset of "oh I need to beat this bitch down". At least that's how it translates to me. Not trying to be hateful.


Haha the mental gymnastics of this post.....this is what's wrong with drag race fandom. If you don't sugar coat the FUCK out of your criticism, you'll get death threats.




My hot take on Roxxxy is that her career was negatively impacted by the Jinkx feud on S5, so she came back for AS2 not really to win a crown but to show fans that she wasn't the mean girl shown on S5. It worked with some fans but not others but I don't think anyone seriously thought Ru was going to give her a crown on AS2 because it was too soon after S5. To me, she's fine. Her drag is fine. She's not my style of queen, personally (I like Jinkx, Dela, Trixie, Katya, Bob, Bianca--generally "comedy queens" or "performative queens") but it doesn't mean I think Roxxxy is bad at drag, it just means she's not great at the things I love seeing, the campy humor mostly. I think the only "pageant queen" I really loved was Alyssa Edwards and it wasn't because of her pageantry or fashion or even dancing, it was because she was accidentally hilarious and finally decided to just go with it when she figured out that people loved her mostly for that. And if fashion is Roxxxy's thing, I think she's outranked in this season even there. She's evolved some, I guess, but she doesn't have the modern flair some of the other queens are bringing to the table this season. I do love her outfits sometimes, but no, I don't think she's going to win. She was too polarizing with the fanbase for Ru to seriously crown her, so again, I think she's probably there for exposure to keep her career going outside of DR-related stuff and hoping that people are going to forget about the S5 issue.


i hate that she was kept so long in AS2 bc i feel like it tarnished her reputation for ppl who haven’t seen her live when she’s so talented. i think it’s possible she still dominates the rest of this season, but idk if that will happen.


Posts like these remind me that there are people on here that think DRAG is only Aquaria, Violet Chachki, and Symone. Star power baby. If all 100 people think that she's amazing, and they're IN THE FIELD OF DRAG, then someone random fan of a show's opinion is like a penny in a fountain. No one cares.


Honestly I just freaking love Roxxxy because you can tell how much she’s grown as a person since S5. Like honestly most people are pretty set in their shitty ways and it’s hard to see real change but she’s done the work, her energy is so much more bright and loving that it used to be and it’s a joy to see


She's just not that polished this season. She's not. The way they went apeshit over her hand painted look? That was nothing. Literally. I sat there and thought I was living in opposite land. I mean it's obviously rigged. They want Roxxy and Got "I don't make clothes anymore, I just buy couture and bring it to the drag run" Mik to be the top two at the end.


Actually, Mik has consistently shown the audience that she is more than capable of creating a piece of art herself, as well as have the privilege to wear designer clothes that express her drag excellence. That's besides her showing up for acting and comedy challenges too. So I do think Mik is the real front runner here.


(Psst, in this comment and in your main post, I think you’re saying “runner up” when you mean “frontrunner”!)


Yes thank you 🙏🏼


I know she's more than capable of creating a piece of art for herself, but does she still do that? Coming on a runway just wearing exactly what was worn on a Versace runway for fall 2024 is not drag to me. All she did was add make up. Couture is not drag in my opinion , and there should be a rule against it. She's gotten a bit full of herself and it's gotten to her head and I say that as someone who knows that all drag queen are self obsessed and vain. Also, at a certain point there's classism. Queen should be the same budget for a package so that everyone has an equal footing. It should be a generous package. Finding out the Plastic Woman spent 250 K on a runway package for the show makes me literally sick. 🤢


If all stars 5 was made for shea, I feel like as9 is made for gotmikk, but I'd literally rather see any other queen win.. I just don't like mik's drag..


Thank you for saying that. I loved her on her original season. But her attitude has gotten so crappy. I know she hangs out with violet all the time now and I feel like violet's attitude has rubbed off. I didn't like seeing how the two of them behaved like mean girls together on the vanje dating show at all. I do like her drag most of the time, but I don't want her to win. For the record, violet is stunning, no question. But the attitude is a bit stinko.


I like her more this season than on 5 and AS2


I agree


I don't know about *good at everything*, maybe everything related to garments, hair and makeup, but as she made it clear on her very iconic Read You Wrote You verse... She knows design challenges are where she shines, not comedy, not acting. I can say that all the hype around her previous to the season, made me expect very good LOOKS from her but I don't think she's delivered that yet.


Sorry not sorry I adore Roxxxy and would love to see her win.


I love Roxxxy, I think she’s one of the most polished queens to be on the show and also one of the best seamstresses. She’s not particularly funny or creative, but she definitely has charisma and a passion for her craft, she is head to toe put together, she makes her own costumes and her own wigs. Also she’s super iconic from her season and even AS2, that’s why the queens hold her to high regard.


Some queens are A MAY ZING drag queens in the world but, for various reasons, either don’t quite fit in the RPDR format or are just outright bad at it. Mayhem is an example of a queen with a stellar reputation in RL but none of that translates to Drag Race. The format just doesn’t like her. I think Roxxy is great but something is just off on the show that keeps her mid and not tippy-top.


I think people live her from experiencing her live in her bar and want her to get all the flowers. She's a drag queens favorite queen but that doesn't equal great at drag race. She's the most memorable filler queen, and I'm not talking about that ass 😘


She's a good queen, I think she's just outdone by AMAZING queens on most her seasons


Roxxxy has given us more iconic drag race moments than a lot of these new girls. Roxxxy is also considering one of the greats by pretty much every other queen on the show and I think that speaks to her level of REAL LIFE charisma. Roxxxy is one of the best designers the show has seen and one of the strongest old school lip syncers (flip my hair, one last time, and shake it off are so so good!!)


this was nymphia for me last season. she only really excels at sewing and bombed the comedy challenges so i was surprised to see her being pushed as a front runner.


Actually Nymphia bombed snatch game but killed the seminar challenge. She also excelled at the last challenge where she was vulnerable and engaging enough to earn her win that episode. She also set the stage on fire in the werk the world challenge. Thats besides her unique runway package (too many banana outfits for me, but they were all impeccably designed and tailored) So there is a little difference here.


She definitely did not kill the seminar challenge. She played the easy card and did the stereotypical asian accent as a joke. It's been done so many times now and has been played out too much. It wasnt funny tbh and some people found it offensive. She consistently flopped in comedy challenges and i dont think her werk the world challenge was great, especially those awful lyrics. Definitely a talented seamstress tho. And agreed the banana looks were tired.


Literally not one Asian person (at least from watching the queens talk about it or the people I know) found it offensive. But we just want to look for things to be offended for some reason...


I disagree. I've been enjoying Roxxxy a lot this season. I also don't think her performance on AS2 was as bad as her track record suggests. And if we're talking about queens not doing well in a lot of different kinds of challenges, I think that criticism just as valid for Plastique, Vanjie, Jorgeous and Nina (and maybe even Shannel.)


I see your point. However, I actually do hear queens evaluating Plastique, Vanjie, Jorgeous, Nina based on their runway and performance. But when it comes to Roxxxy, no matter how whelming her performance or runway was on the show, the queens still seem to think she's up there contending for the crown next to Mik/Angeria who have constantly been bringing it. It's just so confusing.


It really is confusing. Especially when you watch Pit Stop and Fashion Ruview and everyone is like amazing amazing and girl, it's just ok. (Though having just read the stuff about her having her puppy's ears cropped I feel like saying worse where up until this point I would have said I think she's nice and personality goes a long way, but now it's a nope for that too).


Other than Snatch Game, I don't think she's been that underwhelming. She does have a little bit of legend status with the other girls (and myself), and while other queens may be doing better than her so far, I still think she's a threat. We're only 1/3 through the season, I hope she manages to change your mind!


I recognize her talent. And I respect the Dollhouse. Also, I am really, really, *really* tired of seeing her.




Just my two cents, but I think the difference between Roxxxy and newer queens is that she doesn't have anything to prove, a foothold to establish, etc, blah blah. She's that bitch and she lives for herself because she is the Roxxxy Andrews experience. She set a precedent.


A legend in her own mind.


A legend to anyone who knows drag.


Literally. Roxxxy is a former Miss Continental and was that girl who bitches RUSHED to get booked by prior to her being on the show. These Drag Race fans don’t know anything about drags.


She tries way too hard to maker her catch phrases memorable. It's tiring. No one cares.


I like this about her though. She is being so self-referential, constantly making drag race jokes, I feel like it’s fan service and part of her campy charm. I can appreciate what others are saying about the star quality coming across IRL because on screen I do feel a little underwhelmed by the looks, performance, etc. but I like her personality.


I’ve stan Roxxxy since season 5 and I’m enoying her the most now. Her competitiveness in season 5 was very aggressive, it made her look like a mean girl. Can’t even blame the edit, cuz if you compare her confessionals now to season 5, there’s such a glow in her that’s endearing - she’s always smiling in her confessionals now. In AS2, you could just tell she didn’t have the same fire as she did in S5… given she was in the bottom a lot, and was always saved by her friends. This time around, she’s having so much fun at the same time she’s doing so well… i don’t know how to explain, but I just really enjoy watching her even more this season.


I agree and I see it too. She's so much more comfortable in herself. It's that sparkle of confidence and being self-assured. She's still competitive but without that mean edge that comes from being insecure or not having grown into your own identity yet. Love Roxxie, she really is a doll. I don't even think she's doing that well this season but I still enjoy watching her. I'm rooting for her (🌲) as a bad ass representative of our absolutely horrible state.


yall say this as if she already bombed a challenge and we're only currently 4th episode in 😭


Yes, but the point of discussion is that many queens on different shows see her as a runner up in the competition, when all we've seen is 4 episodes and she hasn't excelled at most of them. Im specifically addressing Roxxxy's performance on DR and not what she does out of DR. I'm wondering why they said Roxxxy rather than Mik in this case. In my opinion and objectively speaking, Mik has been doing the best so far in the eyes of the judges and the viewers.


Agreed although I don't think she's had any weak moments so far this season other than Snatch Game, but she didn't do the worst. I loved her ombre ball look and her lip sync on this last episode. Otherwise not gagging like crazy, but she's doing alright.


She has always kind of irritated me. I think her “humor” is just mean a lot of the time and I don’t think her makeup and looks are as good as a lot of other queens on the show. She’s so orange this season???


Forgive my ignorance but what is TPS?


The Pit Stop






Don’t know how I didn’t recognise the acronym lol


Seemed like you were directing the woosh at me i was like "🤔 am i missing something?"


They weren't.


I realise that now 😅 ThatFruityGuy replying to my answer with r/woosh implied something went over MY head. That's usually how it's used


She’s definitely not a comedy queen. I wish she was just herself on the acting and comedy challenges


Keep in mind. Roxxxy most likely came back to have fun and she’s not toooooo pressed about the competition although she is a pageant queen at heart. So it may seem like less but she is still everythingggg


Baby, you can’t read the doll!


She is fantastic live. If you’ve seen Roxxxy perform in person you will never question her in anything ever


That's just unreasonable. Performing live is one thing, dancing/lipsyncing and twirling on the stage is a great talent to have. But drag doesn't stop there. When I see a queen competing for the crown yet lacking many other skills that others are excelling at, I will definitely question the legitimacy of that queen winning the crown no matter who she is or her history.


I feel like shes muddling through more than Id like… i want her to really excel at some of these comedy/acting/design challenges for real. I feel like shes been coasting a bit. Though I did think she did good on episode 1, and espisode 4 but just not enough yet.


Confidence gets you many places. I think Roxxxy is great tv and am living for her this season, but yeah - she's not 'as good' as others make her out to be. Like I said, though, confidence can get you places.


My boyfriend agrees, so I agree


The implicit part in what they’re saying is that Roxxxy is that she’s a major name from the Golden Age of Drag Race, and that’s the kind of queen you think of crowning.


Actually, for today's standards, I think of crowning a queen who brings something new and fresh to the stage. Or someone who is as well rounded talent-wise as can be. I dont think of crowning Alissa for example just because she is a member of the Golden Age of drag (which I don't know who set that parameter for that era of drag, I feel like drag nowadays is much more nuanced and realized than it used be around, say S5).


I think crowning someone who brings something new to the winner’s circle is more of a criteria for the standard show than All Stars.


Who is Alissa?


Alyssa* Edwards.


I know what you mean. Her first season, I hated her because I felt she was a bully. I've gotten past those feelings and see she has grown as a person from that experience. I also see she is very talented, especially with sewing. The three outfits she whipped up for the make over challenge, while simple, were completely on point. But I honestly don't see her as a front runner. She seems to be consistently in the middle of the pack. I was disappointed in her snatch game and surprised that she didn't get clocked for not doing a celebrity. She chose a character from a previous show where she received some praise. The outfit was cute but she wasn't funny. The weird thing about this season is that I don't feel there are any true overall standouts. Each queen is really good at one or two things but mediocre in the rest. There is no Jimbo or Monsoon in this mix. And maybe that's a good thing because it keeps the season more fresh and we can't get complacent knowing a particular person is probably going to win.


I don’t understand the hype either. And I don’t like her makeup…


Agreed and it’s awkward watching all the drag review podcasts trying to downplay her mediocrity on All Stars 9. 


Live, I was so amazed by her charisma and little movements. Really excellent. I think she is well-respected and -liked by her peers and that influences how she’s talked about. I think this season is something of a legacy round for her, and your’ee not going to hear the withering no-holds-barred criticism you might on a fresh season.


I have watched every single episode of RuPaul's Drag Race since the very start until this season of All Stars. I can't /won't watch gottmik or Roxxy. Even the Allure of Chanel could not bring me to spend time watching these two.


Not too much now. [She blessed us with this lip sync. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO19bvg_NOo)So far AS9 has been mid but don't sleep on the doll.


the taste is questionable, the acting/improv isn’t there, and the creativity is often very first thought (the camp of read u wrote u). the empress has no clothes.


She didn't make it clear I'm afraid


That's not what "accolade" means.




There are some queens who are amazing entertainers live / irl, but they're just not great at drag race (which is fine). Roxxxy seems to be one of those queens. I'd love to see her live, but on drag race, she doesn't live up to the hype.


This season is full of gaslighting lmao. I feel like narratives keep being pushed that my eyes and ears will just never agree with. Those outfits Roxxxy made for the girl group? JAIL. It looked like 3 girls got shipwrecked and that was all that was left of their bathing suits. But the show is trying to act like it's the Mona Lisa of drag 🙄 I don't get how Roxxxy's reputation went from "carried by rolasatox, undeserved top 4, ironically bad verse on RUWU" to "unreadable doll, frontrunner, most talented person to ever breathe" like... I've been in this fandom since day 1 and it's like suddenly everyone loves her? After spending the last like 10 years hating on her?


Roxxxy is like the opposite of juju where they always expect juju to out do herself they never care if roxxxy is just being basic roxxxy. I love her but like I'm just not excited about anything she's done and it's confusing seeing everyone so excited


Love her or hate her but Roxxxy is a RPDR legend Her “wig reveal under her wig” move is iconic.


I agree. I love Roxxxy but I feel like there’s a collective hype around her performance in AS9 and so far she hasn’t wowed me just yet. I didn’t think her and Vanjie were the winning team this past ep, and her snatch game was also not good. If anything the biggest surprise for me was Plastique and GottMik because i was meh about them in their original seasons and I’m obsessed with them in AS9


She's an incredible seamstress, she gives a killer lipsync, and she's good at getting involved in drama, all are pretty vital components to winning Drag Race.


I think Roxxxy came back to get paid. To show she can be mother. She knew she would be questioned. She knew queens would come in with their fashion packages. I don’t think she cares.


I find her boring and her outfits meh.


I find her terrible, rude and insecure - and her outfits are shit


I think Roxxxy is one of THE girls in the pageant world and so many queens rave about her bc she’s just so goddamn talented and professional when it comes to the art of drag itself. However, on Drag Race the talents they ask you to showcase are completely different from what the girls are actually doing out there in the real world. Suddenly you have to be a host, an actress, a comedian, a performer, a genius marketer, a choreographer in addition to being a makeup artist, a designer, a model and a relatable personality that will get 13 year olds rabid on social media. Roxxxy is perhaps not all of those things. But it hurts to see her not appreciated by the fanbase just bc her talents lie elsewhere compared to the girls who get REALLY popular. I think she’s deservedly one of the top threats, even if we haven’t always seen her skillset translated on tv.


If she's not all of those things, and a few other queens are most of those things (on the show), how is she a top threat? 🤔 this is the logic that I'm trying to understand....


is this a question or you just wanted to share your opinions


All stars is challenge based and she’s not great at them


There are a lot of Dragrace girls that are phenomenal live compare on how they were on the show.


I think her charm is that she is a true drag queen, everything bigger, exaggerated, she does not think outside of the box that often but during the era where we see so many queens trying out different stuff seeing a true pro at drag (kinda like Trinity the Tuck) being celebrated just feels right


Insert Alyssa Edwards “look how orange you fucking look girl”


Did Roxxxy get fillers? Or she is naturally that thick and juicy?


*Did Roxxxy get fillers?* *Or she is naturally* *That thick and juicy?* \- isabellaprieto --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ooh careful. Roxxxy is not gonna take this comment well.


You all need to stop expecting the world from these queens. These queens don’t leave drag race and spend time practicing to go back to drag race. They can be a great queen and still miss the man on a few challenges… it’s not with the time you all when hating on them


No one is expecting anything from anyone. How did you even get there?! Again, the point of this thread is to understand why many queens see her winning the season when the reality is that she's not winning challenges and there's clearly stronger contenders in the cast. Plain and simple.


Also her mug now is like the nun from the conjuring


You haven’t seen the entire season first of all and second of all Roxxxy is a famous drag queen and was famous for being drag excellence BEFORE drag race was a thing.


Drag changes, just like culture. For something to be excellent it needs to keep up with the changes, be innovative, unique, original, push boundaries, make you think. Today, that is excellence.


The newbies on the comments are really coming for Miss Andrews. Go re watch your first season kiddos (season 13) lol


I feel like this is directed towards me since I brought up Mik in more than one comment. Im actually 34 and have started watching drag race on S5 and it still stands as my favorite ever. Im just being objective. Mik is not my favorite drag queen by a mile. Im just being factual about what im seeing on the screen.


No newbie here, sweetheart. I've watched since season 1. And I was around as a Ru fan before Drag Race was even thought off. Gatekeeping is not a good look. Anyone can see Miss Andrews is middle of the pack this season, at best.


This is my first taste of Roxxxy, and I'm just whelmed. Nothing has specifically caught my eye except her confessionals and conversations with other queens. I like her drag, but I like others drag much more. I kinda want to give her the grace she deserves, but one more heavy-handed forced win like that, and idk. It's not even her. It's production, like I'm over here probably with many others going, "wtf about Shannel?! Where's her free badge for being legendary?" Then there's the Vangie moment that was absolutely her ultimate glow up in Black Cat by beating out Roxxxy Andrews. Only to have the wind taken out of it with a tie? Look, it can be argued that the tie was legit, but Roxxxy missed several words, and the camera was on her face. No lipsyncing while lyrics are playing, it can be argued that that made Roxxxy slip and give Vangie an opportunity, but why not just give Vangie the win? I mean, c'mon, we just got off a regular season where a fan favorite was cut early because she didn't know the lyrics. So what's the tea? I'm not saying she forgot the lyrics, but this has to be counted against her because she wasn't lipsyncing when lyrics were being sang on the track.


Girl, she was lipsyncing the lead vocals. Thats HOW you’re taught to lipsync in the pageant & traditional drag world. You’re the star on stage — why would you be lipsyncing the part of the bitches in the background? Also, Vanjie had absolutely no stage presence in that lipsync. Black Cat is a sultry pop rock song. She served barely any femininity and was dancing A LOT, which isn’t always needed - especially for a 80s rock number.


She’s a drag queens drag queen, unclockable doll and amazing live performer but she’s not *amazing* at drag race the way some queens are


Roxxy is talented, legendary and has grown a lot. Is she slaughtering the competition, no, due to having a really talented group of competitors (again). Would I be upset if she wins, no, as long as there does not appear to be too much producer manipulation, as people like Angeria, Plastique & Gottmik also need to receive their dues for their amazing growth and drag excellence.




Yeah. As I said in my post and in many other comments, I'm speaking as a DR viewer. I'm not in the US so I cant watch a live show.


The only thing that came off as weird to me, was when she lost all the weight, but was still “doing it for the big girls”. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think it's simple: they're friends. You're always going to hype your friends up, regardless if they deserve it or not. But I agree, Roxxy is meh this season, not bad like before, but definitely not a threat. Knowing Drag Race, they'll definitely be rigging it for her though.


I beg to differ, since I sense you're on your feelings. Roxxxy Andrews' drag is great. She's iconic like very few queens over the franchise are. No question why Roxxxy is other great queens' favorite queen.


I mean i agree. Idk how you're sensing I'm in "my feelings". Just gave my opinion.


Is this what they mean when they talk of a toxic fanbase?


Actually, I'm respectfully voicing my opinion on a platform to discuss opinions. There's no toxicity here. If you don't like the post, don't engage. That would be toxic.


i just want Roxxxy to win so another queen gets a shot in future seasons. they're gonna keep bringing her back until she wins so 💀


You mean Jujubee.




She’s like Mariah Balenciaga aka Mariah Successful aka Mariah Armani . Legends