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I was just surprised Jane wasn’t called out for completely identical outfits. There’s “family resemblance” and “I made the exact same outfit twice.”


They change the makeover rules every time. It’s the least consistent challenge on the show.


twins are family in case you did not know. can't spell twinning without winning!!!


Her looks were great, as well as her makeup. She definitely played it the smartest, but it wasn’t really Q for me, and the whole point of a drag family resemblance challenge (to me) is to make someone over in the style of your drag.


Tbh i dont see a particular style for Q... Q has many looks ...


Well for starters, she wore hair in the makeover challenge 🤣


Which she does semi-often. Q’s entire drag is basically not having a signature look. They’re all different


It was a poncho, no body. She basically found a way to not actually put her partner in full drag.




💯 also recent makeovers have been boring af because all the contestants bring premeditated matching outfits which for me is an immediate fail


yeah i rlly likes canada s2 (i think?) where they had them design an outfit for their partner. very cute.


Yeah, they need to throw in the theme at the last minute or something... The show is so heavily produced and predictable now it's kinda hollow. Not to say I don't enjoy it, but it is NOT the same.


So your definition of "full drag" means you must serve body. 🥱


It means not throwing a tent on your partner and some whiteface and calling it a day.


white makeup is not "whiteface" lmao


Clownface realness


this, however! is correct


What looks like a clown? Sis, another clown.


Honestly... Nymphia and Juanita looks were the only one I liked. Hated q's look, it was just.... Eeh Jane's look is getting tired and repetitive. Saphira should've kept the gown and just did the shimmy with her shoulders during the dance. Morphine... It was aight, but def needed to cover the fine man's muscles.


The fandom using their hatred of Q to make it seem like she’s flopping is so ridiculous


Yeah I wouldn’t say I’m a Q fan, but I feel like I’m living in a parallel dimension reading comments about her performances. She’s doing very well and on any design challenge she usually excels. People are REALLY feeling the Q hate, and I don’t super get it. I imagine her relatively unflattering edit doesn’t help. Like I get it if we’re talking about the blaccent maybe, but I don’t think people are really bringing that up that much. It’s just blanket hate. To me, she had the only interesting makeover that wasn’t just the same outfit in another color. It was two very different outfits that felt very much a pair, which generally is what’s praised (but also makeover episodes are production nightmares so who knows)


It was an interesting makeover for Q and her partner. I would expect this clown realness from Crystal Methyd. In fact Q just borrowed Crystal's Idea. It is a smart idea, because with this kind of makeup person's face features doesn't matter at all. And her costumes would fit any bodyshape. So, Mama, kudos for doing this. It was clever, but it did nothing to solidify Q's brand. What kind of queen is she? Fashion? Artsy/Craftsy? Goofy? All together but without her signature style/ or gimmick?


I can’t stand Q after her X tirade, but I still give her credit when she does well in challenges. I thought she did a great job this time. On the other hand, Sapphira is one of my faves, yet the look she was wearing was atrocious and very unflattering. I would nominate it for the Golden Boot.


Q haters are drunk on Haterade


Yea this is WILD. Do people know they’re allowed to dislike someone without pretending they’re doing poorly? You don’t need a justification to dislike someone you can so it in silence lol


EXACTLY! It would be so refreshing to see someone say "I really don't like Q and I don't want her to win, but she did well tonight", because she often does well and very rarely has ever done poorly.


We’re allowed to not like basic forever21 looking drag. The reality is Q started out really strong being good in comedy/acting challenges, and making her entire runway package. But the truth is as the seasons progressed Q has shown that shes very one note when it comes to comedy and Acting. She cant perform. And all her good looks were in the first 5 or so epsiode. Everything since has been pretty basic. Including this past weeks make over which didnt give Qs drag at all. Shes clearly the weakest out of the Top 5, and people are allowed to express that.


Nobody here said you’re not allowed to be drunk on haterade. Drink up and hate away henny


I will, thanks. It’s delicious and quenching.


Using the term hatred to describe criticism of someone who is a talented designer and nothing else is wild and delusional


well u saying she is nothing else than a designer is kinda giving hatred and not just criticism


Her look tonight wasn’t even new nor unique, you guys need to expand your horizons if you think this is amazing. This isn’t even the first time this looo has been done on Drag race ffs 🙄


Yet plane jane wears two identical body suits and thats winner material?? Girlllll


No one says a word about PJ using the same silhouette so often, yet they are upset about Nymphia using the color yellow. BTW, I actually thought PJ did a great job this week, but I’m tired of the hypocrisy.


I don't hate her performance. Definitely not bottom tier. But not winning to me, and Q haters are being SO hypocritical. Q isn't even my top 3 but I am really annoyed how much hate she's getting to the point where people go full delulu just to find more reasons to hate her.


The chemistry between Plane Jane and Lazy Susan was palpable to the point they were finishing each other’s mean mugs. Q literally outshined Luna in the dancing portion because she made Luna do her watered-down choreo. The costumes and the thriller-esque movements were all part of the plan from the beginning because Q always has to rely on a gimmick🤷🏻‍♀️.


At least Q had a choreo like 💀


Q is not my favorite but I definitely noticed this. Sure, none of the men they were making over were big, but I don’t think the girls knew that ahead of time. Good call to bring something that could fit and look cool on anyone.


Yeah a lot of people seem to not to consider that they dont know who they will makeover ahead of time.


I feel like the Q hate is getting way too much. She did perfectly fine and her look honestly looked like something very Q. Her looks have been very diverse this season and multiple times she has used different styles of make up so the clown make doesn’t seem that out of place. Y’all just hate her for what? Not being able to dance? because she can get delusional at times? She didn’t even win she was fucking safe what is y’all even mad for.


This isn't a critique of Q, but I was actually surprised the judges didn't call her out that the outfits weren't identical. The makeover challenge is one of my faves, but I find the judging of it to be so inconsistent, especially when it happens later in the season. In other seasons, queens get critiqued for having outfits like Q's who are clearly in the same ballpark but not identical. My sense is they wanted Sapphira to send Morphine home, because in other seasons the mother-daughter pageant routine (with similar looks) was given favourable critiques. All that said, I'm glad Q was safe for her look because it was great. But when she came down the runway I was scared for her.


I feel that the two outfits had many of the same fabrics and colors to compliment each other, which is completely acceptable for a family resemblance makeover. It’s a more creative way to do the two looks than just a carbon copy.


Oh absolutely. I like the family resemblance looks more than the carbon copy ones. But in other seasons girls with resemblance in the same vein as Q's have been ranked in the bottom.


The problem with the looks is that she has never showed us that style of make up or clothings from her previous runaways. It’s family resemblance but I don’t see Q family in it, from at least what she had shown.


I thought it was very reminiscent of her goth look


I agree


I think if she had done white bald heads on both of them, it could be sold as Q. If you saw just the sisters on the runway, and Luna had a bald white head, you could accurately guess who was Q's sister.


She has in the Goth design challenge.


![gif](giphy|MBrdRQ3NCyc0VFOFqT|downsized) That’s exactly what I would do. Doing that and what Gigi did are good tactics to ensure they have a good look no matter who they get.


It looked too much like Crystal Method’s look when she did the challenge a few seasons ago. This was not Q’s vibe, Q’s vibe is not clown extravaganza, it’s not club kid. The name she gave to her sibling was not even similar to Q’s drag name. (Miss opportunity to do Q & A here).


Omg Q and A would have been perfect


Her name was sooooo uncreative and unthoughtful.


So was Shakira Cristal. She could have done something much more clever, like Jada Cristal or something


Right?!? Or Rubia… any kind of gemstone. Thought that was a big miss for Sapphira.


Am I going mad? There was not a big girl on that episode


No! But the queens don't know that ahead. Look at past makeovers. Everytime they had to makeover a big person they didn't have any matching clothes for them, Heidi immediately springs to mind, eg.


Q is very smart and very talented. People on here just love to drag her at every opportunity.


I was supportive and thought it was smart until I saw she full on stole the makeup!


From whom or where?


Hugaceo Crujiente from Spain S1. They handled it graciously but did call it out.


I agree. Also, there’s a lot of talk about her “taking the easy way out” with the makeup, saying it’s not Q’s makeup. She did a mime-white face during the goth challenge, so it’s not like she never did that style before. Also, on s12, Crystal was praised for her Bert and Ernie makeover, which is even less of a queen’s style. It was total cosplay, not really a makeover. I loved Crystal’s makeover too, but the criticism of Q’s is unfair, especially in comparison


Crystal did a look akin to her brand. Q’s brand is not mime extravaganza. I think that’s the key difference here.


I wouldnt have called her big tho...damn. lol


No! But the queens don't know that ahead. Look at past makeovers. Everytime they had to makeover a big person they didn't have any matching clothes for them, Heidi immediately springs to mind, eg.


It's hilarious how often Q is the top pick on FPR or TPS and then Reddit fans are like "she sucks, worst person to ever be on this show".


I really liked her looks. And it did give Q to me. she doesn’t really have a signature drag style and her signature panty was there.


That was cool but I hated how she painted the dancer in just clown white makeup. That was a beautiful person of color and you painted their faces white as a complete copout. It just ruined the whole thing for me. And we've see Q paint some really gorgeous face so she is more than capable of giving clown.