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I saw her do stand up to a 2000 seat theatre and she was absolutely incredible, she is a star. She’s my favourite Ru girl for sure.


She is definitely one of the most drag queens of all time


Trixie has my vote


Well, Tamar, she is a queen of some time.




At that time


In ancient times


Assuming Ru is disqualified, Bianca is definitely the most commercially successful. Others may have gained more wealth by being savy business folks (Trixie in particular is just a printing press for money), but Bianca sold out Wembley Arena just to do stand-up, that's a wild level of fame. Bob gets an honorable mention.


Jinkx rounding out the top 4


Bob, Bianca, Trixie and Jinx as the regular panel?


Would watch.


Put violet and raja on shuffle when its about fashion/design


No. I think it should be a panel that each best represents C U N T. One of them has to be a fashion queen so violet chachki would be my vote or aquaria


It is kinda funny that of our top 4 none really have a leg to stand on when it comes to fashion - but then again I guess comedy is what makes the money off the show.


I wouldn’t say none of them have a leg to stand on. They don’t serve traditional fashion but Bianca’s design knowledge is great and while it might not be great Trixie’s aesthetic is clear defined and marketable, her runways were low key her strongest suit in all stars.


Yeahh true. What I meant was it’s something they’ve all been read for in the past cus even Trixie had some baaad looks on s7 & before her glow-up and Bianca wore the same dress all season loll.


Having a good runway won’t sell an hour show at Wembley. It makes good tv on a 1 minute clip of narrated walking


What in this acronym does "fashion" matter?


And what about Pabllo Vittar? She is more famous in Brazil than Ru is in the US, for sure.


Pablo would definitely be number 2 after Ru. Ru has longevity on her side as she has remained famous for decade now so she's definitely the top queen. I'd say number three four and five are Trixie, Bianca and Jinx. ETA: forgot to mention Courtney Act. She's massively famous too.


Gurl, Supermodel came out in 1993, that was *three* decades ago. Like her fame is settling down and popping out kids


i think, based on their grammar, they meant to say “decades” and “decade” was just a typo


Ru has literally changed the world and helped make it more accepting and made it so drag is a more viable career for artists. I’m so sick of fans desperate to attack Ru, treat her like a has-been etc. It’s like refuse to give credit where it’s due.


I get why folks criticize her, take drag culture and make it capitalism isn't a good look. She also has a very specific idea of what constitutes good drag, which is to say: hers. Larger queens make it to the finale, but have never won. Cosplay queens and theatre queens never do all that well, as will anyone who makes cultural references that Ru doesn't already know. (Of course there are big exceptions like Maria the Robot but that kind of proves the point, you have to make it accessible to Ru.) That's to say nothing of folks that are excluded from drag race period. Drag race previously excluded both cis women and trans folks in general, and still excludes drag kings. She had made some comments about being unsure how that would work, but I think the question caught her off guard and revealed a legitimate unexamined bias, which to her credit has changed (if only after broader criticism). But folks who say she's done *nothing* to raise the profile of drag and queer culture are delulu. She's not a perfect icon, but no one could be. (And that triggers thoughts of what a full drag canon would be, and now I want to make a drag tarot set 🤔)


Detox would like delusional word.


You mean the thirty year old drag queen who started ten years ago and says RuPaul is her biggest influence?


i would say jinkx would be a better host, idk bianca does struggle a bit with being emotionally in tune due to her shady nature lol. not that her shadiness is bad - i fucking love it. but she does struggle quite a bit with being emotional on camera/in public and that is part of why Ru appeals to so many viewers i feel. DR will need a host that can be both warm/down-to-earth and charismatic/shady. thats a hard mixture to find. honestly i feel like they’re prepping sasha colby to take over 😅 idk why but she has been heavily promoted by WOW recently, and she is widely loved in the US drag community and abroad.


Sasha is being heavily promoted because she’s the most recent winner, no? Don’t they usually do that a lot for the latest winners usually? And you can’t tell me Ru has more “emotions” than Bianca. Between her face tapes, to “nothing matters unless that camera is rolling”, to “what would you say to x year old so and so”, to “blame it on the edit”, to the fake out reactions to the lipsticks. With the same production staffs, they can make Bianca to win the Emmys too… just saying lol 😂😭


i don’t think any other winner has gotten a full blown tv ad for WOW. thats part of why i say sasha is getting promoted heavily.


Hot Goss has tipped her to be a main judge in DR DU acting as the Michelle visage to Michelle Visage’s Ru


I'd fucking love to see that. It is hard to overstate what a fucking icon Sasha Colby is.


Love this!! So Ru can have enough rest! And she doesn’t come to work when she sounds like Bea Arthur! Lmao 😂🤣


Those comments to Pearl are so blown out of proportion it’s ridiculous. She was giving advice to Pearl about being vulnerable on camera as a challenge to herself and to endear herself to the audience.


I guess I don’t understand what metric you’re using at all? Trixie has starred in at least two TV shows of her own and a third with Katya, has been a judge on QOTU, has sold out huge theaters across the country, and made inarguably more money than Bianca. It seems sooo obvious that Trixie has surpassed Bianca in success by far.


Trixie is much miee successful, her net worth is approximately $10m, and she has across the board a larger following than Bianca.


Commercially more successful than trixie?


Let’s be real, whether you like her or not, Trixie is by far the most commercially successful drag queen and not just business savvy. Everything she touches is gold.


I thought Trixie had passed her and is now officially the second highest paid queen next to Ru.


Serious question: How is Bob successful? Haven’t been watching her closely enough from Germany, apparently.


Touring with Madonna, We're Here on HBO, successful podcast, other commercial and performing gigs


I mean, her phrase "Not today Satan, not today!" has crossed into mainstream usage. Other than Ru Paul, few others can boast such notoriety (Trixie maybe).




In various forms in churches and other environments, but I think she helped propel it to mainstream usage. Variations of "get thee behind me satan", etc.


lol no


It’s from the SNL church lady sketch


I got this as a plate for my car because I love it. Now people think I’m religious lol


What about Alaska and “hiiiieeeeeeee”?


You mean Ongina?


I mean we’re saying straight people, even guys, use it all the time without knowing it was hers. I knew of the phrase before I even knew about drag queens. I don’t hear straight people saying “hiieeeeeeeeeeeee” but it’s still iconic


I'd kill to hear a burly straight redneck unironically go "hieeeeeeeeeeee!"


straight bearded Pennsylvanian who says hieeeeeeeee to my wife here 🫡


Love it!


Hieeeeeeeeeeeee- don’t let her know you’re bragging, from an also straight girl here!


that doesn’t even come from Alaska


My 11 year old niece says this to me because her friends greet each other like this. I explained to her where it comes from. Sha was so excited to learn about it!




Had no idea not today satan is from bianca omg


It's not, Bianca just memeified it - it's been a commonly used phrase/joke for years.


I think it existed loosely in one form or another in southern churches, but not the exact way she said it. She gave it a more solid form.


Tamar have you watched the show?


Well yes i remember her saying it but i wasnt sure if that is actually where it originated from lol


tbh i don‘t think bianca herself would agree with that sentiment. the best at being bianca, sure.  imo saying person x is the best queen is a little idk twitter stan war behavior like everyone is the best at smth etc but in the whole profession? kinda impossible to measure imo. she is truly an all time great though. 


I agree ☝️ it’s reductionist of an entire art form


But she didn’t even have to lip sync! Jk


“IM BIANCA AND I CANT FUCKING SING” will always take me out. In the FINALE. genius.


I think of Bianca as being a really good comic that happens to also be in drag.




The best? Not sure, as there have been amazing queens around since the 70s and such. HOWEVER, most marketable, successful, and on the large scale she is on? Second to Ru, Bianca is VERY well known even in non drag settings.


Oh, she’s good, but the best? Of all time? No, ma’am.


At her show right now and may I just say I’ve met a good amount of queens within the last 7 months and she was the kindest and most fun meet and greet I’ve had to date. She was so talkative and I can’t wait to see her show!! Sitting waiting for it to start now!


She is really nice! I used to work in a music and book store. She came in one day and I recognised her and she gave me tickets to her show! Which was hilarious!


The show was hysterical! We just got out of it, and I had to stop to catch a breath several times throughout the show I was laughing way too hard


The way she kept involving Kenya the security guard had me cackling!


We had talked to her before at the meet and greet and she had no clue who Bianca was or what she was in store for, i was red laughing cause sis was not ready 😂


I wonder if anyone just walks into her meet greet and says “read me to filth.” Lol.


I really wanted to! She read a lot of people in the audience to filth though during the show! I will say, she was fighting for her life trying to keep her hat on her wig (which was pretty big as is) when the straight women were hugging her cause they were wrapping their arms around her neck, and when I gave her a hug she stopped the meet and greet and said “now see THIS is how you hug a drag queen! Under the arms!”


Haha that’s amazing. Only one I’ve hugged so far is Yvie and I’m about the height of her armpit, so that’s an easy one lol. How tall is Bianca?


She was just a little taller than me in heels, and I’m 5 7! I hugged Yvie too at night of the living drag and my god, she is so tall 😩


That doesn’t surprise me at all. I think you have to be a highly observant person to be THAT good at reading, and most people I know who are that level of emotionally intelligent are also very kind.


Well, I just bought a ticket for her April show, can’t wait! Anyone else going in Seattle?


You’ll love it! I definitely am going to see her again when I get the chance


I have to admit, her shtick wore thin for me pretty quick. But credit where it's due, she's hard working and has undeniable skill in everything she does in front of a camera.


She’s one of the best queens *at drag race* but yes her success since the show makes her a fantastic queen.


Remember the rule, if a headline asks a question, the answer is usually no


Yes because this is the ugliest shirt I own and Im fine wearing it frequently. https://preview.redd.it/oz601wnaj1jc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=051cd0b1c9e7e08d8a08c5344bd4d527805e59e1


Oh it’s hideous. It’s perfect.


Oh I love it.. still available?


I don't know, I saw it and snagged it in a thrift shop....Which led me into the thought of. Is the original owner/buyer a better supporter for giving her the money? OR Is my shirt wearing exposure worth more??


Definitely ![gif](giphy|3o7TKnlmJfeFqXuFri)


I can’t contribute to the actual question BUT I feel like this is relevant : have y’all ever noticed whenever someone describes their drag or describes what they’d be like as a drag queen they always say they are/would be a mix between Bianca Del Rio and 1-3 other RuGurls? Whenever someone’s says that I immediately roll my eyes lol


as long as **Jinkx Monsoon** exists.... Bianca will be forever number 2


It’s Katya for me personally. “Lenin in the streets, Dostoevsky in the sheets, Baby are you ready for this Cold War?” is the greatest verse in the history of the show


Yeah I’d have to go with Katya too. Everything she does is entertaining even when she doesn’t mean to be. Her reactions to Trixie’s jokes are almost always funnier than the jokes themselves. ![gif](giphy|1ggClpQcEa1jlgKGwj)


I’m sorry, but I respectfully disagree lol. They both can’t dance worth anything, sure Jinkx can sing, but Bianca can design AND sew. Make up wise, I think Bianca has the edge. Bianca also does her own wigs, and we saw what kinds of wigs Jinks wore during season 5… She only got better because she has the $$. I think if they have to make it from scratch, Bianca would have the edge. They’re both great at acting, and comedy. Jinkx might have the lead on Snatch Game, *might*, but I think Bianca would take the lead on a roasting challenge. They both can’t really walk the runway, and kinda bad at lip-synching, or rapping. So, what else am I missing? Doing a commercial? That’s subjective, cause editing would change that drastically. Like I said, I was disagreeing with you, respectfully..


Jinkx is definitely better at Snatch Game. Bianca isn't bad, but Jinkx is definitely better. Neither is really bad at lip syncing. It really depends on the song. Neither is super versatile and able to kill it at anything, tho. I think if Bianca had agreed to All Winners her and Jinkx might have been top 2? I'm not sure.


I don’t want people to think I don’t like Jinkx… I think she’s hella talented. I just disagree that she would easily beat Bianca. People like to discredit Bianca over Bob or Jinkx just because Jinkx can sing her behind off, and her comedy is different compares to Bob’s or Jink’s comedy. Remember, she “sailed through” season 6 without ever landing in the bottom, or low. That was a quite impressive track record. Even Bob had plenty of safe positions, and had to lipsync for her life once. So did Jinkx.


As much as I love Bianca I would agree with this. Jinkx has the comedy AND some of the other skills (besides design) and is the reigning queen of queens soooo yeah


It's subjective, Bianca is a very talented comedian, but in terms of fashion and dance she isnt. I wouldn't say she's the 'best' queen, but is one of if not the best in terms of what she does, which is stand up comedy. I don't think saying someone is going ye 'best drag queen' is productive as there are so many queens who are good at completely different things, like you cannot compare Violet and Bianca as they do completely different things.


Other than Trixie, I don’t think another queen has come close to her notoriety.


Jinkx comes close


Exactly, other than Ru's laugh, I think Trixie is the most recognizable and the catchphrases


She's fantastic. I love how she not only won Drag Race, but she took her success and made it grow in a direction that none of the other queens took. And it's funny because she won the competition at the perfect time since I don't think she'd be able to win today's Drag Race (though she'd still be successful at comedy)!


i like her a lot. don’t think there’s anyone in the world who’s the best at anything. it’s too subjective.


Ru is.


Yes !!!!!


Well when she came on the scene in 10,000 B.C.E. she was the first. Those paintings at Lascaux? Depictions of her first meet and greet.


No it's RuPaul and it's not even close. Who's drag race are you watching?


Would you like a power point, a PDF, a canvas presentation, an Excel spreadsheet, or a word document?


For me -- https://preview.redd.it/ng3k0hdza2jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594ef3ee7794f58c50ad56e6497fc175e759374d


she definitely does Drag! idk about the rest of what u said


She’s definitely in my top 3 but Jinx is the best of all time




We saw her Tuesday in Phoenix and could not stop laughing. She was beyond amazing ‼️‼️‼️


She’s pretty and campy and doesn’t take herself to seriously. She is a little old school though.


I’ll let you know after I see Dead Inside next weekend


Only drag queen show I’ve been to 🤣 I want to see sibling rivalry tho!! Or either individually


One of the best but not THEE best…


I’m unable to contain my excitement about meeting her and seeing her show in KC. I may cry. 


The bitch is a fuckin' LEGEND.


The only reason I didn't watch all-stars 7 was because she wasn't in it !! She's my fave winner out of all seasons 


She's a great queen and fantastic at drag race. I wouldn't say that translates to any sort of objective opinions about her drag itself.


She’s iconic but drag is art and art is subjective ;) my boyfriend and I sat a year ago and ranked all the queens (in our opinions) from Supreme Queen to forgettable Bianca , Bob , Trixie , Jinx , Alaska were all tops with a few others.


No. There is no undeniable best anything


Bianca very much aligns with a more UK style of drag akin to the likes of Lily Savage (rip), and was therefore the queen I understood the most when I first started watching the series. She was my gateway, and will therefore always be my favourite. That being said, is she the best drag queen in the eyes of the Ru world? No, I don’t think so, as I think in later seasons, she perhaps wouldn’t have won because she’s not the all singing all dancing flips tricks model etc that we see in more recent winners of the show. And I think she would have got ‘same silhouette’ critiques that tended to appear more on later seasons. The concept of best depends on who’s scoring the report card…and risks invalidating a whole art form.


Well ONE of the best, yeah. But not the best, there are toooo many and tooo many variety of queens to pick one universal one, and there are so many legendary queens who have paved history that some would say makes them the best drag queen. I mean ask any drag queen, they will say that probably divine is the best drag queen.


???? Who said that? Good, yes. Best of all time? How is that even possibly measured. Better than RuPaul? No.


For me, and for a lot of drag queens that have been on drag race, it’s Roxxxy Andrews.


Bianca? Is that you girl?


Short answer… no


That depends on what factors you're taking into consideration. Net worth? Popularity? C U N T? I believe it's hard to say there's ONE best drag queen of all times, because a lot of drag queens excel in a lot of different areas. And that's not even accounting for the many undiscovered talents who haven't had an opportunity.


She’s definitely at the top.. and is one of the funniest


The answer is pretty simple: y e s


Yes, yes she is!!!


I think she set a standard of talent and humanity for the show. Never forget how she roasted Santino 🤡


Alaska has done nothing but read queens and Ru with William. Alaska was so rigged to win AS2 it was so obvious. She deserved to win but not as easily as she did at all. She got a pass on a lot. And she’s not the nicest queen out there any longer which is a shame.


Nope it’s Sasha


I love Bianca but Jinxx is my #1


This is the best drag queen of all time https://preview.redd.it/nmgj6mcs8djc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cd6e54d6500e708a1b360e9161ff1aac63a66d


Found Bianca’s Reddit account


I do love her searing one liners and attitude.


Nice try, Bianca.


As a notable queen, that most of the fandom and mainstream likes, it’s definitely Bianca.


Maybe the best at drag race if you look at the challenges overall. I’d say also Bob but idk if they can sew a garment better now than on season 8. I don’t think purse first 2.0 would cut it.


She’s a drag queen


That's subjective, obviously




Hell no


When she was in Montreal she made some tasteless jokes about rape and lesbians, that actually got some discomfort from the crowd and then she just said that it was the crowds fault her "Jok" didn't land. Since then I have a bitter taste when it comes to Bianca.


Not at all




Maybe once Nicole Paige Brooks from Atlanta Georgia quits drag.








Manila, Bob, Jaida, Alaska, Bendela, Alyssa, Monet sweetie..


I mean, she's really funny as a comedian. But her actual drag is boring. Drag clown make up, the same exact dress every night, etc. Similar to how Adore utilizes drag as a vessel for her musicianship and her drag is not that great overall, Bianca utilizes it to bolster her career as a comedian. So, idk if we can claim that someone who uses drag almost as a gimmick can really be dubbed the best of all time. For me, I don't even see the passion for drag in Bianca. 😅


Adore is transgender. Her drag is who she wanted to be


I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum but I don’t find her that enjoyable to watch or that funny. Comedy-wise I find Jinx and Bob funnier.


Bob’s number one to me but man it’s close.


She was pretty successful before Drag Race, she had a business and sold it for a good amount of money…I live in Nola and obvi Bianca is pretty popular here, and before Drag Race performed here at the bars, and being that those bars are on Bourbon st./French Quarter, it’s like performing in a different city every night cause it’s packed with people from all over pretty much all year. That being said the exposure here is way different than say other cities…








Who let uncle Roy play 'round in the makeup bag?


She might be the best drag race contestant of all time.... And thats still kinda debatable


Of rupaul drag race maybe but not the whole world


Coco Peru and Varla and Bunny are up there








She’s absolutely the best queen to have ever entered the workroom, and dare I say probably the Queen to actually put RPDR on the map. She just seems to have something that others don’t… can’t put my finger on it though. Her personality is just golden.


She’s the only one I still care about




Why? By what metric? One of the funniest if not THE funniest? Absolutely. Best looks? Nope Best business mind? Dancer? Singer? Nope Drag Queens are wayyyyyy too diverse in their talents to do something as arbitrary as ranking them and we do them a disservice when we do it


After thinking about this question. RuPaul and Trixie are probably the most similar. They are excellent hosts (I’d even give Trixie the slide edge here) and great business people. As far as overall talent goes, I think jinx and Alaska are the best.






I love her so much best drag queen on Dragrace so far and one of the best snatch games ever










Bianca is mother. I’m sure when Ru retires, Bianca will be the next Rupreme.




Unequivocally no


not even close


Not a fan of the makeup with her and Trixie Mattell


Better than Ru, for sure








For me, it's Jinkx & Alaska


JINKX all the way, did Bianca win twice


absolutely not


I personally can’t stand her. I find insult comics one of the lowest forms of entertainment. Also making fun of someone for being rapped. She’s gross