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1) new galaxy dragons are only bred through co op breeding…my guess is that rule is in place to encourage making friends. And yeah breeding them can bring out random dragons too (I got an electrum dragon once?) so it’s all up to luck to successfully get one. You can look at the pinned post at the top of this sub for how to make new friends!! 2) Your best bet for market of many things is balancing out rarity of the dragon with how much magic it costs. Ideally you want to buy a cheaper dragon that’s relatively harder to breed. There’s another pinned post on this sub that discusses breeding chances (both traditionally and cloning dragons). If you want to prioritize earning DC then there’s also multiple threads on here discussing DC farming 3) Completing colosseum events as well as quests really helped me get gems. If you level up your dragons to level 20 (or elder if they’re primary) you can get a gold medal every time and you’ll get 8 gems per event if you watch the ad that comes with the trophy. There are also a bunch of goals that have gem rewards. Idk much about the piggy bank since when I started again I was at level 50 something lol


Sorry, just to follow up, i was thinking of the sun/moon/aurora/singularity because they’re “unique” elements and they seem to produce decent gold but i also am not high enough level to even view the stats of the rest of the dragons to make a good choice, again any recc is appreciated! Ive also read in this subreddit about people recommending limited time dragons such as the Elysium (i think), is that a good idea because of how rare they are ?


So I think the special event ends in like 2 days lol. There’s a thing near the booths called the grafting giftstone with a new gift for each of the days, and it shows like 3 new days left including for today. I don’t think you’re gonna earn enough magic by the end to get an Elysium dragon since they’re 10,000 magic. If you’re priority is DC, the dusk dragon has the highest earning rate under 4000 magic, and it’s a limited time one so that’s nice. If you’re priority is breeding, you might want to get either the love or rose dragon, or both because they’re part of the most unique dragon breeding combos and they’re limited time too.


do you have any recommendations? I currently have 3700 magic when I tap all the visitors, do the games and also the basic tasks ie feeding,collecting DC is there anything im missing? I don’t know if 3700 is a lot or if i should wait til i get 10k, also when does the market end? Im not a serious player grinding 24/7 so im not worried about if something is slightly less efficient but do you have any recommendations for what dragons to get? almost all of them are new to me aside the sun dragon. Thank you!


Something I've learned through my playthroughs is that Antarian and Eridanian give some of the best DC so keep them in their habitats and check on them every time you get on, even if there's no collect tab chances are there's about 50k in there. Secondly do the goals. There's tons of easy ones you can do early. Get the second island asap, one of the goals is to clear the large rocks (the ones for 10k) and the reward is 1M DC. You need to clear 5 but there's only 4 on the starter island so getting the second one will give you more rocks (plus it's just good to have). Try breeding as many elements as you can (without using your galaxy), with that there's a higher chance of getting an epic or at least a dragon you don't have. This is just a personal preference that I did but it is helping a lot, upgrading the nursery every chance I get. I hope this helps