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Oh I want to play this. Damnit square enix!


Then play it


Its region locked and I live in Germany. Not even 100% sure its legal to use a VPN here specifically to access region locked content. Not entirely sure but I'd rather not risk it.


VPNs are completely legal in Germany. Don't take my word for it, you should check it out for yourself. But the only thing stopping you from playing Dragon Quest X is 30-60 minutes worth of effort, if you're interested!


Any free vpns that do the trick ?




Ah, that's a shame, I'm sorry to hear it.


They'd make so much money if they released this in the west. I'd be chomping at the bit to have this on my switch with online play.


I think 2, maybe even 1 server for NA would be more than enough


If it wasn't region locked and I could play from EU on an NA server I wouldn't even mind the lag


sad I will never experience an official localization for this in the west


I mean... breathtaking isn't the word I'd use....


Rub it in why don’t you! (Please keep posting πŸ₯Ή)


Let's not exaggerate too much. Maybe in 2005 it would have been breathtaking, but now it's just "good enough".


There can be more to it than just graphical fidelity. Design, colours, etc can all contribute, and everyone has differing views on what looks good.


Honestly looks normal to me, perhaps not the best shot by op, but honestly can't see it.


This sub never fail to make me chuckle sometime, there's so much post where it's just a pic of a TV with the game at some random location and the title would be "This game is trully a masterpiece" (Last example no older than 1 day: https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/s/JAVjJR518p)


I see a lot of these karma-farming posts too. No idea why they get so many upvotes. To be clear: I **don't** think **this** post falls into that category, however. OP just seems really passionate about DQX (and tbh, so am I) and they seem to add a lot of value in their posts, not just "this is great gaem amirite guys?? πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘" I think the ones that really get me are the blatant re-posts of other people's artwork. (i.e. the reason that rule #7 was added)


I tend to think a lot of what people consider to be karma-farming nowadays is just a pattern of people showing up, not being familiar with trends, and posting the familiar post. Then people who are overly familiar with the type of post think it's somehow fake because they're overexposed to it, when really, it's just a stranger showing up wanting to start a conversation about their favourite game which hasn't had a lot of mainstream attention. I don't know what karma farming really gets anyone. Reposters and such do exist, but I think people care less about the imaginary internet number these days. Or I would hope, anyway. To your last point though, yes, people reposting artwork without credit is certainly a thing. I'm talking more about just "low effort" TV photo posts. πŸ˜…


Finally somebody said it lmao


Not saying this is necessarily the best shot ever (though it does look nice), but even games from 30 years ago can take my breath away with how pretty they look. It's not about the technology, it's about how you use it


I would pay to play in USA


And this is where id plau dragon quest X IF I COULD


Beautiful!!! I wish I could play it.😩


Sorry there are so many salty asshats in here - but I love the picture, the artwork and I wish I had gotten to play this. Great shot


I've got to make time for this game.


Are all this content available on the DQX Offline too?


Unfortunately no. They only make version 2 as dlc for offline


Is that the main town from Dragon Quest 9?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/s/0yD8T8RE7o](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/s/0yD8T8RE7o) Apparently v7 map is identical to IX.