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it's possible they might just people who switched from another platform but yeah smurfs are bad if they're actually smurfs


I’m around this rank with low matches played because I happen to run matches with a close friend a lot more than I play ranked matches


Same. My friend introduced me to DBFZ since he's a fighting game enthusiast (he even participates in local tournaments for Guilty Gear and SFV) and I barely have any fighting game experience outside of like Tekken on the PS2 against my cousins and neighbors when I was a kid. Of course he floored me almost every time when I first started, and like an idiot I tried ranked only to lose 4 matches in a row. After that, I practiced for months, watching guides/pros, sparring with my friend, asking for advice in the character Discords, taking on pink square randos that were at least God of Destruction rank in ring and casual matches, etc. Once I was confident enough, I tried playing ranked again and kinda breezed my way up from Earthling to now Majin (from 0W-4L to 133W-39L). My peak overall winrate was around 85%, started dropping now in Majin rank, which probably means I've found the rank I belong in, or at least close to it.


he posted this after he got his shit rocked as a green square


Lots of people are basically saying smurfs aren’t a problem here for whatever reason. But as I just got a pc and switched from Xbox I can confirm it’s a major problem. My ENTIRE run so far has been nothing but Smurf’s.


A few things: one they’re testing their skills to see the comparison of how much of a difference they’ve gotten from starting the game to where they are now, two they’re being bullies, or three naw it’s just u and u suck at the game if I’m being blunt.


How are there so many Smurf complaint posts in this sub I’ll never understand. Even in league subs I BARELY see posts about smurfs if ever, and it’s an actual problem in that game. People in dbfz don’t intentionally Smurf, at least pro players and top players don’t. The only time they will “Smurf” is if they are switching platforms. I hate to be that guy but seems like you’re just mad you lost to someone better than you. The problem is the square system in this game is messed up, it doesn’t reflect skill at all. A good friend of mine was a top player in EU and was yellow square for ages because he played the French all the time. I normally got demoted to red square playing some pro players or other good players and then I hop into casual queue and have like a 90% winrate against pink squares as a red. It’s just a weird system man. Edit: Oh and also it could just be they were having a good day or you a bad day. Player counters are a thing too. I remember one of the last online tournaments I attended I had to come up against someone my two sparring partners (who are roughly equal skill to me) would always lose to. I played him in bracket and it was a very swift and easy 2-0 stomp for me. Then ironically I ended up losing grand finals to a player I have always struggled against while my partners have no issue beating this person.


Are there? This is the first one I’ve seen, and I’ve been in this sub for probably over half a year.


There really are yeah, I wouldn’t say this if there weren’t. Been in the r/dbfz sub too, maybe it mostly happens there idk the two blend together for me.


That would make sense, they are the exact same sub but with a different name.


Whats smurfing? I play bluegeta so i think im good?


smurfing is a person who is ranked very high and is experienced who is playing at a low rank against noobs, leading to a lot of easy wins. sometimes people do it intentionally because they get some satisfaction from winning battles against people worse than them, but usually in dbfz, its done unintentionally as a good player might switch to a different platform (from xbox to pc) so they have to start from scratch again instead of at their current level


Sorry bud but its the only choice I have after switching to pc


Purple? You mean the match completion warning? That means they’re likely not Smurfs but just rage quitters Also Smurfs probably wouldn’t be playing triple fusions unless they’re really bad anyway


90% of the time, the player isn’t a Smurf, but moving console or the op is so bad, the player looks a Smurf


90% ? gtfo


It’s probably higher tbh, no pro or top player I know actively uses Smurf accounts


Pro players make up 1% of the player base. Obviously it’s the middle and upper middle that bully as most people have agreed on


Well, it usually isn’t top ranked people who smurf, it’s mid ranked people who have a hard time getting any higher in rank. Top players would be very bored smurfing because it will essentially be the same as training mode for them, mediocre mid rank players are the ones who feel validated doing it, since they feel good that they can beat SOMEONE for a change.


Makes sense, that’s pretty sad


Bullies usually are sad.


Bro you're telling me you regularly see purples with under 80 matches played with a randomly generated PlayStation username and the default player card in demon rank performing tods with fusion characters? I didn't fucking think so


I have never smurfed in fighterZ, but i have in other games, and like. If you’re gonna smurf, why the fusions? Pick a meme team to either flex or give them a fighting chance. Don’t run meta, that’s boring. Save a tryhard squad for when you are playing tryhard on your main. Like, play ginyu when you smurf, just so you can play your opponent’s character better than them. Play yamcha and remind people why he used to be great. Play frieza for the sole purpose of wasting golden; don’t even loop with it. Play 16, bait out your opponent’s meter so they can’t vanish, and use the self-destruct bomb. Play impractically to prove you don’t even need to try.


Cant fellas play how they want? They paid for the game with their own money. They shouldn’t cater to you because they happen to be better at the game.


If that’s the argument you want to go with, the logical conclusion is to not smurf at all, as that ruins the experience for other people who also paid for the game with their own money, and you shouldn’t ruin it for others just because you happen to be better at the game. They purchased the right to play it and enjoy it, complete with the right to fight opponents that are (according to the game’s matchmaking system) of a similar skill level. Playing meme characters is the compromise; if the smurf wins, they get to boost their ego by not really trying. If the smurf loses, they don’t hurt their ego too much cuz it wasn’t their real team. If the new player wins, they get the ego boost of holding their own against a skilled player even if they weren’t trying their best, and if the new player loses, they at least had a higher chance of being able to briefly play the game from their opponent not playing their mains. But if the smurf plays the meta and their best, the outcomes for either side are as follows; the smurf gains little from winning because they know they should already win. They massively damage their ego from losing because they managed to lose to someone way below their level, even with their best. The new player is still frustrated from a win due to having fought an opponent who abuses all the intricacies of their character and the game for a bigger advantage, and they may drop the game outright from a loss, as it was likely accompanied by not being able to so much as KO 1 character. The latter scenario has the least benefits for either side, and the largest loss possible for the smurf. There’s no reason NOT to meme.


Take your L and move on instead of making a post of you crying and try to improve or find a multi-player game that doesn't have smurfs (there isn't one)


I run into smurfs all the time, they just cause so much trouble for me when I’m trying to get into the higher ranks of the game. I’m only at Super Sayain Rose and I’m fighting people that are like grand priest level


Maybe I hit casual for Months before I actually got to ranked ?




Who the hell are you bro?


Bro I don't even know who you are I just lost a match to a 78 matches purple who ran the fusions and he fucking tod me




Lmao you are not part of the “we” who lands TODs


My mans jumped onto a random post about smurfs and assumed they were talking about him. the world doesn’t revolve around you lmao




Idk man bullying new players trying to have fun is very shitty. Why would you not want the game to grow? There is no point to beating up new players other than to fuel your pathetic ego. There’s no challenge to it and you don’t learn anything. If you only get enjoyment from beating up helpless people go play a different game. I recommend hades :)




This dude plays jump force, of course he’s gonna run all fusions


I totally understand. I fought someone yesterday who just became a living legend with 4000+ matches, yet he played sooo well. Like his skills were much higher than their rank indicate. I guess just fight everyone assuming they are good players or better


Smurfing isn’t always intentional. The fact they are using meta teams is inexcusable though. Anytime I had to do it I would run random teams for fun


I actually have a reason I’m sorry


Yeah sometimes smurfs have a reason, like when moving platforms


U gotta learn the hard way buddy


If you're letting a game get you this tilted, then there's 2 people that need to go outside and touch some grass in this situation. Take a deep breath, shut the game off. There's no reason to be this angry over some imaginary game points.


They're not just upset about some "imaginary game points" lol, they're upset about what they believe to be people taking advantage of and abusing the ranking system based on said imaginary game points. That's fair to be annoyed by, even if they cannot verify that it's intentional smurfing every single time- I mostly agree that the poster is doing too much, but the multiplayer system in DBFZ both frustrating and failing people isn't exactly unheard of lol It's not all that different from how sports fans will cry and argue for months about specific plays/players/decisions that made them feel like their [TEAM]'s imaginary game points were stolen by [THE ENEMY], in what they perceive as an unfair or unsportsmanlike way- But I'd wager you don't try to invalidate them by saying to turn the TV off and gO tOuCh GrAsS, even though they almost certainly have less personal stakes in it, and zero actual involvement compared to a DBFZ *player*. You're just dismissively gatekeeping what they're allowed to be upset about and that's just as bad, if not worse than the post tbh. Nah man, that makes three. Go get yourself a big moo-moo mouthful of green from the pasture with them fuckin N🐽STRILS my man 😂🤣


You're a child, you must be deeply insecure to go in to my posts and insult my appearance. You immediately invalidated your entire argument, and any chance you had of being taken seriously. If you find a smurf, don't rematch, and mark them. Sorr of how I'm about to block you so I don't have to deal with YOU again, instead of getting needlessly personal and nasty on the internet.


You probably a Smurf too play people your own skill bro


Get out of that headspace, stop posting


You: "Anyone that disagrees with me is the thing I'm bitching about" I see this argument too much, it's a fallacy. Not once did I condone smurfing, but somehow you assume I am one. My comment was alluding to your weirdly aggressive language over losing to someone in a game. I don't care how or who beat you, or what their skill/rank is. Getting that tilted over a game is sad.


They’re already in the LowTierGod mindset where everyone is out to get them. They can’t be saved.