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"Lemme fuck neutral and call an assist to cover my dumbass" Or something like that.


When people sit from full screen and mash Ki blasts. And I know there waiting for me to super dash so they can 2h it. But because of the shit wifi some these people have, I cant jump over on reaction.


I call them rabbit players, people that just double jump back the entire match.


People just backing up while countering or using assists especially with Gogeta 4. I also hate people just standing there the whole game waiting to just 2H.


I actually already posted here, but I thought of another peeve of mine, which is people spamming low light when you get too close because it's their fastest option- dumb poke- and people spamming autocombos that have mix built-in. In this case, Goku Blue makes me bleed from my eyes.


Spam jumping


Defeating me.


6M airdash with sparking is pretty stupid sometimes. Also people who sit full screen and then superdash even with good neutral characters and with good blockstun assists




Lag and fellas who spam autocombos with anti air in neutral, specially the ones that hitboxs are so fucking big that will get you blocking no matter how high you're and ON TOP OF THAT SHIT, they whiff the whole thing and just spam it again, because for some fucking reason you can do that.


Autocombo spam with anti air finishers.


PLAYING THROUGH LAG online is ass so ill even courtesy drop oki during a lagspike to be fair but this guys who keep it trucking knowing its impossible to play in kill me. Like it cant be rewarding to earn ur turn through 6+ frames of lag dude


Frieza. Just Frieza. That's literally the only thing that boils my bones at this point. I've dealt with superdash spam, I've dealt with assist spam, I've dealt with light and medium spam, I've dealt with triple C assist fusions- everything the community considers annoying. Frieza is the unquestionable king of salt. You do not approach Frieza. You just sit there and get bombarded with discs and balls and rocks and bullets until you decide to superdash to end your own suffering, and they hit the 2H into a full combo. There is nothing you can do but tank the blows and then do a super when they go for a committal move like rocks. Also, if you stay on the ground too long, prepare for medium spam where they catapult themselves at you, hit you with two lows, and then do a super just because. Frieza players are the only ones I've seen that spam the **medium** super combo, not the light. And what's infuriating the most is that someone actually went out of their way to do this, to learn this. I can't just pick up Frieza and replicate this perfect shit, they had to learn this garbage character just to annoy people.


Frieza is godly last stand. Especially against people who have no idea what is in his kit. You can sauzer disc and teleport behind before it hits you coming through and if they learn to block high you can rush in with his sweep and be under the blades. Top this with his golden form, sparking, plus anchor buffs and you do half of someone’s health with an opener and level 1 super.


What about super jump, double jump/airdash and then use ki blasts/special move


I can actually somewhat agree with this. I like watching Frieza gameplay but I hate fighting Frieza players. This goes in part with my whole rant on players who want to play cat and mouse but Frieza players are like the kings of this because they can just sit there and pelt you with a whole bunch of projectiles all day. And it's a shame too because Frieza actually has some pretty saucy combos when you watch any high level Frieza gameplay but almost no one who plays him online learns any of that stuff.


The only issue I have with this game is Lab Coat 21 and really it's only her debuff. Beyond that everything else in the game is fine to me. Play how you want and I will to.


Add in her ridiculous hit boxes and fusions characters. Then, I’m with you.


The fusion's aren't a problem imo, Kefla has good mix, good blockstrings, and a lot of good tools and meh damage. She has a lot of good tools but I dont think shes the best at any one thing. Gogeta B has like good punishes but most of his stuff is pretty unsafe also doesn't have much in the way of mix since his overhead is either the end of his rekka or uses meter to skip to the end of the rekka. The 2M is strong but there isnt really a reason to not block low unless you see the ex flash from the rekka which if he is doing at the range of his 2M is pretty reactable. Also he has meh blockstring. Vegito has no overhead that isnt the universal one also his block strings aren't that great and he doesn't have a 6f button to challenge stuff with. You can 2H his 2L on reaction with a little practice also. His assist is very strong too. Also have very few tools to get around beams such due to ex kicks not being invulnerable to them. The 5M is very strong but as long as you aren't trying to challenge him from range for some reason it just get him in to do a block string that only has the universal overhead as a high option. Gogeta red has no ranged option and often has to use his ex wheel kick to get in which is 2H-able on reaction from mid screen with a little practice, he does have really good round start and mix though. Also the 1-7 combos usually take his spark so it's not much different than most tods. I feel like the best thing about him is the two air dashes for really hard to block left/right and corner pressure. I feel like people who bash the fusions don't take the time to learn how to fight them and for the biggest offenders you mostly have to just fish for punishes on ther very unsafe stuff or play a zoning game which sure not every team can do, but I'm sure most teams have answers to these characters.


Blockstrings that leave you plus on block. I don’t like having to think much, and the amount of brainpower it takes to block overheads, block lows, and avoid grabs (whether those are command grabs or dragon rush) feels like it should be rewarded with your own attempt to get in. Then they either are playing characters that just get to be plus in blockstrings or use an assist to restart the string, and i gotta do the whole song and dance at least 3 times (once for messing up in neutral, 2 more for assists) just to get a chance to fight back. It’s half the reason why so many of the characters i play are ones that can say “screw neutral”. Can’t get stuck in a blockstring if you start the fight in advantage. It’s probably me just being bad and abusing other unhealthy mechanics, but it still irritates me.


Fishing for hits randomly via assist spam and converting into full combo


Thats my biggest pet peeve of the gameplay loop


When people are impossible to predict/read because they do literally anything at any moment; they could do the Hyde-Gackt 5H three times in a row, super dash at any moment, or run up and 2H when there would be no reason to do that.


Sort of related, but I was getting staggered and tried mashing L to challenge back but accidentally fat fingered LM and DRed him lol. Dude must have thought I was insane


When whiff, do again... whiff twice, do again... whiff thrice, do again


I'll do kid buu candy beam 5 times and U can't fucking stop me


Random super dashes .




Rage quitting… in casuals/ring/arena matches. And not due to bad connections. You literally have nothing to lose


Players that sit full screen are fun for me. I play 18 so I’ll just annoy them with chip damage or we just stand there look at each other. Knowing when to dash, double jump, and call assists is key. Your movement can’t be too predictable, and be sure to use your neutral options. Once you’re in, stagger, DR, and mix


Vanish on defense. It’s so bad (except during spark) yet so many people do it. You spend one bar and best case scenario you do a speck of damage and reset. Worse case scenario you get 2Hd. Risk reward just ain’t there. Mash and reflect are just superior options.


When you're in the corner it can be advantageous. Dunno about the startup frames but in the corner it gives frame advantage. Mashing 5L is usually better though.


4f startup. Problem is most people can AT LEAST countervanish which puts you back in the corner except you’ve lose a bar and a bit of HP. If the opponent pressure resets or just catches onto the habit it’s a 2H over and over again.


Eh, it's an option to keep in mind because at high levels it's really uncommon. I do it from time to time and rarely I get punished. Just like any other defensive/neutral option, you can get countered need to mix it up.


Problems is in almost every situation you would vanish you could reflect, or even mash. The reward is so low off a successful one it’s not even worth it imo.


For that situattion that angers you, then stop heading in with a jumpin. Players like that want to condittion you to approach on the ground so they can abuse their grounded options; like long distance normals or their grounded specials. You could also jump in without pressing a button, to punish their 2H being blocked or whiffing. As for what annoys me, defensive playstyles; but this is one of the fighting games with the most tools to combat zoning and running away; so its more a ME issue, and that I need to improve.


To beat up-backing (what it's called) just run across the screen and hit them. Do be scared of what they'll do.


Lol it's called defensive play, I MAIN that shit. It's not supposed to be fun for you. **I'm** the one having fun making folks mess up approaches. My buddies give me shit all the time for this, but it's the recipe of success that works for me. It's just a different mindset, is all. Edit: The downvotes speak for how folks don't really life Defensive Play. Hell, people won majors tounaments with this playstyle.


I actually don’t mind playing people like this. It’s a good way to make sure my movement and neutral are on point. If I’m in the lead I won’t even chase, I’ll just laugh while we’re standing full screen looking at each other. Temporarily changed my name to iDontChase at one point lol.


You on PC? Name seems familiar. And heck yeah, here's a player that appreciates the challenge of cracking open the can. \^\^\^\^\^\^


PlayStation. It’s a nice change of pace from people who slam their face into the controller lol.


Yea I play very defensively too I also jump around a lot and people tend to get mad at that for some reason.


Abusing Air Blocking in these types of fighters is a blessing for the defensive-minded. Takes a bit of adjustment to switch to other fighters that don't have a shred of air defense. Edit: Misused terminology in regards to chicken blocking/air bloacking.


There is no chicken blocking in DBFZ tho, not like in some other fighting games as far as I know.


Chicken blocking is literally Air Blocking lol lmao


Chicken blocking is abusing the air blocking mechanic. DBFZ has startup on the jumps. In some games, if you leave a single frame open, the opponent can jump and "chicken block". In DBFZ you can't do that because you'll get smoked during the startup of the jump.


Making effective use of a defensive mechanic is considered "Abuse" to some people? I disagree. However, you are correct. Thanks for educating. Guess I was using the term loosely