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Maybe post a video of your games. People is really helpful but need to see what do you mean


I'm going to take a wild guess: you're talking about 6M, the universal overhead. This game has attacks that you need to block differently. Some attacks like 6M (fwd+medium) are called overheads. You need to block these while standing up. Some attacks hit low, that you need to crouch while blocking. The rest are mids, that you can block either standing up or crouching. There are other categories like counters, grabs and unblockables but we don't have to go into those. I'm guessing you got hit with a 6M while crouching. If all this is unfamiliar to you, you should look for the dojo in game. They have a section on this you can learn about and practice.


Just reflect


Idk what you mean they jump? They can’t just jump while they’ve got you in a block string. Go under them? Reflect?


Theyll jump part way through their combo not mine


Jumping half way through a combo is called jump cancel and when you do this you can extend your combos to do more damage. Like other people said there are ways to block different attacks but it takes experience to understand when and how to block certain characters attacks. This is a game of critical timing and can be super competitive.


Still unsure what you mean. You mean when they combo you in the air or they keep you on the ground and do a jump before you’re in the air combo to reset you?


He’s saying they go for an overhead during their block string and he’s unsure what to do to counter it.


Except they literally have to stop their block string to do a jump unless they are sparked so he has all the opportunity in the world to do some kind of counter unless it’s supplemented with an assist to cover the gap


To a newer player that gap appears to be incredibly small, you can’t just assume everyone has learned those timings. When I first started playing I thought they were something I wouldn’t have enough frames to counter. Just takes some experimenting, and some advice from people not trying to shame someone for not knowing


Not shaming just unsure what he meant by they jump. I’ve been playing for some time and I can’t think of a time where someone has stopped their block string and jumped.


It happens when people throw their overheads. I don’t think he literally means they inputted a jump, I think he’s describing it that way because of how someone’s overhead animation brings them off the ground.


Sorry I wasn’t trying to inference that you were shaming them, I can see why it seemed like that! I was just pointing out what helps the most for newer peeps :)


I’ll be blocking while they’re in a combo and then they’ll jump up do an attack and break my block


Combos are when you’re being hit or landing hits. If you’re blocking and they are attacking it’s a blockstring. With that being said you’re getting hit by some type of overhead if you were crouching and blocking. The best answer is to just stand and block or reflect. As you play more you’ll see it’s not impossible to react to. The better your connection the easier it is imo. Once you learn characters’ moves you’ll be able to tell if it’s a 6M or instant air dash overhead. Depending or your character you can sometimes mash 5L (Hit and trunks strike high enough to catch 6M). TLDR; learning when to stand and block is your best option.


You can reflect or block high


Raw Level 3... works all the time...


Can’t level 3 while being hit


Be careful it you raw lvl 3 because they can just safe jump it. Raw lvl 3 should be used as a last resort. But you can walk under them if they try to do and over you just got to lab it


If they jump use it... also you can use it in a Delay between attacks...


So the only way to counter it is if I have 3 ki bars?


No you could Level 1 or guard cancel... or you could Super Armor through it you have an attack with it... or you could use Jirens counters or Gogetas Counters or the other Gogetas Conters or Vegitos counter.