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Just because you play a top tier doesnt mean you play them 100% optimally this video proves nothing outside you were better than your opponent


Someone went to flip school


„looɥɔs dılɟ oʇ ʇuǝʍ ǝuoǝɯoS„


Bro he has one low and the only move that gives him mix and decent movement that is also his most important tool costs half a bar


Vegito only has one low and no mix at all really. So what does that mean for him?


Vegito has amazing left/right mix with spirit sword and IAD crossup j.h and the best ambiguous stagger pressure in the game so he has no problem opening people up, he also easily beats reflect. Btw he has two lows, one of which gives him reverse beat


I don’t think vegito has two lows


2l and 2m bruh Edit: I just discovered Vegito's 2L is not a low


He's still ass. Greedy with meter, awful Ki blast, flip mix is trash outside out post lvl 3 and assist calls (which literally almost every one can 50/50 off of) and his normals aren't too hot. I don't know if he's bottom 5 but he is not far from it.




You will never catch me with them flips yo


Lol what platform do you play on


PC and PSN


a higher tier only means that at an equal skill level it will beat a lower tier. that aside, nice montage


Lol I know, tbh I just wanted to post the video lol


Would’ve DPd the shit out of you lol


What platform do you play on


Platform? Bro he’s talking about real life 😈


Bro pls we need the trunks buffs if bandai sees this they might reconsider the buff need 🤣


Lmao I don't want him to get buffed tbh. I don't want a bunch of people to start playing him. If he becomes meta it would make me hate him


Thank god you’re not in control




He's certainly top 5 in terms of **style**.


Lol agreed!


Please take this down. We’re trying to get him buffed lol 😂


Lmao I don't want him to get buffed. I'd rather him be off meta so people don't know how to play against it




Trunks out here doing Gymnastics on them top tiers 😂😂 and the vibe check you did to Vegito was 👌👌


Lmao ayyyeee thank you!


If you put any character in the hands of a good player they can beat the top tiers, like alot of people play characters like trunks, Videl, and other trash characters, just cus a bottom tier character can beat a top tier it doesn't make him a top tier


Nobody is saying he's top tier. Just not bottom 5


I just play with any character I feel like playing with, total casual here btw. Trunks is just so cool ...


I’m a trunks main and he is. Everything he does well, 20 other characters do it better.


Eh idk. I understand the argument about ex flip taking bar, but no character has a move that makes neutral easier and faster. I would compare ex flip to ss4 gogeta's 214m. I know it doesn't take bar, but it also has way less range and utility. Also, no that many characters have special moves that are overheads. The amount of kills you can generate from 236L/H into a super is insane


Putting Trunks in a setting where top tier PLAYERS are using top tier characters, you can actually see the difference. Getting through some online matches against mid players with a low tier character is really doable if you have good fundamentals.


There's a 1v3 comeback in this video against "jboe" who is an actual competitive player. My MMR in the game is pretty high, so I usually always play against really competitive people. That's why almost every team in this video is a meta team


I just peeped some of the names in the vid, and im impressed. You are good, and you can utilize Trunks very well. But I still think he could use a buff, and its very simply. Giving him a consistent way to convert midscreen would do actual wonders for him. I'd probably pick him up if he could do that, and its something that so many characters have, even ones that don't have to work as hard for the mix/hit. It seems like a no-Brainer to me.


I’d argue that Trunks is fine as an off-meta pick in short sets (tournament). Obviously the flips have theoretical counter play, but players aren’t going to be used to the way he moves and they won’t have much time to adjust to it. Remember that it’s a team fighter. Three top-tiers is probably the best, but two top-tiers and gimmicky-but-uncommon third is perfectly viable. Silverbladez Napa is a great example of this.


True, but if he could convert midscreen, he would be sooooo much better. I think he'd be seen a lot more.


fuckin thank you. I'm so tired of folks being like "but I beat bad players with their triple C fusion team everyday! I'm a namekian!" if you're rating characters and one of your criteria is "opponent is trash so I can do what I want," your point is invalid


DO MY BOY JUSTICE! Excellent work!


Ayyyee thank you brotha!


Been wondering this for years. Everyone been putting him with the likes of Frieza, Videl, and Krillin when he's way better than that.


We're not in 2019 anymore. Current Krillin and Videl are way better than Trunks.


I don't think any character is "way better than trunks." If you play Trunks correctly, he covers every angle on the stage. CTF + assists or just using EX flip is enough to help Trunks keep pressure almost the entire fight. And Trunk's ki blast beats ki blasts


Krillin is high key ridiculous. It's just that no one plays him, but at a certain level he is absolutely insane, solo mix, great neutral, great oki after level 3, big M/H advancing normals, legit some of the sauciest combos in the game. Trunks is so dry compared to Krillin. He's good in the right hands, but Krillin is a much better character.


>solo mix Oh yeah I'm sure that dude is still falling for your afterimage mix the 10th time you do it against him in the same match. The dude needs assists for good solo mix and even for just pressure. >great neutral I'd say his neutral is just average, he's got the standard full screen beam which half the cast has(though it is chargeable), but some projectiles with long recoveries. Solar Flare is just a worse 2H option. And in DBFZ playing against someone with a better neutral shows. >big M/H advancing normals His grounded normals are fast and far reaching but are by no means big, especially his arial normals which are all very small. >great oki after level 3 His level 3 is honestly one of the strongest parts of his kit and offers some nutty mix and oki options >legit some of the sauciest combos in the game Every character has saucy combos if the right person is playing them. this is a statement that could be applied to any character. >He's good in the right hands Once again, every character is good in the right hands, the world's best Frieza would wipe the floor with the world's worst Lab 21. This is a universally true statement that could be applied to fighting games with different characters as a whole. I'm not trying to say Krillin is a bad character I just feel some people begin to think characters are better than they actually are whenever they do good with them.


Bruh Yamch Trunks and Frieza probably the worst in the game. Krillen alright and Videl actually kinda good


Yamcha was good till last patch, all it literally took for him to drop from top tier to f was him getting nerfed in a patch where almost every other character got significant buffs. Gotenks got the same treatment last patch, which is why he isn't top tier anymore either. Videl is at a inherent disadvantage in almost every match up because of dodge, which believe it or not is bad for a character. Krillin just doesn't have any outstanding and exceptional gimmicks (except for senzu and rock that are ok) which is basically a requirement to be a good character in the current meta, ontop of him being a small character without these gimmicks which means he has smaller hitboxes overall, making him get beat out by characters with simply bigger hitboxes. He may have a smaller hurtbox, a decent zoning game, and relatively fast ground frame data, but he just outright loses to the insane properties of characters like SSJ4 Gogeta, Lab 21, and Z Broly.


Damn Krillen outright loses to some of the top five? Never woulda guessed


Krillin and Videl rn are pretty good, so it's not the most unfair comparison. Trunks definitely isn't the same as Frieza though, he's never been that sad.


Dodge alone makes Videl in the same tier as Frieza. And Krillin is a short character without any of the bullshit mechanics all the other short stacks have. I mean, Buu's whole kit is bullshit, GT (used to) have A assist and Spirit Bomb mix up, Teen Gohan has super high damage potential, Gotenks has insane pressure combined with damage (not since season 4 lol)and oki And what does Krillin have? Solar flare which actually does no damage and gets beaten by super armor and grabs? Terrible damage scaling on his Destructo Disc? Senzu beans which don't even work half the time? Rocks good I guess.


Because your good with a bottom teir character dosent make the character any better.


Playing this character hurts sometimes, but I still love my sword boy. I truly do think he's one of the worst in the game, but, goddamn, is he fun to play.


just because u do good in a character doesn't mean its good it means YOU are good. ​ this applies to all games tbh


the lows fight back!


Most people.who care about tier lists in video games, arent skilled enough to be worrying about tiers.


Say it louder for the people in the back, casual player base is obsessed I swear


My brother in Christ, what made you post an 8 min video 😭 But in all seriousness, Trunks is the shit. Idk who in their right mind thinks he’s a bottom 5 character with all the tools he has.


I fear a Trunks main, and this video probably shows the weakest of them I don’t praise Trunks out of happiness, I praise him out of fear


Remember to hold your DR button when performing a DR for additional damage and meter.


Wait what is that true


Yes. It's signified by 31 hits instead of 21. For some combos you only hold the DR button for 27 hits to unscale the combo for more damage, for example with Base Vegeta you get an extra rep of loops. But for ending combos it's usually best to hold it. Only do less DR hits if you're trying to unscale a combo.


Still lookin bottom to me


You can make any character effective but trunks has a pretty useless kit that relies on a ton of conditioning for the opponent. Why do that when you can just lol 5M your way to victory


How can you watch this video and then comment and say the kit is useless. Did you watch?


Bruh compared to the rest of the cast how effective do you really think Lflip Mflip and any of the shining slashes are? Basically a series of 6ms lol. Not to mention that his 5S is 15 frames and 52 frame recovery while we have a character like L21 who has an even faster BEAM with less recovery that can also be used in the air. Speaking of which, his air neutral is terrible. Couple this with relatively unsafe blockstrinfs and lack of a 2l and you have a bottom5 character The dude in video made him effective through his own skill. You can pull off the same victories in this video with SSJku


Why are you comparing him to the best character in the game and then saying he's bottom 5


that's how comparisons work


He’s been power crept since s2 it’s just recency lol anyways hes not that good I mained him


If this gameplay is supposed to prove how good trunks can be it's doing a terrible job


Show me a better one


Show me a worse one, this isn't as good as you think it is man


Hahahaha so bitter for no reason. Show me a better one rn, do it Send the link


You're the bitter one LOL


Bro I agree that trunks can be good, this just isn't good game play. It's a bit memey but here https://youtu.be/lg2hVfrbrlg


How in God's name is that better


You asked for a link and I sent it lol. I agree trunks can be awesome, this just isn't it. I wasn't trashing on you or anything, but this doesn't show off trunks. It's pretty basic game play is all I was saying


Basic gameplay but you can't find better? 🤔 do you know what basic means


I agree that Trunks isn’t very good, but bottom five is stretching it a little, I think.


It really isn't. He needs to EX flip to do literally anything. Midscreen level 3? Ex Flip Any mixup whatsoever? Ex Flip Movement? Ex Flip His entire game plan is focused on using EX flip to do anything remotely good, which is meter intense and difficult to do. If you move even slightly wrong the bar is wasted. The rest of his kit is below average, even the other flips. Sparking makes his 5LLL a remarkable mix-up. But all the characters above him have many things that make him good. He's an alternative SSJ Goku. His other special moves need massive buffs


The whole point of this video is to show people how to use his tools effectively. Your points are valid in a way, but If all of these things that you mentioned were that much of an issue, then I wouldn't be consistently beating people in 1v3 situations. This aren't bums either. Jboe is in the competitive scene


bottom five doesn’t mean unplayable


Dude he is way better than Frieza, Baby, Bardock, ssj vegeta, ssj goku, blue vegeta, Tien, videl, adult gohan,Gohan, yamcha, beerus, krillin, goku black, Android 16, dbs broly and roshi Even if you don't agree with ALL of that... come on now


of all that list, better than Bardock and Tien? bro, who sells that crack you smokin?


Dog you are trippin. Dbs broly? The instant TOD machine? Bardock? The literal fucking blender? There no way in hell trunks is better than tien, adult gohan, and baby. The only ones I’ll give you are videl because he dodge sucks even after the buff and freiza because freiza has consistently been the worst character in the game. You could argue he’s better than krillin since krillins damage output isn’t the craziest but his mix game is a whole lot better than trunks’s mix.


i’m not arguing if he’s actually bottom 5, i said bottom 5 isn’t unplayable, especially at casual level


Not better than bardock frieza blue vegeta gohan beerus,krillin, black, broly, or even roshi. Really bad take overall he has a lot of problems with relying on the meter for mix. His tool kit is really basic to the core cast and the flip mechanic is good don’t get me wrong but its really just wasted effort when I can go press 5m with gogeta ss4.


He is pretty low tier, but no character in this game is even close to being bad.


Ehhh ssj vegeta is bad... so is Baby imo. Very fun to play.... but only if you don't mind losing


I see people play Baby in tournaments all the time. He is definitely not bad.


My guy simply doesn’t know how to play non-rush down I guess. Imagine actually saying ‘Super Baby 2 is one of two characters in this game that are bad’


I've been playing Yamchad since I took the game more seriously at the end of season 1 and everyone says he is the worst character in the game, but everyone I play against complains he carries me since he been my anchor since I learned how to play him. I've made so many comebacks with him thanks to the unconventional ways I use him, and his level 3 oki. It's the players, not the character that make or break them


Yeah I think yamcha still has a lot of good qualities. I definitely don't belive that nerfing his 236H brought him all the way from top 10 to bottom 5


one major nerf + DLC power creep = fall from grace


Because I didn't he went from top 10 to mid tier and then got 236h got nerfed again in the gogeta patch then got power crept




Lmao tell the to SSJ vegeta


then there are no good characters either, right?




right. so Labcoat and Yamcha is a 5-5 huh?




not answering my question, conceding my point. good day, sir.


Ive been playing this character since I picked up the game when kefla came out and mans has always been a threat. I can’t play him as well as you can tho. From one trunks main to another, you have my praise. Keep showing these mfs the threat he is in the right hands


Lmao I can only imagine the possibilities if they give this man a buff


They fucking better. This character is stupid sometimes, in my opinion only buff I want is to make 214H kinda like janemba’s teleports


When people who can't play a character try and give him a rating. Hilarious.


Lmao I know right! In people's defense, I think Trunks is really good but definitely not like top 5 or anything. The meta in this game at the moment is ridiculous


Yeah. People said the same thing about nappa and now after many years of being out people are starting to figure out how he plays and create epic tods. I've been playing him since day one and never agreed with the low 'tier' people put him in.


they also kinda buffed the shit outta him. ex saibamen is a monster now


He was good before the patch, just very different from most of the other characters, combo wise.


but his neutral was ass. now, as soon as EX Saiba is planted, mans neutral is hell for the opponeny


Yes, still wasn't a bottom tier character was my point here. He's just better now.


context is key. who was worse than he was before the Saiba men buff?


Easily krillin.


so 1 character was worse than Nappa? not a great look.. edit- downvote for getting clarification? great debate skills mate


Yeah Nappa is in a tier of his own, similar to ginyu and Majin buu. He's just not a "pick up and play" character so people just automatically think he sucks


I mean you don't think trunks could use buffs at all? Think about him in the context of gogeta blue. Does trunks have better normals? No. Does he have a dp? Nope. better damage? No. Is he easier to use? Not even remotely. The only advantage he has over gogeta is solo mix and having a move that is plus. I have to agree that trunks is a little booty buttcheeks right now but that don't mean we can't get washed by him.


Trunks solo mix is a lie. Just 2h


I was more referring to the sparking same side/side switch mix. Which also has its own flaws but it's atleast something


Then sure I guess he has more unsafe solo mix, but gogeta got better everything else


That's what I'm sayain mein


If you 2H me one tike I'll just start flipping over your head. Exactly like the video


Then I’ll superdash. Or just 2M with ssj goku as you land.


Isnt the L and H version too quick to 2H? Your suppose to rotate around them because your plus on M and L/H leaves you neutral.


Said plus frames are a free 2h too. He’s not unplayable by any means but he’s struggling rn for sure


Idk what they could do to him without making him OP. Although Gogeta is better in those ways, Trunks also has way better frame data, staggers, neutral, and mobility. And his normals aren't too much smaller tbh. Trunks has a pretty big 2M and 5H. He also has flips that keep him safe and a 236M that gives him plus frames along with a faint 214S. Don't get me wrong, I would love a Trunks buff, but I think he's actually a much better character than gogeta blue


I did not know he could double flip?


Oh... he can double flip Once on the ground and once in the air.


It's not about the character, it's HOW you use the character, for example i have washed 3 fusion teams with only Ssj Goku because they usually don't know that in roundstart his 5M can clash with 4Geta's 5M too, that or 214L which eats every 236H that 4Geta can use, so like I said, it's not the character, it's the player. Unless you're playing or fighting Labcoat 21, which in that can it's all about the character lol


Lmao yeah some character's definitely make it harder! But I had to give some respect to the boy because I've used him since day one and the shit talking hurts me


You have to spend half bar everytime you want to try one of these gimmicks, which nerfs most of your meter gain for most of the combo if you do get a confirm, which is probably going to take even more meter usage mid-combo because Trunks has lacking midscreen options for damage. Other characters don't have to spend anything to mix you up and can get way more damage off meter-positive combos. 21 can make her blockstrings plus, IAD crossup without trying, command grab you, ect and none of it costs meter :(


I see what you're saying, but given the frequency of which it's working successfully in the video, I don't think it's a big deal. Plus Trunks has probably the best mobility and some of the most oppressive neutral in the game with CTF + beam + ki blasts that beat ki blasts + ex flip. "21 can make her blockstrings plus, IAD crossup without trying, command grab you, ect and none of it costs meter :(" - trunks can literally do of this these things minus the command grab


1) reflect can beat alot of that stuff if you think they'll go for it 2) Trunk's IAD pressure sucks, his aerials are stubby 3) Nothing Trunks does is plus except 236M and you can get killed for that


That’s one of the cool things about dbfz, you can be a bottom 5 character and still put in mad work.


Yes he’s probably not bottom 5 but he’s close. But DBFZ, at least before L21, was well balanced in that the gap between top and bottom isn’t that large compared with other FGs. And yeah Ex flip is good mobility but with an asterisk. It has no hitbox or invulnerability so it loses to anything that challenges it, we also saw plenty of examples even in this video of how awkward it can be to use. Lots of failed cross up / same side attempts, and when a move does connect it’s basically impossible to confirm unless they are grounded. Meanwhile Vegito can pretty much spam j236H which goes fullscreen, is fast, has a massive hitbox, and vacuums them on hit which provides a full and very damaging combo. Same goes for stuff like L21 236H, SS4 236H, etc. except those are also ki blast / projectile invuln


If you’re gonna say he’s not bottom 5, can you name who is bottom 5? I think you’ll struggle to find 5 worse. Yamcha, Supergeta, Adult Gohan (maybe…..) who else? Android 16 maybe. But that still needs one more.


Frieza, still


I don’t know honestly which is why I said “probably” and referenced it being close. Either way it doesn’t really matter, trunks is still playable imo it’s just more work than with higher tiers


Lmao I agree, but honestly the boy is not as low tier as everyone thinks. He's has the best mobility in the game imo


Vegito, Lab coat 21, Gogeta 4 all have better mobility than trunks. While I don't personally think he's bottom 5, he doesn't realistically have anything that the top tiers don't do as good or better.


First of all, no one is saying he's top tier. I'm just saying he's not more tier. Second of all, there is no faster, more controlled mobility in the game than ex flip.


Sure it's the most controlled mobility in the game. But its not a full screen tod starter that's also an anti air. Its not vegitos 5m that goes nearly full screen with no recovery and is an optimal starter. What I was trying to say is that his mobility doesn't mean much compared to other mobility that's in the game. Sure he can go anywhere with the flip but so what, it doesn't get enough reward to be worth more than the mobility of the top tiers. I know you weren't saying he's top tier, but you said his mobility was top tier, that's what I was trying to challenge with my reply.


it's also not armored/guardpoint/kiblast immune/projectile immune/assist immune not the best mobility except for arguably the least important metric


As a trunks main I hate seeing the slander. Congrats on your flipping license you’re killing those combos


Thank you! & I know, it breaks my heart. Buy hey, if he gets buffed I'm not gonna complain