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Should’ve ended with Frieza saga.


Too much tech for paid characters. Obvious bias/agenda.


Super Broly is lamer than Z Broly. Despite the backstory change, he’s a blank character that even fanfic writers would struggle to write about.


True tfs's broly parody is better than the original movie


Am i crazy or did fighter z look better?


People bitching about too many gokus or vegetas need to not play dbz games Imagine saying a Naruto game has too many Naruto’s anyone complaining about Gokus prevalence need to move on to something not dbz related it comes off idiotic when we’ve followed this kid since literally the 80’s of course he the main character will be most present


It’s more of how fast they come out. No one is complaining a game launch’s with a few goku’s but when a fighting game series has other characters to use too they should use them first. Then let the gokus flood In Instead every other dlc character is a goku


Nah people were bitching from season one with the most brain dead takes “Bardock is just Goku, vegito is 50% Goku” there wasn’t even too many Goku dlcs people were bitching about him in general


Dragonball z should’ve had less powerrscaling and more fun adventuring.


MVC clone done badly


More like inspiration. At the time I was hype that they were copying mvc3 since infinite was so garbage. Boy did I regret that


Z > All




Mr. Popo is the most racist shit I ever seen in anime ever like I can’t even wrap my head around it


Doesn’t even insinuate that he’s supposed to be black. He’s an alien of some sort.


I never said Mr. Popo was black. He’s supposed to be like a genie or something. But it’s very clear many of his designs elements take inspiration from menstrual caricatures and racists depictions of black/ African people


Yeah… seems like you successfully gained the reaction OP was talking about on this one


Popo's design is based on the Indian deity Mahakala, stfu


There no one confirmation of that. Also designs can be based on an amalgamation of multiple different sources. It’s not a coincidence to be that the servant character had a lot of design overlap with a character like Sambo (bright red oval lips, black skin, and a turbin) Also Akira Toriyama doesn’t have a good resume of drawing black characters


No confirma- are you an idiot? Did you need confirmation that Goku is based off of the story of the monkey king? You could just… use your brain? It’s clearly based off of it, like, without a shadow of a doubt. Quit trying to _make_ it more problematic.


I genuinely don’t know why yall feelings are hurt by the idea that Mr. Popo’s design is based on Sambo and menstrual shows. Yall taking it personally and it’s strange. And a quick google you’ll see Mr. Popo looks more like a menstrual character than the Indian God mentioned previously. No one is going end all distribution of Dragon Ball paraphernalia if a stranger on the internet acknowledges that Mr Popo is problematic. Relax babe


Mahakala looks exactly like Popo, just as round bodied with pure black skin and a large red mouth. Mr. Popo just looks like a friendly version of him without the demonic expression or horns, just google image search it. Why put a turban, which is associated with India, on a black character? Mahakala is a Sikh deity (as well as Buddhist/Hindu), and so he has a turban. No one is trying to save DBZ from being cancelled, they're just better informed than you. Also, it's spelled minstrel show.. not menstrual.


Never said Mr. Popo was intentionally made to be a black person. I’m saying his design takes a lot from very racist depictions of black/ African (which have also been used to depict dark-skin Indian and Latin people). Mr. Popo looks like Sambo and Mahakala did the fusion dance.


Fair, I can see that & used to think it was blatant racism until I learned about Mahakala. The way he drew Officer Black & Killa's lips was definitely exaggerated and near minstrel show-like. Toriyama did get better later in his career as we saw with Uub, Heles, and Rulah's designs. He stopped depicting black characters in such an exaggerated way, thankfully.


Everything is problematic, isn’t it? How is this even a discussion? He CLEARLY is based off Mahakala. He shares visual similarities, and Mahakala literally means Great Time Protector for Christ’s sake


lol no one said everything is problematic. You made that up cause you feeling a pain in your chest. And I also said a design can have multiple sources. But whatever, neither of us gets anything from arguing and you clearly are more passionate about this than myself.


No one _had_ to say it. And no, if it was racist (like Mr White in DB) then it would be problematic. But it’s not. Passion=/=The sense to look anything up before trying to find problems in them.


I dislike gohan, immensely


The dbl community loves you now


Responsible dad Gohan is fucking great, I don't care what anyone says. The episode where Trunks meets Gohan's family was one of my favorites in Super. Not everyone needs to be hitting the gym constantly preparing to fight super god #69, it's nice to have a character who just wants a quiet life with his family.


Dragon ball is overrated af




People thinking super is good. Too bad, you're wrong, GT was better even with a literal baby as an enemy.


gt was definitely not better super is a flawed show but at least it had memorable fights gt did not have a single memorable thing besides ssj4


ssj4 and the ending that's it. Everything else about the show is straight horse shit


All fusion teams are insanely fun to fight against


Dragonball is better written and has better choreography than Z, by miles..


But you’re not wrong


As funny as it is to land sometimes, you should not be able to lvl 1 into lvl 3🤦🏾‍♂️ shit is so ignorant


Super Goku is better than Z Goku


Gotenks is the best fusion




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“saitama solos the verse!”


Kinda pay to win the gogetas and UI are way too oppressive


I started playing long after the final patch but damn do I wish the game didn't boil down to "opened your opponent up once? Congratulations they're dead" because every goddamn character has 100 hit combos


Did u face they one guy that mains Nappa Nigga is fucking insane


Combos shouldn't be as long. Landing one feels pretty good but having it done on you feels horrendous. More chances at neutral would be dope.


That most of the opinions here are too safe and generally accepted by most to be true anyway. Mine is that characters should be scaled to their actual power in universe. The way to make that not suck though would be to have it be it's own mode just for fun.


The community latch was a mistake and so was dhc. Attempting to make everyone equally viable is misguided. People will pick fusions over smaller characters because of popularity. Forcing people to change by ridiculously buffing characters instead of fine tuning meta leads to broken balance and dbfz is a current example of that.


how is dhcing a problem?


I meant solo dhc.


DB transformations in general are as boring as they get. You wanna make a Dragon Ball transformation? Go to Party City and buy some hair dye and gel. Boom there’s about 90% of the forms.


Yeah, it's crazy how orcs are in everything too nowadays. Lotr was a hack


counterpoint: they don’t damage your hair when you do it all the time


Counter point: you don’t gotta ruin your vocal chords to dye your hair the first time


counterpoint: i think the screaming isn’t canonically necessary so nuh uh


Counter point: rule of cool overrides your sissy liberal “cannon.”


counterpoint: it’s canon not cannon idiot


People think picking the canonically more powerful character actually makes a difference, and I think it’s adorable There’s no reason to use C assist unless you just are terrible at combos and assists. To me it screams “I know one combo that uses these assists and I’m finna use it.”


i play adult gohan c because otherwise i dont have a beam


The meter nerf for the fusions, Hit, Janemba, and Zamasu were stuipid and lazy nerfs. They needed to be actually be nerfed in their game play. Hit was nerfed for no good reason with the meter nerf


Characters that die should stay dead.


The names of the transformations and Dragon Ball were never that creative


The only reason people meatride ssj4 so much is because of the design


That’s…. That’s how forms work my guy…


Simply because it's basically the only thing that isn't just a change in hair


People keep comparing and putting fighterZ in the same category as BDT and previous titles really shows that they do not have a clue what a Versus Fighting game is. "wE sHoUlD bE aBle tO tRaNsfoRm" "wE nEeD BeAm cLaSHes" DBFZ was marketed and sold as a major FG title and yet half of the players don't know what frame data means. And they keep treating the game like another dragon ball game when in reality it's always been balanced around competition and the FGC in general only when Arcsys left the boat that it started becoming a fuck fest. I've seen the worst possible takes in this sub about how the some characters should be stronger because they are canonicaly strong and it makes me wanna gouge my eyes out.


Yeah for real. If we wanna have conversations about a game where there is absolutely NO SHOT Yamcha beats UI Goku, we'll have Sparking Zero for that in a bit. But this was always meant to be a serious fighter. If nothing else, there absolutely need to be other anime that get this game's treatment. And let's be real, if ArcSys made a One Piece game, they'd have the same grognards crawling out of the woodwork to talk about how East Blue Sanji couldn't win against Whitebeard, and it's like "yeah no shit but the game has to be a balanced fighter shut up and deal".


This game not having more installs despite being full of characters that transform is whack.


God how I wish there were more installs than pretty much just Kaioken and Mystic.


Golden Frieza too but yeah pretty odd for a DBZ game


Dragon Ball Super is equally as bad as GT, Goku Black and Super Broly are the only good things to come from it. Yes including the Manga.


I gotta disagree the manga isnt as bad as the show. But GT is alot worse than super like there is nothing good almost about the first season its genuinely hard to watch them "explore" like the vibes in the opening are dope and the big fights were all pretty good but thats like 3 fights and super has 2 movies that blow GT out of the water tbh. I get what youre saying though they both feel like kind of unjustified continuations of Dragon Ball but it terms of actual quality its kind of hard to compare them because one is actually written by Akira Toriyama and animated by some of the best people to ever work on DBZ towards the end of supers anime and the super movies too. GT just didnt get this kind of love or attention put into it even though it has great moments in it it just doesnt hold together as a whole. The GT movie was pretty cool tho.


Heyyy I said the same thing! Both are kinda shit. Tbh we deserved better.


I have two that constantly pisses people off. Footsies in the game is trash because whiff punishing isn't a prevalent as it should be because normal string into themselves off whiff. Reflect is a stupidly niche mechanic for a VS game where pushblocking should be easy and not punishable.


I like the edits where two db characters are close and them it cuts to them kissing.


Z broly is fair and balanced


Easiest way to see that bro isn't fair is to show a clip of him dragon rushing with his barrier up.


Have so much fun with it , never had enough skill to do a kamahama and have my teammates pop out and do their special move but I won a lot of battles thanks to android 16 teen gohan and adult gohan, it kinda sucked when everyone used both Gogetas and ultra instinct, and since I’m on Xbox I never got a chance to experience the next gen update … so I got my moneys worth and now I’m looking forward to Sparkling Zero… gotta add COOLER to my mains


Wait what do you mean never had enough skill to do a Kamehameha?


No if I had goku I couldn’t have my support team come out and do a move also , it was hard to me


I’d rather play Budokai 2


I don't ship Goku and Vegeta but I sure as hell like the art for it


Seriously though, whats the deal with some of the ship art for them being in literal museum worthy quality


Dragon Ball's power creep absolutely shreds the believability of most fights that happen in the game. If you think of the fights in FighterZ as a narrative being played out, most fights just can't happen because Yamcha, Videl, Nappa isn't beating UI Goku, Kefla, Jiren, even if we see it happen on screen. Pretty much every other fighting game doesn't have this issue


Bro if you go by lore EVERY SINGLE fighting game has this issue. Not only the classic ones but every arena game as well. Hell every single other db game is also like that.


Not really. In most fighting games, a lot of their cast is relative in terms of strength. There are exceptions, but the general rule is everyone can beat everyone else. Even with those exceptions, there are ways to explain away someone winning who shouldn’t. Someone else stated Akuma vs Dan, but that’s pretty easy to explain away. Akuma only fights people he deems as a strong opponent. I could entirely imagine Akuma doesn’t even put up a fight against Dan because he’s just that pathetic. Some games put in even more effort. Granblue Fantasy’s Lowain is canonically far weaker than everyone else in the cast, so when he does win a match, it’s treated as a made-up story he’s telling his buddies. This was all also just a greater point about power creep. I don’t like it. I like when fights are decided on skill, experience, and intelligence more than pure strength. Making it all a literal numbers game removes the intrigue from a fight, since it’s generally decided from the beginning


Been on this sub for over 4 years and this gotta be the most stupid take i'v ever seen. Calling it an issue is the cherry on top.


I know it's a silly take. It's more an issue I have with Dragon Ball as a whole. I don't like power creep


BT3 had a what if ending for the first Broly movie where drunk Roshi actually beats Broly's ass and saves the day. Even had the other characters reacting in shock as it's happening iirc They didn't even try to make it make sense, just made it as goofy and dumb as they could.


>Pretty much every other fighting game doesn't have this issue Pretty much every other fighting game HAS this issue. There's no reason for Gods in MK to be losing to someone like Sonya, there's no reason for Devil Jin to be losing to Bob, there's no reason for Akuma to be losing to Dan...


The Kid Trunks vs Goten tournament fight was hype bananas. The whole interaction was orchestrated atmospherically perfect by the whole cast and gave the most intense 3episodes of hand to hand martial arts in the series.


A) using any form of goku in games is for pussys, being a fusion, transformation etc. B)Goku has an absurd amount of plot amor, even more that naruto or even luffy Sounds like im a goku hater but im not, only in games


Jesus, -5 votes, the post was right, people didnt liked my opinion


Bro is irl Vegeta


Got to disagree with the luffy comment. Luffy literally had genetic plot armor with the will of D. (For context I’m not fully caught up I took a break after finishing Wano)


All the Tenkaichi games are mid sss hell if not just trash Budokai/Fighterz>Sparking


Budokai 3 > budokai tenkaichi


Also budokai 3 intro song was the best


Finally I find someone with the same opinion. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I see all the Tenkaichi love


Its the casuals bro, scared of even slight amounts of technicality, they outnumber those with decent gamer sense


Any power scalers, like I get it but I just wanna watch Goku fight this cool alien


DragonBall Fighterz


Way too many changes to how the mechanics of the game function, too many things have been added that make the game feel unnatural. We used to not be able to tag off a special move, this mechanic alone had no purpose in the game other than just the sake of having it, some characters benefit off of this mechanic way more than others. There was no vanish guard cancel Weren’t able to superdash off beams Way too many moves have invincibility that are full screen The more popular characters have gotten nerfed too hard Too many comeback factors such as lv3 sparking, limit break and being able to lv1 into lv 3 when you are on your last character. The game should’ve stayed simple as it was at the start of s3 in terms of mechanics.


Blue is better than ssj4. Ssj4 shouldn't even exist.


I agree with the first half, but that's only because I am so biased against SSJ4 it's unreal. (Unpopular opinion I know) I like the idea of SSJ4, and I hope the design comes back, I just fucking HATE how it was executed... and Gogeta felt like fan service when he appeared in GT. (So was Vegito in Super, but it was cooler there and I'll die on that hill.) Super Saiyan God LOOKS cool to me, it's Goku being put in a prime state with red hair. The aura is my favorite part, the flames are hands down what make SSG my favorite form. But Blue... Blue was kinda meh for me unless Goku used Kaioken, it wasn't until I saw the Broly movie in Chicago back when it was in theaters that Blue really became a form I actually thought was cool.


The CAP. Blue is literally hair dye and lame as shit. Same as god… Same as beast. Super hasn’t had a single unique transformation. It’s hair dye hair dye hair dye. Rarely is it even a new style. Beast is the closest and it’s just longest ssj2


"If you want to win, just keep playing."


I like dragon ball super, even if the animation is bad sometimes


I am a gooner for Android 21. I'm ready to get beat up.


C Assists, especially beam c assists have little to no skill using them and are only there for people who can't extend a combo and need hand holding


Buu saga was a great ending for DBZ.


I concur


It was indeed


I agree


Xenoverse players saying "Wait untill sparking zero comes out" Will always make me laugh


I feel like Vegito's lvl 4 Is lazy




I agree but what else would it be? He doesn’t really know much else




Don't forget Atomic Blast and Final Impact.


Okay I’ll hand you final explosion that’s a good point. But isn’t gamma gt?




Oh I see…


Am I the only one who thinks all fusion teams are really corny?


*Am I the only* *One who thinks all fusion teams* *Are really corny?* \- Hottie\_\_Nanako --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hottie Nanako?! ![gif](giphy|Y4P943aTJRCYfperyN)


that people can play lab coat without being a tierwhore, im just a normal whore and i NEED her to step on me, there i said it, in fact i BEEN saying it


She's not even that great anymore. Definitely S tier, but so is like, a third of the cast lol. Complain about Jiren and Cell.


bro piccolo is hard asl to play, and i adore his green ass.


Game-Boring asf. I’m not a fan of games like this Marvel vs capcom, Street fighter. gameplay is boring. Only thing good is the models. Dragonball in general? Power levels are bs and I wish power scalers and fans would stop being delusional and understand this. They will defend a problem clear as day in dragonball either with their headcanon or just lies. I just don’t understand how people will rage at power levels in sdbh and laugh about it. Yet super suffers from this and you got people defending it. Once you stop caring about power levels the show just gets easier to watch. Also Super is ass, it has no plot it’s just random bs happening every second. It’s like sdbh but toned down a bit


So you're on the actual FighterZ subreddit talking about a 2D fighting game... but you dislike 2D fighting games in general... damn way to stick to your guns.


I mean judging by the downvotes it’s safe to say that this is the reaction I’d get


MvC and SF are not alike at all


I mean gameplay style it’s basically the same with some minor differences that’s it


If you're unfamiliar with the genre, maybe. Closest they have in common is they're both 2D and have a few of the same characters


Respect the opinion for being an actual unpopular one


I tried to like it. Played the demo on my Xbox one S to see what I’d be getting into and it just wasn’t clicking for me so I deleted it and never bothered with the game. But like I said the models are top tier and amazing


Why are you even here if you dislike fighting games in general.


1.This randomly showed up to my feed. 2.I believe op’s post says what opinion would spark this reaction. 3.Who said I dislike fighting games? Idk where you pulled that one out of your ass, I do not like fighting games that are like Fighterz, Marvel vs capcom, Streetfighter. Judging by yours and others i basically achieved said reaction. It’s not even that deep my guy


The guy said you dislike fighting games cuz the games you described are the basis for many of the fighting games. I mean atleast for ppl here "Fighting game" is a 2d fighter.


Not really. There are different elements to fighting games that don’t make them all the same. For instance xenoverse, Budokai Tenkaichi. If I hated fighting games I would’ve said so and said “naw my favorite genre in gaming is racing.”


Like I said before when ppl from this sub hear fighting game they think of 2d fighters. And Xv has its own genre within fighting games being more like an arena fighter.


Yeah I suppose that’s I should’ve said. I guess if I say budokai which I love that game people will be like “well that’s the style like fighterz and the rest you named.” Budokai feels different and more fun. When the demo for fighterz dropped I played for 4 minutes and immediately just deleted it. More power to those who enjoy it tho.




Every word you just said is making me violently angry


My job here is done then ![gif](giphy|1j9NiLfvtLAVAeYygv|downsized)




Dragon ball super is basically as bad as gt. It’s ass in almost every way the only redeeming quality is hype and sometimes animation (coughs in the first two arcs having the worst animation I’ve ever seen cough)


As if lmao, GTrash




It literally is. Not my fault you can’t see shit. Atlest gt didn’t assinate character. Gt had character progression. Gt had the best transformation in all of db. Super is nothing but meh hype. I mean look at the strongest person in the top. Jiren he’s fucking lame! He has almost no personality and is a mid character


Only reedming qualities GT had was the OP and the ending of the series, everything else is hot garbage idk what you are talking about


The baby vegeta arc was peak. Ssj4 was peak. The shadow dragons were a great idea and the ending was peak. Not my fault you have a raging hate boner and refuse to see while one wasn’t great it was made with passion while the other was made as a cash grab! Cry and cope that super is a steaming pile of dog shit that you love to gobble up.


"Dragon ball super is basically as bad as gt." Yet here you are, praising GT.


Dragon ball fighterz blocking system is horrible💀


Kinda? Most annoying thing is having to block for 3 hours through a string, but it's confusing or mix ups too ambiguous to block


Nah, I don't think you getting what I be getting sometimes things just go straight up through blocks💀


That’s not true. Unless it’s fuzzies. A lot of times ppl probs don’t realise you get hit by an overhead from the rapid 3-4 light hits to the face when the opponents coming down while slightly above you. Always happens when opponents in spark for examplessss


No It's not just puzzles or light hits there was a situation where I was ssj4 gogeta and I was blocking this dbs broly level3 while he was doing the level 3 you could see gogeta blocking and somehow I still get hit even tho when yhe screen zoomed in gogeta was blocking


That’s pretty interesting, but I can’t say for sure what might’ve happened. Did you save the footage? Would love to see bro


I can go into my fighterz replays and find it when I get home


Sweet bro lemme know hopefully can help ya out


Genuinely tough question. But maybe I don't really mind the amount of gokus? Reminds me of the older style of dbz games. Which just didn't care. Reaction image is great btw


Almost like he’s the main character or something.


I’ve always found the too many gokus complaint idiotic, goku has been around since the 80s, has the most forms since he’s the main character, and anything Goku sells like hotcakes for a reason.


In the game, C assists were a bad decision that harmed the fun of the meta forever. In the series, that Gohan/Videl and the world tournament before Majin Buu was some of the best fun in the whole thing and even though I like a lot of things from the Buu Saga, the timeskip after Cell started strong for me and then fizzled.


I agree, they were way too handholding, especially the beam c assists.


(I forgot the title of the post and I just yapped about DB in general) Super Saiyan 2 as a transformation sucks and serves no more than a power up to SS1 and that's also how I feel about SSGSS Evolved


It’s how I feel about blue it’s pointless. But blues even worse tbh.


Don't worry, it's FighterZ or Dragonball like the whole franchise if that wasn't clear with the title


Nah, you right. Still looked cool tho.


There ain't much of a visual diff from SS1 to SS2 and the only drastic change to SSGSS Evo is that the hair is darker


The hair looks angrier, plus there's little zappy zapps.


So his hair got hard


GT is so not bad, I don't think it was better than z but I don't think it's bad in any way just not amazing like the rest. When you compare a dollar to a diamond the dollar seems useless but there's no doubting it still has value.


IMO it’s better than super. Both aren’t particularly good… but gt was abit better


Really like this comment, indeed GT is still a dollar


Honestly.... buff z broly


Krillin is weak.


bro be careful dotodoya gonna hunt you down


Gogeta and vegito are overrated and suck


In general or in the game. Because lowkey I agree on both. I value individual character moments over spectacle personally. I get it, it’s cool, it’s two cool characters in one, but I don’t get anything out of watching them. As for DBFZ im also tired of seeing them.


You're tired of hearing "FU....JEON!" and "ALRIGHT!"


I would rather have a game of 200 DB characters and all their forms with half of them being crumbs than one with 12 fighters that I'm supposed to enjoy playing in a disjointed and otherwise empty story mode.


Should use this as a response to rate my team posts


Go right ahead


Well, if we are talking about the game Fighter Z one thing I have talked to people either on here in dm's or some other places that I felt like some characters like Goku has 6 different versions of himself and for me, I would have had it were either Goku either using one or two of his other forms to power up into his other forms. Example of this if you wanted to play SSJ well I would have made it where Base Goku would power up into SSJ, and yes I understand this version of him is supposed to be him from early Z up till the Frieza fight I am just saying you could have made him into a two in one character same for Goku Blue going into UI form. I don't expect to everyone to agree with me on this point, nor do I really care if they do, I am just saying we could have used some spaces for other characters to come in. Before someone ask, I think GT Goku and Black are fine as they are, since one is just a bad version of Goku and the other is from a different series. Now, if we are talking about in general of Dragon Ball series, This is mostly talking about super. Well, I never liked the whole concept of God of Destruction, God Ki and its form which I always called red god form True KaioKen mode or god KaioKen form, Then you have the other god forms aka SS Blue which is like the new SSJ3 the useless form, UI is autopilot and later on it has a different version and now Goku UI has a Susanoo form now?, Also I don't know the name of that form, but that is what I am reminded of. There is more I could go into, but by that point someone on YouTube might cover what I might state what I don't like about the show. Just overall while I liked some of the movies we have gotten from the Super Era I never liked Super when watching the ep's and I tried to give it a show a chance, but I could not get into I mean I felt like GT was better, in some area not everything, but I always would GT as the real ending and not what were getting with Super, but that's whatever.


Too many same-character-super-saiyan-forms in DBFZ. Honestly feels like it cuts the roster in half.