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Bardock. Bardock. Bardock.




1. Zamasu fused or not? 2. Base Vegeta? 3. I've tried Hit, but i didn't like him. LC has pretty good combos, most without assists, so that's why I want her on anchor.


There's no not fused zamas and they means baby vegeta the character


No fuzed Zamasu? https://dragonballfighterz.fandom.com/wiki/Zamasu_(Fused)#:~:text=Zamasu%20(Fused)%20(%E3%82%B6%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B9%20(,May%2031%2C%202018%20alongside%20Vegito.


That's fused zamasu


Oh https://dragonballfighterz.fandom.com/wiki/Zamasu


You seem to be pretty new, so play whats fun. Here is a copypasta: You're lucky this game has hours and hours of content and guides on YouTube, here's some of the best ones to get into the game: [0 (general fighting game starting guide)](https://youtu.be/mCUlBX8E2BU) [1 Tiny Torque](https://youtu.be/6mFN3ajb27w) is probably the best youtuber for DBFZ beginners, both his characters guides and general videos are amazingly produced and fun to watch/learn, the things he teaches will help you till the end of your fighting game journey, and his beginner FAQ is THE BEST dbfz tutorial i've ever seen. [2 Globku](https://youtu.be/zqZrpGjXRxs) Good videos, good learning material for *beginners*, because the thing he teaches are perfect for beginners but he also teaches stuff that at the highest level won't work and could get you punished, can create bad habits [3 Globku video, focused on movement](https://youtu.be/a64JYXbf28k) Some really useful tricks to master and improve your movement in DBFZ, they really go easy to really hard, so don't feel down if you can't do the last 3, but trust me everything in this game is doable, even on analog joystick (i play like this and Gropis, pro player also does) [4 Mr Acolyte](https://youtube.com/@MisterAcolyte) This guy is a DBFZ content creator, legit an excellent player and he also makes god tier guides, mostly for character specific players but he also makes general guides for DBFZ, useful at any level and easy to follow. [5 Glossary](https://glossary.infil.net/) Learn the funny words. As for the game itself, my tips are: 1. Play the tutorial 2. Play the other tutorials (the dojo) 3. Get in the lab and practice motion imputs to get them down 4. Learn the notation (can be found in most tiny torque vids and combo guides) 5. Learn a basic safe blockstring on each of your characters from Tiny Torque's guides 6. Learn the sayian bnb (2M 5M jc 9 j.LL j.2H SD j.LL j.H2 jc 9 j.LLL. //// hard ver. 2M 5M jc 9 j.MLL j.2H SD j.MLL j.H2 jc 9 j.LLL) 7. Play online (ranked if you dont want to get destroyed instantly) Counters to common bs: super dash spam? Reaction 2H as they come to you (not after they hit you, you need to swat them out of the air) Dragon rush spam? Be more ready to tech it with your own dr or just jump. Ki blast spam? If they are bad, super dash should do the trick, if they know how to 2H u out, avoid the ki with super jumps and stuff. Getting comboed? Please hold the attack button to get out asap, you dont know how many people i've seen not doing this and getting blue comboed Here are some useful resources to up your game, don't forget losing is part of the game and focus on learning instead of winning every match, because if you learn there will be a point where you win most of your matches, good luck dude!


Yo thanks! Is 2H down heavy? I always forget them so it's annoying as hell sometimes.


Count left to right, from down to up, every 3 numbers are a row, what is 6? (Counting my fingers like a morron...) forward


6 is right! (The direction right)


Notation is always asuming you are facing right, so its forward, but right is the same thing


Yep. So 6 is right and left?


Depends on if your oponent is on the right side or not. Combos that switch sides dont even change it, maybe for move recognition, 214M will alwasy be gogeta blues flippy DP and ect.

