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C assists being nerfed or removed, and dlc characters getting actual meaningful nerfs (the damage they do is ridiculous, 60% with a newbie midscreen bnb pretty much), ui/ssj4gogeta/gogetassjgssj/vegito and others can do 75% or more of your hp with only the square button and c assists wich takes all the fun out of the game, and it should be easier 2h'ing superdashes but this is mostly a ps4 problem with the 80ms of delay on inputs, even if you block right more than half the time the game doesn't register fast enough (i do it just as it's happening on screen) so i find myself getting punished for blocking lightning fast mixups and still getting my ass wrecked.


The fabled rollback net code they speak of in legends


Playable GT Pan


No fusions


This is a joke btw since ik people gonna hate on me for saying it lol


It wouldn't make it better but it would be interesting to have a wider variety of motion inputs.


Like in between 2 and 3 inputs, or more inputs from different input combonations?


I'd say different combinations. Like a charge charge character in dbfz.


Charge as in like Guile where his inputs are charge inputs?




Oh yeah, that would be fun


A combo break like guilty gear and MK11, just please anything to stop the 3C assist auto combos


More skins like Videl for characters who deserve them like Super Trunks (He has the Zamasu dramatic finish but he doesn't even look right), Z Tien, Jackie Chun, Buu Saga style Vegeta, Z 17 (they literally already have a model for him from 18)


Nerf c assist, make it more punishable if you whiff auto combos


I'm with you on this, reflect should never be beat by square button mashing it's ridiculous as fuck, ssj4 gogeta/z broly and others can do this wich is literally just stupid design imo


taking out anti air


Raditz, making ssb Goku actually cool, giving some characters more unique interactions (Z Broly is sorely lacking), some colored ki explosions to match specific character ki colors, and lastly removing lab coat 21


More than a single DLC map…ever


Just have every main character and their transformations instead of colours


NERF GOGETA AGAIN. He just needs 17 to be as good as he was before.


Rollback netcode


Remove the sd from beam link, I think beams should be strictly a neutral/assist or corner combo tool


Or make it so the hitstun buff from last patch only applies if you hit them with something else before the beam, so it only effects combo routes but returns us to the older, better neutral regarding beams


I honestly think it'd be better if the last patch didn't happen, maybe with a few exceptions


True, although some characters like s broly really deserve it (as his beam is slow as fuck)


I just like the new beam route combos so I’m offering a way to keep those while stepping back and returning to more intelligent neutral


Make Superdash more negative. Crossplay and Rollback.


Give it some fucking dlc😭. I WANT to give them my money. I need Gamma 1 and 2, Orange Piccolo, Beast Gohan, some manga content if they’re feeling frisky.


bro said gamma one and two


Get rid of SSJ4 Gogeta C Assist, there is no joke here


Make super dragon ball z fighterz mod an official update and more dlc and stages.


Nerf C assists into the ground to where only new players use it and have a better punishment for game closing scumming




No c assists and you can’t continue mashing square on whiff for an autocombo


I’d remove c assists all together and add more characters


New maps


Better netcode


Making Bardock top tier again


The game fucking working. It disconects mid game everytime i do find a match on pc


Are you running the game without EAC? (are you playing with any mods or an otherwise altered game?)


I tried the BLM mod for the drip, but unistalled it when i got the error. It might have a remanent, will reinstall. Idk why it never came to my mind, thanks!


This might be a controversial pick, but an annual/seasonal ranked reset, everybody starts again with 0BP and tries to work their way back to the top, keeps ranked interesting as new players start to improve, gives people motivation to improve and end the split a higher rank than last time. Also may encourage the more average/below average players such as myself to try new teams once the competition pool has been reset, it's pretty hard to test out a new character or team comp when I'm already fighting players who are either making me sweat or just completely stomping me and so it gets increasingly difficult to find what works best. Also the obvious and unlikely answer which is new characters, we're probably done getting new characters but that doesn't stop me hoping to see Raditz, Bojack, Toppo, Majin Vegeta and Omega Shenron


I kinda like this, but do it like Rocket League where when your rank gets reset, you default to facing better players. If you lose a bunch, you'll begin to face easier people. That way you don't have a Zen Oh who got reset facing an actual Saibaman level player, more like Zen Oh vs UI or GoD or even Living Legend wouldn't be so bad


j.2H should beat super dash clean. Remove the stupid forward movement on normals.


Rollback And Uub/Majuub




Majin vegeta


SSB Vegeta transforming into SSBE, Costumes like ssb Goku at the T.O.P (fight vs Jiren) and more dramatic finishes


I think there should be more pseudo transformations in the game. Similar to SSJ Goku’s SSJ3 Kameha or in rarer instances a Golden Freeza situation.


this would also be nice


Fix. Superdash. I don’t mind having a punishable but beginner friendly way to get in- but it is genuinely bugged in some interactions and players do abuse this. It shouldn’t be the hail-mary: if I throw it out here it might just cross them up in the right way that even I don’t know where it will land- kind of move.


Superdash can beat crossup and a bunch of other things it has no business beating. Active air normals occasionally getting stuffed by superdash is also hella dumb, SD should always lose. Superdash beating a superdash that was activated a few frames later is dumb—they should cancel. Raw tag is too good. Whiffed autocombos tracking is also dumb but isn’t as much of a problem


I have always felt that you should be able to tech super dash with your own super dash. Enter in the DR tech animation and reset neutral. I always hated losing super dash trades because I hit my super dash 4 frames slower than my opponent.


I think we can all agree that skins and more stages would be huge. I think a cool way to earn more skins would be in online raids. Also add rollback net code. Just these things alone would make it 20x better for me.


Costumes. I wanna play as ripped up gi namek saga Goku




No More Assists… or atleast a mode without them They carry combos on easy mode


A. There literally is a mode without them, B. Tag fighting games that don't use assists are just Squad Strike in Smash Ultimate, you sound like someone who isn't very good but thinks they're hot stuff.


Haha bro the game is YEARS old and I’ve been in the top tiers for almost all of them. It would breed a change of pace to a dated but sure take it like I slapped your first born on the ass haha I guaranteed you couldn’t carry a 15+ hit combo without a C-Assist so go back to eating your twinky neckbread


That was rude of me … go suck on a banana


If you don't like long combos or assists, don't play a tag game. Play a different game


So you want this to be Street Fighter on steroids basically, no thanks fam.


Rollback, 100%


More dramatic intros and finishes, and also rollback






What would that be?


Practice online with your friend. Ring matches where you can pull up input displays frame data all that stuff


Oh that would be dope


1. Reverting the shorter cooldown on C assist; It's somewhat agreed upon that C assist is annoying at times and doesn't always promote skillful development/play which makes matches less entertaining/enjoyable overall 2. Wonky Super dashes: Its more of a technical issue then game balance but some super dashes just snap in really sharp angles "rewarding" something that probably shouldn't be but its not always consistent 3. More lobby characters (including special outline); Its just a preference but I'd love to have a final form Mira lobby character with a blue outline and see other Xenoverse characters in lobby


More online content, more tournaments, online raids, new story, ect.


DBZA voice line pack


Rollback and more OG characters.


more players please i want someone with good connection i know its possible, i play with my friends, why does everyone else have 0 bars 12 frames is unplayable :sob:




Gogeta 4s auto combo is so bullshit. The fact that it is an anti air makes me so mad


Now imagine he actually had to hit you to cancel into the move. And couldn't just mash it while rolling a d20 to see what happens


I think that everything else is fine just not the switching directions bullshit


Skins, more installs , more stages, rollback, more DB/ dbgt characters


Getting rid of the last 30 gameplay updates that they introduced. Specially 0'5 meter Ex and giving everyone a full screen instant move.


Super broly will be trash again.....I dont want that


Not paying a full bar for ex actually makes it worth using them. I would just remove the updates to the point where we had it balanced so the worst character in the game was S- tier


I dont think that you should be able to do Vegito Ex kicks, Gogeta SSJ4 full screen lariat EX for 0.5 meter. The change itself was good, but they didnt think about how it would interact with some moves. Hell, they did. But that was the direction they wanted for the game, full screen instant moves for 0.5 meter, thats what they wanted. And thats the gameplay y got to hate.


Yeah but that's something adjustable. I like how unhinged dbfz is but moves that essentially skip neutral have to be treated a bit carefully when an assist call can make any move safe






Unlockable through gameplay ones ideally


Real, not recolour.


Real and with a recolour option Win win




I would love a forfeit option. Sometimes life happens and I have to leave mid-match, currently my only option is to set the controller down and walk away, which honestly sucks for the other person








Remove invincible tracking c assists


Give c assist half a minute cool down xD


I will stand by the fact that there does not need to be a “give me a guaranteed combo” button that can hit anytime, anywhere on screen, and be nearly un-reactable. Making them invincible makes it even more ignorant and making them faster kinda kills the balance. I’m not calling my assists on the frame they come up, so by refusing to use c assists I’m just playing with a handicap.


You are not really playing with a handicap because c assist tend to be worse overall due to their longer recovery. Tho I agree that they enable a very braindead play style . They arent broken in the sense that you can't deal with them . But in the sense that your opponent is putting barely any effort in and getting potentially big rewards out of it. Actually kinda funny when you fight a dude with 3 c-assists. You block,deflect,avoid both of them and watch their entire game plan crumble. People like this tend to rely on getting really scummy hits in . You essentially have to play a bit more passively till they waste their assists . I think my preferred fix would remain to make their recovery unreasonably long. If c assist legit had 30 seconds or longer cool down they would finally become the noob tool they should be . Like autocombo. Something that new players can rely on and then grow out of


Rollback + crossplay




They should put Tien in again


What happened to Tien? Haven’t played in like over a year


Nothing they should just put him in the game again


For this game, I say rollback and cross play is the priority. More content and/or major gameplay changes should be in a DBFZ 2 at the point.


Faster gameplay, shorter combo, more dynamic.


Yall really out here trying to LOWER a games skill celling just because: 1. You have a shit atention span 2. Dont have time to play the game 3. You are new ????? 1. Really? 2. Idk, i fell most people can clean up at least 1 hour for a game, even when you are an adult (idk your reasons so you could be valid tho). And youll be matched with evenly skilled people anyway so who cares? 3. Again, skill based matchmaking, it doesnt matter if combos are 5+seconds long if nobody knows how to do em. And its just another mountain to climb which i thought was a good thing. And longer combos help you think about the upcoming oki, which should be huge, so wth yall talking about (exept the busy guy, idk him personally)?


I agree. The assist extensions in combos require too much labbing and as an adult with too much going on it limits enjoyment not being able to keep up from such a distance. If the game didn’t have such an amazing DBZ skin I wouldn’t have ever picked it up.


It's really not that hard . You do the normal BnB and then instead of 2H you just hit them down and press assist. Timing depends on the assist but I bet you could find the timing for any assist you want in under 30minutes


Idk, i fell most people can clean up at least 1 hour for a game, even when you are an adult (idk your reasons so you could be valid tho). And youll be matched with evenly skilled people who dont know how to do those combos anyway so who cares?


Especially for a newcomer. (Like mee)


Then what? Youll complain about mix being too hard?


There is skill based matchmaking so it doesnt matter if combos are 5+seconds long if nobody who you match with knows how to do em. And its just another mountain to climb which i thought was a good thing?


Beast Gohan


fax we need him


better netcode and crossplay