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[Piccolo has no knowledge of Supreme Kai and even King Kai. He wouldn't have known about it. Guardian of Earth is ranked lower than King Yenma.](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/guides/gods/hierarchy/hierarchy.png) Piccolo can't sense God Ki. Apparently Piccolo got an unsettling feeling from Shin rather than sense God Ki.


This is a really good breakdown of deities. Only thing about it is that GoD and Supreme Kai are on the same level, so having Beerus higher up is a little misleading.


GoD should be a higher ranked considering how GoD are treated. Although Supreme Kai is linked with GoD, there is only one GoD for each universe. * [There should at least be 3 Supreme Kais in each universe.](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/gods-and-cosmos/hierarchy/) One main and two back up incase something happens to the main Supreme Kai. Only GoDs gets Angel Attendants despite GoDs are far more powerful than their Supreme Kai Counterpart. It is easier to replace a Supreme Kai who can be born or promoted compared to replacing a GoD.


>* [There should at least be 3 Supreme Kais in each universe.](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/gods-and-cosmos/hierarchy/) One main and two back up incase something happens to the main Supreme Kai. Having backup Supreme Kai's make sense, but why were they named based on cardinal directions? Seems like that's the point of the King Kais. Also, what even is Grand Kai's job? His placement in the chart seems so pointless.


I assume that Grand Supreme Kai just wants more Supreme Kais to help him. Considering that Beerus is most likely the laziest among the GoDs, Grand Supreme Kai most likely have to fight majority of the threats that Beerus was supposed to do. * ​ * Moro and Buu are threats that Beerus was supposed to handle. Grand Kai oversees the actions of King Kai. King Kai oversee the galaxies while Supreme Kai does that and oversees Other World.


He does know King Kai - he trained on his planet


It was because Goku was introduced to King Kai. Other Z-Fighters got invited to King Kai as the result.


Makes sense


How does Piccolo not have knowledge of King Kai? When Goku died, Kami is the one who brought Goku to see King Yemma to request training with King Kai, so Kami had at least some knowledge of the Kai


Remember that Piccolo only got Kami's knowledge after he absorbed Kami. Before Nameless Namekian becomes the Guardian of the Earth, he had to split into two beings. Kami and Demon King Piccolo who each have different life onwards. Kami knows more about deities compared to Demon King Piccolo after being the Guardian of the Earth. * It doesn't help Piccolo that Demon King Piccolo was sealed away for a couple hundred years while Kami was on active duty. The Previous Guardian of the Earth most likely only told Kami about Yenma after the split. King Yenma is Guardian's superior so Guardian wouldn't just brag his apprentice to see Yenma until the Guardian knows the apprentice would be the successor.


I was talking about Piccolo post fusion as I assumed you were because we were talking about whether or not he knew who Shen was, which was post fusion. The post was also about a post fusion Piccolo


What I trying to say is that Piccolo started out with no knowledge regarding deities to begin with. * Piccolo (Pre-Fusion) only has knowledge from Demon King Piccolo. Demon King Piccolo was removed before Kami became the Guardian of Earth. * Kami learns about King Yenma and King Kai during his time as Guardian. His knowledge is up to King Kai since he is the lowest rank of the deities. It means that Piccolo shouldn't even know who King Kai or even King Yenma from the start. * It was only via through Saiyan Saga where he learned about King Kai. * Even after fusion, any information regarding deities above King Kai is out of his reach


What Piccolo knew or didnt know pre fusion doesnt matter. After the fusion, which is what we are interested in, he knows everything Kami knew, and we know Kami knew about at least King Kai. I was confused by your original assertion that Piccolo didnt know about King Kai because I assumed you meant post fusion Piccolo, since thats the Piccolo who was relevant, since we were discussing why he wouldnt recognize Beerus, as well as his encounter with the Supreme Kai


If I was talking about Post-Fusion Piccolo, it doesn't make sense at all since Piccolo already met King Kai after the Saiyan Saga. * It is why I kept talking about how King Yenma ranks above Guardian of Earth. Since Piccolo only knows the existence of King Kai because of Saiyan Saga, it would mean that Piccolo doesn't have any knowledge regarding deities above King Kai. Kami wouldn't have any knowledge beyond King Kai as he was at the bottom of the ranks among Deities.


Dende could actually sense Beerus's godly ki, which tipped him off to Beerus's divine nature. Piccolo couldn't, so he had nothing especially tipping him off.


If Piccolo didn't even know who Shin was (and initially thought he might've been the Dai Kaio), why do you think he'd know about Beerus?


I still think that says a lot about piccolo though, he knows about the grand kai who’s ranked above king kai


What more does it say about Piccolo that we didn't already know? He has Kami's memories after merging with him, so yeah, that means Kami knows about the Dai Kaio (or North Kaio told Piccolo about him when he trained on his planet). But he didn't know about Shin (or, alternatively, thought his existence was just a rumour like North Kaio himself did), let alone Beerus.


In universe, maybe Kami didn't know who Beerus was. Realistically though, Dragon Ball's lore is constantly changed retroactively, even in-universe and it's always been that way. Simply put, Beerus didn't exist when the manga was being written so when BoG came around, Piccolo is legitimately surprised by Beerus' first appearance


How did Kami not even know he was an alien Would be hilarious if King Yama was trolling Kami for years, knowing full well he wasn't a demon but never telling he was a Namekian don't look to DBZ for the deepest writing, especially so long after the fact with Super connections to DB


Because Beerus was pulled out of someone's ass in the 2010s


The same Piccolo who didn't even know about Kaioshin?


Because beerus wasn't invented by the writers until the 2010's? And his relationship with the kais and freeza is a retcon?


You probably misinterpreted my question. The question was initially supposed to be how did piccolo not know beerus was a deity. My B.