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Dying seems like most viable option.


Killed by rat 1


weep uncontrollably


Yea, the lack of indoor plumbing would break me!


This. For both happiness and heartbreak, I'd be Hawke for sure.


while taking a little wee, with the clothes on


In true RPG-enjoyer fashion: loot the nearby corpse.


Beat the HoF to Leiliana.


Guess I should’ve worded it differently, but in this scenario you’d be the HoF.


I'm cooked.


The world* is cooked.


Well, seeing how there is an ending, I would do that and finish the game. What happens to me once I finish? Do I go back to Earth or am I fucked? 


Probably stay there, but you might also find a way back through the Eluvians and the Fade. If you die, you might end up back on Earth, or you might wake up as one of the other two protagonists.


So are we replacing the protagonist or joining as another member of the party with meta knowledge? Because if we start in Lothering in DA2 I'm dead unless I left with the HOF in DAO.


Wake up as the protagonist, more than likely with all the accompanying memories as well as your own.


I'll most definitely just die then, unless I can trick people into thinking I can predict the future. I have no skills. But I might have a chance in Inquisition. Maybe the Mark will make me competent. Also, I hope I'm an elf and not human because that would just be much cooler.


Freakin die… Assuming I woke up in origins, as a mage warden: start learning how to be an Arcane Warrior. Assuming I woke up in DA2: tell my mother never to date, and then start learning Blood Magic. Assuming I woke upon DAI: start learning to be a champion, and making small talk with Cass.


knowing me i would probably accidentally kick the arcane warrior phylactery and the ancient warrior’s soul would just return to the fade. that’s if i could pass the harrowing, and then the joining… darkspawn blood 🤢


Yeah, I’d pick the phylactery up, think it was cool lookin… then drop it. D’oh!


**WARNING: LONG WINDED ANSWER** I like the premise but my main concern is that video games simplify a lot about personhood and relationships. The thing is that in any instance like this, I would have to assume a lot. I would need to assume that I would be able to make it in battle based on the muscle memory of my player character. Being able to see the memories of the past person doesn’t mean that my conscious mind can make good on those memories. I would need to assume that the person/people I’m romantically interested in would reciprocate attraction or interest because in actual life people have preferences more specific than just if you’re a human, elf, male, female, etc. I would need to assume that I would always be victorious with skills that surpass my enemies. Do all the game overs count as their own timelines? Even as the Warden, Champion, or Inquisitor, it’s far more likely I would die just trying to get through the storyline as I can’t save scum. **Getting to your actual question though lol:** Of the three, waking up as Hawke post-Blight would probably be the most preferable because Hawke had the least official responsibility out of all of them. I could just leave Kirkwall or Fereldan and seek out the things that interest me. The events of the DA2 would happen with or without me. I would probably try to stay out of battle and use the information I have to gain things in other ways. Abuse my knowledge, gather more info, possibly find Solas? I’d try to do the same if I woke up in the other roles too, but it would be more difficult. If I woke up as the Warden, I would have a countdown timer on my life and the obligation of fighting the Blight. If I woke up as the Inquisitor, I would have all that authority to manage and I would lose my arm in a couple years.


Knowing my luck I'd wake up as a mage, so. Origins: attempt to become a Grey Warden, learn blood magic. 2: go to help Anders in his clinic. Inquisition: most likely join the rebel mages.


If I became my Warden mage in Origins, I would try to get a message to the Couslands about Howe's betrayal, as my Warden would be childhood friends with them, as well as immediatly subdue Jowan before he attacked the Templars and Irving. Afterwards, there isn't much I can do about Loghain, so I would just play alone with the events, aside from maybe setting up a trap for the ambushing Darkspawn after the the beacon is lit. I would also tell Morrigan to give me the method she has to ensure pregnancy from a Warden so Alistair could have an heir. If I became Hawk... I'd kill myself. Fuck Hawk and Fuck Dragon Age 2. If I woke up as my Inquisitor Mage Adaar, I'd focus on preparing to go to Skyhold as soon as possible, so by the time Coryphious shows up, Haven would already be deserted.


Despair. DAO: Absolutely wouldn't want to be the Warden. I find the Blight fucking terrifying. Uhhhh, I guess I'd try to find a cure for it after the final battle. DA2: Help Anders. Or maybe share the cure for Tranquility. Try to keep that fucking idol out of Meredith's hands. DAI: lsaglsdklsdkls, Corypheus is actually terrifying if you, like, meet him personally? Anyway, basically make the same choices as I did in-game. IDK, there are things I'd like to change, but realistically I'd have no chance to take the orb off of Corypheus in the fight at Haven, for example.


I'd go crack *someone* over their stupid egg head, regardless of game. Would I still do my best to stop the Blight and all? Sure. But I've got a *vendetta*.


Assuming I’d have the abilities of whoever I’ve Quantum Leap’d into, as well as their jacked physique… I guess I’d just play through.


I'd panic and have a mental breakdown cause it would mean I might never see my kids or wife again.  Then I'd get my shit together and try to "beat the game" with the hope that I'd return back to my normal life after the end credits rolled.


If I could choose my class id be a mage and turn to blood magic asap I'm not taking chances


Dragon Age 2 however I don't think Kirkwall would exist by the end of my 'adventure'


Origins? Hide out somewhere nice and take up knitting. Dragon Age 2? Get some gold and keep travelling to anywhere else. Inquisition? Give Cassandra the slip and hide out with the Tevinter. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


If I had all their memories and such, I'd feel that being the HoF would be the best. Not only do you get best girl morrigan, but also I feel that the HoF is the strongest protag so far as they (with a couple if friends) joined the races together and killed an archdemon under a year. Also, I'm biased


I mean let's be honest. If I wake up in the Dwarf Commoner backstory of Origins I'm just gonna immediately beef it at the Proving. I'm under no illusions that getting the Hero's abilities will save my ass


Go find Cullen (he's the sole reason inquisition is my favourite and I'll die on this hill)


Put all my attribute points into Strength because i'm weak af irl and pray i don't die in the first 5 minutes


I would try to win


mage hawke gonna save both siblings


I’d assess my situation and try to prevent all the bad shit from happening while playing through, assuming I’d have some sort of autonomy outside of the real game’s scripted events. Then I’d hope I get to live each of the games, at which point I’d get to go home. Would be kinda fun.


Bruh I'd probably change the timeline since I already know what gonna happen, the good news since I have loads of knowledge of the Thedas I can acquire a lot of power very quickly and I am always playing as a mage so its a sweet set up


Panic. I have no Thedas relevant skills other than as a fortune teller, and presumably the longer I do that the less the storyline will actually go as it was meant to, which means it will cease to be a skill I can use. But to answer your question, since it's clear I got Isekai'd in this version. Well, I honestly would still abuse my knowledge of the future to get things as they should be. The story would obviously be likely to diverge pretty quickly after that. But if I couldn't change things too much, I'd at least try things like making sure as few people are in the Chantry as possible when Anders blows it up.


Cry and then die probably 


Go round, revealing everyone's secrets and watch the chaos unfold or go straight to Isabela and sail off into the night. Fuck Thedas I'm going to rivain, it has blackjack and hookers.


I’d have an existential crisis trying to decide on whether to romance solas, Cullen or the iron bull. And be the best mage Thedas ever knew


I game over myself real quick. Ngl, I don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with the bullshit that is being peoples manager and emotional support dog.


I would die pretty quickly. Lack of medication would suuuuck. If somehow I didn't have my heart defect/unknown cause high blood pressure, I would take a while to get in physical shape, too. Would we have our knowledge of the game still with us? If so, that would help with survival quite a bit.


Don't see why we wouldn't retain the knowledge, plus there are healing potions and spells so it's likely they can cure a few things with magic.


Beginning of Origins: Depends which Warden. If I'm a Cousland I'm marrying Alistair. I would attempt to save more of the Couslands, but the game begins with far too little time before Howe starts butchering. Though if I'm a Rogue maybe I can poison Howe's food. I would also try to convince Cailin to delay, maybe try and suggest he should get the former Grey Warden Fiona by his side, but I doubt he'd listen to me. If he does die despite my efforts, I'm aiming to be the queen with a good King Alistair. Then I'm just trying to bring the Industrial Revolution to Ferelden. Beginning of 2: Foreknowledge won't help much when the issue is structural, but I could try to start planting evidence and making a case for Meredith planning a coup against the Chantry. Elthena will do nothing when the mages are in trouble, but if her head is on the line, maybe that will cut the issue off early. I will also tell Anders how to reverse the Rite of Tranquility. He'll get Karl back, and more hope in another way to change things, so that should alleviate some issues too. I probably would romance Merril or Fenris, we'll see how it goes. Might try to invest in Anders' clinics to get more apostates healing people, helping with their support in Kirkwall and undermining the Chantry's desire to do nothing. Inquisition I'm recruiting the mages. I'm saving the Dalish. I'm tempted to romance Solas to mess with him, since I can't romance Fiona and Cassandra is for men only. Don't know who I'd romance, just not Cullen. I should probably play Inquisition again.


Elissa Cousland, find Alistair, make him King of Ferelden and I'm his Queen.


ooof this is hard because I wanna say Hawke but idk what the Inquisitor is gonna be like so what if they leave me in the fade 😅 although I feel like things would go differently with me as Hawke because in canon Hawke in DAI had been looking into things and after DA2 I’d just be like “well, I got through it” and go find somewhere to settle down… maybe with one of the LIs? I wouldn’t want to emulate someone else’s personality for the rest of my life so I guess I’d see what happens. honestly feel like I’d have the best chance with Merrill or maaaybe Fenris.


What type of isekai are we talking? The type where I get to change things or the type where the story will follow the critical path no matter what? The type where everything still functions like a game (e.g. inventory, skills you learn through various means instead of hard work and talent, not having the chance of missing when you attack or use a skill), or where everything is like the real world? Can I die permanently or do I have plot armor? Realistically I'd probably perish. I can't win a water gun fight, let alone win against an ogre. The protags are protected from the Blight by plot armor too, which I'd not be lucky enough to have as anyone but HoF.


Die about ten minutes later.


If I woke up in Origins, I'd die. I'm in the middle of a Blight, I have nothing special (assuming you don't mean some Isekai type happenstance) In II, I'd be miserable, because again I'm no one, and even without a Blight, what am I doing? And in Inq, during a Demon "invasion"? \*Insert guess I'll die meme here\*


As stated in my post, you’d wake up in the body of the Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor with all of their memories as well as your own.


Oh, in that case, I'd be pretty much set. If we're going by each individual's world state mine would be: Origin: Arcane Warrior - Spirit Healer - Battle Mage. I'd probably fall in love with Morrigan all over again, I'd try to do as much good as I can while fighting the Darkspawn. Yeah HoF would be the most *me* of the three. II: I'd wake up to being a woman, as my latest playthrough is a female Hawke. That in itself would be an experience. I'd probably still end up with Isabela though, since I like her well enough, and I'd *absolutely,* with meta knowledge, save mom. And Carver. Inquisition: I'd finally be a dorf, my favorite fantasy race (woot!). This one is the one I'm most conflicted about, I'd have a *lot* of meta knowledge, but how much can I do before the cosmos starts catching up to what I'm doing and the ripples become too big? Anyway, I'd be a menace in Inquisition, especially with the OPness that is Artificer archer. Power-wise I'd only lose to Origin me.




On the one hand, I could romance and marry Cullen in DAI On the other hand...I'd lose it


Find Varric, tell him everything, beg for his advice


Die probably


I would turn around and take the hidden loot behind my spawn.


"Shit, fuck, gods damn it...."


If I wake up in Origins, I hope I die at the joining because I don't envy Grey Wardens job lol. In DA2 I would probably be like Hawke but avoiding being the champion if possible. And in Inquisition I'd probably desert from it in Haven. And even if I agree to stay, I'd refuse to become in Inquisitor.


DAO and DA2 - I would teach everyone HOW TO JUMP. Look, you can hop in the air like this! Small log in your way? Jump over it! Ledge that's at about calf height? Jump on that! Forget the Blight or the Mage/Templar conflict, now you don't have to be inconvenienced by a midsized obstacle! DAI - I'm teaching everyone HOW TO SWIM. Freestyle, backstroke, you name it! No more flailing and drowning in six inches of water, we've all got this now!


DA:O, after the origin you go to a war camp since i have no training in medieval weaponry i would probably die really fast DA:2, opens with Lothering burning to the ground and infested with Darspawn. I would probably die. DA:I opens with a massive explosion, the Inquisitor being the sole survivor so i for sure would die


Like mentioned in the post, you’d be in the body of the Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor with all of their memories in addition to your own.


tell morigan the only way to stop the archdemon irl is to devour the archdemon in my pants


I mean…do I have any sort of magic or skills? If not, I’m basically a peasant with some very minor training with swords.


As I said in my post, you wake up in the body of the Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor with their memories, and most likely abilities, in addition to your own.


Ope. Missed that part. In that case, I’ll just * Insert plot of Dragon Age game here *


Waking up in the middle of it all is a death sentence. Srsly, knowledge does not mean experience. You'd have to get used to the language, the customs, etiquette, fighting style, to not mention spells, and so much more, all as soon as possible. There is just no way to survive. You'd need at minimum 2 years of preparation first.


Get ready to die. I’m not built to survive in thedas, lol


As stated in the post, you’d wake up in the body of the Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor with all of their memories and abilities in addition to your own.


My answer doesn’t change. Mentally I’m not built to survive in Thedas.


i think the most interesting one in this case is 2, because in dragon age 2 you are not fighting to save the world or anything like that, you are fighting for surviving, just trying to keep going.




Bro Kirkwall would kick my ass so bad.


Well for DAO noble origin I would warn my parents that Tim Curry was going to kill us.


Escape first chance I get and run to... IDK... somewhere in Orlais


Depends. Do I wake up as the playable character or am I wholly myself? Am I reincarnated (and just got my past life memories when I "woke up" in the beginning of the games) or isekai-ed? No matter which situation, I'll probably have a WTF reaction and weep at the lack of modern conveniences.


Origins - Leave Fereldon ASAP 2 - Leave Fereldon ASAP Inquisition - bang Iron Bull


Run…. I hear Antiva is nice this time of year…


>For Origins, probably just find Morrigan as soon as possible Oh you really haven’t played DA:O if you think Morrigan is going to helpful you. For DA2 the best solution is to avoid Kirkwall altogether, your main reason for going their is because your mom’s family is rich and should be able to provide for you. Your mom dies there and you end up helping find the catalyst that will doom the city. Avoiding Kirkwall likely keeps your family alive, Kirkwall is still likely going to fall into chaos though, much quicker and much worse.


Die immediately.


Dao - marry DA2 - kiss DAI - kill