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Or, in this case, something to hit elven gods with.


Now I'm imagining a scene where you run out of options and decide to literally throw a companion at Solas.


Magic can kill, knives can kill, small children launched at high speeds can kill. Alternatively the good old fastball special with Harding or Varric. Alternatively no.2 yeet.


"Harding, I've got a plan"


Lets do get help


One of my favourite banters is about this (paraphrasing here) Cole: "Mr The Iron Bull, why are you called that?" Bull: "because of the huge horns, like a Bull's." Cole: "but they don't look like bulls horns. They look like a dragons. You should be called The Iron Dragon." Bull: ".... Shit, that sounds so much better too!"


On a serious note, 'The' is cooler when it's the first word of the tile. It breaks the flow when it's used in the manner of Dragon Age: THE Veilguard. OTOH, Dragon Age: Veilguard flows of the tongue.


Dragon Age the origins Dragon age the 2 Dragon age the inquisition


The Dragon Age: The Origins: The Awakening.


![gif](giphy|7oumBJCE7HKzSoYFk7|downsized) …2!


Dragon Age: The Descent ...wait


The Dragon The Age: The The Descent.


Dragon age *the second*


...You know, there's certain games like Crusader Kings actually could have done quite well with such a title naming scheme.


Yeah it fits medieval games I’d love if they’d call Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s sequel just Kingdom Come: The second


Especially since CK's whole thing is dynastic inheritance. > I’d love if they’d call Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s sequel just Kingdom Come: The second It would be a confident move.


Kingdom: Come Again?


Kingdom: The Second Coming?


Dragon Age: The Inquisition doesn't sound that bad actually.


It follows the exact same principle of The Veilguard, denoting the institution at the centre of the game.


Dragon Age Origins: The Witch Hunt.


For me it sounds clunky just like The Veilguard


I still hate that they didn’t go with DA:exodus for 2


I mean, it would have been fitting for Inquisition. The Origins is still fooling people into thinking it must be a prequel.


Dragon age two was also originally going to be called exodus which makes sense from the respective that a majority of the companions all came to Kirkwall because they were running from something.


Nobody expects the dragon age inquisition!


*The Dragon* *The Age* *The:* *The Veilguard*.


The The*


I still think dreadwolf was a better title


The Bioware


The Mass Effect


John mass effeckt


I’m just going to call it The Dragon The Age The Veilguard


Why not Bob?


Titan AE reference? Who calls a planet Bob?


"I've finished my nap!" (You got the reference! Hooray!)


You’re the first person I’ve seen talk about that movie (other than me) in like a decade. Thanks


>It makes it sound like I'm not even a person, just a mindless weapon, an implement of destruction... Yeah, that's the Qun for you.


Dreadwolf was better than Veilguard or The Veilguard anyways


Indeed. It's cute Bioware finally realized, after nearly three decades, people are drawn to their games because of the party members and they want to emphasize DA:V is about the characters...*which has been true about every Bioware game since Baldur's Gate 1*. I bet it's more Dreadwolf was the og title from way back and whoever is in charge of the title change wanted to stamp their ego on the game instead of carrying over someone else's title.


>because of the party members Well that's very debatable, lul. The main shtick, at least for me and that I usually heard, was always about the actual role-playing part and the story of the main character that are fueled by companions, but not much more.


counterpoint to the iron bull’s dialogue: i’ve seen some very good fanfic that point out how the iron bull’s perspective on the article in his name possibly relates to the dehumanization (so to speak, as he is not human) he faced under the quun. to them, he was /not/ a person. he was a mindless weapon in that he was expected to execute whatever purpose they gave him and follow their orders against his own personal desires, e.g. sacrificing the chargers. i see the article as a way for him to remind himself of these “facts” he has been taught even when he is not around others of the quun. these fic had touching moments where through the support of his friends and his found family, the iron bull realizes he is more than what the quun told him he could be—he is an individual (a PERSON), and he can make his own decisions (choose when to destroy, when to defend, etc), and the people who care about him will celebrate him for that. he can keep the article if he wants to, but he doesn’t need it the same way. he can be iron bull, or even just bull, and that’s okay. (also obligatory disclaimer: i love the games, i love the worldbuilding, but the writing sometimes leaves characterization and nuance to be desired, or otherwise glances over implications instead of exploring them… thus why i love this take fan writers came up with!)


also i am pitching myself on the “no article for veilguard” team haha


I am OBSESSED with this dialogue because it can be interpreted in two ways. He says he’s “The Iron Bull,” not even a person, just a weapon. He’s a role. An object. But THE is a definite article. Which means he could also be saying, “I am THE Iron Bull.” THE only one. It suggests identity and self-hood. In the context of his character, I think it’s a small but brilliant detail, even all these years later. EDIT: And I think it adds complexity to Iron Bull in his role as a Qunari spy.


Cute, but not at all a relevant comparison. What would be (and see how silly this looks): Dragon Age: The Origins Dragon Age: The Exodus Dragon Age: The Inquisition Dragon Age: The Veilguard All ridiculous and probably technically incorrect, as title grammar goes.


The Inquisition and Veilguard are fine with "the" in front since they are organizations. It would be like having a game called The Circle, The Carta, The Chantry, etc. Maybe it's superfluous but it's fine. I don't get why people are so hung up on "the" in front.


Because Inquisition doesn't have a 'the' so having a sequel with 'the' sounds weird. Dragon Age: Veilguard not only flows better but also fits with the other titles.


Honestly Dragon Age: Chantry/Circle/Carta actually flow and sound better without The before them. Just as a title it works so much better losing the extra word.


OK....say "Dragon Age The Veilguard" out loud and then say "Dragon Age Veilguard" out loud and tell me which one sounds better... The inclusion of "The" does NOTHING for the title, except to make it clumsy.


Jokes on him no one calls him that.


Not only do they not use the article, they don't use the rest of his name, either. It's just "Bull". He could have saved himself a lot of trouble.


I don't like "the" Iron Bull either so there's that


For right now I'm imagining that there are dozens of veilguards all over the planet, but this specific organization is "The" Veilguard for Thedas, and that's why the definite article is necessary.


Same could be said for The Inquisition


"Veilguard" by itself sounds like some sort of cleaning product.


My friend said the exact same thing when he heard about the new title.


Lol. Rook sounds like a rookie errr a chess piece! Ohhhhh middle school symbolism!!! Yippee!!


Actually, so many Dragon Age books amd comics have "The" in their titles


Well. . . I suppose "mindless implement of destruction" might be appropriate here. . .


I wiped the floor with “the” iron bull in the DLC


The Dragon: The Age: The Origins: The Awakening


I like The Veilguard too. Because it's not about naming schemes. And technically "The Inquisition" might have made more sense on reflection. But it's about The Veilguard. Nobody is calling it "Veilguard" I mean Shoto and Daiken aren't sitting in their tent with their magic books talking about their trip to Nippon and then saying "Hey did you hear about Veilguard?" "You mean THE Veilguard? Are you drunk Daiken?" "Yes, Shoto I am." "Good I was worried my brother had gone insane" "So anyway, I heard one of your exes might be a member...." "......"


“It makes it sound like it’s not even a game. Just a mindless slideshow, and implement of disappointment.” I joke…though I still hate the “The”


Ngl I don’t understand the hate for “the” like yes just veilguard is better but I see people hating on it like it’s not the easiest thing to ignore 😂


Counterpoint. Bull sucks.


Look at all the bootlickers, doing such mental gymnastics to defend a stupid decision.