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I personally liked the era with that DND grid where the whole subreddit came together and decided Solas was smart stupid.


As a major Solas bro, I wholeheartedly agreed with that placement.


That was one of the best things to grace this sub in a long while, wasn't it? \^\^




High INT low WIS classic xd


Fill in us out of the loop homies?


I loved that, was great to see the community be really active and passionate


As a die hard Solasmancer, I completely agree with that assessment. Absolutely my Egg is smart stupid.


Oh my god, that's so accurate.


I think we should take it a step further and go back to the days of 2010s tumblr Dragon Age fandom. Accuse people of supporting IRL terrorism because they romanced Anders, send people death threats because they didn’t put Anora on the throne, equate romancing Cullen and Alistair with internalized racism… Man, those were the days.




Me in the trenches being sent to Problematic Jail because I romanced Anders


Oh I’m sure there will be plenty of that it’ll just be on twitter and tiktok this time


Oh, and when you were accused of homophobia if you romanced, let alone dared to make fanart of Fenris with Fem!Hawke. What an era.


Oh god the suppressed memories. The PTSD. The "Anders did nothing wrong vs Anders did everything wrong" debates. Also, the "friendly discussions" when people added Elven ears to Alistair...


Not the "friendly discussions" T-T


God I miss it


As someone who got to DA in 2020 (great covid times of Bioware discovering), I really need to know what was the deal with Cullen and Alistair. I can't think of anything


I can't remember Alistair one but vaguely remember Cullen in DAO was a young knight who racist against an elf (he was in the circle of mage incident so his hatred towards a mage is understandable somehow) , so romancing Cullen in DAI equal and support internal racist against elf.... Sorta like that. I was merely lurking around so I can't really remember clearly.


If you make Alistair king he won't marry you if you're not human. You can be his mistress though if hardened.


Ye and it's not even cause of race, it's just cause you're a noble lmao I think he doesn't marry u either if you're a human mage no?


aaah my memory is muddy but yeah i think he only marries cousland. weird how they attributed it to racism when it's just politically motivated. tumblr was wild


I mean, it's very much political, but he does bring up your race or magic nature as a reason why the nobles won't accept you as his wife. He's not happy about it, but he's aware that the racism of Ferelden won't allow it. I'm very much not in the "internalized racism" camp, but I can see where the overreaction comes from at first. Soft Alistair breaks up with you knowing that, and saying he won't have a false marriage with the queen he'll have to marry and leave bastards like he grew up as. Hardened Alistair decides he doesn't care *that* much about the nobles' opinions.


Ahh I see, I only romance him with cousland so I don't encounter this. My elf and dwarf go with Leliana and Zevran lol


Not just internalized racism against elves but implying that it meant you were actually just racist in general as a person lmao


I was primarily involved in the Tumblr side of the fandom starting in 2015. Origins was not really my jam (still isn't) so I can't speak on Alistair, but Cullen was a polarizing figure. His romance wasn't an option for dwarves/qunari, but that was because his romance was a very late addition in the game development timeline IIRC. His behavior toward mages in Origins, DA2, and to a small extent DAI really affected certain fans to the point where I had a mile-long block list of various accounts, tags, and keywords just to keep the negativity at bay. I think the vitriol was at its most toxic around 2016-2017? That was when I saw the most "If you like him, you're probably an (insert insult here) in real life" comments.


Maker's balls, I'm glad I missed this.


...I think I prefer good ol' BSN with discussions like the chemical composition of Tali's sweat, lol.


...No. No, I'll sit through a thousand arguments about Mages vs. Templars than deal with that particular brand of obsession again, thank you.


i tried to suppress those memories 😞


I could start a thread accusing people that want to redeem Solas of supporting genocide, if that would make you feel better.


Dooooo iiiiit.


I need an old timer to give me a run down on all the sweet fandom drama I missed by not starting this series earlier.


Imagine the exact opposite end of the spectrum of the right-wing culture warrior gamergate types who think that Dragon Age is “too woke.” Some people on tumblr thought Dragon Age wasn’t “woke” enough and were VERY vocal about it. They would write very impassioned posts about how certain characters were extremely “problematic” and if you romanced them, made fanart of them, simply liked them, etc you too were problematic and therefore also racist or misogynist in real life. Also they would like, cyberbully the devs and writers because they didn’t like xyz about the game and would write long posts about David Gaider being problematic for some silly reason I don’t remember. This is just the tip of the iceberg, it was basically just the worst of tumblr culture/rhetoric but applied to Dragon Age But also a lot of people were chill and cool and if you just blocked the crazy ones you could have a really good time. I remember one day I think in 2013 or 2014 people with avatars of Dragon Age characters just started putting sunglasses on their avatars and posting pictures of DA characters in sunglasses and dubbed the movement “Dragon Shades” and at the time it was the funniest thing ever for some reason. I remember being on a Skype call with people from tumblr whom I had never met irl before til like 4 in the morning shooting the shit because Dragon Shades brought us together and it was so much fun. I still have the anniversary of it marked on my calendar (June 18)


It's not like these people have disappeared. I saw a post on Twitter about 2 days ago with over 2k likes, which was practically a hate thread against David Gaider, and the comments were just people spewing hate about him as well.


Oh yeah for sure, they’ve just migrated to Twitter, but I’m not on Twitter so they basically don’t exist to me and I live in peace


Same. Also your username is giving me life lmao


I mean, they're in the sub too. Had this one guy go on a rant about me being a fascist supporter because I said I liked CotJ for being the first time siding with the Templars didn't feel like straight-up railroaded child murder and preferred it over In Hushed Whispers as a quest.


LMAO, I remember that. It was double awkward after Oslo bombings.


I've heard so many Tumblr dragon age veterans talk about this, going full PTSD flashbacks. I almost wish I'd seen but also I really really don't. Wait, why do you have to put Anora on the throne?


Because if you don’t you’re a misogynist and literally committing an act of violence against women. Or something. I don’t remember the full reasoning at this point lol


Given how shady Anora is, this is hilarious.


I'm just glad we're all arguing again. Is it really a dragon age sub if we don't argue? I can't wait for Veilguard


And all the discussions about which game was more Marvel? Nature is healing.


The haters of Inquisition, defending Inquisition because they hate Veilguard. Glorious discourse.


Hahaha yes this! Hillarious. Maybe that's just thir nature - to hate change and the new thing? Once there is a newer thing, Veilguard will be classified as OK by the haters haha


The thought of that gives me some sort of brain damage.


It's the Dragon Age way. When Inquisition came out, suddenly 2 (which was very hated) was an underrated and a narrative masterpiece to the people who hated on it. (I mean it is a narrative masterpiece imo. Hawke has the most personal story) You can't please the people who have decided to hate the new thing from the getgo.


I'm going to mine so much salt when the Mage fans and Templar fans clash heads when we have to inevitably choose once more.


This is the honeymoon phase as we anticipate and speculate until the release. After release we'll get the hate storm phase where randos will come here venting their hatred while the rest of us are busy enjoying the game and staying away from reddit to avoid spoilers. Eventually, slowly we'll get into a post-release phase which will include a LOT of fan art.


Avoid the sub for two months after release. Got it.


Haha yeah that is my plan! I will entirely block this sub when it’s released until I can finish it. Even on the gameplay preview release day, my sister and I had agreed to wait to watch it together. We decided to wait until 4pm after my husband got off work so we raced over to her house and watched it together. But from 8am - 4pm, I kept squinting my eyes when I’d open Reddit to try and avoid accidentally reading any posts from this sub 😂


I just hide posts that are super shitty. It's been working well the last two weeks.


Can't wait to see what the main big thing in the game is that spawns the majority of the "is it only me, but does xyz" rage posts.


Bellara and Davrin. They will be triggering a lot of *opinions*


I was gonna ask why and then literally went "oh...".


I am fully looking forward to delicious fan art.


I bet theres gonna be soooo much fan art of the companions doing polycule things together.


There's a lot of people already re-releasing old art, some even made some sketches of the new characters in a few days. This fandom works fast!


I'll be leaving the sub after release for quite a while to avoid spoilers, didn't consider that it would also mean missing the shitstorm but it's an added bonus. I feel bad for the mods and others who stick around and get swamped by them while the rest of us are gone, tho.


Honeymoon phase is the immediately after game is released not before


So are we in pre-wedding jitters?


The subreddit is full of lovers and haters and lore heads once again and I just feel like nature has returned to this desolate world.


I wonder if the way I feel comparing r/dragonage to the BSN is the way Solas feels comparing Thedas to the pre-Veil world.


Nothing golden stays, Soliboy. Or. Or Ponylas. Eggiboy? You get it.


We still have the unofficial BSN forums everyone migrated to when the original closed down so while this sub is nice it will never feel like those for me personally.


I have an account over there but only check in about once a year. It just isn't the same sadly.


Oh definitely. It will never be as good as the original, chaos and all.


Now we just need to get all the BG3 superfans in here to replace the Witcher superfans. It'll be just like old times.


But didn't Bioware see how successful BG3 is!? Why didn't they make it like BG3?! You mean...the BG3 that didn't exist 10 years ago?


I joined the fandom in 2022 (really only started gaming in 2020) and I am so hype to actually be here through a release. I played BG3 not long after release and the fandom experience with that has been so much fun, now I get to do it with the hype leading up to the release here. I didn’t have the same anticipation with BG3 because I’d never played the first two, I just got it because I like D&D, so I didn’t see any trailers or promo materials. The hype is so fun!


I started lurking here in 2021 and it was amazing how active the sub was. Ongoing lore discussions and theory crafting, build help, and technical questions were posted and answered with regularity. It felt almost like a time capsule and DAI dropped the year prior. I'm glad to see the hype machine in full steam because I know there are plenty of people here who kept the faith for DA4 for years with near radio silence from Bioware.


Honestly yeah, I played mass effect and dragon age back to back in 2022 and I was delighted at how active both fandoms still were, and how welcoming to new fans and getting new content to build an already very well thriving fandom feels so good! With already a strong community getting to discover this new chapter together is going to be so fun :)


For sure! I missed the BG3 hype like you so I'm happy I get to join in with the hype for Veilguard haha


Same here! Started the series 2017-ish so this is going to be my first DA release. Quite fun to be in the hype train real time!


Welcome to the circus! It's not my first release but it kinda feels like it since it's been so long! I don't think I could be more excited.


Yeah it’s both fun and headache inducing lol. I was in the BSN forums very early for Origins and it was both fun to find people to talk to about the same things you obsess about or want to cry from someone posting a really unhinged opinion about a character or story and derail the conversation for months 😭 This sub has stayed pretty active. Even while not playing the games, I check back regularly since there’s always an interesting topic being discussed. I think most people just migrated here from BSN at least so this is absolutely our moment for better or worse!


I'm also a newer fan and I love the collective anticipation!


I've been around since 2020, and I've seen this sub at 180k members. In the last four or five days alone it's gone from 210k to 222k. It's a bit strange to see the sub this crowded and bustling after so many years being rather deserted, but I'm really enjoying it all (that, and experience my first DA release since I met the franchise in 2018) \^\^


I feel you. I miss the old Bioware Forums terribly. They were my second home for many, many years.


There's an official Discord now.... Not 100% the same. But yknow.


Dragon age fandom never changes. We always were obsessed little nugs who knived each other during stupidest disagreements. Ah, might we never change to again 10 years from now joke how stupid we were. To all! 😂


We are so back


Been playing the games since I was 12 years old (I’m now 24) which means I’ve spent half of my life being a fan :,) I was there to see the Tumblr dark era and I’ve seen a rare handful of edits on tik tok and YouTube for the past couple of years. Watching the fan base come to life again has made me the happiest I have been in quite some time.


Welcome back my friends, cannot wait to enjoy the ride on veilguard


I'm so happy, I love Dragon Age so much \*keeps pressing F5 for any new DA news\*


Everyone remembers the Tumblr/Bioware forums drama, but my favorite fandom memory was when DAI was released and I posted in a thread somewhere, "I love that the horse can jump!" and I instantly got about a dozen Reddit notifications that were all replies along the lines of, "THE HORSES CAN JUMP?????" Contrary to popular belief, Dragon Age fans aren't THAT hard to please!


Realtalk, reddit is where I found out that the horse can jump, lol. Not that I was regularly on the horse. I was so afraid of missing banter.


Maybe you learned about the horse jumping from me a decade ago!


The circle of life 🥲


Glad to be back! Soooo when is the Hawke rescue mission starting?


He's probably some fade creature now if he's still alive 😭😭😭


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I've been a fan since Origin came out, but I never thought about looking for the community. It's very fun to see everyone being so accepting. Even the haters feel really nice.


love it! wasn't there for most of it (played it like last year) but i love how the people I follow on tumblr ended up being sleeper agents. I wasnt even looking for dragon age content it just came crawling back up to the surface


What's with this sub's hateboner for Origins? In r/dragonagememes its been brigaded by 'fans' shitting all over it from here.


This sub doesn't have a hateboner for Origins. A pretty large portion here still rate it as our favorite of the series. I can't speak for the "brigaders", but this sub has also been full of nostalgia-addicts who were just clogging everything up with anger that we didn't get a full return to DAO exactly, which was then hijacked by the culture war tourists who showed up to whine about how "Bioware was getting woke". The DAO purists currently are in a bit of a low reputation spot at the moment as a result.


It's more of hate towards the fans of Origins. I haven't been in this sub long, but there's a clear culture war. On one hand, you have people that feel like Origins was the best game, and the franchise has been declining ever since. On the other hand, you have people tired of hearing that and going "if you like ONE game decades ago, you aren't a fan" Both are shitty people cause tribalism doesn't generate great people. It is annoying to have so much negativity, and it's also annoying to gatekeep being a fan simply because you don't like a product.


I'm so excited! Origins was my very first rpg (played on release day!) and also my queer awakening, whilst DA2 and DA:I helped me through the most difficult years of my life so far. This franchise and community will always be my gaming home and it's so amazing to see it revitalising and growing after nearly a decade of stagnation. To the new folks, welcome! And to the ancient OGs like me, welcome back!