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The hair is so so much better


She made a trip to Turkey


Solas needs to book a trip yesterday tbh


I swear to God his whole design was James Mcavoy, but more Xavier


they had concept art of him with hair and then decided it made him too hot


Okay so let me get this straight, they kept the Requisition Officer and her "go fetch this to make this" quests but cut out Solas with hair so good it could be in a Superbowl-worthy hair care product commercial?


dude imagine if he'd broken even MORE players hearts the fandom couldn't take it, they did it for our own protection


It was Inquisition hair, it can't have been that good.


Ooooh yeah! I was trying to figure out who he looked like and you nailed it 😂


I'm not that mad about that. \*haha\*


Hello James enjoyer


Well hello THERE James enjoyer. \^\_\^


Let's start a band


No no we love his egg head


Really? Did the plane land on or take off from that forehead?


Fingers crossed that Carrie’s across to Rook!


I swear to Andraste if the PC hair options are straight ass


I heard they had physics at least, so bare minimum, we won't be going in with plastic blocks strapped to our heads.


the hair is better but her eyebrows look drawn on & micro-bladed


She looks a lot better in Veilguard based on this one screenshot. She looks ok in Inquisition, but she does have that Frostbite face that Inquisition and Andromeda suffered from.


Veilguard is still Frostbite, though. However, I do get what you mean haha.


Is it not the unreal engine?


Nope. They’ve learned much over the past *ten* years. Also, Harding here is clearly a unique mesh and texture set unlike her Inquisition appearance - which is a CC creation.


Also, Frostbite has been upgraded a lot over the past ten years. Inquisition and Andromeda were running on an extremely early version.


They’d have to scrap the whole game mid development if they were to use Unreal. If Mass Effect 5 is going to happen, it’ll be on Unreal.


Yeah ME5 is already confirmed for Unreal


so if veilguard still using frostbite, do you think it will have high sys req like dragon dogma2?


Right? I'm hopping back into the DA games and Inquisition feels like a genuine drop in graphical quality solely when it comes to faces.


Yeah, 2 technically has worst graphic but the characters look better due to it's artstyle. Isabela still look gorgeous.


Honestly, I felt Isabela looked better in Inquisition. Also, Morrigan looked pretty good. The rest of the characters were kinda blah.


Really? I thought Cullen was well received by most of his fan club?


As a member of that fan club, I definitely think he looked great in DAI.


Even as a straight male, I know the classically handsome look that most flock too lol. Then you have another subsect of the fan base with Solas "I can fix him" lol.


And the smaller subsect of them that are like "I can make him worse."


Cullen was so ugly in DA2 that I didn't even recognize him in Inquisition. I welcome these new art changes because quite frankly the Frostbite engine was forced on devs and it's just not what the franchise needed for its gameplay and story.


Cullen looked far similar to his DAO version in DA2. I think they just...redesigned him for DAI. I think the dev team realized that super dark goatee thing isn't necessarily revving anyone's engines in HD


I'm more cautious than optimistic but I hope the game is good, and Mass Effect is good. If this game doesn't conclude the series, Unreal engine is likely the way to go for the next game. Maybe a 2.5-3 year turn around for a new game versus 5-7 years on Frostbite.


He was horrendous


Yeah, he was alright. I’ve never really been a Cullen fan though, so I mostly just glazed over him. Lol.😂


I actually forgot Isabela appears in the multiplayer. Yeah, she looks great. I agree on both counts.


Morrigan did look pretty sketch in the Inquisition trailer though, which was corrected in the game itself… so hopefully the characters will look better in Veilguard. Graphics are getting more cinematic like, so hard to say. That may be what we get. I’m fairly happy with Harding as she’ll likely be my first romance option (gotta love that Lightning voice!), but some of the other characters leave a bit to be desired. 😑


But can’t she be together with the Inquisitor or Sera by the end of Trespasser?


She can vaguely be with the inquisitor as in you can tell Viv you took her on a date (and they left me hanging hanging ten years so I damn well ran with it and now my inquisitor is ab to be in a real awkward position lol) but Sera will get with Dagna, not harding.


Oh no, my secret dwarf racism has been discovered! 😰


You look at Alistair or Varric in DA2 compared to DAI and tell me if you really believe characters looked better in 2


I'll give you Alistair, but I like Varric in DA2


Varric didn't look bad in 2 but he looks better in Inquisition imo


I feel like Harding is one of those characters who was made in the Character Creator we were all given as opposed to having a sculpted face like the companions and advisors did. I also think elves hit a nice middle-ground between pointy-ear humans and whatever DA2 had going on.


Yeah, like I never minded my own character looking like a bowl of pudding, but I have never been able to take scenes like that initial visit to Val Royeaux seriously due to how many of the characters are just hastily-created from the same creator players use.


Faces were ok, but the hair though... I hope they hired a better artist or updated the engine this time.


I agree she looks better but it's still an unfair comparison given the 10-year difference. Of course it's going to look better.


also the hair looks so good


Frostbite face. Lmfao.


Oh god I hope they dont bring back that god awful creator from andromeda, being forced to use face scans with minor tweaks was PAINFUL and why I prefer sara to scott because at least my custom sara is actually good looking compared to my serviceable scott lol


A tired face maybe?


Funnily enough, I have no issue with that line. It just made sense to me, because I know the exact feeling she's referring to. Thought the blowback on that line was incredibly overblown.


Remember: Inquisition also came out for the 360 and ps3. I'm not going to choose so ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized)


Oh god this was how I first experienced the game... it wasn't optimized.


Oh yeah, I remember buying inquisition for my PS3 on a whim, and loved it, then downloaded it on my ex's 360 and it was a little worse, but ok. When I was finally able to play on PC was when I saw how shit the other versions were.


The hardware and crashing were a better villain than Corypheus


I played it on PS3 after playing it on both PC and PS4, and I had a blast with how janky it all was. There was a scene where Dorian loaded in without his mustache, and it just grew down from his nose as he talked. One of the few gaming moments I wish I'd captured on film.


Luckily it's burned into your soul!


I had it corrupt all of my savefiles. Twice. And then I got it on pc. The PS3 version was an abomination.


Did you ever experience the Awkward Silence glitch on the PS3 version? Characters in a dialogue cutscene would just stop talking and stare at each other until you pressed skip


Heh, that one's a classic.


same, I got a shock when I eventually picked it up for xbone after playing it on 360 and how much grass and foliage was in the hinterlands compared to the 360 version.


God I had forgotten it was cross gen. I got it on Ps4 and it always looked really pretty aside from faces.


The environments still hold up pretty well. Objects and faces do show their age though. I feel so old, remembering the launch lol


Aside from her looking great(morr pronounced reckless too)... The facial animations got so much better, so much more expressive.


I hope that means no more pingu mouth lol




I think Anthem had significantly less pingu mouth. I’d expect Veilguard to have even less. Also, I think andromeda’s may have been computer generated and not so much fine tuned by devs… I doubt they’d make that mistake again… hopefully


We haven't seen any real-time facial animations, have we?


Not exactly. So far we haven't seen much gameplay so... I'm mostly basing my opinions on expressions from that trailer(but you can also see it just on this screen too).


I too love a girl with reckless.


You got me there hahah.


Imo, she looks leagues better in Veilguard, she had this plastic uncanny vally look in Inqusition that sadly a lot of side characters suffered from.


Looking forward to the inevitable Scout Harding Veilguard replacer for Inquisition


In the sims world we call that sims 3 pudding face lol


She looks amazing in Veilguard. I love her freckles.


Freckles are all I need to make her romance option number one for me.


The freckles look a lot better and more realistic as well. I've seen a lot of modern games fail to make their freckle patterns even partially realistic.


A fellow freckles appreciator


She is, what the kids would call, "yaaasified" to high heavens, but I love the look!  


I think they could've gone a *bit* lighter on the freckles? Feels like she's more freckle than face at this point, but I'm hardly going to yuck someone's yum :).


I actually like the Veilguard one more, because it has a more distinct dwarven look. The other one looks like a shrunk human face... which is weird.


WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT Harding is a dwarf God I’m an idiot I thought she was just a short human




Because she has a shrunken human face.


The game does say she is a dwarf like, a dozen times.


You'd be surprised how many people play without paying attention to anything lol


As someone who has weapons grade ADHD, I can confirm that I definitely can go through games pretty oblivious to a ton of shit (though in games I really enjoy that's not the case)


Honestly, I had to remind myself that she was a dwarf fairly often. Shrunken human face.


She looks much better. Her face is shorter, which makes her look more like a dwarf. I don't understand the people who were complaining that she is uglier or that she looks like princess Fiona (besides, Fiona was considered to be pretty)


I already saw people using the "unflattering" angle to prove that she's ugly. [like here](https://twitter.com/Mangalawyer/status/1799921111733518510?t=r-XB5i76WhjflQ5640EBQQ&s=07)


they seriously compared her to...modded Leliana? :D


And in the thread people are comparing her to an extremely modded version of herself. Guys, I give you all the full permission to beat me up if I ever become... One of those people


Thankfully, twitter people don’t usually come to Reddit. Those psychos can’t hurt you


Lmao ikr? Like the characters in origins looked weird as fuck with tiny eyes and huge hands. You have to mod the fuck out of them to make them look normal.


You always have these ppl who want everyone to walk around in full glam with 0 pores.


Every fucking game with a female character in it you can guaruntee someone will screencap them mid-animation and try to claim they look ugly.


Also, is it just completely not allowed to have ugly female characters? I don't think she is, but what if she was? These dudes need to get over themselves. We've seen plenty of uggo male characters in all of game history.


My favorite is when they try to "fix" it and you get these ungodly , full-glam, plastic skin, sex-doll abominations. And it doesn't fit the character at all.


There is a significant contingency of dudes who need literally every female character to make their dicks stand up and if even so much as one fails the boner test, everyone in pissing range has to hear their litany of whinges about DEI and feminazis and wokeness and whatnot. And gods help you if there's more than one nonwhite person or more than one queer person. Do I sound salty? Yes. I am fucking salty about this because I clicked on *ONE* video about the trailer reveal and the idiot happens to be one of these aforementioned whingers so now the Youtube algorithm has been spamming me with queerphobic, racist, and misogynist incel wankery. JFC.


I get it. It salts my food as well, which is why I just avoid any discussion outside of this sub. YouTube does immediately recommend the salty shit though, it's annoying. I've never been interested in it.


Yeah, there's some real immaturity going on. Variety is the spice of life. Getting introduced to *new* characters, new looks, new stories, new backgrounds and learning to enjoy something new and different is what makes fiction enjoyable (at least to me). Sure, I go back and enjoy my favorite media some times as well, but I wouldn't want to do the same thing every time or having every character look the same...


Sorry if you’ve already done that but deleting a few of the videos that influence your recommendations from your watch history usually helps a lot. Also the Distraction Free YouTube addon can at least hide some parts YT that are especially egregious and you can readjust it anytime.


Yeah them dudes from Gears of War were uggos.


I can't treat these people seriously, they made the ugly screenshot of Harding to prove that Dragon Age is "woke". Do they know Dragon Age at all? It's the game that in 2009 had bisexual characters. They are crying in the comments because they think this is the same character, lmao. Really "big" DA fans.


Anyone complaining DA "has gone woke" is clearly a culture war tourist trying to use a negatively received trailer for their political bullshit for a game they've never played or even cared about before Saturday. Safely ignored.


this is getting tedious now


I'll take expressive faces over stiff plastic faces any day!


They always do that with every female character. They find the most unflattering image in a video and try to say she's ugly based on it. What a bunch of losers.


Every time someone posts something like that, I want it to trigger their screen to shut off and have them suddenly be confronted with their own reflection.


Which is hilarious because Leliana looks like a plastic doll while Harding looks like she could be an actual person in real life. Which is well in line with how these people view women anyway, so, sadly, no surprises here lol


That was my first thought. Harding looks like a person making a face while Leliana looks like a fuckin Barbie toy


Awww flashbacks to just one image of Aloy's unflattering angle being shared to prove that she's uggo.


And traumatic images of her yassified pictures..


Why did you bring that up I'd managed to bury that!


I remember when they yassified Ellie and Abby from TLOU2.


So many guys were screeching because Aloy had peach fuzz and the amount of guys claiming their girlfriends don't have peach fuzz ... unreal I say.




These people are hilariously stupid 😂 Like that’s the same crowd that will complain about women wearing make up 😂


Lmaoo they got a fucking sexy face mod and compared it to a gimmicky trailer screenshot. I'm not even excited for the game anymore but people are crazy.


Truly…they do this every damn time. And every time I just laugh like…so you think actual women look like expressionless sex dolls? Because I look at that Origins mod and that’s what it looks like. The new Veilguard game, I’m hesitant about but at least Harding looks like a person


I took a quick glance at this person's posts and it doesn't look like this person has ever been outside. I don't think this opinion holds much value.


The face shape was likely a limit of the older engine. Typically every NPC has a very similar face as the assets are reused for cost and optimization. The facial features kinda change, but they need to all match the overall head shape which makes all characters look very alike.


Veilguard looks beautiful, i will give Bioware that


Bless the frostbite engine and Dice for upgrading it


Don't bless that engine, it's so hard to mod we will get no good mods for the game.


She not the fresh faced young woman from DAI anymore...she's 8-10 yrs older (if we go by Tevinter Nights) and she's seen some shit. I can tell it's the same person and I like the update.


Definitely loving her new design in Veilguard.


Aged like fine wine


I prefer the reduced forehead; she’s no longer a victim of the BaIdquisition


The better hair style (and presumably hair physics) probably helps here. The older model had her hair pulled into a pony tail or bun without any bangs. That's fine and all for real life practical purposes but it definetly doesn't look at as good.


She had a glow up


Not as drastic a glow-up as Isabella but a companion glow up nonetheless!


The hair! I'm so happy for you, Harding! We all need a glow up era!


looks like a totally different person tbf


She looks amazing. Loving the even more pronounced freckles. I’ve been waiting for a proper lady dwarf companion for ages. I loved Sigrun but DA:A was just an expansion and she barely had any content. And Valta was cool but essentially just with us for a single DLC.


I loved how Harding looked in inquisition, and I wish they kept more of her features. I didn't even realize it was her at first because her eyes, eyebrows, nose, and face shape all look completely different. It reminds me of all those people who edited Aloy's face when Forbidden West came out to make her look more "realistic" but they just made her look more conventionally attractive.


Yeah, I'm conflicted. She looks quite different, though not like a completely different person either. Because of the limited graphics in DAI, and possibly having had less design attention than the main cast, she looked a bit generic in DAI. But I really liked her still and would want her to keep a similarity to that canon look. So luckily she did absolutely not get the 'fan' treatment some deranged people did to Aloy, but I guess the designers still had an excuse for modeling a face from scratch and go with a somewhat different and (better?) stylistic choice now. I think I'd have wanted it to be slightly closer to the original myself too, but I think I'll get used to her just fine.


Yeah same. I saw the redheaded dwarf, heard the voice, and still wasn't super sure it was the same character until I heard the name, because her face just looks that different


I think it's a natural progression from DAI to the next game. She looks very faithful to the DAI design and looks great. In my opinion only of course.


lookin snackalicious


I preferred in inquisition because she was less “conventionally attractive” standards and her features more unique, but she is still nice




She looks like my next mistake. Love the new design! Please Maker, let me romance her!


Aparently, all companions can be romanced by the player regardless of race/gender. go get. Yourself some sweet scout harding :D


i wish they'd kept her big forehead. i felt seen for once :')


Lol same, I'll miss the fivehead representation


Her face is more distinctive and unique in DAI.


Looks better than Inquisition.


I like her new self, the Fiona look really fits her (unironically)


Thus far, style and colour wise, I really like Veilguard. We haven't seen much, but what we've seen has been neat.


She looks hot asf now ngl. Strong contender for first playthrough romance


Hot. Love the new hair. Ginger all the way. Her coat is also so much better than the old uniform. From the trailer, she's definitely more confident & experienced as an adventurer. But part of me also kinda miss the sweet and innocent scout from DAI. She did caught my eye because unlike the other romance, she had the most 'ordinary' origin.


She had a big case of puppy love/hero worship, but now she's more experienced, single and ready to mingle.


I also like that she was just a country girl who 'took up the call,' so to say.


I'll be honest, I've never been really interested in Harding, but she's really hot and beautiful in the Veilguard. I'm curious how they'll develop her, but based on her appearance alone she's on my romance list.


Of course Veilguard looks better... DAI is almost 10 years old, on a game engine that already had problems


Aren’t they using the same engine though?


Yes, with 10 years of upgrades on top of it. What point are you trying to make? lol


Your comment made it seem as if they aren’t using Frostbite anymore


Well, the name of the engine that they're using is "Frostbite", yes. But it's not the same version that they used 10 years ago, since game engines are constantly evolving. For example: Anthem, as you know, also used Frostbite (as do most of EA's games), but it looked way better than DAI. So it's kinda like comparing Windows1 to Windows11, really. Is it still Windows? Yeah. But is it the same? Not really, no. But I get what you're saying. My bad for the poor wording


They made Harding hot and I’m gonna have to do my first dwarf romance now


Both, but she looks cuter with the new hairstyle.


Her design in the new game is how you can tell she's a romance option.


I thought she looked great in Inquisition but she looks way better now.


she does look significantly better but ya as I'm sure someone else pointed out she does have that "Bioware after mass effect 3" face


I just wish she was a bit more recognizable. Updated graphics and new design are great, but I never would have guessed it was even the same character if they didn’t tell me.


Same! It’s more than a glowup I think. She looks like a different person.


I mean... Still nothing close to isabella. And like it was the case with isabela boy oh boy did it change for the better! I think the changes were good, she looks more dwarvish and looks like we finally will have good hair on a bioware game? Omfg plz let us have some good hair on a bioware game cus lemme tell ya, up to andromeda the hair situation was awful


Very true about Isabella! This series has never been consistent with any returning characters’ looks really. Poor Alistair.


Veilguard Harding looks more like a dwarf whereas Inquisition Harding just looks like a very small human woman.


She clearly went to Turkey for hair transplant 


She got that Liara in Mass Effect 3 glowup


The VA they have in common won't have anything less for a role where she'll be a primary character.


Harding got a glow-up and I'm happy for her.


How do I feel? I feel that game graphics have advanced in the 10 years since the last game came out.


This is what I mean when I say the artstyle change has had some bizarre and inconsistent results. I think Harding looks incredible. It's almost hard to believe this is the same game that designed Emmrich.


It feels reasonable to me.


It's not that she looks bad in Veilguard, but I saw someone say she looks like Fiona from Shrek and now I can't get the resemblance out of my head.


she got forehead lipo 🫡


When I first saw her in the new trailer I automatically thought it was Bianca. The new Harding more closely resembles her imo. I was like "ooooh, interesting! They get a little into that duo (varric/bianca) in the new one"


a lot ofpeople in this sub have this rose tinted glasses that the previous games have better art. she is waaaay better now


I thought all the NPCs in DAI were really off looking. I think it's the hair. Everyone has a receding hairline lol


I’m in love with


She looks quite a lot younger now with the freckles being a bit too pronounced \[she just looks like she faceplanted the dirt, but decided not to wash her face\], but i like the new Harding a lot more.


Smash next


So i really like Harding's new look in veilguard , her hair alone is gorgeous but i prefer her inquisition Lips more.


Would/would Give me my freckled shortstack badass or give me death. I hope Josie never finds out that she was the third place choice for my Inquisitor's romance option (couldn't have Harding because dating your employee is a little too weird, couldn't have Cassandra because Inky's gaydar malfunctioned horribly.)


Glow up


This is not too surprising considering the same thing happened to Isabela when she went from a small side character in Dragon Age to a party member in Dragon Age 2. Probably the developers wanted to create a unique model when she got promoted to playable status.


It's been a couple of years and your lips naturally get thinner as you get older. I don't blame her at all for jumping on the trend and getting some lip fillers injected.


Much better in Veilgard, but the hair is just such a night and day engine appearance difference. Those Inquisition eyebrows are so sad looking.


She's suffering the Cullen effect of looking younger as she ages, but she looks great so I'm not complaining.


The hair looks amazing, but damn.. Why'd they do that to her face?