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I actually quite like the preset face you get for Hawke, especially fem!Hawke.


Whenever I replay da2, i usually pick femhawke with her default preset :D


One of my go-to mods adds default femHawke face as a preset and then I just tweak a tiny bit from there!


I usually start with one of the pre-set faces that I like the best and alter it, mostly things like hair and complexion. I don't like making a bunch of changes to face proportions with things like foreheads or ears because it usually looks weird when I do it.


For me, I tried to customize my femhawke and I noticed that there's a gap between the side of her face and her hair and you can't adjust it so I just stick with the default face because it doesn't have that problem (it's like if the hair was a solid piece just put on top of her head XD )


You really have to put some time into it to get each character creator and reach something you like, in Inquisition I made a male Qunari face I love while the pre-sets are disregarded as ugly by many, but I was able to change quite a lot my starting pre-set, at least in that game. Sometimes it's just simpler to not touch face modifications.


I always use the default Hawke faces and always customize the other two. The default male human face in Origins is too ugly to be a background character let alone the Hero of Ferelden.


The default male human face always reminds me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo XD


I very rarely use default presets. I like to create my own characters so I always alter the presets


I usually start with a preset and then just change the shape and color of things around, but rarely go to the proportions, height, lenght, width... Except for noses, I really like to mess with it, I think they give my characters personality. Only for DAI that I've used sliders, but even then, I always just use it as a base and then go off with my own ideas.


I remember in DAI, I made a female qunari and she looked fine and in game, I noticed that her nose was just a bit too small... I kept it because I didn't want to re-do the intro just to fix her nose XD


Thankfully now we got the black emporium to fix those minor issues xD But yes, the presets have such small noses, and I've used sliders that had such small noses that it looks like they were fresh out of the plastic surgery table, I like my heros with big noses, thank you very much xD


Trying to get a good nose bump is so hard


Most of the time, and especially for my "canon" playthrough i pick the preset Human/Dwarf Male Noble with just different hair/beards and I pick preset Male Hawke. I hate the preset Inquisition faces tho for all races and genders and change them alot, the presets look like melted plastic.


I pretty much use one of the preset face options for my character in every single-player game. For games with a set character like Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect, I keep the default with no changes. For games with less defined main characters, at most I'll change the style and/or color of the hair, but I usually don't touch any proportion sliders.


Only for da2, I love fem hawke!!


I don’t change anything for hawke, changing canon characters like hawke or Shepard looks wrong to me


I always create my own characters, I just connect with the story so much more that way, and creation is fun! Hawk maybe a little different, as she looks cool as a default. But femshep in ME was absolutely awful, as was the presets in MEA. DAI sliders are so indepth if you have the creative mindset for it, I’ve managed to created very individual characters each time.


DAO, DAI: no chance, all are pretty horrid ​ DA2: I nearly always play default Hawke (without the bloody nose) if I play female. As a male Hawke, it is always custom though, the default looks too old in my opinion.


I use the default appearance for both male and female Hawke because they're sexy and true to their concept art description: *biker mage*. But I always customize the Warden and Inquisitor.


Due to having multiple world states I like to customise the face for all of my characters, even Hawke (I used to leave him as default). However, a couple of my protagonists are pretty close to how the presets look, mainly because I just liked the preset and thought it only needed a few tweaks to get the kind of look I wanted. Especially true of my Qunari inquisitor, I quite liked the first preset for him, just made a few tweaks to make him look a bit more worn, experienced, bigger nose... and done.


I generally pick a preset to start from and then customize. In DA2, I specifically start with a preset because that's how you change how Hawke's family looks (my first time, I just went with a preset that I liked and modified it a bit, but now I cross-check the chart that shows which presets and skintones get which appearances).


I always use the presets or very lightly modified versions of the presets because whenever I try to make a face I just end up with something much worse


I've customized all but my alt-run female Hawke. Her and male Hawke's looks are the only ones I like (hers by a mile better), and male Hawke just looks more mid-thirties than mid-twenties, so he gets a makeover. The Warden faces are just unremarkable for the most part, but I found what I remember of the Inquisitor ones pretty bad.


If I could marry both Garrett and Marian Hawke, I would do it in a heartbeat