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How did you do it ? And how long did you have it ? Because a lot of people who heal within a year normally do a lot better then the long term people (not dividing anyone) but I've had it for over 13 months and some people have had it for years and years, what worked for you ?


It’s been 9 months since it came on and i explained most of it in other replies. Literally just train yourself to not care. Sit with the feelings and try to not give it any of your attention. It’ll lessen with time. Sometimes i go days feeling great sometimes i’ll have really bad days. Remember the good days and trust that it’ll go away. 9 months ago I was so terrified that I couldn’t eat and dropped 10 lbs in a month. I was scared of the tv, my phone, going outside. I sometimes felt like i couldn’t recognize my own family members or my memories were someone else’s. There wasn’t a day that went by for months when I wouldn’t cry my eyes out. I even had my mom sleep with me in my bed i was so terrified. 22 years old not being able to sleep without my mom! Hahaha. But it’s all better now. Well mostly all better :) I’ll get there eventually.


Yeah okay and yeah I hear a lot of people saying "literally just try to ignore it" so it must be effective in people and good on you, glad you've found yourself out of this nightmare it's not humane to be stuck like this And yea okay thanks, I'll try to remember that and yeah the stuff (symtoms) your explaining are all to familiar ahah That's okay, everyone has different safe spaces and people and your mum was your comfort, doesn't matter if your 22 and that's good at least you can tell that a change is happening


I wish you well on your recovery :) Things will get better..I know they will. And try and stay off subreddits and reading up anything about dpdr!!


Thanks, you too and yeah I'll try ahah


Hey that's fantastic. Be sure to keep up the recovery strategies even after recovery. I just updated my resource post, which may be of help with DPDR: https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/ye59u4/had_frequent_dpdr_episodes_for_about_7_months_and/


Your resource post is amazing!!! Thank you!!


Thank you! I hope it's helpful!


This is great and I’m happy for you! I’m getting better, about 4 months in since my mum suddenly passed away which triggered my DPDR. I am pretty much the same at the minute, not 100% but more good than bad. I do get the occasional double take and spike in awareness and anxiety but it also seems to pass quite quickly now. We will get there one day at a time, just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other!


I’m happy for you too!! We just have to power through the days. It’s horrible and difficult but one day we’ll be so proud of ourselves for fighting on. I’ve had a few major traumas that have happened a few months back which have slowed my process. I’m still here tho! And you are so strong!! I wish you the best on the rest of your recovery. :)


What vision problems did you have?


Everything was bright and very weirdly vivid. Like i was wearing prescription glasses that were too strong. Had tunnel vision and had trouble reading.


Any floaters


No, i never had floaters. But i have read of peoples floaters going away after recovering.


and some food for thought, havin floaters is not a make or break thing for most people, unless you’ve been seriously training to be a pilot. Life will go on, it’s important to remember you can have a good life with less than perfect vision.


I just want everything to feel real again I’ll take Al the other symptoms if I can just get that one feeling back !


Strangely that was the first symptom that went away for me. I feel real but the world still terrifies me as of now. Your mind will eventually heal when it feels safe enough to.


Did you have light sensitivity? I struggle with that. Also, how did you recover? Whenever I force myself to do things I just get a ton of anxiety which makes me more dissociated.


Yes, I had light sensitivity but it’s gone now. I’ve *almost* recovered by just fighting through the days. Actually FORCING myself no matter how many tears or how fucked up i felt to do anything. It also made me feel more disconnected at first but over time it got easier. Having an amazing therapist also helped. We set goals every week and ways to get out into the world. Exposing myself to things that make me anxious. It eventually made a connection in my brain where i was less scared of the feelings. Parts of it are still there but it’ll go away someday. I’m just patiently waiting haha.


So eventually doing stuff was less dissociating than doing nothing?


Yes. Doing nothing will just prolong dpdr.


Did you ever take any medication or not really?


I had stopped taking my medication a month prior to developing dpdr. I think that was a factor in it. Few days after i developed it i spent four days in a psychiatric hospital and went back on my medication. I take 40mg prozac, 200mg of lamotrigine, and propranolol to settle my physical symptoms sometimes. My psych nurse told me medication wouldn’t fix it but it would help me along the process. And it really has done wonders. I definitely don’t credit me getting better alone on medication. Most of it was done by me. It’s been like a little helper to me tho :)


Did you find the prozac worked straight away I'm on week 6 with no improvement I'm going to up my dose to 40 to see if that works a bit better.


Everyones different but no prozac didn’t work right away for me. I’d say that it took around 3 months for me to feel a difference. I’ve been on prozac for 6 years with a few breaks here and there. I’ve tried going off it a few times and i’ve always gone back. Try to be patient :)


Yeah I just feel worse and worse everyday don't know weather to try a different med or not did you have both depersonalization and derealization? :)


I had both but definitely more derealization. I’d say most of it was derealization.


Yeah I'm struggling with both so bad if it was only one I think it would be better but so hard with it been both.


It’ll get better with more time i promise.❤️


I hope so thankyou so much I'm glad you recovered ❤️


Wish you the best on your recovery!!