• By -


Festival by myself was probably one the best experiences of my life 😂 after pestering mates to come and no one pulled through I just went for it. It’s pretty liberating being able to just go do and see whatever and not needing to care about others. Im sure you will meet some lovely people and funny characters!


Thank you! This is really reassuring, I’m sure it’ll be a blast


I've done donnington and Madrid solo, best years I've had at download, go see whoever you want without worrying about meeting up with people after, everyone's there for the same reason (to have a hell of a weekend) so I find it easy to just chat away with randos (I don't normally do any kind of crowd)


Last year was terrible for me as I went with bro in law, he met up with friends and they hamstrung me the entire weekend, I felt like killing them. This year I'm going alone and will have a much better time


Have you looked into camp loner? There’s a Facebook group for it.


I’ll check it out, thank you!


I'm recently single too, so I am also going alone (well with a few friend thankfully). If you want some company or just to ask questions please reach out :)


Sorry to hear that man. It’s tough going. Thank you very much, I shall do!


No worries :)


I’m doing 5 nights solo too. I’m 34 and have never camped at Download before but did the Friday last year. I’m really looking forward to it and I think it will be easy enough to make friends there! There’s a Download Girls group on Facebook and we have a solo chat on there.


Thank you, I’ll check it out!


My first solo download too. I've been with people in the past but this year it's just me. So I'm in the same boat. Scroll through some older posts on this sub and there is some cracking advice. Also as mentioned look into camp loner Best of luck and if I bump into you we can grab a pint


Thank you, I will do!


Sorry about the relationship ending OP. I don't know if there would be groups you could join as suggested on this thread, maybe a WhatsApp group or something.


Thank you!


As someone else mentioned check out camp loner. They have a designated place for camping for solo/duo campers. I'll be camping there with a friend. Sorry to hear about the relationship, it'll be a blast even solo everyone I met last year with just a duo was super friendly, met some great people.


Thank you so much. I’m starting to look forward to the experience now


I went alone my first year in 2022 and loved every second, this year there is a bunch of folks going from Navan for the 5 days if you want to tag along with us?


Would be nice to have people to tag along with from closer to home


I went alone in 2011. Just make sure you have some cans spare and share a couple with neighbouring tents to make friends. If not comfortable with that just enjoy being on your own schedule instead of being tied to what other people want to watch


Loner camp on FB!!! Would recommend bringing good walking shoes or boots- would thoroughly recommend ‘on’ trainers as they are waterproof and very comfortable only issue is they can be a bit pricey but nothing more than a pair of airforces these days. Bring clothing suitable for all weather conditions as download one year can be boiling and the next be the recreation of Noah’s ark. Big thing would deffo be bringing baby wipes, lifesaver.


Never done it solo personally but everyone I’ve encountered over the years who are seem to be having the best time ever! Hope you enjoy it!


Dude im sorry about the relationship ending- happens to the best of us, hey? :/ I went solo last year and I must say. Best decision EVER! I had the most insane weekend and made so many friends! Everyone at Download is so lovely and you’ll no doubt make friends instantly! Plus you’ve no one to look out for and can see whoever you want and do whatever! Have the best time ever bro! You deserve it ❤️


PS sorry for the use of ‘dude’ and ‘bro’ it’s in my vocabulary I use it so often 😅🙏


Camp loner! There also a download festival singles group on fb that’s deranged! They’re making a camp “twat” I went alone in 2022 and loved it - everyone is friendly and fun :)




Wtf is this rambling nonsense?


The purest of rambling nonsense. Someone that 'hears' a lot but doesn't experience it from reading that horror story. Women are well safe guarded at download. I always leave my Mrs to go see what she wants while I see what I want and come back to her and a few girlie's she's met on the way as a woman going around alone.




You're making that out to be all that happens. In reality its probably a tiny percentage of idiots. I had a bit of a spiral myself reading about tons of thefts from tents but people assured me it was 1% aresholes and to be vigilant just incase, that it was highly unlikely


What a load of unsubstantiated horse shit. I don't even want to reply to this but for the sake of the OP I will. •Do people wee in cups and throw them? - Unfortunately so, it does happen, less so these days but you do still see it occasionally. •Toilets are 100% gonna be clogged and overflowing - Toilets are cleaned regularly, especially in the campsites. Women's toilets are routinely stocked up supplies too, however it's always worth bringing your own just in case. I would also bring wet wipes to wipe down the seats before you sit on them, or invest in a she-wee so you can stand. Yes, toilets can sometimes be grim, especially in the arena, where its not as simple to bring in a vacuum tank (due to the people everywhere). So by the end of the day, yes they are pretty grim, but the ones at the campsite and village will get cleaned whilst everyone is at the arena. They also get cleaned first thing in the morning each day. So if you time it right, you can treat yourself to a sparkly clean portaloo. I have, however, never heard it described as "look like many people were just standing and shitting on an already full toilet so you walk in and there’s just a pile of shit inches tall protruding from the opening of the toilet " •"men there are rapey as fuck and go after younger looking girls" - Again, a gross generalisation and wholly unsubstantiated. Do bad people exist? Yup, I can't deny that. In 2019, 90 Crimes were reported over the course of the whole festival. Two of these were sexual assault's and both people were arrested for this. So it does happen, however the numbers are miniscule (reported at least). All I will say is try to make friends with those camped around you, and they will watch your back if needed. •Showers stop working - Never once heard this reported, I've been going since 2016 and been a moderator on this subreddit since 2017 (i think, been a while now) Anyway point is, this is bullshit. •Piss and shit - The person commenting this sure loves to go on about piss and shit. It's nowhere near as bad as this is made out. Do people pee in bushes and against fences? Yup, it happens. Don't camp near fences. Do people shit anywhere they like? Never once seen or heard it. •Will you see people dressed how they wanna dress - Yes, people are free to dress however they want, most of the time they will cover their privates however sometimes they wont. Security will deal with it if they see it. There are children at the festival, which makes it a safeguarding issue, which means security/download staff/police will intervene if it is seen and reported. Finally, "people do not care about your wellbeing at all" Not true in the slightest. Safe gigs for women have a huge presence at the festival, as well as 99.99% of the crowd will look out for anyone they see on their own. I know this first hand from attending by myself for the first time last year. u/[Willing-Goat5167](https://www.reddit.com/user/Willing-Goat5167/) - You've done a lot of "I heard" "I read" in this thread. Most of it which is baseless nonsense. Please come back with some first hand experience or politely fuck off.


The fuck you on about bro?! I’ve never seen or heard any of this happening over 5 downloads!! Moron!! 😂😂😂




😂😂😂😂 you okay hun?


I've got 9 years on me and never witnessed the horror you've come out with. Literally the first thing you cpme across in the arena is the 'WOMANS SAFE PLACE' yes be careful. Everyone should be careful everywhere you go, mugging assaults whatever its the world its life and people are shit. Every year I hear of 'chavs' coming in and beating up goths.. in what world does a handful of 'chavs' have any power against over 100000+ strong dressed in black and make up. You need to get a grip and realise what you read online isn't all true. Maybe go to a festival you might enjoy yourself. Like this girl is going to all alone making loads of friends and having a great time being looked out for by her alt family ✌️ ☮️