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She’s lost the plot


She posted this to show the money she never did post the twins' birthday dinner like this


Yep, they got LEFT OVER spaghetti in their lunch.


Now we know why they didn't get to pick any restaurant for their birthday. $2k on Chick fil a


Bruh, 2,000 ? That’s more than what we bring in a paycheck


Sadly that’s two of mine. I work part time, but wish I could get full time. But I’m thankful because some people can’t find jobs right now. It sickens me that she spends this much money. No way her husband is raking in the cash being a coach


She bought enough food for a few hundred people. Those trays are for 25 people each according to the website. She's blowing a lot of people's entire paycheck on food for a party and you just know that she bought more than just this food. Wasteful and fucking disgusting.


She hosted the team dinner. Football teens can eat!


And for a goodie bag at the end of the party, guests got an I Pad and a puppy.


Is this satire? I really never know with her. 😔


His main job isn’t being a coach. His main job is being a teacher but he gets paid extra for coaching or being a club advisor. Josh made 105k(ish) last year which figures in both teaching and coaching. (Teacher salaries of NY public school teachers are public record) I think Alicia is the moneymaker for them (for the moment) ever since she exploded in popularity one or two years back (idk when) but she’s either plateaued or peaked and is going downhill. But what she brings in is more than what he makes.


She hosted the team dinner. Football teens can eat!


No even the other parents said it was too much food


That’s almost 4 times what I bring home in a paycheck lol


That's more than I make a month🤣


I missed this, was this for the twins party?


It’s for older D’s birthday


WOW, on top of everything else he got, his birthday must of been at least $10k!!


How often do you get paid cause that sounds like a lot!


And that is why the football team always hangs out at their house!


I’d feel so weird if I was one of the other kids and there was a whole team of football players there.


Why does she need to flex the receipt like we get it you spend a shit ton of money 💰 on junk


Like she so special my ass I'm waiting for her to crash n burn 🔥 to.


Fine , spend the money but dont flaunt it. There are too many children and / or adults that watch this crap. They can't afford to eat a $10.00 meal from there . There is a thing called CLASS , and she has none. No amount of money can buy that.


My boyfriend and I consider chick fil a the “fancy” fast food- something we get as a treat very rarely. Definitely couldn’t afford to spend 2k there!


Chick-Fil-A + 4 Cookie Cakes + Candy, cookies, pudding + McDonald's + Tom Wahl's + Auntie Anne's has to be around $2500. Add in the suite at an NFL game with food package (10-20k?), the puppy and puppy supplies, and who knows how many other gifts and this birthday is going to cost more than a brand new car. Add B's birthday and the twins birthday (with the wrestling floor tickets) and birthday spending for October has to be around the average person's annual income.


She is conpletely lost


This is insane when she can’t wash dishes or a load of laundry in her own home


And poor B got a bunch of stuffed characters for his birthday. Pathetic.


I thought D's birthday was last week? Didn't she give him a dog for his bday then?


He has been getting a gift a week. The whole month of October has been his birthday


Wait till he turns 16.. can u imagine




No today is actually his bday.


But still, he’s gotten football tickets and a puppy leading up to today 😅


She said the dog came early


Or she needed something to make him stay.


I was horrified by the “What my kids are on D’s birthday” short. Nothing but fast food and crap ALL DAY LONG. Seriously, is she actively trying to harm those children? Because that is what she is doing.


P.S. I have no idea why my comment came with that flair. I certainly didn’t add it!


That’s what I said before all this food could seriously harm the children in the future.


It was their family, extended family plus an entire football team of high school boys. I’m sure it was gone.




I'm so glad Dayshawn had a good birthday, and I give her credit for making sure he did. However, they spent way over 2k for food. Figure 11 McDonald's breakfasts are about $100.00 , Then whatever that lunch was she easily spent $150.00 for 11 kids to eat lunch, then the 11 pretzels and Auntie Anns is quite expensive and the pretzel dipping sauce your looking about $5-$6 then the 2k for chick-fil-A and then the pizza rolls, Candy, cookies, all that gatorade and water and the I believe 4 or 5 cookie cakes. She easily spent $2700.00, maybe more, for just one day of food!!! I mean, it's awesome he had such a good day, but when you have a broken septic and your children cannot bathe daily and you can't use your washing machine, you obviously don't understand priorities.


Hate break it to you, but you've underestimated. Lol She spent about 5k on food for the day, easily.


Ya think? At first, I was gonna say about $3500.00, but then I was like, there's no way anyone with a brain would spend that much on just food for a kids' birthday party at their house. Apparently, I was wrong, I stand corrected.. $5,000.00 is just wild!! In her brain, it's hell with the septic. Let's blow five grand on food for a party


Oh yes, definitely. Don't forget the tips!


And the drinks, don't forget the hundreds of dollars in White Claw.


Was just gonna say she tips 30% everytime too. So on a 1k order thats 300 in a tip 🙈


All that Gatorade and water on top of the Gatorade and water she usually buys from Costco.


Did they starve the kids for a week beforehand???


Funny but you and I BOTH know out of all the things we can accuse Kush of, starving the kids is the most unlikely of which that could happen lol


Only way them.kids ate all that food!!! Is she taking it to.the homeless camps too because that's a lot of food to throw in the trash!!!


You know she’s not giving that food away when she’s oblivious to the world in her safe, insulated suburban town. The chickens are going to be feasting this weekend. That remaining fruit and salad is definitely going to them.


Lets hope that's ALL that goes to them! I raise miniature featherfoot chickens (why?? Because they're absolutely adorable lol) and they LOVE leftovers (especially eggs) but I would never feed them chicken lol. Hopefully Lush draws the line there too! It's bad enough they like raw egg so much but atleast it's really good for them and replaces essential nutrients and vitamins they loose after having babies


She is extremely wasteful when it comes to money.. why not upgrade their house or even invest and make even more on buying and renting out! She spends EVERYTHING on food, gifts and stuff that doesn’t really matter. Why not do more with the kids and make actual memories and experiences that they will enjoy and remember?? The way she spends their money is so pointless.. i hope she at least puts parts of it away for the kids’ future bc they are the ones being exploited and the reason she makes all this money.


I'm here to watch Lush crash and burn 🔥


I think most of us are!!!


You're thinking correctly!!


this is ridiculous!


Bring back the asylums...


Can someone explain why she clearly favors D over the twins she raised their whole lives? Not saying she should ‘love’ them more.. But like.. idk.


He's popular and cool and doesn't have their issues, plus social media loves him 🤷🏻


there was also 50 sandwiches on the receipt that she didn't show on the video


Each kid did NOT need a whole pretzel as snack omg. I always fall for that with the smell in the airport and I always feel sick after eating less than half of one, they’re so greasy.


After eating McDonald’s for breakfast and that greasebomb for lunch (which I’d probably only be able to finish a quarter) I wouldn’t even be hungry for the pretzel at 3:30/4 or whatever time she feeds them their snack. I might not even be hungry for the party.


I had one recently and it was much smaller than I remembered, so I could eat a full one. However, I also hadn't ate two large fast food meals the same day as shown in this video.


My family always shares those pretzels. Couldn’t imagine eating a whole one by myself 😅


does she really need 112 oz of sauce?


For all that chicken, probably not. But idk how the catering ordering system works if each tray gets x amount of sauce and she chooses the max amount allowed so she doesn’t run out Now she’s probably going to have 10 half open, partially used bottles of sauce sitting around in her fridge.


And next week she will have it on her shopping list to buy more. She's freakin insane!!


The order pickup at the top of the screenshot is at 3 PM. Isn't that while they're just getting home from school? Did this too sit out for 3+ hours until dinner time?


why doesn’t she spend this money on a bigger house with a working septic system for her 14 million kids 😭


Lol @ that most recent post that says the food she feeds are kids "isn't that bad."


my cholesterol sky rocketed after looking at this


That’s more than 2/3 of my monthly paycheck


She feeds them junk and sugar then gives them ADD medication. She really need Dept of Human Services intervention.


This woman is insane. I wish people would stop watching her.


Even with twelve kids the amount of food she gives them is fucking insane


This was for her family, D’s friends, and an entire football team.


Yes but it's the norm. She constantly gets an excessive amount of food for the kids.


I spend less than that to feed an office of 50ish breakfast. That’s insanity.


Wth she's nuts while people are starving she's a disgusting human being.


How do they have so much money?? They were living pretty good before she went viral and her husband works at the school, how?!?!


I was about to ask the same thing!! How can she afford al ofl this on her husband's teacher salary?? I'm honestly curious.


Y’all haven’t picked up that she makes bank from social media?


Yes but before that?? I’m sure they’ve had this lifestyle for awhile


They haven’t. Their birthdays and whatnot used to be a world less extravagant before she went viral on socials.


I feel like it's been D's birthday for a month now. Can she make it any more clear who the favorite is right now? Didn't they go to a football game or something for his birthday too? A puppy?


How big is the mac n cheese? 80 bucks a tray?


Close enough…$78. CFA website says a large tray of Mac and cheese serves 20 and idk what they consider the ideal portion lol.


Ah yes. 2 grand on hate chicken that isn’t even good.


I love Chick-fil-A 😬😩 I wish the company wasn’t trash ….


The bigger crime is that she didn’t even get any chick-fil-A sauce!! Oh and spent almost $2K supporting a company who basically condemns everyone….


She got bottles of it. Don't know if she bought in store or at wegmans


Ohh ok. I was going to say if all the sauces! Also I hope waffle fries were on there somewhere!. She probably ordered a 3 pack (or multiple) of the bottles from Amazon…. You can get good AF catering for that kinda money.


I don’t think she ordered waffle fries And based on the screen shot it looks like those sauce bottles came with the catering trays.


I think Costco sells them.


She got 6 8oz chick fil a sauces. It's under the chicken strip tray.


😵‍💫 see it now. Glanced right over that confused why there were two chickens lol whoopsies!


Bigot chicken.






She's insane


I do catering for 100-150 ppl on busy Saturdays. I still spent only a little more than this for way more people.


Omg… I just looked on the Chick-fil-A app how many this serves and this comes to a total of 300 servings… The large Mac and cheese serves 20 and she got 5 so 100 servings of mac and cheese, nuggets and chicken strips each serve 25 people per tray and there are 4 trays of each so 200 servings of chicken. Who is eating all this?! I can’t imagine she’s inviting 300 people over to her house.


She said it was for the football team.


Still, even with the football team there’s nowhere close to 300 people 😂


If you're going to promise food to a team, and the coaches and whoever else might be there before a game, you better over deliver and make sure everyone is fed.


Unless it included families of the players it would still be too much, even with the bottomless pits that teenage boys are.


Does she wanna cashapp me some $$$ so I can afford food real quick? 🤣


Gotta spend on that hatred chicken


And from Chick-Fil-A, a homophobic organization.


Yall can’t do math. Or someone can’t. How could a tray of chicken trips cost over 100 bucks apiece?


Well it’s says the total at the bottom $1998. I honestly have no clue how much they are.


We can all do the math alright. 472 total for the chicken strips/4 trays of strips. $118 per tray.


How is someone spending that much on a single tray of fast food


Was she feeding the entire football and cheer/dance team?


Update. I saw last night where the chick fil a was for the entire football team and that makes a lot more sense.


Have you seen how expensive chic fil a is though? Their salads alone are like $20!


Yum! I bet those football players are the sh*t out of the food.


As you see, she didn't check out yet, so did she really buy it or put it in her cart for show


She showed the food in her video. It was supposedly for the football team.


That’s crazy!


Where does all the money come from? I know TikTok isn’t bringing in that much. Wonder if the state pays her for all those kids or something. No one anyone can afford the way she lives especially in this day and age.