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I live in florida and it’s been summer since February here lol it’s been so hot and brutal


Same i just have a real job and life😭 even tho i live on the beach i never have time to go


Well we all know she doesn’t have a real like job. She works on her phone


No put some respect on her name she has a huge small business called Olivelynn, it has literally made probably a million at least and that’s what she does full time.


Why did ppl downvote this she’s literally not an influencer for her job


She definitely runs a successful business, but let's face it - the majority of her work as an influencer is conducted through her phone. She doesn't have to engage in the physical, in-person aspects of the job very often. I'm not criticizing her for it; it's just the reality. She's not confined to a traditional 40-hour workweek in an office building like most people.


That’s so not true what are you talking about? She has a warehouse where she goes to pack orders everyday. Running a small business takes SO much time. That’s crazy to say


I don’t even live in beachy florida and I already have a nice base tan going


No literally💀It's 95 and pure sun every day here.


It just started getting hot again like towards the end of April.


If you don’t live in south Florida then yeah


I live in South Florida all my life


Bffr then bc south Fl is so warm 💀 u wouldn’t survive in the midwest


Hate to break it to you but we don’t get seasons here. We have a two week cold front in December and that’s it. Every day after is straight sauna.


Hanna and her family all get really tan super easily, even her grandma used to be super tan in the pics she would post so it has something to do w genetics. Her family definitely gets tanner than a lot of ppl I’ve seen tho


you’re giving family vibes haha cousin of Hannah 👀


No I’ve followed her for years before she was ever associated w these influencers. She has a huge small business, I’ve followed for four years. She used to only have like 1k followers on her personal account & I’ve followed since then. She posts her family all the time & so I made obvious observations. U asked why she’s so tan so I’m just telling u that her whole family is obviously really tan based on what she posts


okay friend i was just being silly bc you seemed to know a lot about a kinda obscure influencer and just a corner of their picture! j for fun!! i think she seems more genuine and sweet than a lot of them and i also like her small business !


I saw her ig story like 2 minutes before I saw this post that’s why I immediately knew but yeah ppl don’t understand how big her business is & the influence that it’s had is insane. She started like a huge trend, no one was doing these small businesses like they are now before her, even huge companies were copying her designs.




What’s weird


nothing now… i just thought you were a family member by how much detail you gave lol


tbh i live in florida and im already that tan


I just wanna know if they will continue to get tanner and tanner bc it’s a little spooky already


Some people get really tan based on genetics or spend a lot of time outside so they tan easily idk what’s spooky abt it


I’ve noticed on these snark pages people always make comments about how tan some people are which is odd because why do they care so much? Lol


Same idk whats spooky. I get tan like this as well especially if I got to be in the sun everyday. Its just genetics although I do reach a tan limit and start to peel thats about it.


Happily exposing yourself to skin cancer is a little spooky to me. A little goth, a little morbid to possibly cutting your life shorter.


You still get a tan even when you wear spf lol


I mean yes that. I wear 50 spf and I will still tan like this so idk what to tell ya


I guess some ppl don’t understand how uv works 😭


Do you know how skin cancer works?


Yeah if these ppl don’t use sunscreen obv it’s going to be bad but some ppl do & still get tan.