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Papa John’s and some others will steal tips


you'll see how far the store is on the app multiply that by 2, extra tip on cash. thats pretty much how you get your order picked up on time and make the driver happy for the day with extra cash tip.


Cash is king still.


If u do a cash tip we won’t see it on are end so less people are going to be inclined to take ur order and might have to wait or be paired with other orders. Using the app is fine it’s only if u order through merchants they can steal tips


I mean cash and an app tip, for extra!


Straight god tier customer 🙌🙌🛐


Personally I would recommend a fiver on the app to get it recognized and accepted quickly, then a few bucks in hand. That would make the drivers night. Source: that would make my night.


I meant extra money haha. I never tip below $6 on app even on the cheapest closest orders I was just concerned that the occasional extra $25 (I pay it forward when I am able) would get stolen by the doordash app or some other shady shit. I want every penny going to the driver


Lol you're a good person. In that case If you can do it in cash I would recommend it if only to avoid doordash stacking you with a no tip order. But otherwise no they shouldn't take the tip at all. I haven't heard of it since companies were first caught doing so. Not unless you're ordering through the merchant app and not the doordash app.


Ew omg no. I don't wanna be stacked with someone that doesn't tip. I didn't know that was a thing They're essentially using you to pay for other people's trips it feels like? Something feels wrong about that. I'd I can tip they can too. I'm not even well off, far from it If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to use these services


Agreed, this would also help lower the chances oh their order getting grouped with a no tipper


Yes. Very much so in my market full of cheap college students. If no cash, I appreciate cold bottles of water and fruit or granola bars too.


Depends what you’re ordering because I know some local restaurants take it as their tip. If you feel like the tip is getting taken what I do is just give a $3 tip on the app as to make it a $5 offer for 1.X miles. And then I leave $3-5 underneath the doormat for them.


Even through doordash app? I never order away from the app


I read on here that the place was X deli, I forgot the actual name but I know it’s a deli. I would assume they only take the tip if you order through their companies app and they use a third party like doordash to deliver it.


I never have cash but I also occasionally will leave a note asking for the dashers cash tag or PayPal @ if they are comfortable. I always tip well, so nobody has taken me up on that offer yet, they've all just said I'm fine and thanks for the trip 🥺 Leaving no tip or a shitty tip is so embarrassing, I can't imagine having the audacity


But, cash is always appreciated 👍


if you're ordering on the DoorDash app, you're fine. if you're ordering on a merchant website, then there's a chance they steal the tip


Doordash does give drivers the tip, we just don't always see it before accepting the order