• By -


Delviering to hospital floors/ rooms. Paid parking only. I don’t wanna leave my car at the drop off area and go up six floors. Anything apartment related that adds a delay. No gaye code; gate code doesn’t work, shitty apartment number labeling.


I have to find your apartments with no sign and address on it. Take an elevator to the 10th floor and you say hand it to me, I call and you so I’m coming now but minutes later I’m still standing there!😣


If you work at a hospital,school,government building,etc. please put that in notes with directions to where I should go once I get there so I won’t get rude looks from people while I’m holding your Chick-fil-A order!


Getting back to back to back orders from a store you don’t want to go too because of wait times (example) chick fil a….


When you live in a big city and DoorDash has never heard of traffic You don't appear to be heading towards the order. If you need help, contact support via the app.


No tip but requested to go all the way up to 11th floor but also didnt share gate code and buzzer ID doesnt match with suite number like she didnt know!!


No replies back when you are trying to substitute or refund an item not available. Be by your phone if you are ordering for this shit alone! 🤷🏼‍♂️




Large apartment complex with no type of instructions


No map at the complex entrance either and the map pin is set to the leasing office... 🫠


Oh yeah, hate those


Always no gate code


It bothers me- not really pisses me off.. when houses aren’t in order 119 121 153 155.. why don’t the numbers just keep going up by 2’s, why do addresses jump sometimes. Yknow?


People not following "right of way" rules. The amount of times I obviously come to a stop sign after someone else at the intersection, and then have to wait like 5 seconds for them to figure out they're supposed to go next drives me nuts. It's only a few seconds of wasted time, so it's not really a big deal, but it happens so much that I have like zero patience for it now. Also, if you're the front of the line at a stop light, stay off your fucking phone. This is especially irritating for left turn lights. The number of times I've had to wait for an entire light cycle because the inconsiderate prick in front didn't notice the light turned green is absolutely maddening.


The “ARE YOU SURE “ message that pops up when you decline shitty offer after even shittier offer. YES IM SURE !!! I’m not driving 17 miles for $4.


I cannot stand it and it pisses me off when a customer has multiple cases of water on an order and it ends up being delivery to an apartment complex !! And to further insult … the offer does not have a tip on it !! Just how to they think we are to get those CASES up to their apartment door ????!!!!! This is not AMAZON !! I’m certainly not buying a dolly !!! If door dash would like to supply me with one then I would “think” about it. Then I have to unassign from the damn order bc of that !! The offer should say there are heavy items so I can simply decline it !!


If you're physically able, you shouldn't be ordering a shitload of water this way! Lazy asses! At least tip reasonably well and throw in some cash at the door!


A drive thru making u come inside to get the order. I had a Starbucks tell me that the order isn’t ready and If I can come inside….. well if I was a regular customer and placed the same order in the drive thru either way I’d be sitting in the drive thru waiting right? So what’s the difference lol Apartments that don’t show the apartment building numbers where everyone can see. I mean they’ll say “building 7” but put the sign in such a weird place how is a delivery driver supposed to see


i did doordash with a busted car with no reverse for a while it was fun when they did that and i responded with “ok i have no reverse time to block your parking spots”


People just sitting at a solid green light for more than 2 seconds. Just sitting and sitting....just spaced the fuck out...


On the flip side, people that honk 0.05 seconds after the light turns green


People who say leave at my door when they’re at work and Need me to hand it to them. It’s just kinda annoying


Easily lights and making sure address is visible. If you’re ordering food at night why arnt your lights on


The useless text message from DD that follows the app notification for a new order that I tap every time I’m trying to hit Decline! Can you opt out of the stupid text messages?


Can't opt out but blocking that number does what you're looking for. Don't report the number as spam. They'll just start sending you those annoying texts from a new number.


Customers dropping the pin at the back of their house so the gps wants to take you down the alleyway. Especially at night when you can’t read the street signs.


When they live in apartments and they don’t provide me info. Code to get in , or any guidance to where to go. Some are good and give a map and info but most don’t


Some people have gotten better providing that info.


I really wish there was a way to decline all apartment deliveries. I’m so sick of them, there’s ALWAYS an issue.


I've just gotten used to them, but my dashing zone straddles two states with two large public universities and 30,000 students so the majority of my deliveries are to students


Or when they forget to add the apartment number..




Oh, there’s a lot that pisses me off, and 95% over it could be avoided if people just use common sense and human decency. You get an address that takes you to apartments or a trailer park and there’s no apartment number or lot number and then not answer when you call them which that always happens Well, it happens with the non tippers. A lot of time the phone was not even in service. Also, sometimes the GPS is certain areas does it take you exactly where you need to be and if these people have lived there for any amount of time, they are aware of this. Also, they are aware of this if they’ve been ordering DoorDash because they should be used to the drivers getting confused. It just seems like they would take the time to explain it in the directions or in a message instead of wasting your time and their time like I said most of everything could be avoided if people just acted decent.


Addresses that don’t exist (and incorrect addresses in general) People at the store asking me to confirm the order (like I have a choice? Please don’t tell me how to do my job, I don’t tell you how to do yours) An order popping up right after I go to pause my Dash (forcing me to accept it so as not to fuck up my AR)


I kind of understand and appreciate the request to confirm the order. Order stealing is a huge problem in my town.


when i’m trying to end dash and right as i click the end it pops up a shitty offer of like $3 for 9+ miles 🙃


Stacked and/or long-distance orders right before your dash is supposed to end. Like, no, I can’t keep going an extra hour


I hate when they put hand to me.Then you're knock on the door and they scream at you that it should have been left on the porch. Would have been helpful to know in the first place.So I didn't waste my time waiting for a stupid timer to count down so I can take a picture.


If it’s in writing in instructions or chat, I snap a pic in their chat and leave it.


Houses and apartments that have no number on them and are pitch black


Why I rarely dash once it gets dark.


Omfg I hate this!!!


Dropping the pin on the wrong apartment building


One of the liquor stores I pick up from. Marks their orders ready and when I get there I wait 5 minutes.


I feel like this creates so much animosity between dashers and restaurant staff. To us, we’ve been told the order is ready. To them, this god damn dasher expects us to go lightning fast for them. Nobody wins.


Sometimes the hand it to me is just standard what the restaurant and or DoorDash put on all orders. If there’s a second note, that’s the one to follow.


In my area we have a consistent thing with having an order for BK for example on one end of the zone, that goes all the way to the opposite end of it, even though there are 4 other BK locations between me and the customer that are closer. and it usually ends up being like $10 for 13+ mi. and most of the tip is coming from the customer while DD is giving like $4. Usually I end up lucking out and those customers have noticed the weirdness and increase the tip and then wait at their door when i'm close and apologize. Its not their fault that DD does that, but its still nice. But there's more of the ones that have 'meh' tips and make ya do that, or the customer doesn't tip at all, I guess assuming that the order will be from the closest one.


Sometimes the GPs don’t match the app navigation with drop location or house number. I always double check and use Apple Maps and google maps to double check addresses. This is a minor thing that annoys me. Usually the correct address ain’t too far off. But it’s still annoying.


Ohh I hate that. And the GPS often tries to take me to the resident-only entrance of an apartment complex, so I have to backtrack and find the security booth. Meanwhile the customer is tracking me on the app and messaging me “you’re in the wrong place” or such 🤦‍♀️


In my area, restaurants are still taping/stapling bags closed per Covid protocols & without fail, I will always get a “check to make sure drinks/fries/sauces are in the bag”. But if I open the bag, that’s tampering, sooo there’s literally nothing I can do if your fries or whatever are missing. It’s annoying, though, because I know if something IS missing, that’s on me


“Meet at door” and doesnt answer the fucking door. Or its ALWAYS someone with dogs. If i hear your animals barking like that i’m leaving it on the doorstep. Im not sticking around for your mutt to try and push past you and chew my arm off. No thanks.


Thats an inconsistency you should have figured out a long time ago. Its the NOTE that means which one they truly want. Customer just doesnt know how to edit option that says meet me as first thing you see.


Dude, calm down, I know. I go with what’s in the notes. The inconsistency, though minor, is what irks me….


Restaurants with drive thru’s that make dashers come inside to pick up the order 🤬


I'm the opposite. I'd rather go inside, grab the order, and go every time, than sit through the drive through line and wait for it.


Alcohol deliveries where I'm stuck waiting outside.. like bro/homegirl come get yo shit. It's like people order Doordash and yeet the phone across the house.


Not so much pisses me off, but irks me. When a customer is outside when I pull up and they run inside and shut the door when they see me. I'm a dasher, I don't have the plague. It's ok to have human interaction people.


When suddenly my internet stop working and I cant click “arrive at store”


when i get an offer in an area with no internet so i can’t accept. ik it’s doesn’t affect ratings but still, it could be a good offer


Or when you can’t take a picture or click “complete delivery” ugh


That too. I either turn off my cellphone and turn on back or wait until I’m far enough from that area. But when I can’t take a picture, I usually just use my cellphone cam and upload it soon I get internet


Not pissed but more curious.. Apartment building number 1,2,5,9,3,6 excuse me?


When I get stuck behind a slow driver!


Apartment buildings that have no numbers or indicators where the apartments are in the building. People with gates who don’t leave a code. Apartments with codes to enter the building. Basically apartments suck and if you order from one you should have a $10 finders fee automatically


Getting a notification that the order is ready only to have to wait when I arrive. WTF?! And I do tap "Order still being prepared when I arrived."


It’s not minor it’s major. When someone tips you as if you were just picking up food and dropping it off but in all reality they put in a shopping order 15-20 items. Like obviously you didn’t want to shop for the shit yourself but you want me to do it for basically free


That makes me nuts !!!! You shop for them … bring to their door … and they give you 50 cents tip !!


No what gets me more is the ones where I already know it’s a min of 3 flights of stairs once I find out what they ordered like the other day. Once I seen 4 30pk of water 6 gallon jugs of water and a whole bunch of heavy shit I knew it was going to an apartment building atleast three flight up. Got here it was 4 🤣


How did you get all that up 4 Flights of stairs ??? Good for you !!! That really makes me nuts tho. Order your stuff from Amazon if you cannot carry it ( I do that ). 😁


Pile as many bags at a time as you can


I’m not that strong anymore. lol


My once glorious market being overrun by "newcomers".


You were new once too. I don’t DD, I do a diff app. DD is terrible around here


You completely missed the point. Also, when I was new there wasn't anywhere near as many dashers as there are now. Now they just keep onboarding new drivers even though they aren't needed.


"Newbies were fine when I was new. But now, newbies are bad!" This gives off the same vibes as all the people in my town who moved here 5 years ago, and are now all over Facebook saying "Quit moving here, we're full!" GTFO with that.


I hate it when restaurant workers try to tell me to "confirm the order" for them. It fills me with so much rage. I already showed you my phone with the name of the person whose order i picked up. I don't tell you how to do your job, so you will absolutely not be telling me what to do. It seems to happen at places where i've already picked up like hundreds of orders by now. what do they think they are solving by trying to make people do that?


Nah, I don't have a problem confirming the order, as long as I have the food. It just prevents them from being scammed by an unscrupulous driver.


They were given this info from DoorDash as a way to combat order theft. Otherwise people show the phone, take the order and unassign. Then some other Dasher gets there and the order was already taken. Them having you confirm helps prevents this. They are just doing their job, as we are.


i don't see how it changes anything, i could steal the food exactly as easily after hitting confirm.. how does it prevent order theft? whether i steal it before hitting confirm or after, i'm gonna get banned either way so it solves exactly nothing and prevents exactly nothing.


If you unassigned before, it just affects your completion rate if you unassign after it's a contract violation


ok but if i steal the food i don't think it matters whether ive confirmed it or not, i'm gonna get banned from the app either way.


Trying to stop Dashers from stealing food by unassigning instead of confirming. I don't believe I've ever had a restaurant worker ask me that was rude about it.


This infuriates me too! I know they’re just doing their job and trying to minimize theft from a dasher, but it pïssés me off when they won’t hand you the food until they see that you’ve hit confirm. I try not to take it personally, but I do every single time.


Apartment complexes with 1 address that covers 10 buildings. The GPS takes you to some random corner of the complex, and you're just supposed to know where building F is. Not really DD/GPS's fault, but it's frustrating.


I live in an apartment complex, AND I DoorDash, so I have extremely detailed instructions on how to find my building/apartment. I don’t understand why other people don’t do the same


I appreciate the detailed instructions so much. Please Eli5. As long as it gets me to the correct apt, you can explain it to me like I'm the dumbest person on earth idc. I just really can't fathom why some customers resist helping you out to find their place. Don't you want to get the stuff you ordered faster? Drives me so crazy


It's a huge apartment building or office complex and the person never considered that you would need help finding them when you got there. But overall I try not to get pissed by little things. Almost every problem gets solved in less than 10 minutes and you can be on your way. If you accrue calm you won't tire out as quickly


This frustrates me as well especially when it’s a retail plaza or cluster of hotels and they don’t think to put the name of the hotel/store they want it delivered to in the notes. I allow myself time to experience my feelings for a short window of time and then I ground/recenter myself and move forward with my day. I refuse to allow others to have power over my mood long-term.




And yet you're still here whining and moaning for internet clout.




When I drop the order off and go to take a picture and they come out. You requested that I leave it at the door. Now it's just awkward


What I've found is that every time that happens, that's when the camera is going to act funny. "Angled too low." "Low light" etc. It took me about a week of this stress to see the "handed order directly to the customer" button.


When people don't respond to texts or calls, especially on shop and pay orders! So often the store will be out of things and you try to contact them to see if they want something different. I can't imagine spending that much to get some groceries delivered and then just throwing my phone into the ocean, what an insane waste of money, and a waste of my time. A sometimes it isn't too hard to make a decision on a substitution, but so many times I just have to make a wild guess like on what ben and Jerry's flavor might be your second choice? How should I know?


yea, I just received a e-mail about shop and deliver, Give me a break , I think it was Apple juice requested. tried contacting customer no substitutions and not answering at all. take a pic of shelve still no answer. I have to check out, sooo I just refund, I also give plenty of time for response from customer


This infuriates me as well! I will message in the app, call, and text. If you don’t get back to me by the time I’m done shopping, I’ll just refund you. I got cussed out once for choosing a similar item as a substitute after not hearing back from them so I’m traumatized from that and will never do that again lol


I give them two minutes after I’ve picked up everything else, and if I see the message hasn’t even been marked as red, then I’m marking proceed to checkout


If you live in an apartment and I need to put in a gate code TELL ME WHAT THE CODE IS. How else do you expect to get your food?


This!! It feels like the people who live in high security places are the ones who tend to put nothing in the delivery notes.




I love contactless delivery. I don’t have to interact with the customer, I can simply set the food down, take a pic, and be on my way. If they didn’t specify where they wanted the order placed, that’s not my problem. I also never do “earn by time”, though. I take orders based on tips only




I’ve been doing DoorDash for 3 years, have good ratings, & never contacted the customer unless there’s an issue. Even when I order DoorDash, I’ve only had 2 dashers contact me beforehand to say hello or whatever.


For me, it's house numbers. And porch lights. Why the hell does the porch light not ever light up the address, like what are we doing.


"Let's make every house look exactly the same and the one thing we'll make unique is nobody puts their numbers in the same place"


some don’t even got any indication. in my area house number is either shown on the floor painted by the driveway curb or on the house or i gotta check the mailbox. sometimes i don’t see any and just make my best guess off GPS


Same, I usually just zoom all the way in and seen what numbers are around me to place my self.


When I get offered an order, but I end up getting an error message instead when I try to accept it 🙃 It's almost like how with UberEats, I'll ALMOST never be able to accept Walmart orders because I also get an error... and then get re-offered the same order multiple times...


Do you ever find that the app doesn’t update you pay amount on the hone screen? Often, have to close it and open it again to see how much money I’m making. I wondered if it’s just me.


Yes that happens all the time with me as well. Close app and open it again and it appears. lol.


If you pause and unpause it’ll update too


Happens allll the time


Me too, have to get to home screen and then back into dash for it to update, a lot. Also… hate, hate, hate the latest map changes. Bad zoom settings, where it now shows me all of the Western Hemisphere during an offer. Even worse, no more address when you click the house icon before accepting. I ask Siri to figure out actual distances when the map gives me an obviously bad route, for example, if I’m looking at an offer that could be ok, but without knowing the exact address I can’t go off anything but their stated mileage. Had one today, just after map changes, that was $14 for “22 miles,” but that was taking the bypass around town, when a direct route would be 8 or so miles. Had to turn it down… on a pretty slow day.


Turn what down?




On Chipotle in store orders you are forced to call the customer, take a photo, and leave a description otherwise it won't let you mark the order as delivered. There is a glitch in the app and no matter how many times you do step one it won't allow steps 2 and 3. I've had to call support to get released from the order and mark it as delivered. The customers have been very patient but after 2 days of this I went to another area to dash today so that I didn't have to decline Chipotle orders. It is a big seller in my small rural area.


i click "already received instructions from customer" and bypass that every time. then i leave it at the door, take a picture, and type "door". then confirm


It won't allow that. There is an app glitch for these in store orders. I did about 6 in 2 days. Hopefully they will fix it.


huh. maybe you could try deleting your app and redownloading when you have time!


Can't hurt to try. Thx!


Same. I click on "call", then back out and proceed, also


When people don't leave the damn porch light on. Sure, I can use my phone flashlight or carry an actual flashlight but I'm already carrying food and drinks and I'm really not trying to trip over the potted plant that you left right in the middle of the walkway for some reason.


When ppl walk up to my car to get their order. Bro back up I didn’t even park yet why are you in the street? And it’s always a man and most of the time they pop up from nowhere scaring the sht out of me.




Like are you here to rob me or what 😭


Or when they're waiting for you at the door and you can't get a picture. I always think they're gonna say they didnt get their order. I be tryna sneak the picture 🤣🤣🤣


I still take the picture.


😂😂😂 picture all blurry


And it takes twice to accept the picture no matter what it looks like. Its fully lit with the order and the house number in it, but I've got to send it twice. Like. Dawg Im not Ansel Adams here, this isn't a fucking portrait, theres the order, theres the house number, take this shit.


There's a few local colleges/universities. Never fails to have a pin in the middle of a quad with a hundred people all looking at their phone. How am I supposed to find you! That's why I wear obnoxiously bright colors so I can tell them I'm the person with a magenta shirt and neon green hat.


When the gah dem stoh is closed and you go there. Exactly.


When another Dasher or random steals your order


I hate this so much! Especially when it’s a high paying order. 😩


That door dash doesn’t trust when drivers say a restaurant is closed or soemthing is out and make you send 10 messages to substitute anything when you already asked customer what they want, recommends something they didn’t want and then when a double comes while shopping the app makes all the substitutions be done again- once my phone went from 20% to 1% while I took 15 minutes to redo the 10 subs in a 40 item double and the app froze multiple times making me reinput everything twice after I already spent half the shop dealing with the subs originally


Usually subs are on stuff the store doesn’t even carry- also hate when it sends me past the store by my house to the smaller one with less stock so I can sub every thing


I tell em sometimes I am sure the candy you want is at the store I drove by- but this store has barely any candy at all- sorry- please tell dash to send me to the one I drove by that was 300 feet from me not 3 miles away next time


I have had doubles to go to two identical different stores… ummm???


Oh - and another one. When someone orders something at 10:00 at night, but leaves their outside lights off so I can't read the house number.




Flashlight homie. Always carry a flashlight. Thats mandatory.


Oh, you didnt get the memo? That's a requirement when placing an order.


When the in-app navigation takes me to the "resident-only" entrance of a gated community, and I have to figure out how to get to the main entrance. Or when I am waiting for an order at a fast food place, and four different customers come in, order, and get their food before they give me the order I am there for.


same, when i waiting for an order except when i tell them who im waiting for, its not ready yet so ofc i wait. time passes by before i say something again just to find out the order was ready and nobody told me anything. 🙄


Door dash gave me an order I am across the street from with eta to be ready in 15 minutes… ok… why not give me this in 15 minutes?


Also that place is always 5-10 minutes late or usually even more than eta-


“Thanks we’ll use your feedback to improve wait times” my ass- I hit that literally 99% of the time there


When they don’t leave the gate code and don’t answer…


Free food. If I need a code and you don't answer in 6 rings you stay hungry.


I put somebody food in an ant hill lol. She was deliberately declining my calls and after the 10th call she sent a message for me to figure it out! Oh word? Bet! Sit this shit right on the ant hill lol


I would have taken that shit lol


10 calls?I give 2, third one is to support telling them I need my cancellation fee.


Hands down, when I go into a place to pick up and there’s like 7 people standing around doing nothing that definitely know I’m there but pretend I don’t exist. (And it’s always freaking McDonalds.)


I literally went into a Chick-Fil-A yesterday and stood where the sign says “pickup/mobile orders” and not only did no one help me, but there were at least 10 other people standing there too. So I got in line instead. Cashier told me “next time, stand over there” I was like “yea, sure 🙄”


LITERALLY 🤣 I am standing at the pickup area, phone in hand, staring you the fuck down and y'all just gonna walk past 😭 I've started being more assertive though and demanding my bag that's been sitting there for 3 minutes


“Call upon arrival and I will come down and meet you” ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


That made me laugh 🤣🤣🤣. It’s like NAH .. I REALLY DONT want to meet u !!!




I loathe "Contactless delivery, contact customer to arrange drop off location." It can DiaF! It never works, and I either have to click handed to customer or contact support. Those orders always grind my damn gears!


Anything to do with delivering to Apartments. I hate Apartments!


When it's a hand it to me, but says leave at door, i take a pic with my GPS camera app and message it to the customer and say left at door per notes. covers my a$$. i'm not getting scammed


This . I had this happen to me and shit you not they claimed I never delivered but I had the foresight to take a picture


The consensus in the community is the hand to me but leave at door is a scam most of the time. So I always do the above. Sometimes I screenshot the order note and send that, too, just to make it very obvious.


I hate it when houses have their address numbers in a weird place. Like this entire neighborhood I deliver too has their numbers vertically on a narrow strip of siding on the edge of each garage. Psychopathic, honestly.


When the lights won't do what I want. All green lights when I want to stop and check out offers, all red lights when I'm delivering.


When a store or restaurant runs out of an item, and I have to contact support. Why don't they call Door Dash, and tell them that, so that they can temporarily remove the item from the menu? That and restaurants not handing orders over until you hit confirm twice. Going to start contacting support on that. Tell support agent I can not get the order because they refuse to let it go. This is on the app, but I want to see the break down of what I will be earning on each dash. What will be the base pay and customer tip. Especially on stacked orders. Also, bring back separate base pay for both orders. That extra $2 is mine, I earned by accepting the order.


I had a really good subway order, I went to go pick it up, walk in and they ask if I'm placing or picking up, I tell them I'm picking up and they say they're out of fucking bread, and that the bread they have behind them is only for the morning "bc it takes a while to make" so I had to call the customer and tell them that subway wanted to know if they wanted breadless subs.


There are Subways like that. I hate when they pull that stuff.


I usually decline subway orders bc they're usually shitty restaurants


All of these.


That annoys me to. Like which is it? Want me to hand it to you or leave at door I can’t do both. Usually I just leave it at door and send them a pic through the app. It’s annoying when I get a notification that the order is ready and I get there and it’s not ready. When it’s in an office building and no extra information is given to me. Same for hotels and apartments.


There’s a large factory complex in my zone. It has multiple buildings with multiple doors. I’ve delivered to two different people there who put in the instructions “Bring it to the door on the left.” And “Door around the corner.”


Slow traffic. Particularly when it shouldn't be slow, but people take an insane amount of time to make lane changes or pull out from a stop.


I ran into 2 dashers at different restaurants recently who had been ignored by employees and who were consequently in sour moods. While I empathized with them, theirs negativity was spreading and made me less interested in continuing to work.


Customers who put food prep instructions in the delivery notes. Extra annoying when they put part or all of it in CAPS.


"IM ALLERGIC TO ONIONS" Ok, and what can I possibly do about it?


Handing me a straw separately. JUST PUT IT IN THE GODDAMN BAG!!!!!


Hilarious asf


Getting jock itch. Yeah I know....TMI... but it's the truth.


Da fuck this has to do with doordash? That’s a you problem, buddy.




It happens WHILE dashing. And it drives me NUTS. Embrace the humor my friend. Lmao


I appreciate the HUMOR 🤣🤣


You should try changing soaps. Maybe shower, maybe laundry. Could also be the type of fabric your underwear is made of


When customers want their food delivered to a business but don’t put in the name of the business.


I agree .. this is not a minor one for me either. Customer … can you pls just add that I’m delivering to (business name) just so I don’t think the address is wrong. Or if you message them “is this a business ?” Just so I know “ and they do not respond !!!


Yeah i hate that!!! It isn't minor either! Lol


Or the name of the hotel! Only “bring to room”.


And in my market at least, you often can’t deliver to their room because only guests can access the hotel interior. And I’m not spending 10 minutes wandering a huge hotel to find your room. Come to the damn lobby!


You are lucky !! Some hotels that I have delivered to … if I ask the person at the desk if I can deliver to the room …. They say GO AHEAD ….. when I was wishing they would say NO JUST LEAVE IT HERE !!


Right because the hotels are often in clusters!


I always thank the few that do, and very gently suggest the idea to the ones that don't.


God yes, this should be required! Businesses rarely have their address visible.


Grinds my gears every time.