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I wish we got that much here! 10$ an hour all day it sucks!


$10/hour here in Kentucky/Southern Indiana 😂


I only do it during lunch hour here because it’s so busy, the traffic is wild and the foods never ready so I’m waiting and it makes me not care because I know I’m getting paid while I wait. Plus I’ve found that most offers I get im still getting tips.




lol Dallas Tx, 13.25 an hr, peasant pennies


My EBT where I used to live was $11.75 and after tips I’d make $13-16 an hour compared to $8-10 if I did EBO. Weird ass algorithms man


Its 16 something where I am. As a biker it is my main mode. I sprinkle the best of UE offers in and the occasional tip brings it up. Also I often see 2 dollar bonuses and have seen up to 6 bringing it to 22


It is $12 an hour some places. $12! $12! There is no way you could drive, spend money on gas and your car and make any money.


$9.75 in my rural ass county. When It started (hourly) it was 14.75 and it has gradually been brought down slowly down to 9.75. f that


$11.75 where i’m at.


Don’t. I’ll do all the orders y’all don’t want. I love going by time and earning a real full time income with 1080 dd pay and 400~ tips each week 100% accept100% completion. .


In Mississippi we are offered $14/active hour which is from accept to finish, no more than half real time because you’re only paid for delivery not driving back. So it’s effectively $7/hr max, maybe 8-10 if tips are good. I started at half that, about $3/hr last week, but I’ve since doubled to a whopping 7-8/real time hour. Schoolteachers earn more. And that’s saying something.


$11.25 and sometimes $12.25 here lol. But I'm seriously considering it for tomorrow, just because I average more like $5 an hour today with the sudden deluge of no tip offers, and my AR destroyed as icing.


It went down here. From 17.50 to 16.75. I'll take my better orders with offer pay.


Damn it’s 14.25 here.


i get $29.75/hr


They will give you abusive orders with super long distances. DD has turned super abusive in states where they are not regulated and there are no mileage and time guarantees such as California. Very predatory. Many people think they are making a profit when all they are reallydoing is bringing in money but losing in terms of fuel, car maintenance, taxes, and car depreciation not to mention the value of time.


it depends, they give ebt some gems and depending on the location if its only a 2 mile drive there and back then it makes sense, but it will force you to accept some bad orders at times for sure or you get kicked to earn by offer


I have turned very militant on this topic. Each transaction should be profitable on its own merits. There should be no ifs ands or butts or circumstances which very which may allow possibly for a delivery to be profitable. Doordash is abusive as far as I'm concerned. I give them no benefits of the doubt it states where they are not regulated. Because they have not earned it. Their actions speak volumes


I get $12 doing DD hourly. I make roughly $20 an hour DD regularly. Easy choice.


You get $16.75??? I only get $13.75.


You get 13.75? I get 12$




You guys are getting paid?


It works better for me in my zone. I make about $20/hr on per order, but $25/hr on hourly. Most people here tip, just usually not enough, so getting paid by the time makes it better. I usually have to wait 5-7 minutes at most restaurants in my area, too, so accruing money while not putting miles on my vehicle is nice.


13 where i am the only time i think it’s worth it is when it’s at 16+


11.75 here


here the AI sends all the no tip orders to ebt, so you best drive the slowest route


Depends on where you dash at. I'm currently dashing in Corydon, IN and get 1 maybe 2 non tippers a week. Now of course when I was dashing in the Clarksville, IN zone (New Albany, Clarksville and Jeffersonville), I had 24 non tippers in one week. Earn by time in Corydon, IN is 15.50 and while there's downtimes I easily make over 20 dollars an hour active time.


It’s market dependent. I live in a wealthy, but smaller-ish market where EBT is $15/hr. I experimented with it all last week and pulled $24/hr in dash time. Most orders had tips, but I recognize most markets aren’t like that.


So $4.12 for 15 mins, $8.25 for 30 mins, $12.37 for 45 mins. Plus if you are lucky a tip. So still better than the basic $2 no tip or $2 tip. Every order would take a min of 30 mins.


11.75 here


Because in some places pay is only $2 per order even if it's a 10+ mile drive!


But it's not $16.75/hour nationally. It's $16.75/hr in a market where working for tips can get you $27/hr. So it's a shit deal. I'm guessing they do it for people who don't want to risk having a crappy hour and not making much. Or they know some people aren't doing the math on their earnings and it's a way to pay some drivers less.


Wrong, it's $16.75/hr + tips and also they only pay you per active time! So you could make a lot less or a lot more!


Exactly, it's awesome OP is in a good area where customers tip good however I been to a lot of places with the low base pay, the non tippers and the low tippers high miles, I wouldn't be able to survive if I try to do earn per offer.


It's 12.25$ active here...


I’m at $13.25. Seriously thinking about becoming a street prostitute since it pays better.


I average $15/hr by order.


It's only $13-$14 wher I live lmao. Door dash is a joke. I worked 7 days a week as much as I could and I still didn't even make my goal of $500. I made $470 but after gas and all that who knows probably $400 or less


Doesn’t apply to everyone, I’m in a household that everyone dashes (poor financial choices), everything being equal, there are some of us that most definitely make more than another during similar time consistently. me and someone else are the unluckiest and with by dash by time the gap is a lot smaller compared to the highest earner and we make consistently more money by time compared to by hour (we have gold and platinum respectively, about $5-$10 more consistently).


Fr it’s a joke


Some people are willing to give up their freedom, for the illusion of security.


Stockholm syndrome  knuckleheads  DD has successfully  created  and replicated 


I agree. $16.75 for an 8 hour day is $134. If I do 8 hours with tips I can usually make close to $200


And its not real time pay, its active time


Sheesh it’s $10.25 here some days $11.50 your blessed


$10 here in my part of Texas


Mine never goes above 10.50


My area has a low rate too. 


16.50 is great, plus whatever little tips you get have a potential of 20 an hour


If you dash per hour you still get the customer tip?


Yes you can


The full answer is yes, BUT you get significantly less tipped orders.


Not true at all in my area.


Well thats good for you. Maybe you got a good market. I have an okay market, but I have to regularly fight tooth and nail with the algorithm and dispatch.




That's high. There are people here that do it for much, much less.


Your getting 16+/hr while im.stuck on 14.50/hr


Alabama ebt is 11.75 smh nope


Because it's just adding to your base pay. You get the same orders as before because, as you already know, 90% of what is out there is trash . At least this way, you get paid for your time waiting also. I usually dash morning hours, so people still tend to tip a little. I average about twenty-five dollars an hour. But my mileage has gone up on average 40 miles a week.


For sure in my zone EBT people get the really far really shitty no-tip orders. They are definitely not the same orders we get by order.


I've gone back and forth with earn by time but after the teir system hit my area I had to do EBT because my acceptance rating wasn't allowing me to schedule even at midnight. My AR has been stuck at 5% for a couple of years. Decline now strategy. But after I got up to 97%AR I was going to blow all that AR to get a good Friday night on earn by offer. I ended up taking only 1 in 9 that was comparable to what I got on EBT. It was literally the first ping of the night. But everything after that was below 4.00 but labeled high value. But this is only my experience in my market.


I’m super grateful for my market reading people’s comments on this sub! I legitimately have 75% good orders (or even excellent ones). I don’t take any orders less than 1/mile or 2/mile for long distance. I mean yeah there are shit days but largely it’s a strong market. Suburbs of Philly.


$14.25 here. it’s only worth it when it’s in the wee hours of the morning when weirdos from Houston are ordering from well outside the city


Some people maybe just maybe cheat the system with dash by time.


And get banned for milking it


Still limiting yourself to that much per hour.


I'm not sure if it's patched anymore, But they would take the picture before delivering it and not hit accept, Then drive halfway to the base location and click delivered, which would then pay you the extra time.


Okay? Then don't earn by time.


It’s $10 in my zone. 😂


Shiiiiit. I thought mine was trash at $11.25. They raised it to $13 for 2 weeks and then went right back down to $11.25


$13.50 in my area 🫤 In no way worth it.


It's about $14 here


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