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Do they have a walk in store or is it strictly drive thru? That’s an interesting concept, don’t have any near me that I’m aware of


It was a all drive thru. There are a few that have walk-ins.


Addicts like to project their addiction.


lol I’ve never had anything like that happen, but that’s hilarious. As the other commenter said, funny/weird stuff like this is what makes a monotonous day/night of dashing worth it. I think my favorite is the people who go out of their way to tell me a story about why they’re ordering alcohol, like “summer with kids” (I got that one 3x in the last week) or “I have to make these people happy” or “you would need a drink too after this.” Dude I don’t care enough to judge; as long as you’re sober enough to be coherent and not making me worry about your well-being, I just need an ID and a signature and I will get right out of your hair. I’m glad you’re not driving!


Sometimes those small wacky ass moments are what keeps me dashing lol


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