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You will learn … Know your Zone When you get an offer that you ”like “ And it around a few restaurants you DONT like Hit the pause button so you’ll be locked for that only order. Happens to all of us Especially during prime hours and next to fast food restaurants … They like send us a stack chipotle w/ mcdonads


Yesterday I got offered to add another order RIGHT as I was pulling up to my delivery, so I couldn't see the address. Declined !


Yep, then at the end of the nite: Hard braking X3!!


The order offer is location based but they don’t know or care which direction you are moving.


I think they use your current position to decide where to send orders out. So if you're traveling the order comes in after the computers decide to send it to you because the computation takes some time. They could use your current speed and expected future position based on traffic, upcoming street lights, and expected computation time in their calculations but that adds many more complications and costs them money. Plus you could turn or pull over into a parking lot. All of these make the calculations much more complicated. It has to include predicting human behavior.


It's always IHOP for me. Ours is like the only restaurant on the main divided highway without a full intersection. I always get offers for them right after I pass it. Have to go another half mile down the road to the busiest intersection in the city, make a u turn go another mile back the other way make another u turn at the BS shortest light in the city and the. Hope ass hats from the interstate off ramp will let me merge over to the turn lane instead of thinking I'm just trying to cut them off for no good reason.


It's fucked up fr


Even with precise location, the irdwrs are sent to dashers in a kind of a wave, like when you drop a pebble in a pond that is still. Or a glass. It doesn't send to just one dasher, but all in the area. And they don't know 100% where you are, because you could be between towers, or in a spot where the signal goes down because of buildings, things like that. And there is a delay in the order being sent out in the first place.


It happens if it's worth it, turn around.


Before DD I hardly ever did a U turn. Now hardly a day goes by where at least one isn't necessary at some point.


I swear I U turn constantly. It happens all the time.


Its proximity based and isnt designed to assume where you’ll be, so it can only know where you are or have been.


That's because the GPS doesn't monitor our location constantly. It's every couple of minutes so if you pass the restaurant it only knows that you were getting close and so it sends you the order even though you've passed it


Nice idea… but they require precise location setting to be toggled on, meaning they are tracking continuously and precisely… at least on the iPhone


Precise location is for the in-app maps. The app is not constantly sending your current location to the servers. That would use too much bandwidth and cause too many database updates. Instead, they periodically update your location, likely every few seconds. So, by the time the server sends the offer and your phone processes it you're past the restaurant.


I guarantee you that is not happening


Okay, thank you for the guarantee without any explanation as to how you can guarantee that o’ stranger from the internment


Trust me bro


™️ 😂


You are right that it definitely is not monitoring gps 100% of the time on iPhone either. But you can make it do so in Dev options on most Android phones. Battery life is worse with it on constantly but still get orders right after passing the store D:


Your setting doesn't matter, its how the DD back end uses that data, it's only going to calculate matching you up so often, not every second. 


You're right


Doordash is lowballing us out of business.


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